Creating a Segment or Personal List

There are a two choices available to start the process of creating a Segment or Personal List. The Create Segment button is available in both the Segment Home window as well as the Segment Search window.

Creating a Segment or Personal List - Segment Search

Figure 7-6 Segment Search

This figure shows the Segment Search

To Create a new segment from the Segment Search screen, click the Create Segment button, which will open the segment wizard on the Information tab. Proceed to Step 6 in Creating a Segment or Personal List - Segment Home.

Creating a Segment or Personal List - Segment Home

To create a new Segment or Personal List from the Segment Home window do the following:

  1. Click the Tasks icon.

  2. Click Segment.

  3. Click Segment Home. The All Segments Tile is defaulted.

    Figure 7-7 Segment Home

    This figure shows the Segment Home
  4. There are two options to start the Create process:

    Option 1

    1. With the All Segments Metric tile highlighted, select the Create Segment button which opens the Segment Wizard to the Information tab, with the Stratified Segment type defaulted. You can then change the Segment type, if desired.

    2. Select one of the Metric Tiles (Stratified, Unstratified, or Personal List), and from there select the Create Segment button, which will default that segment type in the Information tab of the segment wizard.

    Option 2

    1. Create a new segment from the Segment Search screen: Select the Create Segment button, which will open the segment wizard on the Information tab.

  5. Click Create Segment. The Create Segment wizard may contain any of the following tabs, depending on configuration and the selected Segment Type.

    • Information

    • Franchisees

    • Segment Query

    • Stratification

    • Message

    • Strata Query

    • Attributes

    • Segment Members

    • Schedule

    • Review

  6. Enter the following items for the Information Tab:

    Figure 7-8 Information Tab

    This figure shows the Information Tab


    The read-only Segment Information Panel displays details throughout most of the tabs of the wizard.

    • Type - Select the type of Segment from the available options:

      • Stratified - Segments in which the Customers belonging to the segment are divided into stratified subgroups.

      • Unstratified - Segments in which Customers belonging to the segment are not subdivided into different groups.

      • Personal List - Personal Lists created by selecting Customers one-by-one. Associates can use the Personal Lists to create "Favorite Customer" lists.

    • Description

      • Segment Name - The name of the Segment (Required).

      • Description - Any Segment specific additional description (Required).

    • Publishing Options

      • Publish To Batch Exporter - Determines whether or not the Segment is available to export to a Marketing system.


        If the Publish to Batch Exporter option is selected, the following options are automatically checked: Export, Permanent, Public, and Save as List. All other check boxes are unchecked and unavailable.

      • Publish To Clienteling - Determines whether or not the Segment is available to the Clienteling module.


        If the Publish to Clienteling option is selected, the following options are automatically checked: Permanent, Public, and Save as List. All other check boxes are unchecked and unavailable.

        A User must be assigned the Publish Clienteling Segment Role to see this option. See the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Implementation Guide for more information about Roles.

      • Publish to Task Generator - Determines whether tasks are created for this Segment.


        If the Publish to Task Generator option is selected, the following options are automatically checked: Export, Permanent, and Save as List. All other check boxes are unchecked and unavailable.

        A User must be assigned the Task Manager Role to see this option. See the Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Implementation Guide for more information about Roles.

    • Options

      • Export - Determines whether or not the Segment results are automatically exported after the Segment Query is run. The Export option is not available for Personal Lists.


        If the Export option is selected, Save as List is automatically checked and the Export and Trend Results? check boxes are unavailable.

      • Open Access - Determines whether or not the Segment has Open Access.


        If the Open Access option is selected, Permanent, Public, and Save as List, are automatically checked and the check boxes are unavailable; Export and Trend Results? are automatically unchecked and the check boxes are unavailable.

      • Permanent - Determines whether or not the Segment is kept, even if it meets the criteria for deletion by the housekeeping job.

      • Public - Determines whether or not the Segment is Public.

      • Save as List - Determines whether a List of matching Customer IDs are created when the segment is created. If this option is not checked, the Segment will only create a count of the Customers that meet the criteria.

