Establishing Custom Special Handling Formats (WSHF)

Purpose: Use the Special Handling Format table to define the contents of the custom special handling screen that displays in Order Entry. Custom special handling differs from standard special handling in that you can define required fields, offer additional features with a special charge, and specify valid values for input fields that the system will validate in Order Entry.

Overview: To display the custom special handling screen in Order Entry, you must first define the format. You then associate the format with an additional charge code. You can then define that additional charge code for the Item/Offer or Item/SKU/Offer.

See Special Handling Overview for more information on how special handling works.

Setup: There are three basic steps to setting up a custom special handling format:

  1. Select Create on the Work with Special Handling Format Screen to define the new format.
  2. Select Work with details for the new format to define the fields to display in Order Entry, then select Create to create each field.
  3. Enter valid responses for each field that you want the system to validate in Order Entry. Later, you can designate a default response by using the Change option on the Work with Special Handling Format Detail Screen.

Suppressing screen display in order entry: You can use the Suppress S/H window for the additional charge code to prevent the Work with Custom Special Handling Screen from opening automatically in order entry. You might want to suppress display in order to automatically add a charge to the Handling bucket on an order without requiring the order entry operator to complete or accept the information on the special handling screen.

Sending custom special handling instructions in the order API: See the personalization_line element in the CWOrderIn message for information on how to pass custom special handling instructions through the order API in the Order Administration Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (ID 2953017.1).

In this topic:

For more information:

Work with Special Handling Format Screen

How to display this screen: Enter WSHF in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Work with Special Handling Format from a menu.

Field Description

This code identifies the special format.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.


The description of the special format.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.


A code used to indicate whether the special format is active.

Valid codes are:

  • Active
  • Inactive

The system issues a message in Order Entry when you enter an item that uses an inactive special handling format and it will not accept the item on the order.



Controls whether the system will include items to receive this type of special handling in extract files. If an outside service performs special handling for you, you might want to use these tables to transmit the information to them.

The system generates these tables when you generate pick slips. In order to generate the tables for custom special handling items, both this field and the Generate Custom Special Handling File (D66) system control value must be selected.

Valid values:

  • Yes = Include items to receive this type of special handling in the custom special handling extract.
  • No = Do not include items to receive this type of special handling in the custom special handling extract.



Indicates whether to automatically put an order line on hold when it uses this special handling format.

YES = When you create an order line using this format, or apply this format to an existing order line, the system puts the order line on hold.

NO = The system does not automatically put an order line on hold when it uses this special handling format.

See Putting a Line on Hold through a Special Handling Format.

Screen Option Procedure

Create a special handling format

Select Create to advance to the Create Special Handling Format Screen.

Change a special handling format

Select Change for a special handling format to advance to the Change Special Handling Format screen. You can change any information on this screen except the format code. See Create Special Handling Format Screen for field descriptions.

You can change or delete a special handling format at any time without affecting existing orders.

Delete a special handling format

Select Delete for a special handling format.

Display a special handling format

Select Display for a special handling format to advance to the Display Special Handling Format screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Special Handling Format Screen for field descriptions.

Change, delete, display or create the actual screen format, or define appropriate responses for fields on the custom special handling screen

Select Work with details for a special handling format to advance to the Work with Special Handling Format Detail Screen.

Create Special Handling Format Screen

Purpose: At this screen, you can create and define the characteristics of a custom special handling screen.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Special Handling Format Screen.

Field Description
S/H format code (Special handling format code)

A code to identify the special format.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions.

Create screen: required.

Change screen: display-only.


The description of the special format.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; required.


This code indicates if the special format is active.

Valid values:

  • Active
  • Inactive

The system issues a message in Order Entry when you enter an item that uses an inactive special handling format and it will not accept the item on the order.


S/H extract

This flag controls whether the system will include items to receive this type of special handling in extract files. If an outside service performs special handling for you, you might want to use these tables to transmit information to them.

The system generates these tables when you generate pick slips. In order to generate the tables for custom special handling items, both this field and the Generate Custom Special Handling File (D66) system control value must be selected.

