Inquiring into Item Availability (DIAV)

Purpose: Use item availability to check:

  • The quantity available to sell of an item
  • The quantity on-order from your vendor
  • The next expected delivery date for an item
  • The soldout status of an item
  • The quantity available for an item at a given location in the warehouse
  • The pending purchase order deliveries
  • pricing information for an item/SKU in a specific offer

You can also select this option if you need to:

  • Capture a lost sale, if the customer decides not to order an item because it is not in stock. This enables you to track true demand for the item, and reevaluate the quantity of the item to purchase in the future.
  • Select an item for an order in Order Entry using the “notepad” function. This tags the item for the next order you enter, allowing you to add the item to the order automatically.
  • Inquire into availability in remote systems, such as store locations

How the system selects an offer to display and to use for posting lost sales: Any lost sales you enter in order entry (by selecting Lost Sale for the item and a lost sale quantity) post to the default Current Offer (A33) for your current company, indicated next to each item/SKU in item availability.

How the system selects an offer for pricing: See the Display Item/Offer Prices Screen for a description.

For more information:

In this topic:

See also: Display SKUs Screen (Scanning Items by SKU Description) (DSKU)

Display Item Availability Screen

How to display this screen:

Restricted items, identified by a selected Restrict field in the SKU table, do not appear on the Item Availability screen.

This screen displays item availability only for items warehouses for which the Allocatable flag is selected.

When you first advance to this screen, items display in ascending item number, SKU code, warehouse code sequence.

Field Description

Sts (Status)

A code displayed to the left of the item number that identifies the selling status code for your items, such as "discontinued." These codes can be used for sorting inventory reports.

Item status codes are defined in and validated against the Item Status table. A status code is assigned to an item in the Status field in the Item table. See Working with Item Status (WIST) for background.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


The code for an item that you sell. Item numbers are defined in and validated against the Item table.

This is the base item number; the SKU code, if any, will be suffixed to the item number to accurately identify the item.

An item alias may display instead of the actual item code. See Displaying Item Aliases.

Enter a full or partial item code, or a valid alias code to display items in alphanumeric order beginning with your entry. See Displaying Item Aliases on scanning if you are using aliases.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The specific style of the item, such as its color, size, or style.

Enter a valid item code and full or partial SKU code to display items in alphanumeric order beginning with your entry. See Displaying Item Aliases on scanning if you are using aliases.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display- only.

Whs (Warehouse)

The code for the warehouse where the item is stored. Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table.

Enter a valid warehouse code to display items in ascending numeric warehouse order beginning with your entry.

See Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Available (Quantity available)

The quantity of the item that is available to sell in this warehouse.

The system uses this calculation to determine availability for a single warehouse in the Item Warehouse table:

On hand quantity - Protected quantity - Reserved quantity - Reserve Transfer quantity - Backordered quantity = Quantity available

When this field is blank or negative, the item is unavailable or on backorder.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

On order (Quantity on-order)

The total item quantity you expect to receive on purchase orders.

If you receive purchase orders into suspense, the amount of stock received will remain in this field until the suspended stock is placed through Suspense placement.

From On order qty in the Item Warehouse table.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Ord qty (Order quantity)

The number of units of this item that the customer wants to order.

See Selecting Items Prior to Order Entry for instructions.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Next Expected P/O Date

The date that you expect to receive this item from your vendor; this is the date from the PO Layering table.


If no entry exists in the PO Layering table or if the PO Layering record has a quantity of zero, then a next expected Po date does not display.

Drop ships: This date is included for drop ship items only if the Assign Drop Ship Expected Ship Date (I59) system control value is selected. See that system control value for more information.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); display-only.

Next Expected Qty

The number of units of this item ordered on a purchase order that will be available for new orders.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Item Description

unlabeled field below Item number

A description of the item.

Alphanumeric, 120 positions; display-only.

Item Number

unlabeled field next to item description

The item number for the item alias that displays in the Item field. This field displays only if the Display Item Alias (D56) system control value is selected; see Displaying Item Aliases.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

SKU Description

unlabeled field next to item description

A description of the SKU.