      • Trend Results? - Determines whether the results of the Segment run are kept to provide trend information about the Segment.

  7. When finished entering the Segment information on the Information tab, click Next to continue to the Franchisees tab.

    The Franchisees Assignment tab allows you to add or change the Franchisees you wish to assign to the segment.


    The Franchisee tab will only be visible if the EnableFranchiseSupport configuration is enabled, and Franchisees are defined. By default, all franchisees are included on the Segment. If you are assigned to specific franchisees, only those franchisees you are associated to are shown.

    • If Franchisees are enabled in Customer Engagement, the Franchisees Tab appears. Proceed to Step 8.

    • If Franchisees are not enabled in Customer Engagement and the Segment Type is Stratified or Unstratified, the Segment Query tab appears. Proceed to Step 10.

    • If Franchisees are not enabled in Customer Engagement and the Segment Type is Personal List, the Attributes Tab appears. Proceed to Step 18.

    Figure 7-9 Franchisee Tab

    This figoure shows the Franchisee Tab
  8. To assign a Franchisee:

    • Assigning a Franchisee

      • Click the Action Menu, and click Assign, or click the Add (+) icon. This opens the Assign Franchisee window.

        Figure 7-10 Assign Franchisee

        This figure shows the Assign Franchisee
      • By default, all franchisees are assigned to the segment. To make changes to those assignments, you can search for specific franchisees by entering all or part the franchisee Name, ID, or Description. Click Search in the Search for Franchisee search box.


        You also have the option to enter no search criteria and click Search to retrieve all available franchisees from which to select for assignment.

      • In the Included Franchisees results list, click Assign All to assign all the search results, or click Assign for a specific franchisee to add to the segment.

      • Click OK to accept the changes or Cancel to close the window without saving.


      A confirmation notification appears to confirm the Franchisees has been assigned.

      After a Franchisee is assigned, it appears at the top of the list. The rest of the Franchisees are ordered by ID.

      Figure 7-11 Confirmation Notification

      This figure shows the confirmation notification.
    • Unassigning a Franchisee

      If you need to, there are two ways to unassign any of the assigned franchisees on the segment.

      • In the Assign Franchisee window, click Unassign on any Franchisees currently assigned to the segment. Then click OK to accept the changes or Cancel to close the window without saving.

      • If Franchisees are listed on the Franchisee tab in the Included Franchisees table, highlight the row, and then select the Action Menu, and click Unassign, or click the Unassign X icon to remove the associated Franchisee.

        Figure 7-12 Assign Franchisee (Using the Unassign Button)

        This figure shows the Assign Franchisee using the Unassign button


        A confirmation notification appears that confirms the Franchisees are deleted.

        Figure 7-13 Confirmation Notification

        This figure shows the confirmation notification.
  9. When finished selecting the franchises on the Franchisee tab, click Next to continue to the next tab.

    1. If the Segment Type is Stratified or Unstratified, proceed to Step 10.

    2. If the Segment Type is Personal List, proceed to Step 18.

  10. The Segment Query tab, used for Stratified or Unstratified segments, provides three choices to populate the Query window. They include:

    • Criteria

    • Segments

    • Saved Queries


      The My Saved queries are private to the user that created the query or the system administrator.


    The query window can be populated singularly, or by using any combination of the three choices previously listed.

    Figure 7-14 Build Segment Query

    This figure shows the Build Segment Query

    Building the Query

    1. To start the query criteria selection, you can either filter by Template name or you can select one of the Templates shown to expand the criteria selections.


      The following steps also apply when selecting Segments, or My Saved Queries in Step 10.a

    2. To filter by Template Name: In the Filter by Name box, enter part or all of a Template Name

      Press Enter, or click the Search icon.

      Figure 7-15 Criteria - Filtered

      This figure shows the Criteria - Filtered


      To see the available criteria in your filtered list, expand the Template to see the available choices from which to select.

      To reset the filter, highlight the words and press Delete. Then press Enter, or click the Search icon.

    3. In the Template selection list, click a template group to expand its list of query criteria options. See Segment Queries for more information about criteria group organization.

