Credit Card Net Exchange Billing

Credit card net exchange billing allows the system to hold the credit invoice for a return to net it against the debit invoice for the associated exchange in order to reduce the number of transactions that occur for an exchange. The system uses the automatically created EXC Net Billing for Exchanges deferred payment option to determine how long to delay billing the customer’s credit card, based on the invoice date and the # of days for deferral defined for the EXC payment option.

Examples of net exchange billing: The remaining amount after the system performs credit card netting determines whether the system charges or credits the customer’s credit card.

Type of Exchange Example

Even exchange

Credit invoice for returned item = $50.00

Debit invoice for exchange item = $50.00

During deposits, the system nets the credit invoice containing the returned item against the debit invoice containing the exchange item to determine the remaining amount to deposit:

50.00 debit - 50.00 credit = 0.00 balance 

The system does not charge or credit the customer’s credit card. See CC Net Example: Even Exchange for more details.

Uneven exchange for less expensive item

Credit invoice for returned item = $100.00

Debit invoice for exchange item = $60.00

During deposits, the system nets the credit invoice containing the returned item against the debit invoice containing the exchange item to determine the remaining amount to deposit:

100.00 credit - 60.00 debit = 40.00 credit 

The system credits the customer’s credit card $40.00. See CC Net Example: Uneven Exchange for Less Expensive Item for more details.

Uneven exchange for more expensive item

Credit invoice for returned item = $100.00

Debit invoice for exchange item = $140.00

During deposits, the system nets the credit invoice containing the returned item against the debit invoice containing the exchange item to determine the remaining amount to deposit:

140.00 debit - 100.00 credit = 40.00 debit 

The system charges the customer’s credit card $40.00. See CC Net Example: Uneven Exchange for More Expensive Item for more details.

Eligible orders: An order is eligible for net exchange billing if:

Accepting an exchange transaction on an order eligible for net exchange billing: When you accept an exchange transaction on an order eligible for net exchange billing, the system:

  • updates the ODT Seq # field in the RA Exchange Item table with the order detail sequence number of the exchange item added to the order in order to link the exchange item to the associated returned item.

  • creates a manual authorization for the return amount, using the authorization code defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value. The expiration date for the manual authorization is based on the Reauthorization days defined for the credit card pay type.

  • places the associated refund on hold and updates the Hold until date based on the # of days for deferral defined for the EXC deferred payment option. The system holds the refund for this number of days to allow time for the system to net the credit invoice containing the return item against the debit invoice containing the exchange item.

Billing an exchange transaction flagged for net exchange billing: When the exchange transaction is processed through billing, the system:

  • creates the credit invoice and assigns the EXC deferred payment option to the invoice. The system considers a credit invoice pending net exchange billing if the Invoice Payment Method record contains the EXC deferred payment option code in the FPO Payment Code and the credit invoice has not yet been deposited (the Deposit created date for the Invoice Payment Method record is blank).

  • updates the Deposit Release Date for the Invoice Payment Method record for the credit invoice with the calculated release date using the current date + the # of days for deferral defined for the EXC payment option. The deposit release date indicates when the deposit is eligible for processing; the system will not process the credit invoice until its deposit release date has been reached.

Reviewing the order in Order Inquiry: When reviewing orders flagged for net exchange billing:

  • EXC displays under the Line # field on the Order Inquiry Detail Screen for the order detail line that contains the return item to indicate the returned item is associated with an exchange item. Note: The system identifies the order detail line that contains the exchange item by the associated Order Line History record that contains the exchange reason code. You can review order line history on the Display Order Line History Screen.

  • the Net Bill field on the Display Invoices Screen for the credit invoice displays an asterisk, indicating the credit invoice is currently pending for net exchange billing. The system considers a credit invoice pending for credit card net exchange billing if the Invoice Payment Method record contains the EXC deferred payment option code in the IPM FPO Payment Code and the credit invoice has not yet been deposited (the IPM Deposit created date is blank).

Reviewing the refund: When reviewing refunds flagged for net exchange billing:

Generating a pick for the exchange item: During pick slip generation for the exchange item, the system applies the manual authorization to the shippable amount and performs batch authorization for any remaining balance due.

Shipping and billing the exchange item: When the shipment for the exchange item is processed through billing, the system:

  • creates the debit invoice for the exchange item and assigns the EXC deferred payment option to the invoice.

  • updates the Invoice Payment Method record for the debit invoice:

    • the IPM Auth # contains the authorization code defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value.

    • the IPM Auth Date and IPM Deposit Release Date contain the current date.

  • updates the IPM Deposit Release Date for the credit invoice flagged for net exchange billing to the current date, releasing the credit invoice for netting.

  • processes the refund, even if the Hold until date for the refund has not been reached. However, the system does not print or email the credit card credit acknowledgment for the refund until the next time you run process refunds.

  • updates the Pay Plan Code field for the credit card pay type on the Display Order Pay Type Screen (2 of 2) with the EXC deferred flexible payment option.

Processing deposits: When you process deposits, the system nets the credit invoice containing the return item against the debit invoice containing the exchange item.

  • If the net difference is a credit, the system sends the credit invoice to the service bureau for settlement in order to refund the customer's credit card the net amount.

  • If the net difference is a debit, the system sends the debit invoice to the service bureau for settlement in order to charge the customer's credit card the net amount.

  • If the net difference is zero, the system does not send any invoice amount to the service bureau for settlement. No amount is applied to the customer's credit card.

Processing refunds: When you process refunds, the system defers the printing and emailing of credit card credit acknowledgments associated with refunds flagged for net exchange billing until the system nets the credit invoice containing the return item against the debit invoice containing the exchange item.

