Replenishment Sub Processes

Replenishment can be divided into four major sub-processes:

Replenishment Sub Processes

Manage Replenishment Attributes

Manage Replenishment Attributes Process Flow

Replenishment attributes are set up for item/locations, or higher levels, using the Merchandising UI or uploaded from an external system using one of the supported integration methods. Attribute updates managed at levels higher than item/location or that are scheduled for future updates require backend processing to help manage the updates. Additionally, for some methods or configurations, there is other supporting data that requires batch processes to periodically refresh data, including that for size profiles and maximums for Floating Point replenishment.

Calculate Recommended Order Quantities

Calculate Recommended Order Quantities

The next section of replenishment programs are focused around generating recommended order quantities (ROQs). Many user and batch processes combine to calculate ROQ. Item/location combinations follow different paths to calculate ROQ depending on whether they are replenished from a warehouse or from a supplier.

If using the Investment Buy feature in Merchandising, then there are two other programs that are relevant for ROQ calculation:

Build Orders and Transfers

Build Orders and Transfers

This section of programs create purchase orders and transfers based on the calculated ROQs.

Additional batch processes that may apply for this section of batches, depending on your implementation:

Cleanup Replenishment Data

The programs in this section are used to clean up temporary tables used in the above programs, or to remove historical attribute and result information.

There is also an option of running a background process for some of the above cleanup jobs, as an alternative to running during the batch schedule. The background job options are: