Mark a subject as complete

Mark a subject as complete after the subject has concluded all visits, all data has been entered for the subject, or has been screen failed. After a subject is marked as complete, you can't save any forms that weren't started, or take any other action on a subject, such as screening, randomizing, withdrawing, dispensing, or skipping a visit.

  1. Along the top, make sure Subjects is selected.
  2. On the Home page, determine where to work. For more information, see Access study modes and pages.
  3. Filter your view based on several criteria. For more information, see Filter subjects in a study.
  4. In the table, locate the subject you want to mark as complete.
    The subject must have one of the following:
    • A green avatar with a checkbox in the upper-right corner (Green subject avatar with checkmark in upper-right corner ), indicating that they completed the minimum required visits in the study.
    • A grey avatar (Grey subject avatar), indicating that they have been screen failed.
  5. Select the checkbox to the left of the subject.
  6. Above the table of subjects, from the Manage Subjects drop-down, select Complete.
  7. In the Complete dialog, select that you would like to make Completion event forms available and click Complete Study.
  8. Answer any form questions and click Complete Study.