Perform a partial dispensation

Perform a partial dispensation to complete a visit when there are not enough kits available at the site to dispense. Partial dispensation is only available when a visit requires to dispense multiple kits of the same type and you have at least two kits available of each kit type that must be dispensed.

  1. On the Home page, determine where to work. For more information, see Access study modes and pages.
  2. Along the top, make sure Subjects is selected.
  3. Filter your view based on several criteria. For more information, see Filter subjects in a study.
  4. Locate the subject and click the visit in the Next Visits column.
  5. Fill-in the forms and click Dispense.
  6. On the Dispense Kits dialog, note any dispensation instructions and notices about partial dispensation.
    On the same dialog, you will see a message confirming the partial dispensation and specifying the amount of kits pending to dispense.
  7. Verify the subject number in the confirmation window, and review the kit numbers to dispense and their descriptions.
    If your study requires to confirm dispensation, see Confirm dispensation of kits.
  8. Depending on what your next step is, do one of the following things:
    • Click Close.
    • Click Print Dispensation Information to view and print dosing instructions.
    • Click Return to All Subjects to go back to the Subjects page.
    On the Subject History pane, a partial dispensation for a subject is displayed in blue with the partial dispensation icon ().
  9. To complete a partial dispensation:
    1. Locate and select the subject in the Subjects page.
    2. Look for the partial dispensation occurrence on the Subjects History pane.
    3. click the menu icon (The menu icon is represented by three horizontal lines stacked on top of each other.).
    4. Click Dispense.


      If the site still doesn't have enough kits upon a subject's return, you will be able to perform another partial dispensation until the amount of pending kits is available and dispensation is complete.


Make sure you complete partial dispensations before moving forward with the visit schedule. If you dispense kits for a subject in a subsequent visit, scheduled or unscheduled, you cannot go back to that visit and complete the partial dispensation.