The Group Client Floor Plan Explained

This page explains the seeded Group Client JET UI floor plan. The floor plan configuration exists of two parts: the floor plan properties and the floor plan json file.

Floor Plan Properties

The floor plan has the following properties (not visible in the json listing but properties of the stored floor plan definition).

  • The floor plan is based on the View and Edit Recursive template

  • The floor plan has Create Enabled? set to true meaning that the user is allowed to create new objects through this floor plan

  • The floor plan has System Specific? set to false meaning that the user can change this floor plan.

  • The floor plan has Auto Include Extensibility? set to false meaning that the floor plan does not automatically include all the group client’s dynamic fields and dynamic records. The required dynamic fields and records must be specified in the json.

Floor Plan Json

The high level structure of this floor plan is:

    "resource": "groupclients",
    "floorplan_object_00": {
    >    "title": {1 item},
         "dualDefault": "expanded",
    >    "actions": [2 items],
    >    "labels": [1 item],
    >    "region": {3 items},
    >    "tabs": [
                "sequence": 1,
                "tabResource": {
                    "listResource": "groupClientAdjustmentList"
            >    "quickSearch": {1 item},
            >    "sort": {1 item},
            >    "table": {2 items}
            > {6 items},
            > {7 items},
            > {5 items},
            > {5 items},
            > {4 items},
            > {5 items}

Groupclients Resource

The json floor plan specifies the following for the group client.

  • The floor plan has the actions edit and delete, meaning that the user can view, create, edit and delete group clients. Note that the 'create' option results from the Create Enabled? is true setting in the floor plan definition. The 'view' option is implicit.

    "actions": [
  • The floor plan displays the status of the group client as a Label. Based on the value of the Status field the label is displayed in green, blue or grey.

    "labels": [
            "sequence": 1,
            "properties": [
                    "name": "status",
                    "sequence": 1,
                    "display": "always"
            "values": [
                    "value": "APPROVED",
                    "color": "green"
                    "value": "CHANGED",
                    "color": "blue"
                    "value": "INPROCESS",
                    "color": "grey"
  • The region holds three sets:

    "region": {
    • Set 1 holds one tile.

      "set1": {
          "tiles": [
                  "sequence": 1,
                  "properties": [
                          "name": "code",
                          "sequence": 1
                          "name": "displayName",
                          "sequence": 2
                          "name": "descr",
                          "sequence": 3

      The floor plan retrieves the title for the tile from the boilerplate text m_groupclients_premium.

      The floor plan retrieves the label for the reference to the parent group client from the boilerplate text m_groupclients_parent_client.
      The refType filters the allowed input to only group clients ("type": "groupclients") that have a different code than the group client in context:

      "filter": "code.neq(${context.code})")
    • Set 2 holds one tile.

      "set2": {
          "tiles": [
                  "sequence": 1,
                  "properties": [
                          "name": "organizationEmployer",
                          "sequence": 1,
                          "refType": {
                              "type": "organizations"
                          "name": "organizationRecipient",
                          "sequence": 2,
                          "refType": {
                              "type": "organizations"
                          "name": "amountDistribution",
                          "sequence": 3
                          "name": "partialPeriodResolution",
                          "sequence": 4
                          "name": "enrolledDaysThreshold",
                          "sequence": 5

      The floor plan retrieves the title for this tile from the boilerplate text m_groupclients_details.

    • Set 3 holds two tiles (sequence 1 and sequence 2).

    The lastUpdatedDate field is maintained by the system and is therefore not updatable:

    "readonly": true.

Other Resources

The detail resources for the group client are organized in tabs.

The tabs section of the json payload holds seven tabs:

Group Client Adjustment

  • This first tab has the resource groupClientAdjustmentList

    "tabs": [
            "sequence": 1,
            "tabResource": {
                "listResource": "groupClientAdjustmentList"
            "quickSearch": {
                "properties": [
                        "name": "scheduleDefinition",
                        "sequence": 1,
                        "properties": [
                                "name": "code",
                                "sequence": 1
            "sort": {
                "default": [
                        "sortOrder": "asc",
                        "sequence": 1,
                        "properties": [
                                "name": "enrollmentProduct",
                                "sequence": 1,
                                "properties": [
                                        "name": "code",
                                        "sequence": 1
                        "sortOrder": "asc",
                        "sequence": 2,
                        "properties": [
                                "name": "enrollmentProductCategory",
                                "sequence": 1,
                                "properties": [
                                        "name": "code",
                                        "sequence": 1
                        "sortOrder": "asc",
                        "sequence": 3,
                        "properties": [
                                "name": "sequence",
                                "sequence": 1
                        "sortOrder": "asc",
                        "sequence": 4,
                        "properties": [
                                "name": "scheduleDefinition",
                                "sequence": 1,
                                "properties": [
                                        "name": "code",
                                        "sequence": 1
                        "sortOrder": "desc",
                        "sequence": 5,
                        "properties": [
                                "name": "startDate",
                                "sequence": 1
            "table": {
                "actions": [
                "row": {
                    "actions": [
                    "columns": {
                        "properties": [
                                "name": "sequence",
                                "sequence": 1
                                "name": "scheduleDefinition",
                                "sequence": 2,
                                "refType": {
                                    "type": "scheduledefinitions",
                                    "filter": "type.eq('G')"
                                "name": "enrollmentProduct",
                                "sequence": 3,
                                "refType": {
                                    "type": "enrollmentproducts"
                                "name": "enrollmentProductCategory",
                                "sequence": 4,
                                "refType": {
                                    "type": "enrollmentproductcategories"
                                "name": "startDate",
                                "sequence": 5
                                "name": "endDate",
                                "sequence": 6

    The tab offers a quick search on the schedule definition code.

    The tab displays the results in table format.

    The tab allows creation and deletion of group client adjustments.

    The tab shows six columns. The schedule definition can only be of type 'G' (schedule definitions for group clients)

    The tab sorts the results on

    1. enrollment product code (ascending)

    2. enrollment product category code (ascending)

    3. sequence (ascending)

    4. schedule definition code (ascending)

    5. start date (descending)

Group Client Billing Account

  • This second tab has the resource groupClientBillingAccountList

        "sequence": 2,
        "tabResource": {
            "listResource": "groupClientBillingAccountList"
        "actions": [
        "quickSearch": {
            "properties": [
                    "name": "code",
                    "sequence": 1
        "sort": {
            "default": [
                    "sortOrder": "desc",
                    "sequence": 1,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "defaultBillingAccount",
                            "sequence": 1
                    "sortOrder": "asc",
                    "sequence": 2,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "code",
                            "sequence": 1
        "results": {
            "actions": [
            "labels": [
                    "sequence": 1,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "defaultBillingAccount",
                            "sequence": 1
                    "values": [
                            "value": true,
                            "color": "blue",
                            "displayLabel": "custom_po0083_groupclients_label_default"
            "title": {
                "properties": [
                        "name": "code",
                        "sequence": 1
            "set1": {
                "properties": [
                        "name": "descr",
                        "sequence": 1
                        "name": "contactRelation",
                        "sequence": 2,
                        "refType": {
                            "type": "relations"

    The tab displays the results in results format.

    The tab allows opening and removing of group client billing accounts.

    If the billing account is the default billing account, the floor plan displays this property in Blue, otherwise it has no color.