  • Selected = Include items to receive this type of special handling in the custom special handling extract.
  • Unselected = Do not include items to receive this type of special handling in the custom special handling extract.
S/H hold

Indicates whether to automatically put an order line on hold when it uses this special handling format.

Selected = When you create an order line using this format, or apply this format to an existing order line, the system puts the order line on hold.

Unselected = The system does not automatically put an order line on hold when it uses this special handling format.

See Putting a Line on Hold through a Special Handling Format.

Work with Special Handling Format Detail Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create, change, display, or delete the actual format of a custom special handling screen or to define appropriate responses for fields on the screen.

How to display this screen: Select Work with details for a special handling format at the Work with Special Handling Format Screen.

Field Description
Special format code

A code used to identify the special format, carried over from the Work with Special Handling Format Detail Screen. You enter this code in the S/H format field in the Additional Charge Code table to link a custom special handling format screen to a type of special handling.

The description associated with the special handling format appears to the right of the code.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Field label

The name of the input field as it appears on the Work with Custom Special Handling Screen in Order Entry.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; display-only.

Valid responses

The valid values you have defined for the input field. If the field will accept any response in Order Entry without validation, this field will be blank on the Work with Special Handling Format Screen.

Responses appear on this screen separated by commas. The Work with Special Handling Format screen may not display all responses if there is not sufficient room.

Alphanumeric, 45 positions; display-only.

Default response

The value to appear automatically in the input field on the special handling screen in Order Entry. Enter the same response in the Valid responses field, above. You can override the default value in order entry.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

F/O (Feature option)

Indicates whether the input field is a feature option. A feature option is an extra feature that can be added to the item, possibly for an additional charge.

Define the price and cost for the custom special handling in a required feature option field to add the base price of the special handling to the order and the base cost to the drop ship purchase order. You can also define additional feature options, with or without additional costs; the price and/or cost will be added to the order as long as you enter a valid value in the input field in order entry.

  • Y = Feature option
  • N = Not a feature option


Req (Required)

Indicates whether entry in the input field is required in Order Entry.

  • Y = Required
  • N = Not required.


Default text

This code allows you to select text from the Customer Sold-to table to default onto a Custom Special Handling Detail Line in Order Entry/Order Maintenance. Each code is associated with specific text. For example, selecting code 4 will default the first name, middle initial and last name of the sold-to customer onto a special handling detail line. The first 14 characters of the description appear to the right of the default text code. Any default text overrides valid responses. You cannot use default responses.

Valid values are:

  • First Name: 15 positions
  • Middle Initial: 1 position
  • Last Name: 25 positions
  • First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name: 41 positions
  • Company Name: 30 positions
  • Street Address: 32 positions
  • Apartment Number: 10 positions
  • Address Line 2: 32 positions
  • Address Line 3: 32 positions
  • Address Line 4: 32 positions
  • City: 25 positions
  • State Code: 2 positions
  • Zip Code: 10 positions
  • City, State, Zip Code: 37 positions
  • Country Code: 3 positions
  • Prefix: 3 positions
  • Suffix: 3 positions
  • Daytime Phone Number: 14 positions
  • Evening Phone Number: 14 positions
  • Mobile\Fax Phone Number: 14 positions


The Third Phone Number Type (L53) system control value determines whether the third phone number is labeled the Fax or Mobile number on screens and reports.


Screen Option Procedure

Add a field to the custom special handling format screen

Select Create to advance to the Create Special Handling Format Detail Screen.

Change a field on the custom special handling format screen

Select Change for a field to advance to the Change Special Handling Format Detail screen. You can change any information on this screen except the format code. See Create Special Handling Format Detail Screen for field descriptions.

Delete a field on the custom special handling format screen

Select Delete for a field.

Display a field on the custom special handling format screen

Select Display for a field to advance to the Display Special Handling Format Detail screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See Create Special Handling Format Detail Screen for field descriptions.

