Generate Fee and Produce Invoice for a Group Account

Fee generation can only start when one or more policy mutations of type 'Fee' exist. Therefore it is a prerequisite to create such a mutation first, which can be done through:

  • the operation Create Mutation for a Policy (see the section on Operations in the HTTP API Integration Guide)

  • the UI (see the section on View and Edit Policy in the Implementation Guide for Policies)

  • the configuration of change event rules for fee (see the Implementation Guide for Change Events) in combination with an event like changing the policyholder on an existing policy.

The process from fee generation for a group account up to the production of an invoice consists of separate sub steps:

  • generate fee for a particular group account

  • select financial transactions into a set

  • supersede financial transactions

  • generate financial message (XML format)

The first sub step is described in detail in the Implementation Guide for Fee Generation while the subsequent sub steps are described in detail in the Implementation Guide for Financial Processing. Here, the focus will be on how the integration works and where the processing differs from the descriptions in the Implementation Guides.

The context needs to be set to the group account (see the Activity Integration Point in the Integration Guide for more detail), ensuring that only policies for the specified group account are picked up.

The parameters for the activity are as follows:

Name Description

Fee Definition

If specified, the fee generation process only generates fees for that fee definition. If not, then the fee generation process generates fees for all fee definitions.

Financial Transaction Function

This dynamic logic function facilitates the modification of 1) financial transaction details and 2) financial transaction and financial transaction process data attributes of the fee financial transaction. Only dynamic logic functions with signature Fee Financial Transaction are allowed.

Create Invoice Function

Create Invoice Line Function

Create Accounting Detail Function

Fee Endpoint

The following error messages can occur during validation of the input parameters:

Code Severity Message Text



Fee definition code {code} is unknown



Group account code {0} is unknown



Financial transaction function dynamic logic code {code} is unknown or has an invalid signature



The fee schedule used by the specified fee definition is not enabled*

In addition, error messages can come from one of the sub steps; the different sub steps in more detail:

  • generate fee for a group account
    This follows exactly the same logic as starting the Generate Fee activity with the group account as input parameter, which is described in detail in the Implementation Guide for Fee Generation.

  • select financial transactions into a set
    A financial transaction set is used to group financial transactions together for financial processing. For convenience, a new financial transaction set will be created automatically into which all financial transactions for fee are put. The code of the newly created financial transaction set is published as a dynamic record 'financialTransactionSetCodes' on the activity.
    If unhandled financial transactions already exist for the same base financial object, they are moved into one the new financial transaction set as well. This situation is not likely for the portal use case, but it is possible when the group account makes a change in the portal while there were already unhandled financial transactions in the system.

  • supersede financial transactions

  • generate financial message (XML format)
    The dynamic logic for the creation of invoice, invoice line and account detail is mandatory, just as it is when starting the generation of the financial message directly within the application.
    The endpoint for fee is optional: if the endpoint is not specified, it defaults to the endpoint for Generate Financial Message in the properties file.

Like for all activity types, an activity can be set up using the Activity IP (described in the HTTP Integration Points of the Integration Guide).