Group Client Bill Allocation

  • This third tab has the resource premiumBillAllocationList

        "sequence": 3,
        "tabResource": {
            "listResource": "premiumBillAllocationList"
        "actions": [
        "quickSearch": {
            "properties": [
                    "name": "groupAccount",
                    "sequence": 1,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "code",
                            "sequence": 1
        "advancedSearch": {
            "properties": [
                    "name": "groupAccount",
                    "sequence": 1,
                    "refType": {
                        "type": "groupaccounts",
                        "filter": "groupClient.code.eq(${context.code})"
                    "name": "insurableClass",
                    "sequence": 2,
                    "refType": {
                        "type": "insurableclasses"
                    "name": "enrollmentProduct",
                    "sequence": 3,
                    "refType": {
                        "type": "enrollmentproducts"
                    "name": "enrollmentProductCategory",
                    "sequence": 4,
                    "refType": {
                        "type": "enrollmentproductcategories"
                    "name": "scheduleDefinition",
                    "sequence": 5,
                    "refType": {
                        "type": "scheduledefinitions",
                        "filter": "type.neq('F')"
                    "name": "premiumScheduleType",
                    "sequence": 6,
                    "refType": {
                        "type": "premiumschedules"
                    "name": "addOn",
                    "sequence": 7,
                    "refType": {
                        "type": "addons"
        "sort": {
            "default": [
                    "sortOrder": "asc",
                    "sequence": 1,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "groupaccount",
                            "sequence": 1,
                            "properties": [
                                    "name": "code"
                    "sortOrder": "asc",
                    "sequence": 2,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "insurableClass",
                            "sequence": 1,
                            "properties": [
                                    "name": "code"
                    "sortOrder": "asc",
                    "sequence": 3,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "scheduleDefinition",
                            "sequence": 1,
                            "properties": [
                                    "name": "code",
                                    "sequence": 1
                    "sortOrder": "asc",
                    "sequence": 4,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "premiumScheduleType",
                            "sequence": 1,
                            "properties": [
                                    "name": "code"
                    "sortOrder": "asc",
                    "sequence": 5,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "enrollmentProductCategory",
                            "sequence": 1,
                            "properties": [
                                    "name": "code"
                    "sortOrder": "asc",
                    "sequence": 6,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "enrollmentProduct",
                            "sequence": 1,
                            "properties": [
                                    "name": "code",
                                    "sequence": 1
                    "sortOrder": "asc",
                    "sequence": 7,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "addOn",
                            "sequence": 1,
                            "properties": [
                                    "name": "code"
                    "sortOrder": "desc",
                    "sequence": 8,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "startDate"
        "results": {
            "actions": [
            "labels": [
                    "sequence": 1,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "active",
                            "sequence": 1,
                            "display": "always"
                    "values": [
                            "value": true,
                            "color": "blue",
                            "displayLabel": "pol_dynamiclogic_field_active_default"
                            "value": false,
                            "color": "grey",
                            "displayLabel": "pol_provider_group_inactive_default"
            "title": {
                "properties": [
                        "name": "startDate",
                        "sequence": 1
            "set1": {
                "properties": [
                        "name": "groupAccount",
                        "sequence": 1,
                        "refType": {
                            "type": "groupaccounts"
                        "display": "notNull"
                        "name": "insurableClass",
                        "sequence": 2,
                        "properties": [
                                "name": "code"
                        "display": "notNull"
                        "name": "startDate",
                        "sequence": 3
                        "name": "endDate",
                        "sequence": 4
            "set2": {
                "properties": [
                        "name": "enrollmentProductCategory",
                        "sequence": 1,
                        "refType": {
                            "type": "enrollmentproductcategories"
                        "display": "notNull"
                        "name": "enrollmentProduct",
                        "sequence": 2,
                        "refType": {
                            "type": "enrollmentproducts"
                        "display": "notNull"
                        "name": "scheduleDefinition",
                        "sequence": 3,
                        "refType": {
                            "type": "scheduledefinitions"
                        "display": "notNull"
                        "name": "premiumScheduleType",
                        "sequence": 4,
                        "refType": {
                            "type": "premiumschedules"
                        "display": "notNull"
                        "name": "addOn",
                        "sequence": 5,
                        "refType": {
                            "type": "addons"
                        "display": "notNull"

    The advanced search offers a search option to search for billing accounts for a specific group account. The available list shows only group accounts wihtin the context of the current group client.

Group Client Broker Agent

  • This fourth tab has the resource groupClientBrokerAgentList.

        "sequence": 4,
        "tabResource": {
            "listResource": "groupClientBrokerAgentList"
        "actions": [
        "sort": {
            "default": [
                    "sortOrder": "desc",
                    "sequence": 1,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "startDate"
        "results": {
            "actions": [
            "title": {
                "properties": [
                        "name": "startDate",
                        "sequence": 1
            "set1": {
                "properties": [
                        "name": "broker",
                        "sequence": 1,
                        "refType": {
                            "type": "brokers"
                        "display": "notNull"
                        "name": "agent",
                        "sequence": 2,
                        "refType": {
                            "type": "agents"
                        "display": "notNull"
            "set2": {
                "properties": [
                        "name": "enrollmentProductCategory",
                        "sequence": 1,
                        "refType": {
                            "type": "enrollmentproductcategories"
                        "name": "startDate",
                        "sequence": 2
                        "name": "endDate",
                        "sequence": 3

    The tab displays its results in two sets

Group Client Collection Setting

  • This fifth tab has the resource groupClientCollectionSettingList.

