Stratified Segments

Stratified Segments define groups of Customers. The Customers within a Stratified Segment are divided into levels within the Segment. The stratified segments to which the customer belongs are shown in the Stratified Segments panel of the Customer Dashboard.

Figure 4-32 Stratified Segments Panel

This figure shows the Stratified Segments Panel
  • Stratified segments classified as public are shown. If a stratified segment is classified as private, it will only be shown to the associate who created the stratified segment.

  • Three types of graphs are used to represent statistics:

    • Status Meter Gauge – Horizontal, uses horizontal orientation to indicate thresholds at specific values:

      Figure 4-33 Stratified Segments - Horizontal

      This figure shows the Stratified Segments - Horizontal
    • - Status Meter Gauge - Circular, uses circular orientation to indicate thresholds at specific values:

      Figure 4-34 Stratified Segments - Circular

      This figure shows the Stratified Segments - Circular
    • - Spark Chart - Bar, used to view trends over time and generally paired with additional context in a table:

      Figure 4-35 Stratified Segments - Spark Chart (Bar)

      This figure shows the Startified Segments - Spark Chart (Bar)
  • A badge with the total number of stratified segments to which the customer belongs displays on the right side of the title bar.

  • An eyeglass icon lets you view details about all the Stratified Segments to which the customer belongs. See Viewing Customer Stratified Segments List.

  • Scroll bars are available if the number of stratified segments do not fit in the display area of the panel.

  • If there are no stratified segments assigned to the customer, the following image is displayed:

    Figure 4-36 No Stratified Segments Assigned Message

    This figure shows the No Stratified Segments Assigned message

Viewing Stratified Segment Details

If you hover over a segment name in the Stratified Segments panel a tool tip is displayed:

Figure 4-37 Stratified Segments Tool Tip

This figure shows the Stratified Segments Tool Tip

The following information is provided:

  • Segment Description.

  • Customer Count – Total number of customers in this segment.

  • Strata Type and Based on Value:

    • Strata Type values (Customer, Loyalty, Transaction).

    • Based on Value (Header, Detail, Customer, Loyalty Summary, Loyalty Detail).

    • Type = <strata type> based on <based on value>.

  • Customer Strata membership - The strata the customer falls into.

Viewing Customer Stratified Segments List

  1. Click the eyeglass icon in the title bar. This displays the Stratified Segments for (Customer) window:

    Figure 4-38 Stratified Segments for Customer

    This figure shows the Stratified Segments for Customer

    This window displays the following view-only information about the stratified segments associated with the customer:

    • The Customer Name and ID Number are displayed in the Segments for title bar. If there are no segments assigned, the table displays No Segments Assigned.

    • Assigned Stratified Segments Grid

      • Segment ID – ID of the segment

      • Segment Name – Name of the segment

      • Description – Description of the segment

      • Create User – the user who created the segment

      • Added On – the date on which the customer was added to the segment.

      • Customer Count – the number of customers in that segment.

      • Strata Type – (Customer, Loyalty, Transaction)

      • Strata Format – the format used to create the strata. Possible values are:

        - Range Strata – Strata are determined by configured ranges

        - Ntile Strata – Strata are formed by equally sized groups of customers

      • Based on Value – the basis used for determining the Strata field (Header, Detail, Customer, Loyalty Summary, Loyalty Detail)

      • Strata Field – the field used to create the Strata

      • Average Strata Value

      • Number of Strata – the number of strata in the segment

      • Customer Strata – the strata the customer falls into

      • Customer Value

  2. Click Done. This returns you to the Customer Dashboard.