Once netting is performed, the system prints and emails credit card credit acknowledgments for refunds flagged for net exchange billing the next time you run process refunds. In addition, the Credit Card Credit Register displays an asterisk after the refund amount if the refund is flagged for net exchange billing.

The Display Refunds for Order Screen displays the amount of the refund that was processed.

  • If the net difference is a debit, the refund amount updates to .00.

  • If the net difference is a credit, the refund amount updates to the net credit amount.

  • If the net difference is zero, the refund amount updates to .00.

Reviewing order transaction history: The system creates the following Order Transaction History records during the net exchange process to help you understand the updates that have taken place. You can view these messages on the Display Order History Screen.

When the exchange transaction is accepted and processed through billing, the system creates records similar to the following:

Type Transaction Note Amt User


RA Credit pending processing











When you ship and bill the exchange item, the system creates records similar to the following:

Type Transaction Note Amt User


CC Crd for inv# 1014 processed-deferred


your default user


Pick# 0003977 Billed on Invoice# 0001015



When you process deposits, the system creates a record similar to the following:

Type Transaction Note Amt User


Refund amount netted to -40.00



Reviewing order payment history: The system creates the following Order Payment History records during the net exchange process to help you understand the updates that have taken place. You can view these messages on the Display Order Payment History Screen.

When the exchange transaction is accepted, the system creates records similar to the following:

Type Note Inv User


Inv# 1014 created for $100.00-




with a deposit release date of 20815.



When you ship and bill the exchange item, the system creates records similar to the following:

Type Note Inv User


Inv# 1015 created for $60.00




with a deposit release date of 12915.



When you process deposits, the system creates records similar to the following:

Type Note Inv User


Pend Dep of $60.00 on INV1015 netted




against CRD1014 reducing to $40.00-.




Pend Dep of $60.00 on INV1015 netted




against CRD1014 reducing to $40.00-.




Deposit confirmed $ 40.00-.



Net exchange billing considerations:

  • An order is not eligible for net exchange billing if:

    • you return an item and then manually add an exchange item to the order.

    • the exchange item is soldout.

In these situations, the system does not link the exchange item with the return item and processes the return and exchange separately.

In this topic:

Credit Card Net Exchange Setup

Before you can use credit card net exchange billing, you must complete the required setup. Information requiring setup includes:

System Control Values for Credit Card Net Exchange Billing

System Control Value Description

Use CC Net Exchange Billing (M23)

Select this system control value if you want the system to net credit invoices with debit invoices before a deposit is sent to the service bureau for an invoice associated with an exchange.

Hold Days for CC Netting (M24)

Enter the number of days the system holds debit and credit invoices for credit card net exchange billing.

The system updates the # of days for deferral field for the EXC Net Billing for Exchanges flexible payment option record with this number. Any existing refunds and Invoice Payment Method records are not updated with the new hold days.

Note:  Net exchange billing does not work unless this system control value is set to a number greater than 0.

Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25)

Enter the authorization code the system uses when creating a manual authorization to allow for the netting of invoices during the credit card net exchange process.

Preload Deposits (L78)

Deselect this system control value if the Use CC Net Exchange Billing (M23) system control value is selected. You cannot use preload deposit processing if you are using Credit Card Net Exchange Billing.

EXC Net Billing for Exchanges Flexible Payment Option

The system creates the EXC Net Billing for Exchanges flexible payment option automatically if you select the Use CC Net Exchange Billing (M23) system control value for use during the Credit Card Net Exchange process. You cannot change or delete this flexible payment option or use this flexible payment option for deferred/installment billing. The default settings for the EXC flexible payment option are described below; see Working with Flexible Payment Options (WFPO) for more information on flexible payment options.

This flexible payment option is deleted automatically if you deselect the Use CC Net Exchange Billing (M23) system control value.

Field Description

Payment Code

Delivered as EXC.


Delivered as Net Billing for Exchanges.


Delivered as Deferred, indicating the system defers depositing the amount the customer owes for an order shipment for a specified period of time.


Does not apply to net exchange billing.


Does not apply to net exchange billing.

Expiration Date

Does not apply to net exchange billing.

View in OE/OM

Delivered as unselected, since the EXC Net Billing for Exchanges flexible payment option is not an available selection during deferred/installment billing.

Restrict to entity

Delivered as 0, indicating the flexible payment option is not restricted to a specific entity.

Auth full amount

Delivered as unselected since this field is not used during the credit card net exchange process.

Merchant ID Message

Delivered blank since this field is not used during the credit card net exchange process.

Ship Complete

Delivered as unselected since this field is not used during the credit card net exchange process.

Display Summary

Delivered as unselected since this field is not used during the credit card net exchange process.

Auto apply

Delivered as No auto apply since this field is not used during the credit card net exchange process.

Validate CC ext dt

Delivered as unselected since this field is not used during the credit card net exchange process.

Pick Message

Delivered blank since this field is not used during the credit card net exchange process.

Deferred Values


# of days for deferral

Delivered as 0. The system updates this field with the number of days you enter in the Hold Days for CC Netting (M24) system control value. This is the number of days the system holds debit and credit invoices for credit card net exchange billing. The system also uses this number to determine the manual authorization date during Credit Card Net Exchange Billing.

Based On

Delivered as Invoice Dt, indicating the system uses the invoice (billing) date and # of days for deferral field to calculate the deposit date.

Fixed deferral date

Delivered as 0 since this field is not used during the credit card net exchange process.

Installment Values

The # Of Installments, Interval, and Fixed Installment day fields are set to 0 for the EXC flexible payment option.

Qualification Values

The Offer and Item fields are blank and the Minimum Amt and Pay Type fields are set to 0 for the EXC flexible payment option.