        "sequence": 5,
        "tabResource": {
            "listResource": "groupClientCollectionSettingList"
        "actions": [
        "sort": {
            "default": [
                    "sortOrder": "desc",
                    "sequence": 1,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "startDate"
        "results": {
            "actions": [
            "labels": [
                    "sequence": 1,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "policyCalculationPeriods",
                            "sequence": 1
                    "values": [
                            "value": true,
                            "displayLabel": "custom_po0083_groupclients_label_generate",
                            "color": "blue"
            "title": {
                "properties": [
                        "name": "startDate",
                        "sequence": 1
            "set1": {
                "properties": [
                        "name": "spanReferenceDate",
                        "sequence": 1,
                        "display": "notNull"
                        "name": "advanceLength",
                        "sequence": 2,
                        "display": "notNull"
                        "name": "advanceUom",
                        "sequence": 3,
                        "display": "notNull"
                        "name": "calculationPeriodLength",
                        "sequence": 4,
                        "display": "notNull"
                        "name": "calculationPeriodUom",
                        "sequence": 5,
                        "display": "notNull"
                        "name": "collectionMethod",
                        "sequence": 6,
                        "display": "notNull",
                        "refType": {
                            "type": "collectionmethods"
            "set2": {
                "properties": [
                        "name": "startDate",
                        "sequence": 1
                        "name": "endDate",
                        "sequence": 2
        "sequence": 6,
        "tabResource": {
            "listResource": "groupCommissionRateList"
        "sort": {
            "default": [
                    "sortOrder": "asc",
                    "sequence": 1,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "groupaccount",
                            "sequence": 1,
                            "properties": [
                                    "name": "code"
                    "sortOrder": "asc",
                    "sequence": 2,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "enrollmentProduct",
                            "sequence": 1,
                            "properties": [
                                    "name": "code"
                    "sortOrder": "asc",
                    "sequence": 3,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "enrollmentProductCategory",
                            "sequence": 1,
                            "properties": [
                                    "name": "code",
                                    "sequence": 1
                    "sortOrder": "asc",
                    "sequence": 4,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "broker",
                            "sequence": 1,
                            "properties": [
                                    "name": "code"
                    "sortOrder": "asc",
                    "sequence": 5,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "agent",
                            "sequence": 1,
                            "properties": [
                                    "name": "code"
                    "sortOrder": "desc",
                    "sequence": 6,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "startDate"
        "table": {
            "actions": [
            "row": {
                "actions": [
                "columns": {
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "groupAccount",
                            "sequence": 1,
                            "refType": {
                                "type": "groupaccounts",
                                "filter": "groupClient.code.eq(${context.code})"
                            "name": "enrollmentProduct",
                            "sequence": 2,
                            "refType": {
                                "type": "enrollmentproducts"
                            "name": "enrollmentProductCategory",
                            "sequence": 3,
                            "refType": {
                                "type": "enrollmentproductcategories"
                            "name": "broker",
                            "sequence": 4,
                            "refType": {
                                "type": "brokers"
                            "name": "agent",
                            "sequence": 5,
                            "refType": {
                                "type": "agents"
                            "name": "percentage",
                            "sequence": 6
                            "name": "amount",
                            "sequence": 7
                            "name": "amountInterpretation",
                            "sequence": 8
                            "name": "numberOfDays",
                            "sequence": 9
                            "name": "startDate",
                            "sequence": 10
                            "name": "endDate",
                            "sequence": 11

Group Client Commission Rate

  • This sixth tab has the resource groupCommissionRateList.

Group Client Premium Schedule

  • This seventh tab has the resource groupClientPremiumScheduleList.

        "sequence": 7,
        "tabResource": {
            "listResource": "groupClientPremiumScheduleList"
        "quickSearch": {
            "properties": [
                    "name": "premiumSchedule",
                    "sequence": 1,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "code"
        "sort": {
            "default": [
                    "sortOrder": "asc",
                    "sequence": 1,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "enrollmentProductCategory",
                            "sequence": 1,
                            "properties": [
                                    "name": "code"
                    "sortOrder": "asc",
                    "sequence": 2,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "enrollmentProduct",
                            "sequence": 1,
                            "properties": [
                                    "name": "code",
                                    "sequence": 1
                    "sortOrder": "asc",
                    "sequence": 3,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "premiumSchedule",
                            "sequence": 1,
                            "properties": [
                                    "name": "code",
                                    "sequence": 1
                    "sortOrder": "desc",
                    "sequence": 4,
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "startDate"
        "table": {
            "actions": [
            "row": {
                "actions": [
                "columns": {
                    "properties": [
                            "name": "premiumSchedule",
                            "sequence": 1,
                            "refType": {
                                "type": "premiumschedules"
                            "name": "enrollmentProductCategory",
                            "sequence": 2,
                            "refType": {
                                "type": "enrollmentproductcategories"
                            "name": "enrollmentProduct",
                            "sequence": 3,
                            "refType": {
                                "type": "enrollmentproducts"
                            "name": "startDate",
                            "sequence": 4
                            "name": "endDate",
                            "sequence": 5