      Figure 7-16 Expanded Criteria List

      This figure shows the Expanded Criteria List
    4. Click the Add link, or drag and drop the Criteria Name into the Query window.

      Figure 7-17 Adding Criteria to Query

      This figure shows Adding Criteria to Query

      Figure 7-18 Added Criteria

      This figure shows the Added Criteria
    5. Repeat the previous step until all criteria are added.


      As shown in Figure Figure 7-19, the logical conditions And and Or appear between each of the criteria.

      Figure 7-19 Query Window

      This figure shows the Query Window
    6. To change the logical conditions, click either And or Or to switch between the two options.


      If you use And, a record will only be included in the node if it matches all of the criteria in the subnodes. If you use Or, a record is included in the node if it matches any of the criteria in the subnodes.

      Figure 7-20 Criteria

      This figure shows a Criteria window
    7. Enter the Search Criteria into the appropriate fields. See Segment Queries for more information about criteria fields.

      Figure 7-21 Query Options

      This figure shows Query Options
    8. After entering the search criteria you can collapse or expand the details at any time. To collapse a criteria in the list, click the arrow next to each criteria. To change all criteria at once, click Collapse All/Expand All to Collapse/Expand.

    9. When you need to clear a criteria from the query, click the Action Menu and then click Remove.

    10. Optional: Any Query can be saved for use in other Build Segment Queries, by doing the following: Click Save this Query. The Save this Query window appears.

      Figure 7-22 Save This Query

      This figure shows the Save This Query Window
    11. Type a Query Name.

    12. Type a Query Description.

    13. Click OK. The query is saved for use with other Segments/Personal Lists. See Step 10 for information on how to access Saved Queries.

  11. When finished building a query on the Segment Query tab, click Next.

    • If the Segment Type is Stratified, proceed to Step 12.

    • If the Segment Type is Unstratified, proceed to Step 18, the Attributes tab.

  12. Enter the following for the Stratification tab.

    Stratification Details (Select One)


    The Based on and Field to Stratify On fields are dynamic and their options are based on the Strata Type selected.

    Figure 7-23 Stratification Details

    This figure shows the Stratification Details
    • Select the Strata Type: Customer - Customer Data

      • Based on: Customer (Default) - Field to Stratify On options include:

      Field Description

      Annual Income

      Customer's Annual Income

      Customer Net Worth

      Customer's Net Worth

      Lifetime Sales

      Lifetime total amount of all sales made to the Customer.

      Lifetime Returns

      Lifetime total amount of all returns made by the Customer.

      Lifetime Transaction Count

      Lifetime total number of transactions.

      Lifetime Sold Item Count

      Lifetime total number of items sold

      Lifetime Return Item Count

      Lifetime total number of items returned.

      Lifetime Profit Percent

      Lifetime percentage of profit on all Customer transactions.

      YTD Sales

      Total amount of all sales during the year to date.

      YTD Returns

      Total amount of all returns during the year to date.

      YTD Trans Count

      Total number of transactions during the year to date.

      YTD Sold Item Count

      Total number of items sold during the year to date.

      YTD Return Item Count

      Total number of items returned during the year to date.

      YTD Profit Percent

      Percentage of profit on all Customer transactions during the year to date.

      Customer Age

      Age of the Customer.

      Days Since Purchase

      Number of days since the Customer's last purchase.


      Attribute values.

    • Select the Strata Type: Loyalty - Loyalty Account Information

      • Based on: Loyalty Summary - Field to Stratify On options include:

        Field Description

        Earned Points Balance

        Current balance of earned points.

        YTD Points

        Total number of points earned during the year to date.

        LTD Points

        Total number of points earned over the lifetime of the Loyalty Account.

      • Based on: Loyalty Detail - Field to Stratify On options include:

        Field Description

        Sum Number of Points

        Total number of points in the Loyalty Account.

        Count Number of Transactions

        Total number of Loyalty transactions.

        Days Since Last Activity

        Days since the last Loyalty transaction.

