Group Process Flows

The processing of a group client involves sequential execution of process steps. A process step groups various related and interdependent process rules to be executed in a user defined order. The application supports multiple process flows. For example, a different flow for each line of business.

Group Process Flow

Table 1. Group Process Flow
Field Description


The code of the group process flow


The description of the group process flow


Is this the default group process flow?


Is this group process flow currently available?

Group Process Steps

Table 2. Group Process Steps
Field Description

Process Flow

The reference to the group process flow


The sequence of the process step

Display Name

The display name of the process step

The sequence of the process step determines the order in which the steps are executed. It is not possible to have multiple process steps with the same sequence.

Rule Steps

Rule steps identify which process rules (Group Validation Rules) are executed within a process step, and the order of execution within the step. A process step can have one or more rule steps. The processing of a group client can only include validation rules.

Process rules can be added only to a process step that have the same process flow as the process step, or that have no process flow. Process rules without a process flow value can be included in multiple process flows (as they are not restricted to having the same process flow as the process step).

Table 3. Rule Steps
Field Description

Process Step

The process step that the rule step belongs to


The sequence within the process step in which the rule is executed (not applicable for Pend Rules)

Group Validation Rule

The group validation rule that is executed within the process step

The group validation rules have a sequence within the process step. The sequence determines the order in which the rules are executed within the process step.

It is not possible to have multiple process rules for the same process step with the same sequence.