This field displays only if the Display Item Alias (D56) system control value is unselected and the item contains SKUs.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

S/O (Soldout control code)

This code defines which calculation the system uses for item soldout processing. For example, you can:

  • define a soldout control code for items which will be flagged as soldout when available quantity is less than or equal to zero, including open purchase orders and projected returns
  • define a soldout control code for items which will be flagged as soldout when available quantity is less than or equal to zero, excluding open purchase orders and projected returns
  • define a soldout control code for items that must be flagged as soldout immediately

See Working with Soldout Controls (WSLD).

You assign these codes in the SKU table, or, if the item does not have SKUs, at the second item entry screen.

If a soldout code has not been assigned to the item or SKU, this field will not display on the Display Item Availability screen.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Screen Option Procedure

Select an in-stock item for the order

If you are using this screen within Order Entry, enter the number of units of the item the customer wants to order in the Ord qty field and select OK. See Selecting Items Prior to Order Entry.

Check warehouse locations for the item to see the quantity available to sell

Select Locations for an item to display the On Hand by Warehouse Screen (Reviewing Quantities On-hand by Warehouse).

Review pricing for the item, based on special pricing set up for the item in an offer

Select Pricing for an item to advance to the Display Item/Offer Prices Screen.

Review expected deliveries for the item

Select Open POs for an item to display the Display Open Purchase Orders Screen.

Log a lost sale for an out-of-stock item

Select Lost Sale for an item. Enter the quantity that the customer would have ordered in the Ord qty field and select OK. See Capturing Lost Sales.

Search for the item across warehouses and stores in external systems

Select Merchandise Locator for an item to advance to the Merchandise Locator Search Window (Searching for an Item).

You cannot perform a merchandise locator search for an item/SKU if:

  • the Use Merchandise Locator (I38) system control value is unselected. Otherwise, the system displays an error message: Merchandise Locator is not enabled.
  • you have already entered an Ord qty to add to the order.
  • the item is:
    • soldout, canceled or closed
    • included on a printed pick slip (however, if the pick slips have been voided, you can use the merchandise locator option)
    • a component of a set
    • a membership item
    • a subscription item
    • not flagged as OROB eligible

See Merchandise Locator API.

Create a tickler for the MN (manually created) tickler event

Select Create Tickler to advance to the Create Tickler Screen.


To create a MN tickler, you must have authority to the Create Manual Tickler (B13) secured feature.

Scan for an item or SKU by SKU description

Select Display SKUs to advance to the Display SKUs Screen (Scanning Items by SKU Description) (DSKU).

Display items selected for the order

If you are using this screen within Order Entry, select Selected Items to display the Display Selected Items Window to verify, add, or delete items for the order.

Display SKU availability

Select SKU Availability to advance to the Display SKU Availability Screen.

Displaying Item Aliases

If the Display Item Alias (D56) system control value is selected, the Display Item Availability Screen displays each item by its alias, if an alias is defined for the item in the selected offer. An alias is an alternative name you use to present an item to your customers; you might use aliases to track how presentation within an offer affects demand. The system uses these guidelines when displaying item alias information:

Actual item code display: Whenever an alias exists for the Current Offer (A33), the alias is indicated in the Item column. The actual item code is beneath the Warehouse. If an alias does not exist for the current offer, the actual item number displays in the Item column and beneath the Warehouse.

Positioning: Whether you enter an actual item code, a partial item code, or an alias in the Item field, the system always displays items positioned alphanumerically by the actual item code. You can scan by entering:

  • a full or partial item code. The system displays the alias for the selected offer if it exists, but still positions alphanumerically by the actual item code.
  • a valid alias code. The system displays the alias positioned alphanumerically by the actual item code. For example, the actual item code is BU001, while the item alias is RAB234. The system displays items positioned alphanumerically to BU001, while the item alias of RAB234 is indicated.

Most current offer: If the alias you enter is not associated with the most current offer as selected by the system, the system will still position alphanumerically to the correct item, although the alias associated with the most current offer will actually display. For example, if item AB100 has an alias of SPRING100 in your current offer but you search for it by entering WINTER100, the alias from a previous offer, the system positions to the correct item, but displays the spring alias for the item. Lost sales will post to the most current offer selected by the system.

If you enter an invalid alias code, the system displays items and/or aliases positioned alphanumerically by actual item code. In the example, if you entered RAB345 (an invalid alias code) in the Item field, the system would display item and/or aliases whose actual item codes begin with “R.”