Credit Card Net Exchange Edit in Work with Pay Types (WPAY)

If the Use CC Net Exchange Billing (M23) system control value is selected, you cannot define an Alternate refund type or Alternate refund category for a Credit Card Pay type category pay type; the system displays an error message: Alt refund type/category not allowed with CC Net Exchange Billing.

Also, if an alternate refund type or alternate refund category is defined for an existing pay type, the system will ignore the alternate refund values and instead perform credit card net exchange billing for eligible orders.

CC Net Example: Even Exchange

The system performs the following steps during credit card net exchange processing when the returned item is the same price as the exchange item. In this example, no other items besides the exchange item are added to the order.

# Step


The customer places an order for an item for $100.00. The item is picked, shipped, and billed. The order is processed through deposits.


The customer returns the item for $100.00 to exchange it for another item for the same price ($100.00). The exchange item is in-stock and reserved on the order. The customer also adds another item for $30.00 to the order.


When the return and exchange transaction is accepted and billed, the system:

  • updates the ODT Seq # field in the RA Exchange Item table with the order detail sequence number of the exchange item added to the order.

  • creates a manual authorization for the return amount ($100.00) using the authorization code defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value. The expiration date for the manual authorization is based on the Reauthorization days defined for the credit card pay type.

  • creates a refund for $100.00 in a held status and updates the Hold until date with the calculated hold days using the current date + the # of days for deferral defined for the EXC flexible payment option.

  • creates a credit invoice for the returned item for $100.00 and updates the Invoice Payment Method record for the credit invoice:

    • the FPO Payment Code contains the EXC flexible payment option code.

    • t the Deposit Release Date is calculated using the current date + the # of days for deferral defined for the EXC flexible payment option.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History records that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    RTN AUTH RA Credit pending processing 100.00 KBROWN

    AUTH            MANUAL AUTH# DETECTED - CCNET       100.00     OEPICKAUTH

    SHIPMENT        CREDIT BILLED ON INVOICE# 0001011   100.00-    KBROWN

  • creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    B Inv# 1011 created for $100.00-                   1011     KBROWN

    B     with a deposit release date of 20715             1011     KBROWN


You run pick slip generation for the exchange item.


You ship and bill the exchange item and additional item.

The system:

  • creates a debit invoice for $100.00 for the exchange item and updates the Invoice Payment Method record for the debit invoice:

    • the IPM Auth # contains the authorization code defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value.

    • the IPM Auth Date contains the current date.

    • the IPM FPO Payment Code field contains the EXC flexible payment option code.

    • the IPM Deposit Release Date contains the current date.

  • releases the credit invoice for netting, updating the IPM Deposit Release Date to the current date.

  • processes the refund. However, the system does not print or email the credit card credit acknowledgment for the refund until the next time you run process refunds.

  • updates the Pay Plan Code field for the credit card pay type on the Display Order Pay Type 2 screen with the EXC flexible payment option code.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History records that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    REFUND   CC Crd for inv# 1011 processed-deferred   100.00  your default user

    SHIPMENT Pick# 0003974 Billed on Invoice# 0001012 100.00   KBROWN

  •  creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    B     Inv# 1012 created for $100.00                    1012     KBROWN

    B     with a deposit release date of 12815             1012     KBROWN


You process deposits.

The system:

  • nets the credit invoice containing the return item with the debit invoice containing the exchange item. In this example, the net difference is zero. No funds are credited or deposited.

  • updates the Refund amount on the Display Refunds for Order Screen to .00.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History record that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    REFUND        Refund amount netted to 0.00                    KBROWN

  • creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    N     Pend Dep of $100.00 on CRD1011 netted                  1011     KBROWN

    N     against INV1012 reducing to $00.00.                    1011     KBROWN

    N     Pend Dep of $100.00 on CRD1011 netted                  1012     KBROWN

    N     against INV1012 reducing to $00.00.                    1012     KBROWN

CC Net Example: Even Exchange Plus Additional Item

The system performs the following steps during credit card net exchange processing when the returned item is the same price as the exchange item. In this example, an additional item for $30.00 is added to the order.

# Step


The customer places an order for an item for $100.00. The item is picked, shipped, and billed. The order is processed through deposits.


The customer returns the item for $100.00 to exchange it for another item for the same price ($100.00). The exchange item is in-stock and reserved on the order. The customer also adds another item for $30.00 to the order.


When the return and exchange transaction is accepted and billed, the system:

  • updates the ODT Seq # field in the RA Exchange Item table with the order detail sequence number of the exchange item added to the order.

  • creates a refund for $100.00 in a held status and updates the Hold until date with the calculated hold days using the current date + the # of days for deferral defined for the EXC flexible payment option.

  • creates a credit invoice for the returned item for $100.00 and updates the Invoice Payment Method record for the credit invoice:

    • the IPM FPO Payment Code field contains the EXC flexible payment option code.

    • the IPM Deposit Release Date is calculated using the current date + the # of days for deferral defined for the EXC flexible payment option.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History records that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    RTN AUTH RA Credit pending processing 100.00 KBROWN

    MAINT Order was maintained 130.00 KBROWN


  • creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    B Inv# 1033 created for $100.00- 1033 KBROWN

    B with a deposit release date of 30115 1033 KBROWN


You run pick slip generation for the exchange item and additional item. The system:

  • creates a manual authorization for the return amount ($100.00) using the authorization number defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value. The authorization date is the current date and the expiration date for the manual authorization is based on the Reauthorization days defined for the credit card pay type.

  • performs batch authorization for the additional item ($30.00) added to the order.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History record that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    AUTH            MANUAL AUTH# DETECTED - CCNET       100.00     AUTH


You ship and bill the exchange item and additional item.

The system:

  • creates a debit invoice for $130.00 for the exchange item ($100.00) and the additional item ($30.00). The system also updates the Invoice Payment Method record for the debit invoice:

    • the IPM Auth # contains the authorization code defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value.

    • the IPM Auth Date contains the current date.

    • the IPM FPO Payment Code field contains the EXC Net Billing for Exchanges flexible payment option code.

    • the IPM Deposit Release Date contains the current date.

  • releases the credit invoice for netting, updating the IPM Deposit Release Date to the current date.

  • processes the refund. However, the system does not print or email the credit card credit acknowledgment for the refund until the next time you run process refunds.

  • updates the Pay Plan Code field for the credit card pay type on the Display Order Pay Type 2 screen with the EXC flexible payment option code.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History records that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    REFUND CC Crd for inv# 1033 processed-deferred 100.00 your default user

    SHIPMENT Pick# 0004031 Billed on Invoice# 0001034 130.00 KBROWN

  •  creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    B Inv# 1034 created for $130.00 1034 KBROWN

    with a deposit release date of 21915 1034 KBROWN


You process deposits.

The system:

  • nets the credit invoice containing the return item with the debit invoice containing the exchange item. In this example, the net difference is $30.00 for the additional item added to the order. The system processes the debit invoice for $30.00.

  • updates the Refund amount on the Display Refunds for Order Screen to .00.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History record that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    REFUND        Refund amount netted to 0.00                    KBROWN

  • creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    N     Pend Dep of $100.00 on CRD1033 netted                  1033     KBROWN

    N     against INV1034 reducing to $30.00.                    1033     KBROWN

    N     Pend Dep of $100.00 on CRD1033 netted                  1034     KBROWN

    N     against INV1034 reducing to $30.00.                    1034     KBROWN

    D     Deposit confirmed $ 30.00                              1034     KBROWN

CC Net Example: Uneven Exchange for Less Expensive Item

The system performs the following steps during credit card net exchange processing when the exchange item is less expensive than the return item. In this example, no other items besides the exchange item are added to the order.

# Step


The customer places an order for an item for $100.00. The item is picked, shipped, and billed. The order is processed through deposits.


The customer returns the item for $100.00 to exchange it for a less expensive item ($60.00).


When the return and exchange transaction is accepted and billed, the system

  • updates the ODT Seq # field in the RA Exchange Item table with the order detail sequence number of the exchange item added to the order.

  • creates a manual authorization for the return amount ($100.00) using the authorization number defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value. The expiration date for the manual authorization is based on the Reauthorization days defined for the credit card pay type.

  • creates a refund for $100.00 in a held status and updates the Hold until date with the calculated hold days using the current date + the # of days for deferral defined for the EXC flexible payment option.

  • creates a credit invoice for the returned item for $100.00 and updates the Invoice Payment Method record for the credit invoice:
    • the IPM FPO Payment Code field contains the EXC flexible payment option code.

    • the IPM Deposit Release Date is calculated using the current date + the # of days for deferral defined for the EXC flexible payment option.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History records that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    RTN AUTH RA Credit pending processing 100.00 KBROWN

    MAINT          Order was maintained                      60.00  KBROWN

    AUTH           MANUAL AUTH# DETECTED - CCNET            100.00  OEPICKAUTH

    SHIPMENT       CREDIT BILLED ON INVOICE# 0001036.       100.00- KBROWN 

  • creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    B      Inv# 1036 created for $100.00-           1036 KBROWN

    B      with a deposit release date of 30115.    1036 KBROWN


You run pick slip generation for the exchange item


You ship and bill the exchange item and additional item.

The system:

  • creates a debit invoice for $60.00 for the exchange item. The system also updates the Invoice Payment Method record for the debit invoice:

    • the IPM Auth # contains the authorization code defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value.

    • the IPM Auth Date contains the current date.

    • the IPM FPO Payment Code field contains the EXC flexible payment option code.

    • the IPM Deposit Release Date contains the current date.

  • releases the credit invoice for netting, updating the IPM Deposit Release Date to the current date.

  • processes the refund. However, the system does not print or email the credit card credit acknowledgment for the refund until the next time you run process refunds.

  • updates the Pay Plan Code field for the credit card pay type on the Display Order Pay Type 2 screen with the EXC flexible payment option code.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History records that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    REFUND   CC Crd for inv# 1036 processed-deferred 100.00    your default user

    SHIPMENT Pick# 0004037 Billed on Invoice# 0001037 60.00    KBROWN

  •  creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    B      Inv# 1037 created for $60.00             1037    KBROWN 

    B      with a deposit release date of 21915.    1037    KBROWN


You process deposits.

The system:

  • nets the credit invoice containing the return item with the debit invoice containing the exchange item. In this example, the net difference is a 40.00 credit. The system processes the credit invoice for 40.00.

  • updates the refund amount to 40.00 to reflect the actual amount refunded to the customer’s credit card. You can review the updated amount on the Display Refunds for Order Screen.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History record that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    REFUND    Refund amount netted to  -40.00                      KBROWN   

  • creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    N     Pend Dep of $60.00  on INV1037  netted      1037    KBROWN   

    N     against CRD1036  reducing to $40.00- .      1037    KBROWN   

    N     Pend Dep of $60.00  on INV1037  netted      1036    KBROWN 

    N     against CRD1036  reducing to $40.00- .      1036    KBROWN

    D     Deposit confirmed $ 40.00-                  1036    KBROWN   

CC Net Example: Uneven Exchange for Less Expensive Item Plus Ship Alone Item; Invoices Not Consolidated

The system performs the following steps during credit card net exchange processing when the exchange item is less expensive than the return item. In this example, the customer also orders an additional ship alone item for $30.00. The Consolidated Invoice (B49) system control value is unselected.

