
Oracle Insurance Gateway provides an ability to store opaque events that can be consumed at a later period of time through an integration. This facility aids in storing adhoc events/payloads from other systems and consume them as a unit for other downstream systems.

Event Store Invocation

event relaying in oig.drawio

Events are stored using Event Store Integration Point. Please refer to Event Store Integration Point on the available operations and structure.

Process After Invocation

The invocation of event store leads to storing the event in the Events table. The structure of the stored event is:

Field Description


Primary key.


Type of the event. The path parameter from the invocation.


If there is a correlation for the event, like claim code or policy gid, it can be stored here. This field comes in as a header parameter on the events api.


Creation timestamp of the event.


Opaque payload of the event.

Events Consumption

integration event consumer.drawio

Stored events can be consumed using dynamic logic.

For more details on the methods to read events refer to Dynamic Logic Predefined Methods.

Once an event gets consumed through an exchange (step), it gets flagged in the ExchangeEvents model as handled. The same event can be handled in multiple integrations. The model of ExchangeEvents is as listed in the following table:

Field Description


Primary Key.


Reference to the exchange.


Reference to the event.


Creation timestamp of the event handling by the exchange.

This model serves for trace-ability/audit-ability of event handling. It also makes it possible to fetch unhandled events of a certain event type.

Events Purging

Events and their corresponding handled records can be purged on a regular basic using Purge Integration Point. It is possible to purge events on the event type and time window basis. Please refer to the Purge Data Integration Point for more details.