Selecting Items Prior to Order Entry

Purpose: Use this option to tag items for the new order directly from the Display Item Availability Screen and Display SKU Availability Screen. These are items that the customer wanted to verify are in-stock, and now wants to order.

You can use this option to add items to an order only if you are viewing this screen within Order Entry. The system does not save this information if you selected the Display Item Availability function from a menu.


  1. Use the Display Item Availability Screen or Display SKU Availability Screen to locate the desired item/SKU.
  2. Enter the number of units the customer wants to order in the Ord qty field on the right side of the screen. Note: The Display Item Availability screen displays an Ord qty field for each allocatable item warehouse defined for an item; however, when you enter the number of units the customer wishes to order, the system does not hold this quantity against any specific warehouse and determines the warehouse to reserve against when you add the item to the order.
  3. Select OK.
  4. Repeat Steps 1-4 for each item/SKU the customer wants to order.
  5. Optionally, select Selected Items to display the items/SKUs you have selected. The Display Selected Items Window opens. Here, you can verify, add, or remove items from the notepad.
  6. Select Exit when you finish ordering items. You return to the Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen.
  7. Begin entering an order.
  8. Complete the Order Entry screen as needed.
  9. Select OK. The Display Selected Items Window opens automatically.
  10. Select OK to add these items to the order, select Delete for the items the customer doesn't want, or select Remove Lines to remove all items from the order.


  • The Work with Item/SKU Comments Window opens if there are any comments associated with the selected item or SKU, provided the comments have the Print code set to Window.
  • If there are multiple entries for an item/SKU with different warehouses and you select a warehouse other than the default, the item/SKU is still assigned to the default warehouse when you add it to the order. Optionally, you can use the Work with Order Line Screen (Changing/Adding an Item) in order entry or maintenance to select a different warehouse.

Display Selected Items Window

Purpose: Use this option to verify which items have been tagged to add to the order, or to delete items from the notepad.

How to display this window: Select Selected Items at the Display Item Availability Screen or Display SKU Availability Screen. You can also display this window by exiting these screens and then re-entering without clearing the selected item notepad, or by selecting a customer for order entry.


This window also displays any items that you selected for purchase from the Display Wish List Screen; see Selecting a Wish List Item for Purchase.
Field Description


The code for the item the customer wants to order.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The style associated with the item, such as its color, size, and style.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.

Qty (Quantity)

The quantity of the item the customer wants to order.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Description (Unlabeled field below the item)

The description of the item.

Alphanumeric, 120 positions; display-only.

Screen Option Procedure

Remove an item from the notepad, if the customer changes his or her mind

Select Delete for the item.

Add all items displayed in the window to the order

Select OK. The system adds all items to the order.

Remove all items from the notepad, if the customer no longer wants any of these items

Select Delete All, then select OK at the delete- confirmation prompt.

On Hand by Warehouse Screen (Reviewing Quantities On-hand by Warehouse)

Purpose: Use this option to determine where an item is available in the warehouse and how many units of the item are stored in each location. This is useful, for example, if the item is out of stock in a location, but readily available in another. It may indicate that you have to transfer the item to a different location so it can be reserved on a new order.

How to display this screen: Select Locations for an item listed on the Display Item Availability Screen.

Field Description


The code for the warehouse where the item is available. Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The code for a unit of inventory that you sell. Item codes are defined and validated against the Item table.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The code for the style of the item, such as its color or size. SKU codes are defined in and validated against the SKU table.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.


The code for the area in the warehouse where the item is stored. Location codes are defined in and validated against the Location table. Items are assigned to a location in the Item/Warehouse/Location table.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Typ (Type)

A code that defines the type of warehouse location where the item is stored.

Valid values are:

P = Primary: the main location where you pick an item.

S = Secondary: An additional location used for picking or replenishment.

B = Bulk: an overstock area in the warehouse to store the item in case lots or cartons that you do not break up at Purchase Order Receiving. Bulk locations are used only to replenish primary and secondary locations for an item.

T = Temporary: a location created only so that you can recognize an item as “received” before you assign a permanent location. The system deletes temporary locations when the quantity reaches zero.

You must define a location as “pickable” for the system to print a pick slip for the location.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

On hand

The quantity of the item in this location that is available to sell.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The number of units of this item that have been allocated in this location (picks slips have been printed).