# Step


The customer places an order for an item for $100.00. The item is picked, shipped, and billed. The order is processed through deposits.


The customer returns the item for $100.00 to exchange it for a less expensive item ($60.00). The customer also adds a ship alone item for $30.00 to the order.


When the return and exchange transaction is accepted and billed, the system

  • updates the ODT Seq # field in the RA Exchange Item table with the order detail sequence number of the exchange item added to the order.

  • creates a manual authorization for the return amount ($100.00) using the authorization number defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value. The expiration date for the manual authorization is based on the Reauthorization days defined for the credit card pay type.

  • creates a refund for $100.00 in a held status and updates the Hold until date with the calculated hold days using the current date + the # of days for deferral defined for the EXC flexible payment option.

  • creates a credit invoice for the returned item for $100.00. The system also updates the Invoice Payment Method record for the credit invoice:
    • the IPM FPO Payment Code field contains the EXC flexible payment option code.

    • the IPM Deposit Release Date is calculated using the current date + the # of days for deferral defined for the EXC flexible payment option.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History records that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    RTN AUTH RA Credit pending processing 100.00 KBROWN

    MAINT          Order was maintained                      90.00  KBROWN

    AUTH           MANUAL AUTH# DETECTED - CCNET            100.00  OEPICKAUTH

    SHIPMENT       CREDIT BILLED ON INVOICE# 0001039.       100.00- KBROWN 

  • creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    B      Inv# 1039 created for $100.00-           1039 KBROWN

    B      with a deposit release date of 30115.    1039 KBROWN


You run pick slip generation for the exchange item ($60.00) and ship alone item ($30.00). The system generates a separate pick slip for each item.


You ship and bill the exchange item and ship alone item.

The system:

  • creates a debit invoice for $60.00 for the exchange item. The system also updates the Invoice Payment Method record for the debit invoice:

    • the IPM Auth # contains the authorization code defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value.

    • the IPM Auth Date contains the current date.

    • the IPM FPO Payment Code field contains the EXC flexible payment option code.

    • the IPM Deposit Release Date contains the current date.

  • creates a debit invoice for $30.00 for the ship alone item. The system also updates the Invoice Payment Method record for the debit invoice:

    • the IPM Auth # contains the authorization code defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25)v system control value.

    • the IPM Auth Date contains the current date.

    • the IPM FPO Payment Code field contains the EXC flexible payment option code.

    • the IPM Deposit Release Date contains the current date.

  • releases the credit invoice for netting, updating the IPM Deposit Release Date to the current date.

  • processes the refund. However, the system does not print or email the credit card credit acknowledgment for the refund until the next time you run process refunds.

  • updates the Pay Plan Code field for the credit card pay type on the Display Order Pay Type 2 screen with the EXC flexible payment option code.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History records that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    REFUND   CC Crd for inv# 1039 processed-deferred   100.00  your default user

    SHIPMENT Pick# 0004039 Billed on Invoice# 0001040   60.00  KBROWN

    SHIPMENT Pick# 0004040 Billed on Invoice# 0001041   30.00  KBROWN

  •  creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    B     Inv# 1040 created for $60.00                     1040   KBROWN

    B     with a deposit release date of 21915             1040   KBROWN

    B     Inv# 1041 created for $30.00                     1041   KBROWN

    B     with a deposit release date of 21915             1041   KBROWN


You process deposits.

The system:

  • nets the credit invoice containing the return item with the debit invoices containing the exchange item and ship alone item. In this example, the net difference is a 10.00 credit (100.00 credit invoice - 60.00 debit invoice - 30.00 debit invoice = 10.00 credit) The system processes the credit invoice for 10.00.

  •   updates the refund amount to 10.00 to reflect the actual amount refunded to the customer’s credit card. You can review the updated amount on the Display Refunds for Order Screen.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History record that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    REFUND    Refund amount netted to  -40.00                      KBROWN   

  • creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    N     Pend Dep of $60.00 on INV1040 netted                   1040     KBROWN

    N     against CRD1039 reducing to $40.00-.                   1040     KBROWN

    N     Pend Dep of $60.00 on INV1040 netted                   1039     KBROWN

    N     against CRD1039 reducing to $40.00-.                   1039     KBROWN

    N     Pend Dep of $30.00 on INV1041 netted                   1041     KBROWN

    N     against CRD1039 reducing to $10.00-.                   1041     KBROWN

    N     Pend Dep of $30.00 on INV1041 netted                   1039     KBROWN

    N     against CRD1039 reducing to $10.00-.                   1039     KBROWN

    D     Deposit confirmed $ 10.00-                             1039     KBROWN

CC Net Example: Uneven Exchange for Less Expensive Item Plus Ship Alone Item; Invoices Consolidated

The system performs the following steps during credit card net exchange processing when the exchange item is less expensive than the return item. In this example, the customer also orders an additional ship alone item for $30.00. The Consolidated Invoice (B49) system control value is selected.


In Order Management System 21.0 or higher, or Order Administration, you cannot select the Consolidated Invoice system control value if it is not already selected. If the system control value is currently selected (set to Y) and you deselect it (change it to N or blank), you cannot then change it back to selected. The option to consolidate invoices will be removed at a later date.
# Step


The customer places an order for an item for $100.00. The item is picked, shipped, and billed. The order is processed through deposits.


The customer returns the item for $100.00 to exchange it for a less expensive item ($60.00). The customer also adds a ship alone item for $30.00 to the order.


When the return and exchange transaction is accepted and billed, the system

  • updates the ODT Seq # field in the RA Exchange Item table with the order detail sequence number of the exchange item added to the order.

