Enrollment File Events

This operation retrieves the number of business events attached to policies created or updated by the enrollment file, grouped by business event definition. The purpose of this information is to provide an overview of number and types of changes that have resulted from loading the enrollment file.

This operation is available on any enrollment file.

Resource Representation

Resource representation of an enrollment file:

  ... enrollment file properties ...
  "links": [
      "href": "http://<host>:<port>/[api-context-root]/generic/enrollmentfiles/<id>",
      "rel": "self"
      "href": "http://<host>:<port>/[api-context-root]/enrollmentfiles/<id>/events",
      "rel": "enrollmentfile:events"
      "httpMethod": "GET"

Events Operation

This operation returns a list of items. Each item specifies the display text for a business event definition and the number of policy enrollment events, connected to the enrollment file, that belong to that definition.

Consider the following example response:

   "items": [
        "displayText": "New Dependents",
        "count": 143
        "displayText": "Disenrollments",
        "count": 119
        "displayText": "Product Transfers",
        "count": 34
        "displayText": "Address Changes",
        "count": 21
    "links": {
      "link": [
          "httpMethod": "GET",
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "http://<host>:<port>/[api-context-root]/enrollmentfiles/<id>/events"


The counts are on the number of policy enrollment events, that are linked to a policy, that is linked to the enrollment file.


The above described operation is protected by access restriction enrollment file events IP.