    • Select the Strata Type: Transaction - Transaction Information

      • Based on: Header - Field to Stratify On options include:

        Field Descriptions

        Sum of Transaction Amount

        Total amount of all transactions.

        Number of Transactions

        Total number of transactions.

        Days Since Purchase

        Number of days since the last purchase transaction.

      • Detail: - Field to Stratify On options include:

      Field Description

      Sum of Line Item

      Sum of all line items in all transactions.

      Days Since Purchase

      Number of days since the last purchase transaction.

      Sold Item Count

      Total number of items sold.

      Transaction Count

      Total number of transactions.

    • Select a Strata Format

      • Range Strata - Strata are determined by configured ranges.

      • Ntile Strata - Strata are placed into equally-sized groups of Customers.

        Select the Sort Order for Ntile Strata:

        - Ascending - The Strata having the lowest values are displayed first.

        - Descending - The Strata having the greatest values are displayed first.

    Figure 7-24 Strata Levels

    This figure shows the Strata Levels.

    Strata Levels

    The default number of strata levels is three. You can increase or decrease the number of strata levels.

    • There are three ways to increase the number of Strata Levels

      • Number of Strata: Enter a numeric value and press Enter.

      • Click the arrows to increase or decrease by one increment.

      • Click the + Add Another link.

        Figure 7-25 Strata Levels - Ntile Strata

        This figure shows the Strata Levels - Ntile Strata.
    • Enter a Strata Name for each Strata Level

    • Click the Delete icon to remove a Strata Level.

    Figure 7-26 Strata Levels - Range Strata

    This figure shows the Strata Levels - Range Strata

    Strata Levels - Range Strata

    • Enter a Strata Name for each Strata in the Segment.

    • In the Range From (>=) fields, enter the minimum value of each Strata.

      If the Strata Field value for the Customer equals this value, it isincluded in this Strata.

    • In the Range To fields, enter the maximum value of each Strata.

      If the Strata Field value equals this value, it is not included in this Strata.

  13. When finished entering Stratification Details click Next.

    • If the Open Access Check Box was checked in the Information tab (see Step 6 Options), the Message tab displays. Proceed to Step 14.

    • If the Open Access check box was unchecked in the Information tab (see Step 6 Options), and the Strata Type: Customer was selected in Stratification Details (see Step 12), the Attributes Tab displays. Proceed to Step 18.

    • If the Open Access check box was unchecked in the Information tab (see Step 16 Options), and the Strata Type: Loyalty or Transaction was selected in Stratification Details (see Step 12), the Strata Query tab displays. Proceed to Step 16.

  14. The Message tab enables you to a add message for displaying at the Point-of-Sale for a Customer or Receipt display for upselling or other marketing campaigns. Enter the following for the Message tab:

    Figure 7-27 POS Message

    This figure shows the POS Message tab
    1. Highlight a Strata Level.

    2. In the Messages for Strata # section where # represents a number, select a Language from the options list.


      A language code can only be used once, per strata.


      You can also enter part or all of a Language Name or Language Code in the Language selection menu. Click the desired language from the list of results.

      Figure 7-28 Language Selection Menu

      This figure shows the Language Selection Menu
    3. In the POS Display Text Area field, enter the text that will be displayed to the associate using the Point-of-Sale system.

    4. In the Customer Display Text Area field, enter the text that will be shown on the customer-facing display and, depending on the configuration of the POS system, the signature capture device, while the transaction is being performed.

    5. In the Receipt Display Text Area field, enter the text that will be printed on the customer receipt.


      For the POS, Customer, and Receipt Display messages, only one is required to have content. You can enter values in each.

    6. Optional: Click +Add Another to add an additional message in a different language to the Strata Level.

    7. Repeat Steps 14.a - f for each Strata Level.

  15. When finished entering all Strata Level messages on the Message tab, click Next.

    • If the Strata Type: Customer was selected in Stratification Details (see Step 12), continue to Step 18, the Attributes tab.

    • If the Strata Type: Loyalty or Transaction was selected in Stratification Details (see Step 12), the Strata Query tab displays. Proceed to Step 16, the Strata Query tab.

