Conserve and re-dispense kits

Before conserving and re-dispensing kits, you need to determine whether the subject has any reusable kits. You can conserve and re-dispense these reusable kits during unscheduled visits, as well.


If you enter data that doesn't meet the requirements specified by the sponsor in the form fields, a message explains why the answer does not meet the required criteria. If the question is marked as required, you can't randomize or dispense until it is answered. If the question isn't marked as required, you can randomize or dispense without answering.

For more information on how to handle reference information during the process of collecting data, as well as tips and tricks on how to answer certain question types, see Best practices for collecting data.

  1. On the Home page, determine where to work. For more information, see Access study modes and pages.
  2. Along the top, make sure Subjects is selected.
  3. Filter your view based on several criteria. For more information, see Filter subjects in a study.
  4. Locate a subject on the subjects list and click the visit in the Next Visits column.
    Upon selecting a subject, you can view whether certain visits in a subject's schedule are part of a branch or what cycle they are on.
  5. For the Visit Start Date field, select today or an earlier date. Depending on how the study is set up, you might be allowed to edit the date after saving the form.


    To complete exact times, in the Date & Time wizard, first select Now, and then start filling in the fields with the appropriate time.
  6. Answer questions on each form.
  7. Click Save and then Dispense.
  8. Determine whether the subject has any reusable kits.
  9. In the Kits from Previous Visits dialog click either The Subject Has Some Reusable Kits or The Subject Doesn't Have Any Reusable Kits.
  10. If you chose The Subject Has Some Reusable Kits, in the Reusable Kits dialog, click Yeson the Reusable Kit? column for each kit that you want to conserve and re-dispense.
    The system verifies whether the kits can be conserved or not.
  11. Click Continue to Dispensation.
  12. Review the tables in the Dispense Kits wizard.
    • The first table contains a list of reusable kits that can be conserved and re-dispensed to the same subject.
    • The second one contains a list of all the new kits that can be dispensed.
    • If any of the new kits that you are about to dispense are devices, click Next to activate them.
  13. Verify the subject number in the confirmation window.
  14. If applicable, click Print Dispensation Information to view the dosing instructions. You can print the report after it opens.


    The dosing instructions are in the Kit Dispensation report. This report can be run from the Reports page at any time.
  15. Click Return to All Subjects to return to the list of subjects at the site or click Cancel to remain in the visit.