Dynamic Logic Properties

Skeleton CLasses

To understand how Oracle Health Insurance implements dynamic logic, the system property ohi.dynamiclogic.classes.directory defines Groovy skeleton classes. They help in developing dynamic logic. To know more about setting the property, read Property Management.

In-built Time Out

TimedInterrupt is a feature of Groovy that ends the execution of a script after a pre-defined interval. It controls the impact of an external script on the performance and stability of the application. Oracle Health Insurance uses TimedInterrupt for each dynamic logic code a user creates. All dynamic logic codes timeout after a pre-defined time and end their execution or resource utilization.

When the timeout expires, the application interrupts the dynamic logic and throws a timeout exception. The code of the exception is: OHI-DYLO-008, and the message is: Dynamic Logic with code {code} timed out on line number {line number}:{exception message}.

The value of the timeout is governed by two properties:

Property Name Data Type Default Value Description




The maximum time all dynamic logic code run before the process monitor interrupts the thread. The value is in seconds. The default time is 300 seconds.




This is a dynamic property. <CODE> is the code of the dynamic logic. Overrides the default timeout for that unit of dynamic logic.

After adding or updating a property, it is necessary to recompile all dynamic logic codes for the property to take effect. Use the Invalidate Dynamic Logic Integration Point for this. The use of the integration point is explained in the Developer Guide.