  16. The Build Strata Query appears when one of the following conditions from Step 12 are met:

    • Stratification Details: Loyalty

    • Stratification Details: Transaction

    • Stratification Details: Customer and Field To Stratify On = Attributes

    Figure 7-29 Build Strata Query: Loyalty Criteria

    This figure shows the Build Strata Query: Loyalty

    Figure 7-30 Build Strata Query: Transaction

    This figure shows the Build Strata Query: Transaction

    Figure 7-31 Build Strata Query: Customer - Attributes

    This field shows the Build Strata Query: Customer - Attributres

    The following steps work for any of the preceding Build Strata Query options.

    1. Click the Add link, or drag and drop the Criteria Name into the Query window.

      Figure 7-32 Adding Criteria to Query

      This figure shows Adding Query to Criteria

      Figure 7-33 Criteria Added

      This figure shows the Criteria Added
    2. Repeat Step 16.a until all criteria are added.


      As shown in Figure Figure 7-34, the logical conditions And and Or appears between each of the criteria.

      Figure 7-34 Query Window

      This figure shows the Query Window
    3. To change the logical conditions, click either And or Or to switch between the two options.


      If you use And, a record is only included in the node if it matches all of the criteria in the subnodes. If you use Or, a record is included in the node if it matches any of the criteria in the subnodes.

      Figure 7-35 Segment

      This figure shows the Segment
    4. Enter the Search Criteria into the appropriate fields. See Segment Queries for more information about criteria fields.

      Figure 7-36 Query Options

      This figure shows Query Options
    5. After entering the search criteria you can collapse or expand criteria at any time. To Collapse a criteria click the arrow next to each criteria. To change all criteria at once, click Collapse All/Expand All to Collapse/Expand.

    6. When you need to clear criteria from the query, click the Action Menu and then click Remove.

  17. When finished building the strata query, click Next to select or enter Attributes to the segment.

  18. Attributes can be added to the Segment to further distinguish qualifications for the Segment.

    Figure 7-37 Segment Attributes Tab

    This figure shows the Attributes tab.
    • Select or enter the configuration values for each of the required Segment Attributes (shown with an asterisk*).

    • Add values for any Optional Segment Attributes.

    • Select or enter the configuration value for the Segment Attribute.

    • Repeat Step 18 for all optional Attributes you wish added to the Segment.

  19. When finished defining any attributes for the Segment, click Next.

    • If the Segment Type is Stratified or Unstratified proceed to Step 22.

    • If the Segment Type is Personal List proceed to Step 20, Segment Members.

    Figure 7-38 Segment Members Tab

    This figure shows the Segment Members Tab
  20. To Assign Segment Members do the following:

    • Click the Actions Menu, and click Add, or click the Add (+) icon. This opens the Add Customers to Segment window.

      Figure 7-39 Add Customers To Segment

      This figure shows the Add Customers To Segment
    • In the Search for Customers field, enter the Name, ID, Email Address, or Phone Number of the customer you want to search for. Click Partial to search for Customers that partially match the search text, or click Exact, to search for an exact match.


      You also have the option to enter no search criteria and click Search to retrieve all available Customers from which to select for membership.

    • Add Customer to Segment

      Figure 7-40 Add Customers to Segment

      This figure shows the Add Customer to Segment
      • Click Add for every customer you wish to add to the Personal List.

      • When you are finished adding customers from each search, you can either click OK to close the window and save the changes or click Cancel to close the window without saving the changes.

    • Editing Segment Members

      Figure 7-41 Segment Members List

      This figure shows the Segment Members List

      Segment Member lists can be edited. Do the following to edit a Segment Members list.

      • Select the Customer check box located next to each customer you wish to remove. To select all customers in the list, select the Customer check box at the top of the list.

      • To remove any selected names immediately, click the Actions Menu, and then either click Remove or the Remove (x) icon.

