Monitoring Jobs (WJMO)

The system collects the monitoring information in the Job Monitor Status table. You can review the monitoring information on the Work with Job Monitor Screen (WJMO)

Overview: Job Monitoring provides the ability to monitor jobs to ensure that they are running correctly.

The Job Monitor:

Collects monitoring information, such as:

  •  Last heartbeat date/time: the last date and time when the system verified the job was running.

  • ast transaction date/time: the last date and time when a transaction was processed by the job.

The system collects the monitoring information in the Job Monitor Status table. You can review the monitoring information on the Work with Job Monitor Screen (WJMO).


If you use multiple application servers, the system collects monitoring information in the Job Monitor Status table across all application servers.

Performs an action when job monitor rules you set up for a job are met, such as:

  • receiving an email so that you can react to the condition.

  • running a periodic function. For example, you can define a job monitor rule that if the Controlling Async goes down, to run the periodic function that starts the Controlling Async. If you define a periodic function, you can also have the system notify you by email if the condition for the job monitor rule still exists after running the periodic function.

The monitor rules defined for a job can be based on the last update date and time, the last transaction date and time, or query results.

You can define monitor rules for a job on the Work with Job Monitor Rules Screen. When you schedule a job monitor rule, the rule becomes a scheduled job that you can review on the Scheduled Jobs screen.

Additional Job Monitoring

In this topic:

Job Monitor Setup

Before you can use the Job Monitor, you must complete the required setup.

Monitor Properties

The Monitor Properties in Working with Admin Properties (CPRP) contain the settings required to enable the Job Monitor.

Property Name Description


Indicates whether you wish to run the job monitor.

Valid values:

Y = Run the job monitor.

N (default) or blank = Do not run the job monitor. In this situation, the only option on the Work with Job Monitor Rules Screen is to display a rule’s settings.

Note:  Set this value to Y for all application servers.


The directory on the application server where you store queries used by the job monitor.

An example directory is /domain/conf/OACSFiles/JobMonitorQueries/, where domain is the installed location of Order Administration.


Indicates whether you log all alerts generated by the job monitor.

Valid values:

Y = Log all alerts generated by the job monitor in the Alert Log.

N or blank = Do not log alerts generated by the job monitor.

Job Monitor Rules

Use the Work with Job Monitor Rules Screen to define monitor rules for a job. For each rule, you can define:

  • how often the system evaluates the rule to determine if its condition is met.

  • whether the system uses the last update date and time, the last transaction date and time, or query results to determine whether to act on the rule.

  • the type of action to perform if the rule’s conditions are met, such as:

    • receiving an email so that you can react to the condition.

    • running a periodic function. For example, you can define a job monitor rule that if the Controlling Async goes down, to run the periodic function that starts the Controlling Async. If you define a periodic function, you can also have the system notify you by email if the condition for the job monitor rule still exists after running the periodic function.

Job Monitor Queries

Create any queries for which you wish to receive an alert if the query results come back true. Once you create the query:

  • Store these queries in the directory defined for the JOB_MONITOR_QUERY_ DIRECTORY property.

  • Create a job monitor rule for the Query job monitor on the Work with Job Monitor Rules Screen. For this job monitor rule:

  • Select to Alert On Query and enter the name of the query that you created.

  • Define a schedule when the system determines if the query results come back true.

  • Define the action to take if the query results come back true.

Job Monitor Query Examples

Job Monitor Rule Query Example

receive an alert when the number of records in the billing data queue is equal to or greater than 100

select 'Y' from dual where (Select COUNT(*) from Billing_Header_Data_Queue)>=100

receive an alert if the number of running jobs for the INVTRAN_IN integration layer job is not equal to 3

select 'Y' from dual where (Select COUNT(*) from JenasysJob where jobName in (select ilq_job_name from Integration_Process_Queue where ILP_Process='INVTRAN_IN' and ILQ_Enabled='Y') and status='RUN')=3

receive an alert if no orders were created for the current date

select 'Y' from dual where (select COUNT(*) from Order_Header where CMP_Company=555 and OHD_Order_date=FNSYNONDATE)>0

Which Jobs are Monitored?

The table below lists the jobs you can monitor on the Work with Job Monitor Screen (WJMO). For each job, this table lists:

  • The name of the job.

  • The type of information collected for each job.

  • Heartbeat Only = the job is associated with a heartbeat that the system uses to verify that the job is still active. Currently, there are no jobs associated with a heartbeat only.

  • Transactions Only = the job processes transactions.

  • Heartbeat and Transactions = the job is associated with a heartbeat and processes transactions.

