Dynamic Logic

Oracle Insurance Gateway provides a facility to express certain behavior in an object-oriented language. These modules (code snippets) are invoked at particular moments, during data collection, subflows, invoke processes and data output steps.

The language in which Dynamic Logic modules are written is Groovy. Groovy is a language which is closely related to Java. This manual does not elaborate on the language itself. There are many books and online resources available for this purpose. Dynamic Logic modules can easily be tested in an IDE such as Eclipse, or on a web page such as http://groovyconsole.appspot.com/. It can be difficult however to emulate the application environment in a standalone editor. Therefore, a full test should always take place in the flow in which the module is used.

Three types of Dynamic Logic are distinguished: validations, conditions and functions. A condition operates on one or more objects and returns boolean. A function operates on one or more objects and returns a value. Finally, a validation operates on a single value and returns a boolean value. Please note that validation dynamic logic is not used in Oracle Insurance Gateway.

All types of dynamic logic can embed a call to an external service. This call out is also explained in a separate chapter.

Each piece of dynamic logic adheres to a signature. The signature describes both the functional usage (where in the configuration is it used?) and the technical usage (which objects are available in the Groovy code and what is the expected return value?).

For more details, refer to chapter Dynamic Logic Overview in the Developer Guide.