  • creates a manual authorization for the return amount ($100.00) using the authorization number defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value. The expiration date for the manual authorization is based on the Reauthorization days defined for the credit card pay type.

  • creates a refund for $100.00 in a held status and updates the Hold until date with the calculated hold days using the current date + the # of days for deferral defined for the EXC flexible payment option.

  • creates a credit invoice for the returned item for $100.00. The system also updates the Invoice Payment Method record for the credit invoice:
    • the IPM FPO Payment Code field contains the EXC flexible payment option code.

    • the IPM Deposit Release Date is calculated using the current date + the # of days for deferral defined for the EXC flexible payment option.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History records that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    RTN AUTH        RA Credit pending processing        100.00     KBROWN

    MAINT           Order was maintained                 90.00     KBROWN

    AUTH            MANUAL AUTH# DETECTED - CCNET       100.00     OEPICKAUTH

    SHIPMENT        CREDIT BILLED ON INVOICE# 0001043   100.00-    KBROWN

  • creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    B     Inv# 1043 created for $100.00-                   1043    KBROWN

    B     with a deposit release date of 30115             1043    KBROWN


You run pick slip generation for the exchange item ($60.00) and ship alone item ($30.00). The system generates a separate pick slip for each item.


You ship and bill the exchange item and ship alone item.

The system:

  •  creates a debit invoice for $90.00 for the exchange item and ship alone item (60.00 exchange item + 30.00 ship alone item). The system also updates the Invoice Payment Method record for the debit invoice:

    • the IPM Auth # contains the authorization code defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value.

    • the IPM Auth Date contains the current date.

    • the IPM FPO Payment Code field contains the EXC flexible payment option code.

    • the IPM Deposit Release Date contains the current date.

  • releases the credit invoice for netting, updating the IPM Deposit Release Date to the current date.

  • processes the refund. However, the system does not print or email the credit card credit acknowledgment for the refund until the next time you run process refunds.

  • updates the Pay Plan Code field for the credit card pay type on the Display Order Pay Type 2 screen with the EXC Net Billing for Exchanges flexible payment option code.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History records that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    REFUND CC Crd for inv# 1043 processed-deferred     100.00  your default user

    SHIPMENT Pick# 0004042 Billed on Invoice# 0001044   60.00  KBROWN

    SHIPMENT Pick# 0004043 Billed on Invoice# 0001044   30.00  KBROWN

  •  creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    B     Inv# 1044 created for $60.00                     1044   KBROWN

    B     with a deposit release date of 21915             1044   KBROWN

    B     Inv# 1044 created for $60.00                     1044   KBROWN

    B     with a deposit release date of 21915             1044   KBROWN


You process deposits.

The system:

  • nets the credit invoice containing the return item with the debit invoice containing the exchange item and ship alone item. In this example, the net difference is a 10.00 credit (100.00 credit invoice - 90.00 debit invoice = 10.00 credit). The system processes the credit invoice for 10.00.

  • updates the refund amount to 10.00 to reflect the actual amount refunded to the customer’s credit card. You can review the updated amount on the Display Refunds for Order Screen.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History record that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    REFUND        Refund amount netted to -10.00                    KBROWN

  • creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    N Pend Dep of $90.00  on INV1044  netted   1044 KBROWN

    N against CRD1043  reducing to $10.00- .   1044 KBROWN

    N Pend Dep of $90.00  on INV1044  netted   1043 KBROWN

    N against CRD1043  reducing to $10.00- .   1043 KBROWN

    D Deposit confirmed $ 10.00-               1043 KBROWN

CC Net Example: Uneven Exchange for More Expensive Item

The system performs the following steps during credit card net exchange processing when the exchange item is more expensive than the return item. In this example, no other items besides the exchange item are added to the order.

# Step


The customer places an order for an item for $100.00. The item is picked, shipped, and billed. The order is processed through deposits.


The customer returns the item for $100.00 to exchange it for a more expensive item ($140.00).


When the return and exchange transaction is accepted and billed, the system

  • updates the ODT Seq # field in the RA Exchange Item table with the order detail sequence number of the exchange item added to the order.

  • creates a manual authorization for the return amount ($100.00) using the authorization number defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value. The expiration date for the manual authorization is based on the Reauthorization days defined for the credit card pay type.

  • creates a refund for $100.00 in a held status and updates the Hold until date with the calculated hold days using the current date + the # of days for deferral defined for the EXC flexible payment option.

  • creates a credit invoice for the returned item for $100.00. The system also updates the Invoice Payment Method record for the credit invoice:
    • the IPM FPO Payment Code field contains the EXC flexible payment option code.

    • the IPM Deposit Release Date is calculated using the current date + the # of days for deferral defined for the EXC flexible payment option.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History records that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    RTN AUTH     RA Credit pending processing             100.00    KBROWN  

    MAINT        Order was maintained                     140.00    KBROWN

    SHIPMENT     CREDIT BILLED ON INVOICE# 0001046.       100.00-   KBROWN  

  • creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    B    Inv# 1046 created for $100.00-           1046    KBROWN

    B    with a deposit release date of 30515.    1046    KBROWN


You run pick slip generation for the exchange item.

During pick slip generation, the system:

  • creates a manual authorization for the return amount ($100.00) using the authorization number defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value. The expiration date for the manual authorization is based on the Reauthorization days defined for the credit card pay type.

  • performs batch authorization for the exchange amount that is not covered by the authorized amount already on the order. In this example, the system performs batch authorization for $40.00 since the order already was authorized for $100.00 for the item that was returned.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History records that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    AUTH            MANUAL AUTH# DETECTED - CCNET       100.00     AUTH


You ship and bill the exchange item and ship alone item.

