
Macros are means to perform configurable actions like quickly set an end date to a record and all underlying details.

A macro definition consists of the following settings:

Table 1. Macros
Field Description


The code of the macro


The description of the task that the macro performs


When a macro is started, it invokes one the following:

* Dynamic Logic
* Bulk Update or
* Oracle Insurance Gateway Integration


The execution level of the macro

* Group Client
* Group Account and
* Group Account Product

Based on the context, the user gets an option to start the macro from either the group client or group account or group account product page.

Bulk Update Definition

The referenced bulk update definition gets invoked for a Bulk Update (type) macro

Dynamic Logic

The referenced dynamic logic gets invoked for a Dynamic Logic (type) macro

Access Restriction

Only a user with the specified access can invoke the macro

Page Template

The referenced floorplan enables the selection of contextual attributes. This configuration does not apply for bulk update type macros. The macro uses the Object Selection page template.

For Oracle Insurance Gateway Integration, the following additional settings apply:

  • The property ohi.macro.{0}.endpoint must specify the integration end point{0} as the macro code.

  • Credentials must be set for client OIG_INTEGRATION_{macrocode} or INTEGRATION_{macrocode} (depending on the macro type).

For additional information on setting credentials refer to the credential integration point.

A macro can specify one or more parameter.

The parameter provides means to supply execution or contextual data for the macro of type dynamic logic, Oracle Insurance Gateway Integration, and bulk update (as activity parameter: named value pair ). This configuration is mainly to assist a user to start a macro form the user interfact and therefore is not a mandatory configuration.

For example, a macro to end date group account products linked to a specific enrollment product can specify a single value date type parameter 'endDate' and a single value char type parameter of type 'enrollmentProduct'.

The value of the endDate parameter provides information about the date from when the group account product gets ended. Similarly, the value of the 'enrollmentProduct' parameter specifies the selection criteria for group account product.

Table 2. Parameters
Field Description

Usage Name

Name of the parameter. The usage name makes the parameter key

Display Name

The display name of the parameter

Data Type

1) Char
2) Number
3) Date
4) Boolean


true or false

Multi Value?

true or false

Pick List

The reference to List of Value Floorplan template.


Applicable only in context of a pick list. Specifies the filter criteria for a list of values.

A user can start the macro from the Oracle Health Insurance user interface (JET) or by directly using the Macro Integration Point.

History record gets created when a user starts a macro. The history record has the following fields:

Table 3. History Record
Field Description


The macro to which the history record belongs to


The macro request JSON


The macro response JSON

Subject Id

Id of the context object

Monitor Id

Task id or Bulk update activity id or Oracle Insurance Gateway exchange id