Creating a Migration Set

Configuration Migration Sets

The application enables users to create configuration migration sets in the application user interface [1].

This page enables the user to select the top level migration items that are ready for migration and need to be included in the set. Within the context of the selected top level items, the user can select specific dependent items to exclude.

By default, the application excludes the following data from a new migration set: * agents * brokers, * providers

The user has the option to override the default behavior, and include all agents, brokers and providers that are linked to the selected configuration.

Creating a Migration Set

Including Configuration Items

The page offers two alternatives for creating a migration set. The first is creating a full set, which includes all configuration of the source environment. This is the default option.

The second alternative enables the user to handpick specific configuration ready for migration. If chosen, the page shows an overview of the all available configuration to select from.

Configuration is hierarchical in nature; complex configuration rules are a composite of basic configuration rules. For example, a process step is a composite of any combination of callout-, event-, pend- and validation rules. In turn, the pend rule comprises a dynamic logic condition and a message (and more) as well.

When the user selects a configuration rule, the application automatically determines what supporting configuration is required to successfully migrate the selected rule to the target environment.

Create Set Items

For each available configuration item the application offers three options:

  • Include all instances of that configuration item.

  • Select specific instances of that configuration item.

  • Remove all previously selected instances of that configuration item.

The last option does not add any items to the migration set, but instead provides a convenient way of quickly removing all instances of a configuration item from a migration set.

The second option, when selected, becomes a link that opens a new window. In this window the user can select specific instances of the configuration item to include in the migration set.

Select Specific Items

Below is the list of configuration items that can be included in a configuration migration data set. Each entry specifies which dependent items are auto-included and which dependent items can be excluded.

Table 1. Items that can be included in a Configuration Migration Data Set
Top-Level Item Automatically Includes Optional Excludes

access role

access restriction
access restriction grant
data access group


activity type

dynamic field usage [2].
flex code system
parameter set
parameter set dynamic line


address type




add-on detail


boilerplate text






bulk update definition


dynamic logic
enrollment product

business event definition



notification definition

business event definition

dynamic logic

business event rule

business event definition

dynamic logic

calculation period



callout rule


dynamic logic
process flow

capitation contract



change event rule


dynamic logic
fee definition
output definition

collection method



connector configuration

dynamic logic

dynamic logic


bank account validation

dynamic logic

country region






covered service tier



dynamic field usage (displayed as usage in the UI)

dynamic logic
flex code system


dynamic logic

dynamic logic reference sheet

reference sheet

enrollment product

adjustment rule
assigned provider group label
enrollment product add-on
enrollment product account definition
enrollment product adjustment
enrollment product adjustment value
enrollment product category
enrollment product detail
enrollment product premium schedule
enrollment product provider group
enrollment product time period
line of business
Medicare plan listing
Medicare plan C-SNP condition
parameter domain
parameter domain value
schedule definition
schedule dimension value

enrollment product type
parameter alias
policy account definition
premium schedule
provider group

enrollment product type

enrollment product category
premium schedule type
reinsurance exclusion
reinsurance setting
schedule definition


enrollment type



enrollment response definition


dynamic logic

exchange rate



excluded attribute



fee definition


dynamic logic
fee schedule

fee schedule

default time period
fee schedule line
schedule definition
schedule dimension value

dynamic logic

flex code group

flex code detail


flex code system

dynamic logic
flex code
flex code field usage
flex code set detail
flex code system

flex code group

floor plan


gender identity


group client

adjustment rule
assigned provider group label
bill receiver
broker agent switch rule
data access group
enrollment product
enrollment product category
group account
group account add-on
group account adjustment
group account available product
group account available product add-on
group account broker agent
group account collection setting
group account insurable class
group account premium schedule
group account product
group account product adjustment
group account product adjustment value
group account product premium schedule
group account product provider group
group account time period
group client
group client adjustment
group client billing account
group client broker agent
group client collection setting
group client premium schedule
group commission rate
insurable class
parameter domain
parameter domain value
premium schedule
premium schedule type
premium bill allocation
schedule definition