Change, delete, display or create the appropriate responses for a field on the custom special handling screen

Select Responses for a field to advance to the Work with Special Format Response Screen.

Change, delete, display, or create rules that control the application of special handling details for an item on an order

Select Rules for a field to advance to the Work with Special Format Rules Screen.

Adjust the sequence of the fields on the custom special handling screen

Select Resequence to update the structure of the custom special handling screen based on the specified sequence.

Create Special Handling Format Detail Screen

Purpose: At this screen, you can define the characteristics of a field that appears on the custom special handling screen.

How to display this screen: At the Work with Special Handling Format Detail Screen, select Create.

Field Description
Special format code

A code used to identify the special format, carried over from the Work with Special Handling Format Detail Screen. You enter this code in the S/H format field in the Additional Charge Code table to link a custom special handling format screen to a type of special handling.

The description associated with the special handling format appears to the right of the code.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Display sequence

This code controls the order in which the input fields display on the Work with Custom Special Handling Screen in order entry. The fields display in ascending numeric sequence.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Field label

The name of the input field as it appears on the Work with Custom Special Handling Screen in order entry.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; required.

Required field

This flag indicates whether entry in the input field is required in order entry.

  • Selected = Required
  • Unselected = Not required
Feature option

This flag indicates whether the input field is a feature option. A feature option is an extra feature that can be added to the item, possibly for an additional charge.

Define the price and cost for the custom special handling in a required feature option field to add the base price of the special handling to the order and the base cost to the drop ship purchase order. You can also define additional feature options, with or without additional costs; the price and/or cost will be added to the order as long as you enter a valid value in the input field in order entry.

  • Selected = Feature option
  • Unselected = Not a feature option
Default price

Use this field to define the unit price to charge the customer for the feature option. This amount defaults to the Work with Custom Special Handling Screen in order entry if the Feature option flag is selected. Except in the case of an override as listed below, the system adds this price to the total handling charge on the order if the customer purchases the feature option.

You can override the default price:



The Evaluate Special Handling Charges by Order Line (D67) system control value controls whether the handling charge added to the order is based on the number of order lines with special handling or on the total unit quantity.

You can enter a price only if the Feature option flag is selected and the Default price % field is blank. This is not a required field, even for feature options.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Default price %

Use this field to define the percentage used to calculate the price of the feature option. Except in the case of an override as listed below, the system adds this price to the total handling charge on the order if the customer purchases the feature option. The percentage is calculated based on the selling price of the item.

You can override the default price:

  • in the S/H price field for the item offer or SKU offer: see Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM) for information on creating item offers and SKU offers
  • in order entry if you have authority to do so, based on the Enter or Override Personalization Charge (A40) secured feature.


The Evaluate Special Handling Charges by Order Line (D67) system control value controls whether the handling charge added to the order is based on the number of order lines with special handling or on the total unit quantity.

You can enter a price percentage only if the Feature option flag is selected and the Default price field is blank.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Default cost

The unit cost of the feature option for drop ship purchase orders. This cost does not display in order entry or on pick slips; it is the amount that you pay the vendor for the special handling.


When a special handling format is set to suppress display in order entry, the system creates a purchase order detail line for the special handling only if there is a default response specified for the special handling detail line.

You can complete this field only if the Feature option flag is selected and the Default cost % field is blank.

Numeric, 13 positions with a 4-place decimal; optional.

Default cost %

A percentage used to compute the cost of the item for drop ship purchase orders, determined as follows:

Cost percentage * Item cost = Unit cost

This cost does not display in order entry or on pick slips; it is the amount that you pay the vendor for the special handling.


When a special handling format is set to suppress display in order entry, the system creates a purchase order detail line for the special handling only if there is a default response specified for the special handling detail line.

You can complete this field only if the Feature option flag is selected and the Default cost field is blank.

Numeric, 5 positions with a 2-place decimal; optional.

Default text

Allows you to select text from the customer record to default onto a custom special handling detail line in order entry. Each code is associated with specific text. For a list of the codes and the default text associated with each code, see Work with Special Handling Format Detail Screen.