The system:

  •  creates a debit invoice for $90.00 for the exchange item and ship alone item (60.00 exchange item + 30.00 ship alone item). The system also updates the Invoice Payment Method record for the debit invoice:

    • the IPM Auth # contains the authorization code defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value.

    • the IPM Auth Date contains the current date.

    • the IPM FPO Payment Code field contains the EXC flexible payment option code.

    • the IPM Deposit Release Date contains the current date.

  • releases the credit invoice for netting, updating the IPM Deposit Release Date to the current date.

  • processes the refund. However, the system does not print or email the credit card credit acknowledgment for the refund until the next time you run process refunds.

  • updates the Pay Plan Code field for the credit card pay type on the Display Order Pay Type 2 screen with the EXC Net Billing for Exchanges flexible payment option code.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History records that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    REFUND   CC Crd for inv# 1046 processed-deferred   100.00  your default user

    SHIPMENT Pick# 0004045 Billed on Invoice# 0001047  140.00  KBROWN  

  •  creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    B     Inv# 1047 created for $140.00            1047   KBROWN

    B     with a deposit release date of 22315.    1018   KBROWN


You process deposits.

The system:

  • nets the credit invoice containing the return item with the debit invoice containing the exchange item. In this example, the net difference is 40.00. The system processes the debit invoice for 40.00.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History record that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    REFUND        Refund amount netted to 0.00                    KBROWN

  • creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

     N Pend Dep of $100.00  on CRD1046  netted  1046 KBROWN 

     N against INV1047  reducing to $40.00 .    1046 KBROWN   

     N Pend Dep of $100.00  on CRD1046  netted  1047 KBROWN   

     N against INV1047  reducing to $40.00 .    1047 KBROWN   

    D Deposit confirmed $ 40.00-               1047 KBROWN

CC Net Example: Uneven Exchange for More Expensive Item Plus Ship Alone Item, Invoices Not Consolidated

The system performs the following steps during credit card net exchange processing when the exchange item is more expensive than the return item. In this example, the customer also orders an additional ship alone item for $30.00. The Consolidated Invoice (B49) system control value is unselected.

# Step


The customer places an order for an item for $100.00. The item is picked, shipped, and billed. The order is processed through deposits.


The customer returns the item for $100.00 to exchange it for a more expensive item ($140.00) and also adds a ship alone item for $30.00.


When the return and exchange transaction is accepted and billed, the system

  • updates the ODT Seq # field in the RA Exchange Item table with the order detail sequence number of the exchange item added to the order.

  • creates a manual authorization for the return amount ($100.00) using the authorization number defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value. The expiration date for the manual authorization is based on the Reauthorization days defined for the credit card pay type.

  • creates a refund for $100.00 in a held status and updates the Hold until date with the calculated hold days using the current date + the # of days for deferral defined for the EXC flexible payment option.

  • creates a credit invoice for the returned item for $100.00. The system also updates the Invoice Payment Method record for the credit invoice:
    • the IPM FPO Payment Code field contains the EXC flexible payment option code.

    • the IPM Deposit Release Date is calculated using the current date + the # of days for deferral defined for the EXC flexible payment option.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History records that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    RTN AUTH        RA Credit pending processing        100.00     KBROWN

    MAINT           Order was maintained                170.00     KBROWN

    SHIPMENT        CREDIT BILLED ON INVOICE# 0001049   100.00-    KBROWN  

  • creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    B    Inv# 1046 created for $100.00-           1046    KBROWN

    B    with a deposit release date of 30515.    1046    KBROWN


You run pick slip generation for the exchange item.

During pick slip generation, the system:

  •  creates a manual authorization for the return amount ($100.00) using the authorization number defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value. The expiration date for the manual authorization is based on the Reauthorization days defined for the credit card pay type.

  •   performs batch authorization for the amount that is not covered by the manual authorization amount already on the order. In this example, the system processes a separate batch authorization for $40.00 for the exchange item and $30.00 for the ship alone item.

  •   creates the following Order Transaction History records that you can view on the Display Order History screen:



You ship and bill the exchange item and ship alone item.

The system:

  • creates a debit invoice for $140.00 for the exchange item. The system also updates the Invoice Payment Method record for the debit invoice:

    • the IPM Auth # contains the authorization code defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value.

    • the IPM Auth Date contains the current date.

    • the IPM FPO Payment Code field contains the EXC flexible payment option code.

    • the IPM Deposit Release Date contains the current date.

  • creates a debit invoice for $30.00 for the ship alone item. The system also updates the Invoice Payment Method record for the debit invoice:

    • the IPM Auth # contains the authorization code defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value.

    • the IPM Auth Date contains the current date.

    • the IPM FPO Payment Code field contains the EXC flexible payment option code.

    • the IPM Deposit Release Date contains the current date.

  • releases the credit invoice for netting, updating the IPM Deposit Release Date to the current date.

  • processes the refund. However, the system does not print or email the credit card credit acknowledgment for the refund until the next time you run process refunds.

  • updates the Pay Plan Code field for the credit card pay type on the Display Order Pay Type 2 screen with the EXC Net Billing for Exchanges flexible payment option code.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History records that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    REFUND   CC Crd for inv# 1049 processed-deferred   100.00  your default user

    SHIPMENT Pick# 0004047 Billed on Invoice# 0001050  140.00  KBROWN 

    SHIPMENT Pick# 0004048 Billed on Invoice# 0001051   30.00  KBROWN 

  •  creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    B Inv# 1050 created for $140.00            1050 KBROWN   

    B with a deposit release date of 22315.    1050 KBROWN   

    B Inv# 1051 created for $30.00             1051 KBROWN   

    B with a deposit release date of 22315. 1051 KBROWN


You process deposits.