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Display Item/Offer Prices Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review pricing information for a specific item or SKU in an offer such as:

  • pricing information for all active offers associated with the item/SKU
  • the currency code for the offer
  • special quantity price breaks
  • the gross profit margin percentage defined for a specific price

How the system selects an offer for pricing: The pricing information displayed for the item is based on:

  1. The current offer: A current offer is one whose date range includes today's date. In order for the system to check a current offer for an item or SKU in item availability, there must be at least one item offer or SKU offer that has a price, and which is currently effective based on the Effective date.

    If there is more than one current offer for the item or SKU, check the current offer with the most recent start date. (If the two most current offers have the same start date, select the first offer alphanumerically.) Then select

    • the most recent SKU offer based on Effective date. If there is not a valid SKU offer, or if the item does not have SKUs, use:
    • the most recent item offer based on Effective date.
  2. An inactive offer: An inactive offer is one whose date range has ended. If there is not a qualifying active offer for the item or SKU, then select

    • the most recent inactive offer based on start date (if two inactive offers have the same start date, select the first one alphanumerically). Then select
      • the most recent SKU offer based on Effective date. If there is not a SKU offer, or if the item does not have SKUs, use:
      • the most recent item offer based on Effective date.
  3. A future offer: A future offer is one whose start date has not yet occurred. If there is not a qualifying active or inactive offer for the item or SKU, then select the soonest future offer based on start date. If there is more than one future offer with the same start date, select the last one alphanumerically.

  4. The default current offer: If there is not a qualifying active, inactive, or future offer for the item or SKU, then use the default Current Offer (A33) from the System Control table.

How to display this screen: Select Pricing for an item or SKU, for which you wish to review pricing information, on the Display Item Availability Screen. A different screen opens, depending on whether you are reviewing pricing information for an item or SKU.

Field Description


The item and description for which you are reviewing pricing information. If you are reviewing SKU pricing information, the SKU code is presented in this field.

Item code: Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.

Item description: Alphanumeric, 120 positions; display-only.

Curr code (Currency code)

A code that defines the currency for orders you process for this offer.


Included only if the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) field in the System Control table is selected.

When you enter a source code associated with this offer in Order Entry, the system will search for a price only among offers that share this currency. Additionally, you cannot override the offer on an order detail line to one with a different currency.

The currency used on an order is indicated by the bank code on various screens and reports, such as those having to do with refunds. This is because each currency must be associated with at least one unique bank. When you create a source code, you must specify a division which links to a bank code that is consistent with the currency of the offer.

The currency code is defined in and validated against the Currency table. See Working with Currency (WCUR).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Offer code

A code representing the catalog whose prices you are reviewing.

Offers are defined in and validated against the Offer table. Use the Item/SKU Offer table to identify which items/SKUs are carried in the offer. Also, use the Item/SKU Prices table to define price breaks for the item/SKU in the offer.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Qty (Quantity)

The quantity of the item/SKU that must be purchased to receive the price break. Any SKU ordered for this item is counted towards this quantity.

This number is from the Qty field in the Item Prices table.

If the quantity is 1, you are offering your customers an automatic discount if they purchase this item. If the quantity is greater than 1, your customers must purchase several units of the item (such as in different colors) to receive the price break.

Customers assigned to the pricing column defined here receive the quantity break price automatically regardless of the quantity ordered.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The selling price of the item for your regular customers who order the required quantity of the item or who belong to the appropriate pricing column.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Tax incl (Tax-inclusive price)

The price at which the item will be sold on orders subject to tax-inclusive pricing and VAT. Included only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Gross margin %

The percentage of the item's price that exceeds the cost of the item. You can use gross margin to determine the profit of an item on the order based on the item's selling price. See Determining Gross Profit for a discussion.

The Display Gross Margin (A65) secured feature controls whether this field is included in order entry, maintenance, inquiry and item availability.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Assoc price (Associate price)

The selling price of the item for your associate customers (Associate = Selected in the Customer table) who order the required quantity of the item or who belong to the appropriate pricing column.

Items eligible for the price break are repriced automatically and the system updates the pricing method field with *Quantity Break Price.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; required, calculated by the system.

Tax incl (Tax-inclusive associate price)

The price at which the item will be sold to associate customers on orders subject to tax-inclusive pricing and VAT. Included only if the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only.

Column (Column number)

The pricing column eligible for this price break.