Max # characters

Indicates the maximum number of characters allowed for this special handling detail line. You can define any number from 0 to 45. If you define 0 as the maximum number, it is treated as a blank field and allows the maximum 45 characters to be used. The value you select will display to the right of this field.

Text cannot exceed the maximum number of characters allowed in the special format detail table. A message similar to the following displays if your entry exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed in the special format detail table:

Exceeds Maximum Characters Allowed

If the Include Spaces in Special Handling Edit for Maximum Characters (F80) system control value is selected, the system includes spaces in the edit to determine the maximum number of characters allowed for a custom special handling input field.


Example: When this system control value is selected, the Exceeds Maximum Characters Allowed error message indicates if a user enters Paws and Claws Limited Supplies in an input field that is set up with a maximum character length of 30 positions. If this system control value is unselected, the system would not display the error message since the number of characters not including spaces is 27.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.

Cross reference

A code used to cross reference between the special handling format detail in Order Administration and the element's code on the manufacturing system. The manufacturing system records this cross reference code in the Order Special Format table when a special format defined with this code is used in order entry.

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; optional.

Work with Special Format Response Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create, change or delete valid responses of fields that appear on the custom special handling screen.

You need to enter responses only if you want the system to validate responses for this field in order entry. Any default text used overrides valid responses in Order Entry/Order Maintenance. Otherwise, this screen displays only free-form entry fields for valid responses. Enter one response per line.

How to display this screen: This screen appears automatically after you create a Special Handling Format Detail record. You can also display this screen by selecting Responses for an existing Detail record at the Work with Special Handling Format Detail Screen.

Defining responses: To create valid responses for a field on the custom special handling screen, enter one desired response(s) per line. A second line, labeled desc, is available under the first line for entry of the description of the valid response. This description is displayed in order entry if the Display Special Format Response Descriptions in Order Entry (E90) system control value is selected.

Entering response descriptions is helpful if you use codes to represent valid responses. For example, if you identify the color black with the code 8859, order entry operators can identify code 8859 as black by referring to the valid response description field.


If the Enter Custom Special Handling in Upper and Lower Case (D65) system control value is selected, you can enter case-sensitive responses in this field in Order Entry.

You can define an unlimited number of responses for a field by selecting Next to display additional input fields on the Work with Special Format Response screen (not all responses may appear, however, on the Work with Special Format Detail screen).

If you enter any valid responses on this screen, the system validates responses in Order Entry against your entries here.

Responses for feature options: When defining responses for a feature option, remember that the system adds the price defined for the feature option to the order if you enter any valid response in Order Entry.

You can use a required feature option to add the price of the basic special handling to the order. You can then add additional feature options if desired, with or without associated prices.

Identifying a default response: You can define a default response for the field by selecting Change for the detail record. Enter the desired default in the Default response field on the Change Special Format screen. The system validates your entry against the responses you have previously defined for the field.

Displaying responses: Select Responses for a Detail record at the Work with Special Handling Format Detail Screen to review the valid responses for a field on the custom special handling screen.

Changing or deleting: Select Resequence at the Work with Special Format Response Screen to update or delete a response.

Type over the existing value to update the response or Tab through the response to delete it.

Work with Special Format Rules Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to work with rules to validate the custom special handling instructions for order lines that use a particular custom special handling format.

Why set up rules? Setting up rules for a complex special handling format helps you prevent the customer or CSR from entering special handling instructions that are inconsistent, impractical, or otherwise invalid. For example, for if monogramming is optional, but there are additional requirements when monogramming is selected, setting up rules can help prevent problems in creating the special handling instructions.

What do rules consist of? Each rule includes:

  • an IF statement that identifies whether the rule applies, for example: If the pocket style for a shirt is equal to “no pocket”
  • a THEN statement that specifies the rule to apply, for example: then the monogram location cannot be “pocket”

More rule examples:

  • If the cuff type for a shirt is any value (not blank), then the sleeve length must not be 0 (short sleeve)
  • If the cuff type for a shirt is blank (no cuff style specified), then the sleeve length must be 0 (short sleeve)
  • If the monogram for a shirt is any value (not blank), then the monogram style must also be any value (not blank)

What if the special handling format violates a rule?

