Policy Callout Integration Point

The policy callout integration point implements the execution of policy callout rules. Policy callout rules trigger when a policy update is processed. When a callout rule triggers, it performs the following activities:

  • Creates a request payload

  • Sends the request to a configured endpoint

  • Receives the response

  • Processes the response and updates the policy accordingly.

This page explains how the request and response are sent and received. For more information on configuration of callout rules, see the Policy Callout Rules page.

Synchronous Messaging

In synchronous messaging, the same HTTP connection is used for sending the request and receiving the response.

Request Message

The request message payload is created in the callout rule dynamic logic function, which may be of any form. In addition to the payload, this dynamic logic can also specify a request header map. In this map, the values are set as header parameters in the request.

In the following request message example, the payload contains the information. Then an external provider administration system requires to assign a primary care provider.

       <member age="55">
       <zipcode code="65413">
       <product code="ABC">

Response Message

The response can also be of any form and the payload of this response message is read and processed in the callout rule by the same dynamic logic function (used to create the request payload).

In the following response message example, the external provider administration system sends the selected provider to assign to the policy.

   <primaryCareProvider code="12345">

After reading the response, the function can write information to the policy. Considering the above response message example, the function may write provider code to a dynamic field on the policy. This information can use for subsequent rules in the policy process flow.

Error Messages

If the application fails to process the callout request or response, navigate to the Operations menu, and select View Technical Errors to view the failed callout request or response activities. This interface also provides an option to reprocess the callout activities. If reprocessed, the callout rule sends a new request again.