  21. When finished editing the customers to the segment, click Next. Continue to Step 28, the Personal List: Review tab.

  22. Define the Schedule on which the Segment Query is run. Select one of the following Job Execution Frequencies:

    Figure 7-42 Frequency: Once, Immediately

    This figure shows the Schedule Frequency; Once, Immediately
    • Once, Immediately - Run the Segment Query as soon as the Segment has been completed. If you select this option, proceed to Step 24 for Stratified or Step 26 for Unstratified.


      This option is not available if Publish to Clienteling is selected in the Segment Name step (see Step 6).

      Figure 7-43 Frequency: Once, Later

      This figure shows the Frequency: Once, Later
    • Once, Later - Run the Segment Query at a later date or time. Proceed to Step 22.a.

      Figure 7-44 Frequency: Daily

      This figure shows the Schedule Frequency; Daily
    • Daily - Run the Segment Query every day. Proceed to Step 22.a.


    • Daily, Business Days Only - To run the Segment Query only on business days (For example: Monday through Friday), select the Run on Business Days Only check box. Proceed to Step 22.a.

      Figure 7-45 Frequency: Weekly

      This figure shows the Schedule Frequency; Weekly
    • Weekly - Run the Segment Query once each week. Proceed to Step 22.a.

      Figure 7-46 Frequency: Monthly

      This figure shows the Schedule Frequency; Monthly
    • Monthly - Run the Segment Query once each month. Proceed to Step 22.a.

    1. Use the Start Date Calendar Menu to select the start of the time range in which the job will run.

      If you selected a Job Execution Frequency of Once, Later, proceed to Step 22.f.

    2. Use the End Date Calendar Menu to select the end of the time range in which the job will run.

      - If you selected a Job Execution Frequency of Daily, or Daily, Business Days Only, proceed to Step 22.e.

      - If you selected a Job Execution Frequency of Weekly, proceed to Step 22.c.

      - If you selected a Job Execution Frequency of Monthly, proceed to Step 22.d.

    3. Use the Day of Week Selection Menu to select the day of the week on which the job will run. Proceed to Step 22.e.

    4. Use the Day of Month Selection Menu to select the day of the month on which the job will run. Proceed to Step 22.e.

    5. Use the Job Execution Time Time Menus to determine the time at which the job will run.


      It is recommended that you select a time that is within the Job Processing Window. If you select a time outside the Job Processing Window, the Override Job Processing Window setting (see Step 22.f) must be checked for the job to run.

    6. Use the Override Job Processing Window Check Box to indicate whether the job should run, even if it is scheduled outside the Job Processing Window.

  23. When finished defining Schedule Details for the Segment, click Next and advance to the Review Tab.

    • If the Segment Type is Stratified proceed to Step 24, the Stratified: Review tab.

    • If the Segment Type is Unstratified proceed to Step 26, the Unstratified: Review tab.

  24. The Review tab displays key elements in the Create Segment Setup. Review the following for the Stratified Type.

    Figure 7-47 Stratified Review Tab

    This figure shows the Stratified Review Tab
  25. Click OK to create the segment, or click Cancel to close without saving.

    Figure 7-48 Segment Tabs Links

    This figure shows the Segment Tab Links


    Before you save the Segment, you can use the tab links along with Previous and Next to go back to any point in the create segment process and make changes.

  26. The Review tab displays key elements in the Segment Setup. Review the following for the Unstratified Type.

    Figure 7-49 Unstratified Review Tab

    This figure shows the Unstratifed Review Tab
  27. Click OK to create the segment, or click Cancel to close without saving.

    Figure 7-50 Segment Tabs Links

    This figure shows the Segment Tab Links


    Before you save the Segment, you can use the tab links along with Previous and Next to go back to any point in the create segment process and make changes.

  28. The Review tab displays key elements in the Create Segment Setup. Review the following for the Personal List Type.

    Figure 7-51 Personal List Review Tab

    This figure shows the Personal List Review Tab
  29. Click OK to create the segment, or click Cancel to close without saving.

    Figure 7-52 Segment Tab Links - Personal List

    This figure shows the Tab Links - Personal List


    Before you save the Segment, you can use the tab links along with Previous and Next to go back to any point in the create segment process and make changes.