collection method
dynamic logic
parameter alias
process flow
provider group

identifier type

access restriction


insurable class



insurable entity type



insurance type

insurable entity type
supported insurable entity type


line of business

access restriction


macro definition


dynamic logic
bulk update definition

marital status type



Medicare plan listing

Medicare plan C-SNP condition


Medicare SEP reason



Medicare OEC SEP code



Medicare disenrollment reason






message group

message group detail


never in force reason



output definition


dynamic logic

parameter alias



pend reason



pend rule


dynamic logic
message group
pend reason
process flow

policy account definition



policy account transaction type



policy identifier type






premium schedule

default time period
premium schedule line
premium schedule type
premium tier
schedule definition
schedule dimension value

dynamic logic

premium tier

enrollment type
premium tier enrollment type

process flow [3]

access restriction




product covered service



provider assignment type



provider group

provider group affiliation


reference sheet

dynamic field usage [4]
reference sheet line


relation link type



schedule definition

adjustment rule
default adjustment value
default time period
dynamic field usage
parameter alias
premium schedule type
schedule dimension
schedule dimension value
surcharge rule

dynamic logic







user sequence [5]



validation rule [6]


dynamic logic

waiver reason






Including Agents, Brokers, and Providers

If the user chooses to include Agents, Brokers or Providers reference data in the migration set, then the application also includes the setup configuration that is required, regardless of whether it is explicitly selected by the user.

For example, if the migration set includes provider X, and provider X has specialty Y, then specialty Y is auto included in the migration set.

The following table specifies which setup configuration is auto-included, if agents, brokers or providers are included in the migration set.

Table 2. Items that are auto-included if agents, brokers or providers are included
Reference Data Automatically Includes


agent address
country region
dynamic logic


broker address
country region
dynamic logic


individual provider:

  • bank account number

  • bank account validation

  • country

  • country region

  • dynamic logic (bank account validation)

  • prefix

  • provider (service address organization provider)

  • provider specialty

  • provider title

  • rendering address

  • service address

  • specialty

  • title

  • provider identifier

organization provider:

  • bank account number

  • bank account validation

  • country

  • country region

  • dynamic logic (bank account validation)

  • provider (parent organization provider)

  • provider specialty

  • provider identifier

  • service address

  • specialty

Optional Excludes

By default, when the user selects a configuration rule, the application automatically determines and includes the supporting configuration that is required to successfully migrate the selected rule to the target environment.

This is not always desirable. For example, the supporting configuration may just be a placeholder, not intended to be migrated.

The exclude options enable the user to overrule the supporting configuration from automatic inclusion.

Dynamic Field and Record Usages

Configuration items are extensible with user defined dynamic fields and records. When an extended item is included in the payload, the dynamic field and record values and the related dynamic field usages are automatically included in the same migration set.

Intended User

The configuration migration functionality described here, is intended to be used by an expert user that is aware which configuration changes are ready for migration, and which are not.

After the configuration migrations set is created, the next step is to build the Configuration Migration Set. In this step, the payload is generated as per the specifications of the configuration migration set.

Whenever the user changes a configuration migration set, for example by adding new items, the set needs to be rebuilt, so that the changes are reflected in the payload.

The # Items in the configuration migration set is the number of items that the system detected during the creation or latest update of the set.

1. JET Menu > Operations > Data Exchanges > Configuration Migration Sets
2. An activity type can rely on a single dynamic field usage record that serves as an integral part of the activity type by connecting the parameter sets of the activity type to their definition. This dynamic field usage record is not visible in any user interface page, but is migrated as part of the activity type.
3. Applies to both policy process flows and group client process flows.
4. Each reference sheet relies on a single dynamic field usage record that serves as an integral part of the reference sheet by connecting the reference sheet to its definition. This dynamic field usage record is not visible in any user interface page, but is migrated as part of the reference sheet.
5. User sequences can only be created in the target environment. If the sequence already exists in the target environment it is not updated.
6. Applies to both policy and group validation rules.