Apply Policy Update Request

This operation enables manual processing of an individual queued policy update requests to a policy. The apply policy update request operation is available for the update request with the following criteria met:

  • Policy gid is available on the policy update request.

  • Policy update request status is queued.

  • The value of IND Disable Update From Queue? is set to True for matched policy.

The presence of an apply link in the resource representation of the policy update request resource determines you can apply an update to a policy.

Resource Representation

The following is a resource representation of a policy update request where apply operation is available:

  ... policy update request properties ...
  "links": [
      "href": "http://<host>:<port>/[api-context-root]/generic/policyupdaterequests/<id>",
      "rel": "self"
      "href": "http://<host>:<port>/[api-context-root]/policyupdaterequests/<id>/apply",
      "rel": "policyupdaterequest:apply"
      "httpMethod": "PUT"

Apply Operation

The outcome of the apply operation depends on the policy’s status and other queued policy update requests:

Table 1. Policy Update Request Status and Apply Operation

Policy Update Request Status

Apply Operation

When there is a failed update request in the queue with the same policy gid as the policy update request which is being applied.

The changes do not apply to the policy until the failed update is rejected or re-queued.

Table 2. Policy Status and Apply Operation

Policy Status

Apply Operation

Edit or Pended

The changes apply to the policy.

Approved or Cancelled

The operation creates a new version of the policy and applies changes to the latest version.

In Process

The operation returns an error, and you need to reapply changes after the policy completes processing.

Policy In Patch Integration Point operation is used while applying an update request to the policy.

For all the above use cases:

  • The processedManually? flag on a policy update request becomes YES which denotes a manual intervention.

  • The operation does not submit an updated policy even if the submit flag is true. This allows you to apply other updates when necessary.

If the changes do not apply to the policy because of a technical or functional error, the operation sets the update request status to Failed and the error details are attached to the policy update request history.

Response Messages

See Response Messages for details on the HTTP status code that this operation returns.


The HTTP 200 status denotes a success. The operation returns the appropriate HTTP status code and sends a notification with error details for any error. This helps to identify and fix the errors, and reapply the operation after fixing the errors.

Error Codes

Following is a list of error codes that the application returns for this operation:

Table 3. Error Codes



Message Text



To apply an update the policy, the policy update request must be in status queued, the disableUpdateFromQueue set to True and no failed update request for the policy



Updates cannot be applied to the policy with status In Process



Unknown policy, updates cannot be applied manually


A user authorization configuration protects access to this operation. The relevant access restriction is policyupdaterequests.apply IP.