Bulk Update Per Policy

The Bulk Update activity creates one or more Bulk Update per Policy activities. The following image shows the process steps in this activity:

Bulk Update per Policy

Evaluate Condition Dynamic Logic

The system evaluates the (optional) dynamic logic condition on the bulk update definition. If the policy meets the condition, it moves to the next step. If no condition dynamic logic is specified, the policy moves to the next step. If the policy does not meet the condition, it is discarded for the bulk update, and the bulk update activity for that policy finishes.

Evaluate Policy Status and Create New Version

In this step the status of the policy along with the 'version status after update' property on the bulk update definition are evaluated to decide if a new version of the policy needs to be created and what the status of the new version should be.

If the policy’s status is not Approved, no new version is created.

If the policy’s status is Approved and the 'version status after update' on the bulk update definition is 'New Edit', the system creates a new version of the policy in Edit status and it creates a new policy status history record for the Edit status.

If the policy’s status is Approved and the 'version status after update' on the bulk update definition is 'New Approved', the system creates a new version of the policy in Approved status (including a policy status history).

If the policy’s status is Approved and 'version status after update' on the bulk update definition is 'Keep Version', the system does not create a new version of the policy and keeps it in Approved status. It does not create a policy status history.

Execute Update Dynamic Logic

The system applies the dynamic logic function present on the bulk update definition to the policy. The details on what is allowed in the logic can be found in the Dynamic Logic Functions section.

The logic does not have to update a policy or its details. It can also be used, for example, to check if a member has reached the age of 26, and if so create a policy enrollment event for that. See this scenario for more details.

Create Policy Bulk Update History

If the 'Automatically Create History' indicator on the bulk update definition is checked, the system creates a policy bulk update history record for the specific policy (gid) and bulk update definition after executing the update. It also keeps track of the user that triggered the update and the timestamp when the bulk update took place.

If the 'Automatically Create History' indicator is unchecked, the system does not create a policy bulk update history record in this step.

Note that bulk update history records can always be created from the bulk update function dynamic logic, by using the addBulkUpdateHistory predefined method.

Submit Policy for Processing

If the 'version status after update' property on the bulk update definition is 'New Edit' and the policy was in Approved status when it was selected for the bulk update, the system flags the policy to be submitted for processing. Processing of a policy is described in more detail in Process Policy.

In case of policies in other statuses, this step is not executed. It ends just after the creation of policy bulk update history.

Policies that are flagged to be submitted for processing are not immediately submitted.
If the Bulk Update activity parameter Submit After Update? is set to Yes, then the final step of the bulk update starts a global Process Policy activity to submit all the flagged policies.
If the parameter is set to No, the flagged policies are not automatically submitted. This set of flagged policies can be processed (or reverted) at a later moment by starting a global Process Policy activity (or the Revert Policy integration point) for them.
Use the activity id of the bulk update activity as input parameter to specify the required set of flagged policies.