The system:

  •   nets the credit invoice containing the return item with the debit invoices containing the exchange item and ship alone item. In this example, the net difference is 40.00 (100.00 credit for return item- 140.00 debit for exchange item + 30.00 debit for ship alone item). The system processes the debit invoice for 30.00.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History record that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    REFUND        Refund amount netted to 0.00                    KBROWN

  • creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

     N Pend Dep of $100.00  on CRD1049  netted  1049 KBROWN 

     N against INV1050  reducing to $40.00 .    1049 KBROWN   

     N Pend Dep of $100.00  on CRD1049  netted  1050 KBROWN   

     N against INV1050  reducing to $40.00 .    1050 KBROWN   

    D Deposit confirmed $ 40.00-               1051 KBROWN

    D Deposit confirmed $ 30.00 1051 KBROWN

CC Net Example: Uneven Exchange for More Expensive Item Plus Ship Alone Item; Invoices Consolidated

The system performs the following steps during credit card net exchange processing when the exchange item is more expensive than the return item. In this example, the customer also orders an additional ship alone item for $30.00. The Consolidated Invoice (B49) system control value is selected.


In Order Management System 21.0 or higher, or Order Administration, you cannot select the Consolidated Invoice system control value if it is not already selected. If the system control value is currently selected (set to Y) and you deselect it (change it to N or blank), you cannot then change it back to selected. The option to consolidate invoices will be removed at a later date.
# Step


The customer places an order for an item for $100.00. The item is picked, shipped, and billed. The order is processed through deposits.


The customer returns the item for $100.00 to exchange it for a more expensive item ($140.00) and also adds a ship alone item for $30.00.


When the return and exchange transaction is accepted and billed, the system

  • updates the ODT Seq # field in the RA Exchange Item table with the order detail sequence number of the exchange item added to the order.

  • creates a manual authorization for the return amount ($100.00) using the authorization number defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value. The expiration date for the manual authorization is based on the Reauthorization days defined for the credit card pay type.

  •  creates a credit invoice for the returned item for $100.00. The system also updates Invoice Payment Method record for the credit invoice: the IPM FPO Payment Code field contains the EXC flexible payment option code and the IPM Deposit Release Date contains the calculated release date using the current date + the # of days for deferral defined for the EXC flexible payment option.

  •  creates the following Order Transaction History records that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

  • creates the following Order Transaction History records that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    RTN AUTH   RA Credit pending processing             100.00     KBROWN

    MAINT      Order was maintained                     170.00     KBROWN

    SHIPMENT   CREDIT BILLED ON INVOICE# 0001053.       100.00-    KBROWN     

  • creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    B Inv# 1053 created for $100.00-           1053 KBROWN   

    B with a deposit release date of 30615. 1053 KBROWN


You run pick slip generation for the exchange item.

During pick slip generation, the system:

  •  creates a manual authorization for the return amount ($100.00) using the authorization number defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value. The expiration date for the manual authorization is based on the Reauthorization days defined for the credit card pay type.

  •   performs batch authorization for the amount that is not covered by the manual authorization amount already on the order. In this example, the system processes a separate batch authorization for $40.00 for the exchange item and $30.00 for the ship alone item.

  •   creates the following Order Transaction History records that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    AUTH MANUAL AUTH# DETECTED - CCNET                    100.00  AUTH       


You ship and bill the exchange item and ship alone item.

The system:

  •   creates a debit invoice for $170.00 for the exchange item and ship alone item. The system also updates the Invoice Payment Method record for the debit invoice

    • the IPM Auth # contains the authorization code defined in the Default Auth Code for CC Netting (M25) system control value.

    • the IPM Auth Date contains the current date.

    • the IPM FPO Payment Code field contains the EXC flexible payment option code.

    • the IPM Deposit Release Date contains the current date.

  • releases the credit invoice for netting, updating the IPM Deposit Release Date to the current date.

  •   processes the refund for 100.00. However, the system does not print or email the credit card credit acknowledgment for the refund until the next time you run process refunds.

  • updates the Pay Plan Code field for the credit card pay type on the Display Order Pay Type 2 screen with the EXC flexible payment option code.

  • creates the following Order Transaction History records that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    REFUND   CC Crd for inv# 1053 processed-deferred   100.00  your default user

    SHIPMENT Pick# 0004051 Billed on Invoice# 0001054  140.00  KBROWN    

    SHIPMENT Pick# 0004052 Billed on Invoice# 0001054   30.00  KBROWN   

  •  creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

    B Inv# 1054 created for $140.00            1054 KBROWN   

    B with a deposit release date of 22415.    1054 KBROWN   

    B Inv# 1054 created for $170.00            1054 KBROWN   

    B with a deposit release date of 22415. 1054 KBROWN


You process deposits.

The system:

  •   nets the credit invoice containing the return item with the debit invoice containing the exchange item and ship alone item. In this example, the net difference is 70.00 (100.00 credit for return item- 170.00 debit for exchange item and ship alone item). The system processes the debit invoice for 70.00..

  • creates the following Order Transaction History record that you can view on the Display Order History screen:

    REFUND        Refund amount netted to 0.00                    KBROWN

  • creates the following Order Payment History records that you can view on the Display Order Payment History Screen:

     N Pend Dep of $100.00  on CRD1053  netted  1053 KBROWN   

     N against INV1054  reducing to $70.00 .    1053 KBROWN   

     N Pend Dep of $100.00  on CRD1053  netted  1054 KBROWN   

     N against INV1054  reducing to $70.00 .    1054 KBROWN      

    D Deposit confirmed $ 70.00 1054 KBROWN