  • Query = the job runs queries not related to the other jobs listed on the Work with Job Monitor screen.

  • When the system collects the type of information.

  • The purpose of the job.

  • The menu option where you can work with the job.


  • If you have the same job running more than once; for example, you have multiple Billing Async jobs running at the same time, the job displays on the Work with Job Monitor Screen (WJMO) only once.

  • If you have the same integration layer job running more than once; for example, you have multiple stored value card activation jobs, each job displays on the Work with Job Monitor Screen (WJMO).

Job Information Collected Updated When


Use Background Job Control (MBJC) to review and work with these jobs.

BILL_ASYNC background job

Processes updates related to shipments and returns.See Working with the BILL_ASYNC Job

Heartbeat and Transaction date/time

Heartbeat date/time

The job reads the billing async data queue every 30 seconds.

Transaction date/time

The system reads a record from the billing async data queue.

Note:  The system also updates the heartbeat date/time and transaction date/time when you end the asyncs.

CNTL_ASYNC background job

Starts and ends each of the background ASYNC jobs. When you start the CNTL_ASYNC job, all of the background ASYNC jobs start; when you end the CNTL_ASYNC job, all of the background ASYNC jobs end. You cannot start or end an individual background ASYNC job.See Working with the CNTL_ASYNC Job

Heartbeat and Transaction date/time

Heartbeat date/time

The job reads the controlling async data queue every 30 seconds.

Transaction date/time

The system reads a record from the controlling async data queue.

Note:  The system also updates the heartbeat date/time and transaction date/time when you end the asyncs.

EBO_ASYNC background job

Updates the system tables with reservation and backorder information whenever the inventory level for a backordered item increases. Inventory levels for an item increase when you process inventory transactions, receive purchase orders, or transfer merchandise from suspense.See Working with the EBO_ASYNC Job

Heartbeat and Transaction date/time

Heartbeat date/time

The job reads the EBO async data queue every 30 seconds.

Transaction date/time

The system reads a record from the EBO async data queue.

Note:  The system also updates the heartbeat date/time and transaction date/time when you end the asyncs.

ORDR_ASYNC background job

Updates the system tables with order and demand information as orders are entered and maintained. See Working with the ORDR_ASYNC Job

Heartbeat and Transaction date/time

Heartbeat date/time

The job reads the order async data queue every 30 seconds.

Transaction date/time

The system reads a record from the order async data queue.

Note:  The system also updates the heartbeat date/time and transaction date/time when you end the asyncs.

OTHR_ASYNC background job

Updates the system tables with purchase order information when purchase orders are entered, maintained, or received. See Working with the OTHR_ASYNC Job

Heartbeat and Transaction date/time

Heartbeat date/time

The job reads the other async data queue every 30 seconds.

Transaction date/time

The system reads a record from the other async data queue.

Note:  The system also updates the heartbeat date/time and transaction date/time when you end the asyncs.


CUSTIN CWCustomer web service

Processes an Inbound Customer Message (CWCustomerIn received from an external system, such as a point-of-sale system.

For more information, see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Transactions Only date/time

Transaction date/time

The CWCustomer web service processes a CWCustomerIn message.

EMAILREQ CWEmailRequest web service

Processes an Email Request Message (CWEmailRequest) received from an integrated point-of-sale system.

Transactions Only date/time

Transaction date/time

The CWEmailRequest web service processes a CWEmailRequest message.

ORDERINAPI CWOrderIn web service

Processes an Inbound Order XML Message (CWORDERIN) received from an external system, such as a web storefront.

For more information, see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Transactions Only date/time

Transaction date/time

The CWOrderIn web service processes a CWOrderIn message.

PICKINAPI CWPickIn web service

Processes a CWPickIn XML Message received from a warehouse management system.

For more information, see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Transactions Only date/time

Transaction date/time

The CWPickIn web service processes a CWPickIn message.

RECEIPTIN CWReceiptIn web service

Processes a PO Receipt In XML Message (CWReceiptIn) received from a warehouse management system.

For more information, see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Transactions Only date/time

Transaction date/time

The CWReceiptIn web service processes a CWReceiptIn message.


Use Working with Drop Ship Background Jobs (WPBJ) to review and work with this job.


Processes transactions between Order Orchestration’s Drop Ship Manager and Order Administration in the Order Orchestration Drop Ship Integration.

Heartbeat and Transaction date/time

Heartbeat date/time

The job looks for transactions to process, based on the Delay Time defined for the job.

Transaction date/time

The job processes a transaction.


This list includes:

  • any outbound integration layer job that has program ILR0022 defined as its Outbound program, including any jobs that you create.

  • specific inbound integration layer jobs:









Use Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT) to review and work with these jobs.


At periodic intervals, processes deferred billing updates for records in the Invoice Header table whose Process Date field is 0. The Parameter defined for the BILLUPD periodic function how often the job processes the deferred billing updates. Example: If the Parameter is 60, the system looks for deferred billing updates to process every 60 seconds.See Delay Billing Updates (K85) for processing details. 

Heartbeat and Transaction date/time

Heartbeat date/time

The BILL_UPD job reads the IL Outbound Trigger table,  based on the Parameter defined for the periodic function.

Transaction date/time

The BILL_UPD job processes a billing transaction.

Note: This job is no longer associated with the IJCT process in Order Management System 21.2 or higher, or Order Administration.


Sends and receives order information and updates using Order Orchestration’s message formats; see Sample Order Orchestration Messages for examples.

Heartbeat and Transaction date/time

Heartbeat date/time

The BROKER job reads the IL Outbound Trigger table, based on the Outbound delay time defined for the job.

Transaction date/time

The BROKER job processes a broker transaction.


Sends and receives new order, pending cancellation requests, and other status updates using Order Orchestration’s message formats; see Sample Order Orchestration Messages for examples.

Heartbeat and Transaction date/time

Heartbeat date/time

The BROKER_ORD job reads the IL Outbound Trigger table, based on the Outbound delay time defined for the job.

Transaction date/time

The BROKER_ORD job processes a broker transaction.


Generates an outbound CWCustomerDownload XML message when you create, change, or delete a customer. See Generic Customer Download API for an overview.

For more information see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Heartbeat and Transaction date/time

Heartbeat date/time

The CUST_OUT job reads the IL Outbound Trigger table for CST customer download triggers, based on the Outbound delay time defined for the job.

Transaction date/time

The CUST_OUT job reads and processes a customer download trigger record in the IL Outbound Trigger table.


Receives a CustHistRequest for customer order history or information on a specific order, and generates a response (CWCUSTHISTOUT or CWORDEROUT). See Generic Customer History API for an overview.

For more information see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Transactions Only date/time

Transaction date/time updated when the job receives and processes a transaction.


Receives a CWCustomerInqRequest for information on one or more customers matching specific search criteria, and generates a CWCustomerInqResponse. See Generic Customer Inquiry (Search) API for an overview. 

For more information see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Transactions Only date/time

Transaction date/time updated when the job receives and processes a transaction.


Sends inventory availability information to another system in the CWInventoryDownload message. See Generic Inventory Download API for an overview.

For more information see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Heartbeat and Transaction date/time

Heartbeat date/time updated by reading the IL Outbound Trigger table. If the table is empty, the system sleeps for the Outbound delay time and then reads the table again.

Transaction date/time updated every time the system reads and processes a record in the IL Outbound Trigger table.


Receives a CWInventoryInquiryRequest for inventory availability on a specific item/SKU and generates a CWInventoryInquiryResponse. See Generic Customer Inquiry (Search) API for an overview. 

For more information see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Transactions Only date/time

Transaction date/time updated when the job receives and processes a transaction.


Sends invoice information in the CWInvoiceOut message to another system, such as a retail store, financial system, or warehouse management system. See Generic Invoice Download API for an overview. 

For more information see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Heartbeat and Transaction date/time

Heartbeat date/time updated by reading the IL Outbound Trigger table. If the table is empty, the system sleeps for the Outbound delay time and then reads the table again.

Transaction date/time updated every time the system reads and processes a record in the IL Outbound Trigger table.


Receives inventory transactions in the inCreateInvXaction message and updates inventory information, such as in the Item Location and Item Warehouse tables. Any errors create Item Transaction Error records. See Generic Inventory Transaction Upload for an overview. 

Transactions Only date/time

Transaction date/time updated when the job receives and processes a transaction.


Sends item and SKU information in the CWItemOut message to another system, such as a retail store or warehouse management system. See Generic Item Download API. 

Heartbeat and Transaction date/time

Heartbeat date/time updated by reading the IL Outbound Trigger table. If the table is empty, the system sleeps for the Outbound delay time and then reads the table again.

Transaction date/time updated every time the system reads and processes a record in the IL Outbound Trigger table.

ORDCLNUP Order Cleanup job

Rejects any orders that have been “abandoned” on the web storefront if, for example, the customer closes the browser window. This process uses the Time Limit for Suspended E-Commerce Orders (G43) system control value to determine the number of minutes to wait before rejecting an order. Only orders of the type specified in the E-Commerce Order Type (G42) system control value are eligible for cleanup. The system generates the E-Commerce Order Cleanup Log each time it deletes a suspended order. Each time the job rejects an order, it writes a record in the Deleted Order Table.

Heartbeat and Transaction date/time

Heartbeat date/time

The job looks for orders to clean up every minute. The system also updates the heartbeat date/time when the job deletes an order.

Transaction date/time

The job deletes an order.


Receives order line history activity for a specified order line on an order, based on XML messages from an external system, such as a warehouse management system. See Order Line History In API. 

For more information see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Transactions Only date/time

Transaction date/time updated when the job receives and processes a transaction.


Receives order transaction records for a specified order, based on XML messages from an external system, such as a warehouse management system. You can review the order transaction history records created on the Display Order History Screen. See Generic Order Transaction History API. 

For more information see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Transactions Only date/time

Transaction date/time updated when the job receives and processes a transaction.


Sends a Pick Message from Order Administration (CWPickOut) for each pick slip generated. See Generic Pick Out API for an overview. 

For more information see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Heartbeat and Transaction date/time

Heartbeat date/time updated by reading the IL Outbound Trigger table. If the table is empty, the system sleeps for the Outbound delay time and then reads the table again.

Transaction date/time updated every time the system reads and processes a record in the IL Outbound Trigger table.


Sends a CWPurchaseOrderOut message to a warehouse management system or an EDI vendor. See Generic Outbound Purchase Order API.

For more information see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Heartbeat and Transaction date/time

Heartbeat date/time updated by reading the IL Outbound Trigger table. If the table is empty, the system sleeps for the Outbound delay time and then reads the table again.

Transaction date/time updated every time the system reads and processes a record in the IL Outbound Trigger table.


Uses the CWServiceIn Web Service to receive the CWProcessIn message and submit the specified periodic process received from an external system.

For more information see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Transactions Only date/time

Transaction date/time updated when the CWServiceIn web service receives and processes a CWProcessIn message.


Sends a Return Authorization Outbound XML Message (CWReturnRAOut) when a return authorization is created, changed, or deleted. See Outbound Return API for an overview.

For more information see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Heartbeat and Transaction date/time

Heartbeat date/time updated by reading the IL Outbound Trigger table. If the table is empty, the system sleeps for the Outbound delay time and then reads the table again.

Transaction date/time updated every time the system reads and processes a record in the IL Outbound Trigger table.


Receives an Return Request Message (CWReturnIn) to create and process a return against a specified order line. Optionally, the process sends an Return Response Message (CWReturnOut) to the external system, indicating if the return processed successfully or if an error occurred. See Inbound Return API for an overview.

For more information see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Transactions Only date/time

Transaction date/time updated when the job receives and processes a transaction.


Sends a Stored Value Card Activation Request to a service bureau. The service bureau returns a Stored Value Card Activation Response to Order Administration. See Stored Value Card Purchase and Activation

Heartbeat and Transaction date/time

Heartbeat date/time updated by completing a stored value card activation transaction then then sleeping for 2 seconds.

Transaction date/time updated every time the SVC_OUT job processes an activation transaction.


Sends a Stored Value Card Authorization Reversal to the service bureau. The service bureau sends a Stored Value Card Authorization Reversal Response to Order Administration. See Stored Value Card Authorization Reversal.

Heartbeat and Transaction date/time

Heartbeat date/time updated by completing a stored value card authorization reversal transaction then sleeping for 2 seconds.

Transaction date/time updated every time the SVC_REVRSL job processes an authorization reversal transaction.


Sends a CWVendorOut message to another system, such as a retail store or warehouse management system. See Generic Vendor Download API.

For more information, see the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

Heartbeat and Transaction date/time

Heartbeat date/time updated by reading the IL Outbound Trigger table. If the table is empty, the system sleeps for the Outbound delay time and then reads the table again.

Transaction date/time updated every time the system reads and processes a record in the IL Outbound Trigger table.



Runs queries not related to the jobs listed on the Work with Job Monitor screen.

Query Only

The system does not update the heartbeat date/time or transaction date/time for this job. See Job Monitor Queries for more information on how to set up the Query job monitor.

Job Monitor Examples

Job Monitor Example: PICK_OUT

You want to be notified by email every day between 9AM and 5PM when the system does not update the Update Date and Update Time for the PICK_OUT integration layer job, indicating the job is no longer active. The system should send an email 2 minutes after the conditions for the job monitor rule are met (the update date and update time are NOT updated), and then check every 5 minutes to see if the rule’s conditions are still met. After 10 minutes, the system should send another email.

You create a job monitor rule with the following rule settings:

The system uses the following calculation to determine if the job monitor rule’s conditions are met: current time - alert after minutes > last update time.

At 9:05 the system checks to see if the job monitor rule’s conditions are met (the update date and time are not updated, indicating the job is not active). In this example, the PICK_OUT job is not active. The system sends a job monitor rule email to the specified To Email address and updates the Check date and Check time for the rule.

The job monitor rule sleeps for 5 minutes.

At 9:10 (9:05 + 5 minutes sleep), the system checks to see if the job monitor rule’s conditions are met (the update date and time are not updated, indicating the job is not active). In this example, the PICK_OUT job is not active. Because the 10 minute re-alert time has been reached, the system sends a job monitor rule email to the specified To Email address and updates the Check date and Check time for the rule.

At 9:15 (9:10 + 5 minute sleep), the system checks to see if the job monitor rule’s conditions are met (the update date and time are not updated, indicating the job is not active). In this example, the PICK_OUT job is not active; however, the Re-alert After interval has not been reached.

At 9:20 (9:15 + 5 minutes sleep), the system checks again. If the job monitor rule’s conditions are met again, the system generates the job monitor rule email, based on the Re-alert After interval.

Job Monitor Example: ORDER_IN

You want to be notified by email every day between 9AM and 5PM when the system does not update the Transaction Date and Transaction Time for the ORDER_IN integration layer job, indicating web orders are no longer being received. The system should send an email 15 minutes after the conditions for the job monitor rule are met (the transaction date and time are NOT updated, indicating a web order was not received in the last 15 minutes), and then check every 30 minutes to see if the rule’s conditions are still met. After 15 minutes, the system should send another email.

You create a job monitor rule with the following rule settings:

The system uses the following calculation to determine if the job monitor rule’s conditions are met: current time - alert after minutes > last transaction time.

At 9:15 the system checks to see if the job monitor rule’s conditions are met (the transaction date and time are not updated, indicating web orders are no longer being received). In this example, the conditions are met. The system sends a job monitor rule email to the specified To Email address and updates the Check date and Check time for the rule.

At 9:30 (9:15 + 15 minutes sleep) the system checks again, but the Re-alert After interval of 30 minutes has not yet been met.

At 9:45 (9:15 + 30 minutes total sleep), the system checks to see if the job monitor rule’s conditions are met (the transaction date and time are not updated, indicating web orders are no longer being received). In this example, the conditions are met and the 30 minute re-alert time has been reached. The system sends a job monitor rule email to the specified To Email address and updates the Check date and Check time for the rule.

Job Monitor Example: Query

You want to be notified by email every day between 9AM and 5PM when the number of unprocessed billing async records is equal to or greater than 500 records. The system should send an email 5 minutes after the query results are true, and then check every 10 minutes to see if the rule’s conditions are still met. After 30 minutes, the system should send another email.

You create the following query and place the query in the JOB_MONITOR_QUERY_ DIRECTORY:

select 'Y' from dual where (Select COUNT(*) from Billing_Header_Data_Queue )>=500

You create a job monitor rule with the following rule settings:

At 9:10, the system checks to see if the job monitor rule’s conditions are met (the results for the BILLINGRECORDS.TXT query in the JOB_MONITOR_QUERY_ DIRECTORY are Y, indicating there are 500 or more unprocessed billing async records). In this example, the query results are met. The system sends a job monitor rule email to the specified To Email address and updates the Check date and Check time for the rule.

The job monitor rule sleeps for 10 minutes.

At 9:20 (9:10 + 10 minutes sleep), the system checks to see if the job monitor rule’s conditions are met (the results for the BILLINGRECORDS.TXT query in the JOB_MONITOR_QUERY_ DIRECTORY are Y, indicating there are 500 or more unprocessed billing async records). However, the Re-alert After of 30 minutes has not yet elapsed.

At 9:30 (9:20 + 10 minutes sleep), the system checks In this example, the conditions are met and the 20 minute re-alert time has been reached. The system sends a job monitor rule email to the specified To Email address and updates the Check date and Check time for the rule.

Work with Job Monitor Screen (WJMO)

Purpose: Use this screen to review and work with the job monitor rules defined for a batch job.

How to display this screen: Enter WJMO in the Fast Path field at the top of any menu or select Job Monitor Status from a menu.

Column sort: You can sort on any column on this screen by clicking on the column name. An arrow pointing up displays next to the field when the values for the field display in ascending sequence; an arrow pointing down displays next to the field when the values for the field display in descending sequence.

Jobs first display on this screen in alphanumeric job name sequence.

  • To review the job with the most recent update, click on the Update Date field until an arrow pointing down displays next to it to display jobs in descending update date sequence.

  • To review the job with the most recent transaction, click on the Transaction Date field until an arrow pointing down displays next to it to display jobs in descending transaction date sequence.

Field Description

Job Name

The name of the job. Place your cursor over the job name to determine if the job is associated with a heartbeat and/or transactions.

  • Heartbeat Only = the job is associated with a heartbeat that the system uses to verify that the job is still active. Currently, there are no jobs associated with a heartbeat only.

  • Transactions Only = the job processes transactions.

  • Heartbeat and Transactions = the job is associated with a heartbeat and processes transactions.

  • Query = this job runs queries not related to the other jobs listed on the Work with Job Monitor screen.

See Which Jobs are Monitored? for a list of jobs that display on this screen and whether the job is associated with a heartbeat and/or transactions.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Update Date

The date when a heartbeat was last processed for the job to verify that the job is still active.

If the job also processes transactions, the system also updates this field when a transaction is processed.

Note:  If a job uses a heartbeat and processes transactions, the update date and time may be different from the transaction date and time.

Numeric, 8 positions (in user date format); display-only.

Update Time

The time when a heartbeat was last processed for the job to verify that the job is still active.

If the job also processes transactions, the system also updates this field when a transaction is processed.

Note:  If a job uses a heartbeat and processes transactions, the update date and time may be different from the transaction date and time.

Numeric, 6 positions (HH:MM:SS format); display-only.

Transaction Date

The date when a transaction was last processed by the job.

Note:  If a job uses a heartbeat and processes transactions, the update date and time may be different from the transaction date and time.

Numeric, 8 positions (in user date format); display-only.

Transaction Time

The time when a transaction was last processed by the job.

Note:  If a job uses a heartbeat and processes transactions, the update date and time may be different from the transaction date and time.

Numeric, 6 positions (HH:MM:SS format); display-only.


The menu option where you can work with the job.

Click on this value to advance to the specified menu option.


Indicates whether any condition rules are defined for the job.

Once rules are defined for a job, the color of the Rules icon changes to blue (Rules Icon).

Screen Option Procedure

Work with the condition rules defined for a job

In the Action drop down list, select Rules for a job to advance to the Work with Job Monitor Rules Screen.

Note:  Once rules are defined for a job, the color of the Rules icon changes to blue (Rules Icon).

Refresh the screen with the most recent Update DateUpdate TimeTransaction Date, and Transaction Time

Select Refresh.

Display all jobs in the Job Monitor Status, including jobs that were previously hidden

Select Show All.

Note:  You can use the Hide Job option on the Work with Job Monitor Rules Screen to hide a job so that it does not display on the Work with Job Monitor Screen (WJMO).

Work with Job Monitor Rules Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to define monitoring rules for a job. When these rules are met, you can have the system:

  • Notify you by email.

  • Run a periodic function, and if the conditions for the rule are still met after the defined sleep time, send an email when the re-alert time is reached.

The condition rules can be based on the last update date and time, the last transaction date and time, or query results.


If job monitoring does not run on the application server (the ALLOW_JOB_ MONITOR property for the application server is set to N), the only option on this screen is to display a rule’s settings.

How to display this screen: In the Action drop down list, select Rules for a job on the Work with Job Monitor Screen (WJMO).

Column sort: You can sort on the Rule and Status columns on this screen by clicking on the column name. An arrow pointing up displays next to the field when the values for the field display in ascending sequence; an arrow pointing down displays next to the field when the values for the field display in descending sequence.

Field Description

Job Name

The name of the job associated with the monitoring rules. This is the job you selected on the Work with Job Monitor Screen (WJMO).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


The name of the job monitor rule.


When you schedule a job monitor rule, the system uses the first 10 positions of the rule name as the job name that displays on the Scheduled Jobs Screen.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.


Indicates how often the system monitors the job to see if it meets the rule’s conditions, based on the Frequency, Start Time, and End Time defined for the rule on the Create Job Monitor Rule Screen.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


The status of the job monitor rule.

Valid statuses are:

  • Unscheduled = The rule has been created, but it not in use.

  • Scheduled = The rule has been created and scheduled, but is not currently running.

  • Running = The rule is actively running.

  • Ending = The rule is in the process of ending.

Alphanumeric, display-only.

Check Date

The date when the system last compared this rule to the monitoring information for the job to determine if the rule’s conditions are met.

Numeric, 8 positions (in user date format); display-only.

Check Time

The time when the system last compared this rule to the monitoring information for the job to determine if the rule’s conditions are met.

Numeric, 6 positions (HH:MM:SS format); display-only.

If you are reviewing the Work with Job Monitor Rules screen from an application server

Screen Option Procedure

Create a job monitor rule

Select Create to advance to the Create Job Monitor Rule Screen.

Hide this job from the Work with Job Monitor Screen (WJMO)

Select Hide Job.

Note:  To redisplay this job, including all other jobs that are hidden, select Show All on the Work with Job Monitor Screen (WJMO).

Review a job monitor rule

Select Display in the Action column for a job monitor rule to advance to the Display Job Monitor Rule screen. All fields on this window are display-only. See the Create Job Monitor Rule Screen for field descriptions.

Note:  This option is available if the status of the job is Unscheduled, Scheduled, Running, or Ending.

Change a job monitor rule

Note:  This option is available only if the Status of the job monitor rule is Unscheduled.

Select Change in the Action column for a job monitor rule to advance to the Change Job Monitor Rule screen. See the Create Job Monitor Rule Screen for field descriptions.

Note:  This option is available if the status of the job is Unscheduled.

Run a job monitor rule

Note:  This option is available only if the Status of the job monitor rule is Unscheduled or Scheduled.

Select Start in the Action column for a job monitor rule to change its status to Running. At the Confirm window, select OK to start running the rule; otherwise, select Cancel.

Note:  This option is available if the status of the job is Unscheduled or Scheduled and the start time is met.

When you start a job monitor rule, the system changes the status of the job to Running.

Stop a job monitor rule

Note:  This option is available only if the Status of the job monitor rule is Running.

Select Stop in the Action column for a job monitor rule. At the Confirm window, select OK to stop running the rule; otherwise, select Cancel.

Note:  This option is available if the status of the job is Running.

When you stop a rule, the system changes its status from Running to Ending, and then to Unscheduled or Scheduled.

Schedule a job monitor rule

Note:  This option is available only if the Status of the job monitor rule is Unscheduled.

Select Schedule in the Action column for a job monitor rule to change its status to Scheduled. At the Confirm window, select OK to schedule the rule; otherwise, select Cancel.

Note:  This option is available if the status of the job is Unscheduled.

When you schedule a job monitor rule, the system displays the job on the Scheduled Jobs Screen. The first 10 positions of the job monitor rule name displays as the job name on the screen. If the job monitor rule runs a periodic process, the system also displays the periodic process on the Scheduled Jobs screen and schedules the periodic process to run 1 minute after the associated job monitor rule. Once the periodic process runs, the system removes it from the Scheduled Jobs screen.

Unschedule a job monitor rule

Select Unschedule in the Action column for a job monitor rule to change its status to Unscheduled. At the Confirm window, select OK to schedule the rule; otherwise, select Cancel.

Note:  This option is available if the status of the job is Scheduled.

Delete a job monitor rule

Select Delete in the Action column for a job monitor rule. At the Confirm window, select OK to delete the rule; otherwise, select Cancel.

Note:  This option is available if the status of the job is Unscheduled.

Create Job Monitor Rule Screen

Purpose: Use this window to define settings for a job monitor rule.

How to display this screen: Select Create on the Work with Job Monitor Rules Screen.

Field Description

Job Name

The name of the job associated with the monitoring rule. This is the job you selected on the Work with Job Monitor Screen (WJMO).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


The name of the job monitor rule.

Note:  When you schedule a job monitor rule, the system uses the first 10 positions of the rule name as the job name that displays on the Scheduled Jobs Screen.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; required.


How often the system monitors the job to see if it meets the rule’s conditions.

Valid values:

  • Daily: the system monitors the job for this rule every day.

  • Weekdays: the system monitors the job for this rule every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

  • Weekends: the system monitors the job for this rule every Saturday and Sunday.

  • Monday: the system monitors the job for this rule every Monday.

  • Tuesday: the system monitors the job for this rule every Tuesday.

  • Wednesday: the system monitors the job for this rule every Wednesday.

  • Thursday: the system monitors the job for this rule every Thursday.

  • Friday: the system monitors the job for this rule every Friday.

  • Saturday: the system monitors the job for this rule every Saturday.

  • Sunday: the system monitors the job for this rule every Sunday.

Alphanumeric; required.

Start Time

Defines the start time when the system monitors the job to see if it meets the rule’s conditions.

You must enter the start time in HHMMSS military format; for example, enter 07:00:00 to indicate a start time of 7 AM.

Note:  Valid entries are 00:00:00 - 23:59:59. The start time must be earlier than the end time.

Numeric, 6 positions; required.

End Time

Defines the end time when the system monitors the job to see if it meets the rule’s conditions.

You must enter the end time in HHMMSS military format; for example, enter 17:00:00 to indicate an end time of 5 PM.

Note:  Valid entries are 00:00:00 - 23:59:59. The end time must be later than the start time.

Numeric, 6 positions; required.


The user ID associated with the job monitor rule.

The user ID defaults to the user that is creating or updating the rule, but you can override it.

User IDs are defined in and validated against the User table.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.

Alert On

Defines the factor the system evaluates to determine if the job meets the rule’s conditions.

Valid values:

  • Update Time: The system evaluates the job’s last update date and time to determine if the job meets the rule’s conditions.

  • Transaction Time: The system evaluates the job’s last transaction date and time to determine if the job meets the rule’s conditions.

  • Query: The system evaluates the results of the query specified for the rule to determine if the job meets the rule’s conditions.

Alphanumeric, required.


The name of the query whose results the system evaluates to determine if the job meets the rule’s conditions.

The query must be located in the directory defined in the JOB_MONITOR_QUERY_ DIRECTORY property.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; required if Alert On is set to Query.

Alert After

The number of minutes to wait before the system can initially generate an alert. Typically equal to or a multiple of the Sleep Time.


  • Alert After is set to 10 minutes

  • Sleep Time is set to 5 minutes

  • Start Time is set to 08:00.


  • Based on the Sleep Time, the system first evaluates the job’s status at 8:05 (5 minutes after the start time). The number of minutes specified as the Alert After has not passed.

  • Based on the Sleep Time, the system then evaluates again at 8:10, and at that point the Alert After has been met. The system generates the alert.

Note:  If the Sleep Time is greater than the Alert After time, the initial alert is not generated until the Sleep Time elapses. For example, if the Alert After is set to 5 minutes, but the Sleep Time is set to 10 minutes, the system does not check the job’s status until 10 minutes after the start time.

For more information: See Job Monitor Examples for more examples.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Sleep Time

The number of minutes to wait before checking or re-checking the condition to determine whether it is time to generate an alert. Used in combination with:

  • Alert After: How long to wait before generating the initial alert.

  • Re-alert After: How long to wait between checking whether to generate additional alerts.

The Alert Time and Re-alert After Time would typically be multiples of the Sleep Time. For example, if the Sleep Time is 5 minutes, the Alert Time and Re-alert After Time might be 10 minutes or 15 minutes.

See Alert After, above, and Re-alert After, below, for examples. Also, see Job Monitor Examples for more examples.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Re-alert After

The number of minutes to wait before generating an alert after the initial alert is generated. Typically equal to or a multiple of the Sleep Time.


  • Sleep Time is set to 5 minutes

  • Alert After is set to 5 minutes

  • Start Time is set to 8:00

  • Re-alert After is set to 10 minutes.


  • The system first evaluates the job’s status at 8:05 (based on the Sleep Time) and generates the first alert (based on the Alert After time of 5 minutes).

  • The system checks again at 8:10 (based on the Sleep Time) and finds that the Re-alert After time has not elapsed.

  • The system then checks again at 8:15 (based on the Sleep Time) and finds that the Re-alert After time has elapsed, so it generates another alert.

  • The next time that another alert will be generated is 8:25.

  • The system continues to check every 5 minutes, and generates the re-alert each time an additional 10 minutes has passed.

For more information: See Job Monitor Examples for more examples.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Action Type

Defines the type of action to take when the job meets the rule’s conditions.

Valid values:

  • Email: Send an email to the specified To Email.

  • Periodic Process: Run the specified periodic process. Note: When the Action Type is Periodic Process, define a From Email AliasSubjectTo Email, and Email Text to have the system send an email alert if the condition for the job monitor rule still exists after running the periodic function. The system will continue to send an email alert until the condition is no longer met or the end time is met.

Alphanumeric, required.

Periodic Process

The code for the periodic process to run.

Periodic processes are defined in and validated against the Periodic Process table.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required if Action Type is Periodic Process.

Process Company

The code for the company to run the periodic process.

Company codes are defined in and validated against the Company table.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

From Email Alias

The “from” email alias to display with the “from” address for emails, for example, My Email Alias <>. The actual “from” address is set by Oracle and cannot be changed.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; required if Action Type is Email.


The subject of the job monitor rule email.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions; required if Action Type is Email.

To Email

The list of email addresses that receive the job monitor rule email. Each email address entered must be separated by a semi-colon (;).

For example:; See WJMOEmail Address Validation

Alphanumeric, 200 positions; required if Action Type is Email.

Email Text

The text to display in the body of the job monitor rule email.

Alphanumeric, 255 positions; required if Action Type is Email.