  • Order entry: When you select Accept at the Work with Custom Special Handling Screen, the screen displays an error message such as MGM LOCATION - center pocket response is not valid for POCKET - no pocket. You need to fix the error before accepting the special handling for the item. If there are multiple errors, the screen displays each error individually, and you need to fix each error before accepting.
  • Order API: If the special handling instructions do not conform to a rule, the order line is put in error status with an error code of GA: SH Resp fail defined rule.


All existing validation, such as maximum number of characters, still occurs when you use special handling format rules.

Setting up rules is optional.

This image shows how to work with special formatting rules.
Field Description
Special format code

The code and description of the special handling format that you selected from the Work with Special Handling Format Screen.

Code: alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Description: alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

IF statement

The IF statement determines whether to apply the rule.

If special handling detail

The Field label for the special handling detail you selected at the Work with Special Handling Format Detail Screen. The IF statement must be based on the selected detail.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; display-only.


The test you are using to evaluate whether the special handling rule applies. Possible tests are:

Any Value = Apply the rule if the entry for the special handling detail for the order line is not blank

Blank = Apply the rule if there is no entry for the special handling detail on the order line

Not Equal To = Apply the rule unless the entry for the order line matches the value for the IS statement

Equal To = Apply the rule if the entry for the order line matches the value for the IS statement


The response you are using to qualify the special handling rule based on whether the special handling entry matches or does not match a particular value. You can specify a response value only if the IS operator is set to Not Equal To or Equal To. Typically, you use this field to select one of the responses you set up at the Work with Special Format Response Screen.

Example: Apply the rule if the pocket style is equal to “no pocket,” where:

  • pocket style is the Field label for the special handling detail you selected at the Work with Special Handling Format Detail Screen
  • Equal To is the operator you selected at the IS field
  • no pocket is a valid response for the special handling detail

You cannot enter a value here if the IS operator is set to Any Value or Blank.

  • Determining whether a response is a match occurs regardless of case; a value of BLACK is the same as a value of black.
  • You can enter a value, rather than selecting it from the valid responses, only if you have not set up any responses with the Work with Special Format Response Screen.
THEN statement

The THEN statement defines the rule to apply.

Then special handling detail

Select the Field label for the special handling detail that is affected by the rule.

Example: If the font is blank, then the monogram must be blank, where:

  • font is the special handling detail from the IF statement (the IF special handling detail)
  • BLANK is the operator for the IF statement
  • monogram is the Field label for the special handling detail selected here
  • Blank is the operator selected at the MUST BE field, below.

You can select the Field label for any of the special handling details set up for the custom special handling format you are working with except for the IF special handling detail.


The operator that applies to the entry for the Then special handling detail. Possible operators are:

Any Value = The entry for the Then special handling detail cannot blank

Blank = The entry for the Then special handling detail must be blank

Not Equal To = The entry for the Then special handling detail must not match the value for the THEN statement

Equal To = The entry for the Then special handling detail must match the value for the THEN statement


The response that either must match (Equal To) or cannot match (Not Equal To) the response on the order. If the MUST BE operator is set to Not Equal To or Equal To, use this field to select one of the responses you set up at the Work with Special Format Response Screen.

Example: The cuff style must be equal to “no cuff” where:

  • cuff style is the Field label for the special handling detail you selected at the Work with Special Handling Format Detail Screen
  • Equal To is the operator you selected at the MUST BE field
  • no cuff is a valid response for the special handling detail

You cannot select a value here if the IS operator is set to Any Value or Blank.

  • Determining whether a response is a match occurs regardless of case; a value of BLACK is the same as a value of black.
  • You can enter a value, rather than selecting it from the valid responses, only if you have not set up any responses with the Work with Special Format Response Screen.