Enrollment Event Notification Endpoint Configuration

When a business event rule evaluates successfully for the defined notification definition and the policy enrollment event, then along with business events, enrollment event notification are also generated.

This document explains how an endpoint is configured to send these notifications that are generated.

End Points

The generic enrollment event notification endpoint can be configured as system property:

  • ohi.enrollmenteventnotification.endpoint.request.

The enrollment event notification endpoint can be overridden for specific event codes, example specify property:

  • ohi.enrollmenteventnotification.{0}.endpoint.request

    • where the placeholder is replaced with notification definition code to have the system deliver the notification for code 'XXXX' to a specific endpoint.

    • If the event notification endpoint is configured on the specific notification definition code, all other properties are also fetched based on notification definition code or else defaults are used.

    • Similarly if the endpoint for the enrollment event notification is configured without the notification definition code, then all other properties are fetched on a generic usecase code EventNotificationClient.

Send Notification

The notifications are send out of OHI to an external system based on the endpoint configuration and the policy process configuration with the process step of type 'Send Notification'.

Refer `Process Steps' in the document Policy Process Flows for more details.