Customers belonging to this pricing column receive the quantity price break automatically, regardless of the quantity ordered.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Capturing Lost Sales

Purpose: Use this option to flag a lost sale for an item that the customer would have ordered if the item was available. This option helps you capture true demand for an item. This figure is important so you can order enough stock for the item in the future to meet demand.

Why lose sales? You may lose a sale if the customer inquires about the availability of an item before placing an order. If the item is backordered, the customer may decide not to place an order at this time. Because of this, you lost a potential sale.

Recording the lost sale: The dollar value and the number of lost sales are captured in the Units lost CTD field in the SKU/Offer/Page record.

When you enter lost sales, the system assigns them to the offer currently displaying on the Display Item Availability Screen. Additionally, the system posts the lost sales to page number 99999 in the default Current Offer (A33) for your current company.

Instructions: At the Display Item Availability Screen:

  1. Locate the item that the customer wanted to order.
  2. Select Lost Sale for the item.
  3. Enter the quantity of the item that the customer would have purchased in the Ord qty field on the right side of the screen.
  4. Select OK. The system calculates the dollar amount and number of units in lost sales for the item.
  5. Repeat these steps for each item you want to identify as a lost sale.

Display SKU Availability Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to see the availability of each SKU of a specified item. From this screen you can also:

  • If you are in order entry, enter the quantity of the SKU you wish to add to the next customer’s order.
  • review the next expected purchase order date and quantity for the SKU.
  • review additional information about the item.
  • review open purchase orders for the item.

Restricted SKUs, identified by a selected Restrict field in the SKU table, do not appear on the Display SKU Availability screen.

This screen displays SKU availability across item warehouses for which the Allocatable flag is selected.

How to display this screen: Select SKU Availability at the Display Item Availability Screen.

When you first advance to this screen, you must enter an item in the Item field to display SKU availability for the item. SKU availability for the specified item displays in ascending SKU code sequence.

Field Description


Enter a valid item number and select OK to see availability for each SKU of the item.

You can also prompt on this field to advance to the Item Selection screen where you can search and select an item.

Item numbers are defined in and validated against the Item table.

The message Item does not have SKUs displays if the item is a non-SKUed item.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required to review SKU availability.

Item description

unlabeled field below Item

A description of the item specified in the Item field.

Alphanumeric, 120 positions; display-only.


The specific style of the item, such as its color, size, or style. The column headings are based on the values defined in the Split SKU Element Column Headings (A52, A53, A54) system control values.

Enter a full or partial SKU element 1 to display SKUs in ascending alphanumeric order beginning with your entry.

Enter a valid SKU element 2 or 3 to display SKUs that match your entry.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; optional.


A description of the SKU.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Sts (Status)

The status code assigned to the SKU.

Enter a valid SKU status code and select OK to display SKUs whose status matches your entry.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Available (Quantity available)

The quantity of the item that is available to sell across all shippable warehouses.

The system sums the calculated quantity available across all allocatable item warehouses:

On hand quantity - Protected quantity - Reserved quantity - Reserve Transfer quantity - Backordered quantity = Quantity available

A negative quantity indicates that the SKU is unavailable in your inventory and is backordered.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

On order (Quantity on-order)

The total item quantity you expect to receive on purchase orders.

If you receive purchase orders into suspense, the amount of stock received will remain in this field until the suspended stock is placed through Suspense placement.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Ord qty (Order quantity)

The number of units of this SKU that the customer wants to order.

See Selecting Items Prior to Order Entry.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Next Expected P/O Date

The date that you expect to receive this item from your vendor; this is the date from the PO Layering table.

If no entry exists in the PO Layering table or if the PO Layering record has a quantity of zero, then a next expected Po date does not display.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); display-only.

Next Expected Qty

The number of units of the SKU ordered on a purchase order that will be available for new orders. If more than one allocatable item warehouse exists for the SKU, this information is based on the first item warehouse record found for the SKU.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Screen Option Procedure

Select an in-stock SKU for the order

If you are using this screen within Order Entry, enter the number of units of the SKU the customer wants to order in the Ord qty field and select OK. See Selecting Items Prior to Order Entry.

Review expected deliveries for the item

Select Open POs for a SKU to display the Display Open Purchase Orders Screen.

Display items selected for the order

If you are using this screen within Order Entry, select Selected Items to display the Display Selected Items Window to verify, add, or delete items for the order.