3 Purchase Orders Menu

Purchase Order Inquiry

Purpose: Use the Purchase Order Inquiry screen to search for and review purchase orders.

How to display this screen: Select Purchase Order Inquiry from the Home Screen or the Purchase Orders drop-down menu if you have the required authority.

How to display purchase orders on this screen

When you first advance to the Purchase Order Inquiry screen, no purchase orders are displayed. Click Search to display purchase orders matching your search criteria or to refresh the purchase orders displayed.

View by purchase order or item: You can use the View Results By option to switch the information displayed:

  • Purchase Order: displays information about the entire purchase order, such as shipping address. With this view, if the purchase order includes more than one line, the Due Date displayed is the earliest original or revised due date for all unshipped, uncanceled items. This is the default view.
  • Item: displays information about the line(s) on the purchase order, such as your item number, the retailer’s item number, and the ordered quantity.

Most of the same information is displayed whether you view results by purchase order or by item. The information always displayed includes the purchase order number, the retailer’s order number, and the date when the retailer created (entered) the purchase order.

Sort order: The purchase orders are sorted first based on the retailer’s PO created (entered) date. Within that date, they are sorted by the date and time when the purchase order was submitted to you for fulfillment.

How to view purchase order updates? Click Search to refresh the screen and show current purchase order information.

Customer data replaced with asterisks? Customer data, including name, company, address, phone numbers, and email addresses, on closed purchase orders can be replaced with asterisks. Often, the retailer purges this data a specified number of days after the purchase order is shipped or canceled.

How many records displayed? The screen displays up to 500 purchase orders or items.

Option Procedure
search for purchase orders and display customer and other header-level information
  • Leave the View Results By option set to Purchase Order.
  • Optionally, you can enter any search criteria at the top of the screen. See below for descriptions.
  • Click Search.

The screen displays up to 500 purchase orders.

search for purchase orders, and include item information among the information displayed
  • Set the View Results By option to Item.
  • Optionally, you can enter any search criteria at the top of the screen. See below for descriptions.
  • Click Search.

The screen displays up to 500 lines on purchase orders.

Case: The enterable fields on this screen are not case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of po123 matches a purchase order number of PO123.

view more information about the purchase order

Click the edit/display icon (Illustrates the edit/display icon.) next to a purchase order or item to advance to the Purchase Order screen, where you can view information about the purchase order such as:

  • sold-to and ship-to customer names and addresses
  • ship via and shipping instructions
  • order totals and messages
  • lines, including any special handling instructions or item-related messages
  • purchase order line history
  • invoices that include any lines on the purchase order

If you have the required authority, you can also advance to the Edit Purchase Order Item window, where you can flag a line for hold or revise the due date.

  • If the Purchase Order screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, where the previously-selected purchase order is displayed.
  • The information displayed at the Purchase Order screen is related to the purchase order as a whole, regardless of whether you have been reviewing results by item or by purchase order.
Fields Description
Search fields

Optionally, complete any of the fields below before you click Search to display purchase order or items that match your entries.

View Results By

Controls whether the information in the Result fields includes information about the entire purchase order or the lines on the purchase order. If you set this option to:

  • Purchase Order (default): The information displayed includes:

    • the earliest Due Date from the lines on the purchase order

    • the Order Status

  • Item: The information displayed includes:

    • the Item #, Retailer Item #, and Ordered Units

    • the Due Date for the line

    • the Line Status

Regardless of whether you search by purchase order or item, the results displayed always include the PO Number, Order Number, and Customer Ship To.

PO Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system to display purchase orders that start with or match your entry. Can include numbers, letters, spaces, or special characters. Up to 30 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an purchase order number of A12345.

Order Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system to display purchase orders whose sales order number starts with your entry. Up to 30 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an order number of A12345.

Date Created

Optionally, use the calendar control to select the PO entered date provided by the retailer to display purchase orders with that entered date. Might not be the same as the date when the purchase order became available to you through the Vendor Portal. The Vendor Portal confirms that the date you enter is formatted correctly for your locale.


Select a status to display purchase orders or lines that are in the selected status.

View Results By setting: If the View Results By option is set to Purchase Order, purchase orders that match the selected status are displayed; otherwise, if the View Results By option is set to Item, lines in the selected status are displayed.

Possible statuses are:

  • Cancelled: The retailer has cancelled the line or the entire purchase order.
  • Complete (multi-line purchase orders only): The purchase order includes more than one line, and the line statuses include a combination of Cancelled and Shipped; there are no remaining open lines.
  • Held: You have held the line(s) on the purchase order from processing. You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation or to be sent through the vendor integration; or, if the purchase order line was already in process, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation, and if you use the void/reprint option, the held line is omitted from the new pack slip.
  • In Process: You have generated pack slips for the purchase order or line, or sent the purchase order to the integrated system (and acknowledged, if required) if you use the vendor integration.
  • New Order: You have not yet generated pack slips for the purchase order or line, or sent the purchase order if you use the vendor integration. If you use the vendor integration and are configured to require acknowledgment, the purchase order might have been sent but not yet acknowledged.
  • Open (multi-line purchase orders only): The purchase order includes more than one line, and the line statuses include at least one line that is Held, In Process, or New Order.
  • Shipped: You have confirmed shipment of the purchase order or line.


If you switch the View Results By setting, your selection in this field is cleared, because possible line statuses differ from possible purchase order statuses.
Item #

Your item number or code. Optionally, enter a full or partial item code to display purchase orders or items if the items start with or match your entry. For example, if you sell items ABC111 and ABC123, entering ABC1 matches both of these items. Up to 35 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an item number of A12345.

Retailer Item #

The retailer’s item number or code. Optionally, enter a full or partial item code to display purchase orders or items if the retailer’s item codes start with or match your entry. For example, if the retailer has item codes XYZ222 and XYZ234, entering XYZ2 matches both of these retailer items. Up to 35 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a retailer item number of A12345.

Due Date

Optionally, select a date from the calendar control to display purchase orders or lines whose original (not revised) due dates match your entry. When searching by:

  • purchase order: select a due date to display purchase orders whose earliest original due date (not revised due date) matches your selection.
  • item: select a due date to display lines whose original due date (not revised due date) matches your selection.
Result fields
PO Number

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system.

Order Number

The number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system.

Customer Ship To

The name from the shipping address on the purchase order, including the customer’s first and last name, or the company name, or both.

Customer data replaced with asterisks? Customer data, including name, company, address, phone numbers, and email addresses, on closed purchase orders can be replaced with asterisks. Often, the retailer purges this data a specified number of days after the purchase order is shipped or canceled.

Item #

Your item number or code. Displayed only when View Results By is set to Item. Hold the pointer over the Item # to display a description of the item.

Retailer Item #

The retailer’s item number or code. Displayed only when View Results By is set to Item. Hold the pointer over the Retailer Item # to display the retailer’s description of the item.

Date Created

The PO entered date provided by the retailer. Might not be the same as the date when the purchase order became available to you through the Vendor Portal.

Due Date

When View Results By is set to:

  • Purchase Order: the earliest current (original or revised) due date for an unshipped, uncanceled line on the purchase order. No due date is displayed if all items on the purchase order are shipped or canceled.
  • Item: the original (not revised) due date for the line.
Order Status

The status of the purchase order. Displayed only when View Results By is set to Purchase Order. See the Status, above, for more information.


The state where the purchase order ships. Displayed only when View Results By is set to Purchase Order.


The code identifying the country where the purchase order ships. Displayed only when View Results By is set to Purchase Order.

Postal Code

The postal or zip code where the purchase order ships. Displayed only when View Results By is set to Purchase Order.

Line Status

The status of the line on the purchase order. Displayed only when View Results By is set to Item. See the Status, above, for more information.

Ordered Units

The total number of units of the item to ship. Displayed only when View Results By is set to Item.


Click the Display icon (Illustrates the display icon.) to advance to the Purchase Order screen, where you can review the details of the purchase order, such as the sold-to and ship-to address, items, history, and messages.

Purchase Order

Purpose: Use the Purchase Order screen to review detailed information about a purchase order, including:

  • the sold-to and ship-to addresses
  • shipping instructions and messages
  • the lines on the purchase order, including any special handling instructions or line-specific messages
  • history of activity related to the purchase order, such as processing and shipment, or cancellation, address change, cost change, or due date revision
  • invoices that include any lines on the purchase order.

Reviewing purchase order information: Open the tab related to the information to be reviewed:

  • Header tab: order summary information, including the sold-to customer and the shipping address. This tab is open by default. See Header tab: Header summary fields and Header tab: Address fields, below, for more information.

    Customer data replaced with asterisks? Customer data, including name, company, address, phone numbers, and email addresses, on closed purchase orders can be replaced with asterisks. Often, the retailer purges this data a specified number of days after the purchase order is shipped or canceled.


    The Purchase Order Information at the top of the screen is always displayed regardless of which tab is open.
  • Detail tab: the lines on the purchase order. See Detail tab, below, for more information. From this tab, you can also advance to additional windows displaying:

  • Invoices tab: information about each invoice that includes any lines from the purchase order. From this tab, you can also advance to the Invoice screen.
  • History tab: activity that has taken place for the purchase order, See the History tab, below, for more information. From this tab, you can also advance to the Purchase Order History Detail window if there has been an address change request from the retailer.
  • Messages tab: sales order or gift messages. See the Messages tab, below, for more information.


When you are on this screen, the information displayed is not automatically refreshed. For example, if you review the information at the Header tab and then click the History tab, any recent activity that has taken place while you were reviewing the Header tab is not displayed at the History tab. To refresh the information on this screen, exit the screen and then select it again from the Purchase Order Inquiry screen.

How to display this screen: Select Display for a purchase order at the Purchase Order Inquiry screen, or select PO Inquiry at the:


If the Purchase Order screen was already open in another tab when you clicked the edit icon, you advance to this screen with the previous purchase order information displayed.

Generate pack slip? The Generate Pack Slip option is available if there is at least one line on the purchase order in New Order status. Only lines in New Order status are eligible for pack slip generation.

If you select the Generate Pack Slip option, you have an opportunity to confirm your selection before the pack slip is generated for any lines on the purchase order in New Order status. For example, if the purchase order includes one line in New Order status and one line in Held status, the held line is not included on the pack slip.

A PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) appears at the top of the screen once the pack slip generation is complete. Click this icon to advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen to work with the generated files.


This option is not implemented if you use the vendor integration.

See Select Purchase Orders for background on the pack slip generation process.

Reprint pack slip? The Reprint Pack Slip option is available to generate a new pack slip if there are any generated, unshipped pack slips for the purchase order (lines in In Process status). You might use this option if the original pack slip is damaged or lost.

Unlike the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen, this option does not provide the ability to reduce the quantity on a purchase order line or void the line by setting the quantity to zero; instead, it just enables you to reprint the pack slip exactly as before, except that a new batch number is assigned.

If there are multiple generated pack slips for the purchase order, each in a different batch, then the Select Batch window opens when you select the Reprint Pack Slip option; otherwise, the Reprint Pack Slip window opens.

If the purchase order includes lines that are in In Process status and lines that are in New Order status, then the screen displays both the Generate Pack Slip option and the Reprint Pack Slip option.

A PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) appears at the top of the screen once the pack slip generation is complete. Click this icon to advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen to work with the generated files.

Fields Description
Purchase Order Information

unlabeled area at the top of the screen

Purchase Order Number

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system.

Date Created

The PO entered date provided by the retailer. Might not be the same as the date when the purchase order became available to you through the Vendor Portal.

Sales Order Number

The number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system.

Order Status

Possible statuses are:

  • Cancelled: The retailer has cancelled the entire purchase order.
  • Complete (multi-line purchase orders only): The purchase order includes more than one line, and the line statuses include a combination of Cancelled and Shipped; there are no remaining open lines.
  • Held: You have held the line(s) on the purchase order from processing. You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation, and if you use the void/reprint option, the held line is omitted from the new pack slip.
  • In Process: You have generated pack slips for the entire purchase order, or the purchase order has been sent to the integrated system (and, if necessary, acknowledged) if you use the vendor integration.
  • New Order: You have not yet generated any pack slips for the purchase order, or sent the purchase order to the integrated system if you use the vendor integration. If you use the vendor integration and are configured to require acknowledgment, the purchase order might have been sent but not yet acknowledged.
  • Open (multi-line purchase orders only): The purchase order includes more than one line, and the line statuses include at least one line that is Held, In Process, or New Order.
  • Shipped: You have confirmed shipment of the entire purchase order.

The retailer’s brand that is associated with the sales order.


The code and description of the location originating the sales order. Typically identifies the retailer’s distribution center. Separated by a hyphen (-).

Pending address change request? The screen displays a message in red if there is an address change request pending approval for unshipped items. Use the Purchase Order History Detail window to review the requested change, or use the Purchase Order Change Requests screen to accept or decline the request.

Pending cancellation request? The screen displays a message in red if there is a cancellation request pending approval. Use the Purchase Order History Detail window to review the requested change, or use the Purchase Order Change Requests screen to accept or decline the request.


This message is no longer displayed if you confirm shipment of the line without accepting or rejecting the cancellation request.
Header tab: Header summary fields
Next Due Date

The earliest due date on any of the lines on the purchase order, regardless of whether the earliest due date has passed. No due date is displayed if all items on the purchase order are shipped or canceled.

Ship Via

The code and description identifying the preferred carrier to use for the purchase order. From the first item on the purchase order. Not updated at shipment, even if you specify a different carrier.


Set to Y if the sales order is a gift order; in this case, no prices, charges, or totals print on the pack slip.


The code and name of the buyer for the purchase order. Each is included only if provided by the retailer. Separated by a hyphen (-).

Shipping Instructions

The general shipping instructions for the order. There may be additional instructions such as customization instructions, gift messages, or order messages at the Browse Detail Customizations window, Browse Purchase Order Detail Messages window, and the Messages tab.

Ship Complete

Set to Y if the purchase order should be shipped in a single shipment. Informational only; does not control pack slip generation.


The purchase order total, including the extended prices of all detail lines. Does not include additional charges, freight, or tax. The currency symbol displayed for the discount amount is based on the Currency specified for the purchase order.


The discount percentage or discount amount specified by the retailer. Separated by a slash (/). The currency symbol displayed for the discount amount is based on the Currency specified for the purchase order.


The code identifying the currency on the sales order. Controls the currency symbol displayed for the purchase order.

Header tab: Address fields

This tab displays summary information about the order and the sold-to and ship-to names and addresses.

Customer data replaced with asterisks? Customer data, including name, company, address, phone numbers, and email addresses, on closed purchase orders can be replaced with asterisks. Often, the retailer purges this data a specified number of days after the purchase order is shipped or canceled.

Sold To

The customer who placed the sales order. Includes:

  • name: prefix (such as Mr. or Dr.), first name, middle name, last name, and suffix (such as Jr. or Esq.)
  • company name
  • first address line
  • apartment, unit, or suite number (prefixed by the label Apt / Unit #:)
  • address line 2
  • address line 3
  • address line 4
  • city, state, postal or zip code, country code
  • daytime phone number (prefixed by the label Day:)
  • evening phone number (prefixed by the label Eve:)
  • email address


Not all of the information above might be available for each customer. At a minimum, the customer information must include:
  • first and last name or company
  • first address line
  • city, postal or zip code, and country code
Ship To

The customer to receive the line(s) on the purchase order. Includes the same information as the sold-to customer name and address, listed above.

Detail tab

This tab displays information about the line(s) on the purchase order, and includes options to display additional information about the line(s).

Line #

The line number identifying the item on the purchase order.

Item #

Your item number or code. Hold the pointer over the Item # to display the retailer’s item number or code and description.

Item Description

A description of the item. Hold the pointer over the Item Description to display the retailer’s item number or code and description of the item.

Order Qty

The total quantity of the item ordered by the customer.

Shipped Qty

The total confirmed shipment quantity of the item. You can confirm shipment through the Purchase Order Shipping screen or by uploading through the Purchase Order Shipping Upload screen.

Printed Qty

The total quantity of the item that you currently have on a generated pack slip or extracted to your system, but not yet confirmed as shipped.

Cancel Qty

The total quantity of the item that the retailer has cancelled.

Line Status

The current status of the line on the purchase order. Possible statuses are:

  • Cancelled: The retailer has cancelled the line.
  • Held: You have held the line from processing. You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation, and if you use the void/reprint option, the held line is omitted from the new pack slip.
  • In Process: You have generated a pack slip for the line, or the line has been sent to (and, if necessary, acknowledged by) the integrating system if you use the vendor integration.
  • New Order: You have not yet generated a pack slip for the line, or sent the purchase order to (and, if necessary, received acknowledgment from) the integrating system if you use the vendor integration.
  • Shipped: You have confirmed shipment of the line.


The line status is different from the Order Status if the purchase order has more than one line, and the lines have different statuses.
Due Date

The current due date for the line. Can differ from the original due date if you entered a revised due date at the Edit Purchase Order Item window or the Purchase Order Maintenance screen.


Select the icon (Illustrates the icon.) in the Custom column to advance to the Browse Detail Customizations window, where you can review the special handling instructions for the line. Displayed only if there are special handling instructions.


Select the icon (Illustrates the icon.) in the Messages column to advance to the Browse Purchase Order Detail Messages window, where you can review any sales order line messages for the line. Displayed only if there is an order line message.


Select the icon (Illustrates the icon.) in the Display column to advance to the Display Purchase Order Item window, where you can review additional details about the line.


The link to this window is available only if you have authority to display purchase orders but not to maintain them, or if the line is in Cancelled or Shipped status.

Select the icon (Illustrates the icon.) in the Edit column to advance to the Edit Purchase Order Item window, where you can review additional details about the line, and optionally put the line on hold or revise the due date.


The link to this window is available only if you have authority to both display and maintain purchase orders, and if the line is in an New Order, Held, or In Process status.
Invoices tab

This tab displays information on any invoices you have created for the items on the purchase order.

If you delete an invoice that is in New or Rejected status, it is no longer displayed at this tab. You cannot delete an invoice in any other status.

See Invoice Inquiry for more information on invoices.

Line #

The line number included on the invoice.

Item #

Your item number or code identifying the shipped item included in the invoice. Your description of the item is to the right, separated by a hyphen ( - ).

Invoice Number

The invoice number you specified when creating the invoice.

Invoice Date

The date you specified for the invoice.

Invoice Qty

The total quantity of the item included in the shipment and being billed on this invoice.

Invoice Unit Cost

The unit cost you are billing the retailer for the shipment. Multiplied by the Invoice Qty.

Changing the unit cost? Optionally, you can use the Edit Invoice Detail window to override this unit cost if the invoice is in New or Rejected status. If the cost you enter exceeds or falls short of the original PO Unit Cost by more than the Unit Cost Threshold percentage specified by the retailer, the invoice detail line will be out-of-balance. For example, if the retailer sets the threshold at 10%, and you change the invoice unit cost by more than 10%, the invoice detail line is out-of-balance.

Held invoice? When you submit an invoice that includes any out-of-balance lines, the invoice goes into Held status, and the retailer needs to either approve or reject the invoice. If the invoice’s status is Rejected, you can edit the invoice, including the Invoice Unit Cost, again, and resubmit the invoice; or you can delete the invoice.


Optionally, select the display icon (Illustrates the display icon.) to advance to the Invoice screen, where you can review details about the invoice.

History tab

This tab displays an entry for each activity that occurs related to a purchase order or a line on the purchase order.

Line #

The line number updated by the activity. In the case of purchase order creation, there is a history record for each line on the purchase order.

Item (unlabeled field)

The item updated by the activity. In the case of purchase order creation, there is a history record for each item on the purchase order.

The description of the item is to the right.


The quantity updated by the activity.

Action Type

Possible action types are described below under Purchase Order History Entries.


The status of the line after the activity took place. See Purchase Order History Entries, below, for details, and see Line Status, below, for a list of possible statuses.

Date / Time

The date and time when the activity took place. The date and time might not be your local date and time, if the retailer uses a server in a different time zone. For example, if your store location is on Eastern Standard time, and the retailer uses a server that is on Pacific time, the date and time displayed might be earlier than the current time in your location.


The user who performed the activity. A user of Admin is listed for purchase order creation, address update requests, cancellation requests, and cost changes, and updates that take place through the vendor integration. Otherwise, this is the user ID of the person who performed the action.


Indicates where the activity originated:

  • UI (user interface) = the activity took place at a screen
  • WS (web service) = the activity originated from the retailer or through the vendor integration
Transaction Notes

Additional information about the activity. See Purchase Order History Entries, below, for details and examples.


If the retailer has requested an address change, click the details icon (Illustrates the icon.) to advance to the Purchase Order History Detail window, where you can review the details of a shipping address change, including the address before and after the change.

This option is displayed only if the address change was:

  • submitted when the line was in New Order status, before you generated the pack slip, so that the address change applied automatically; or,
  • submitted when the line was in In Process or Held status, after you generated the pack slip. In this case, the option is available regardless of whether you accepted or declined the address change.

If the retailer requests an address change when the line is in Shipped or Cancelled status, the Vendor Portal automatically rejects the change, and there is no history record displayed here.

Accept or decline address change? Use the Purchase Order Change Requests screen to accept or decline address change and cancel requests from the retailer.

Messages tab


Message lines are consolidated at this tab, but print on separate lines on the pack slip.
Sales Order

This area displays messages related to the sales order originating the purchase order.

Gift Messages

This area displays gift messages related to the sales order.

The following table presents a summary of purchase order history entries.

Action Type Created When Source Status Transaction Notes
Simple Process Updates

PO Created

The retailer submits the purchase order to you for fulfillment. A separate history record is created for each line on the purchase order.


New Order



You use the Select Purchase Orders screen to generate pack slips for printing (PDF files) or extract to your system (CSV files).


In Process

Indicates the batch ID that includes the pack slip (for example, Batch ID (74)).


If using the vendor integration: the purchase order has been sent to the integrated system.


New Order or In Process

Indicates the batch ID, as above.

Status remains New Order until the batch of purchase orders is acknowledged, if the Require Acknowledgement flag is selected; in this case, a separate history entry indicates when the batch is acknowledged.


You confirm shipment through the Integrated Shipping screen, the Purchase Order Shipping screen, or the Purchase Order Shipping Upload screen.



Indicates the ship date, carrier code, tracking number, weight, and freight rate, for example: Ship Date: 07/17/2013, Carrier: 50, Tracking #: Track12155, Weight: 2.34, Rate: $ 1.23


The shipment is confirmed through the vendor integration.



Cancellation Requests from the Retailer


The retailer submits a cancellation request for a line in New Order status.



Automatically Cancelled


The retailer submits a cancellation request for a line in In Process or Held status.



Cancel Requested


You accept a cancel request at the Purchase Order Change Requests screen, or the cancellation applies automatically after the line returned to New Order status after you release a held line at the Edit Purchase Order Item window or the Purchase Order Maintenance screen, or void (but don’t reprint) the pack slip at the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen.

See Purchase Order Shipping for another example in which a cancellation is approved automatically.



Cancellation Approved


You decline a cancel request at the Purchase Order Change Requests screen.



Cancellation Rejected


You confirm shipment of a line with a pending cancellation request.



Cancellation Rejected

Cancel Auto Rejected

The retailer sends a cancellation request for a line that is already in Shipped or Canceled status, or if the requested cancel quantity exceeds the current open quantity on the line.



Cancel Request Auto Rejected

Address Change Requests from the Retailer

Address Change

The retailer submits an address change request for a purchase order in New Order status.


New Order

Address Change Automatically Applied

Address Change

The retailer submits an address change request for a purchase order in In Process or Held status.



Address Change Requested

Address Change

You ship a purchase order with an outstanding address change request. This message is written only for the first item on the shipment.



Address Change Auto Rejected

Address Change

You decline an address change at the Purchase Order Change Requests screen.



Address Change Rejected

Address Change

You accept an address change at the Purchase Order Change Requests screen, or the address change applies automatically after the line returned to New Order status after you release a held line at the Edit Purchase Order Item window or the Purchase Order Maintenance screen, or void (but don’t reprint) the pack slip at the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen.

See Purchase Order Shipping for another example in which a cancellation is approved automatically.



Address Change Approved

If the purchase order is in Open status: A purchase order in Open status can include lines in New Order, Held, Shipped, Cancelled, and In Process status. In this situation, each remaining line is treated separately.

Cost Changes from the Retailer

Cost Change

The retailer submits a cost change for a line on a purchase order to update the unit price.



Before $ 8.98 - After $ 9.98 (where $ 8.98 is the previous unit price, and $ 9.98 is the new unit price)

The currency symbol displayed is based on the Currency specified for the purchase order.

Additional Changes

Data Removal

Private data is anonymized.


previous status

PII Data Anonymized


You put a line on hold at the Edit Purchase Order Item window or the Purchase Order Maintenance screen.



Held: Backordered (where Backordered is the Reason Description you entered)


You release a line from hold at the Edit Purchase Order Item window or the Purchase Order Maintenance screen.


previous status


The Reason Description is not listed here even if you entered one while releasing the line from hold.


You revise the line’s Due Date at the Edit Purchase Order Item window or the Purchase Order Maintenance screen.



Maintenance Delay Revised Due Date: 06/28/2013 (where Delay is the Reason Description you entered and 6/28/2013 is the revised due date)


You enter a Reason Description at the Edit Purchase Order Item window or the Purchase Order Maintenance screen without changing the line’s hold status or revising the due date.



Maintenance Expected next week (where Expected next week is the Reason Description you entered)


You delete a Reason Description at the Edit Purchase Order Item window or the Purchase Order Maintenance screen for an line that is not held and does not have a revised due date.




Pack Slip Reprinted

You use the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen or the Reprint Pack Slip option at the Purchase Order screen to void and reprint the pack slip.


In Process

Indicates the new batch ID (for example, Batch ID (74)).

Pack Slip Voided

You use the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to void but not reprint the pack slip by setting the New Print Qty of all printed lines to 0.


New Order

Indicates the current batch number voided (for example, Batch ID 73)).


You confirm shipment of the entire printed quantity of a line, but there is an additional unprinted quantity because you previously used the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to reduce the printed quantity.


New Order


Browse Detail Customizations

Purpose: Use the Browse Detail Customizations window to review the special handling instructions for an item on a purchase order. The special handling instructions also print on the pack slip.

How to display this window: Select the icon (Illustrates the icon.) in the Custom column at the Detail tab of the Purchase Order screen if you have the required authority.

Field Description
Line #

The purchase order line number identifying the item to receive the special handling.


The code or number identifying the item receiving the special handling. The description of the item follows, separated by a hyphen (-).

Retailer Item

The retailer’s item number or code. The retailer’s description of the item follows, separated by a hyphen (-).


The retailer’s code identifying the type of special handling instructions, such as monogramming or hemming.


The instructions related to the type of special handling. If the customization message is too wide based on the number of characters and their widths (a W being wider than an i), the message may be truncated on the window.

The customization label and instructions also print on the pack slip. The pack slip can print a wider customization than the Browse Detail Customizations window can display; however, if the message is too wide it is truncated on the pack slip as well.

Scroll up or down: Click the next arrow (Illustrates the next arrow.) to display the special handling instructions for the next line on the purchase order. Similarly, click the previous arrow (Illustrates the previous arrow.) to display the special handling instructions for the previous line on the purchase order.

If there are no special handling instructions for the next or previous line, the Label and Value fields displayed are blank.

Browse Purchase Order Detail Messages

Purpose: Use the Display Purchase Order Detail Messages window to review a sales order message related to an item on a purchase order.

How to display this window: Select the icon (Illustrates the icon.) in the Messages column at the Detail tab of the Purchase Order screen if you have the required authority.

Field Description
Line #

The purchase order line number identifying the item.


The code or number identifying the item. The description of the item follows, separated by a hyphen (-).

Retailer Item

The retailer’s item number or code. The retailer’s description of the item follows, separated by a hyphen (-).

Sales Order Line Message

A message related to the item on the sales order.

Scroll up or down: Click the next arrow (Illustrates the next arrow.) to display the sales order message for the next line on the purchase order. Similarly, click the previous arrow (Illustrates the previous arrow.) to display the sales order message for the previous line on the purchase order.

If there is no sales order message for the next or previous line, the Sales Order Line Message displayed is blank.

Display Purchase Order Item

Purpose: Use the Display Purchase Order Item window to review additional details about an item on a purchase order. You advance to this window rather than the Edit Purchase Order Item window if:

  • the item’s status is Cancelled or Shipped, or
  • you do not have authority to edit a purchase order item

How to display this window:

  • If you do not have authority to edit a purchase order item, select the icon (Illustrates the icon.) in the Display column at the Detail tab of the Purchase Order screen.
  • If you have authority to edit a purchase order item, select the icon (Illustrates the icon.) in the Edit column at the Detail tab of the Purchase Order screen for an item in Cancelled or Shipped status.
Field Description
Line #

The purchase order line number identifying the item.


The code or number identifying the item. The description of the item follows, separated by a hyphen (-).

Retailer Item

The retailer’s item number or code. The retailer’s description of the item follows, separated by a hyphen (-).

Gift Wrap

Set to Y if the item requires gift wrap.

Line Status

The current status of the item on the purchase order. Possible statuses are:

  • Cancelled: The retailer has cancelled the line.
  • Held: You have held the line from processing. You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation, and if you use the void/reprint option, the held line is omitted from the new pack slip.
  • In Process: You have generated a pack slip for the line, or the line has been sent to (and, if necessary, acknowledged by) the integrating system if you use the vendor integration.
  • New Order: You have not yet generated a pack slip for the line, or sent the purchase order to (and, if necessary, received acknowledgement from) the integrating system if you use the vendor integration.
  • Shipped: You have confirmed shipment of the line.


The line status is different from the order status if the purchase order has more than one line, and the lines have different statuses. See the Order Status for more information.
Original Due Date

The due date that was specified by the retailer for the line.

Revised Due Date

The current due date for the line, if you have entered a different due date. If you have revised the due date more than once, the most recently entered due date is displayed.

When you revise the due date, you also need to enter a reason description.

Reason Description

The reason for a change to the line on the purchase order. When you revise the due date, you also need to enter a reason description. You can also enter a reason description when you change a line’s hold status, or for any other reason.

Ordered Qty

The original ordered quantity of the line.

Shipped Qty

The total quantity of the line for which you have confirmed shipment.

Cancelled Qty

The total quantity of the line that the retailer has cancelled.

Invoiced Qty

Information will be provided at a later date.

Unit of Measure

The unit of measure indicated by the retailer. Informational only.

Unit Price

Your single-unit price for the item. Rounded to 2 decimal positions (for example, a price of $1.3456 is rounded to $1.35). The currency symbol displayed is based on the Currency specified for the purchase order.

Ext. Price

The extended price for the item, calculated by multiplying the Ordered Qty * the Unit Price, regardless of whether any units have been canceled. Rounded to 2 decimal positions. The currency symbol displayed is based on the Currency specified for the purchase order.

UPC Code

The item’s UPC code, if any, indicated by the retailer.

EAN Code

The item’s EAN code, if any, indicated by the retailer.

Status Date

The last date and time when the status of the line changed.

The date and time might not be your local date and time, if the retailer uses a server in a different time zone. For example, if your store location is on Eastern Standard time, and the retailer uses a server that is on Pacific time, the date and time displayed might be earlier than the current time in your location.

Option Procedure
review the next item

Click the next icon (Illustrates the next icon.) to display the next item.

review the previous item

Click the previous icon (Illustrates the previous icon.) to display the previous item.

Edit Purchase Order Item

Purpose: Use the Edit Purchase Order Item window to review additional details about an item on a purchase order and, optionally:

  • put the line on hold by selecting the Hold flag. When you put a line on hold, you also need to specify a Reason Description.


You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation or for reprinting through the void/reprint option; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation.
  • clear the Hold flag to return a line to its previous status. If the line returns to New Order status, any pending cancellation request or address change applies automatically. See the Purchase Order Change Requests screen for background.
  • revise the due date for a line by entering a Revised Due Date in the correct format for your locale (as defined at the Vendor Configuration screen), or selecting a date from the calendar control next to the Revised Due Date entry field. When you revise the due date for a line, you also need to specify a Reason Description.
  • enter or delete a Reason Description as an informational note about the line, even if you are not changing the line’s hold status or revising the due date.

After making any of these changes, click Save to save the change and close the window.

All other fields at this window are display-only.

Display window instead? You advance to this window rather than the Display Purchase Order Item window if you have the required authority and if the status of the line is not Shipped or Cancelled.

Retailer notified: The retailer receives a notification email when you hold or release a line, change an expected ship date, or enter or change a Reason Description.

How to display this window: Select the icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) in the Edit column at the Detail tab of the Purchase Order screen for a line that is not in Cancelled or Shipped status if you have the required authority.

Field Description
Line #

The purchase order line number identifying the item.


The code or number identifying the item. The description of the item follows, separated by a hyphen (-).

Retailer Item

The retailer’s item number or code. The retailer’s description of the item follows, separated by a hyphen (-).

Gift Wrap

Set to Y if the item requires gift wrap.

Line Status

The current status of the line on the purchase order. Possible statuses are:

  • Cancelled: The retailer has cancelled the line.
  • Held: You have held the line from processing. You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation, and if you use the void/reprint option, the held line is omitted from the new pack slip.
  • In Process: You have generated a pack slip for the line, or the line has been sent to (and, if necessary, acknowledged by) the integrating system if you use the vendor integration.
  • New Order: You have not yet generated a pack slip for the line, or sent the purchase order to (and, if necessary, received acknowledgement from) the integrating system if you use the vendor integration.
  • Shipped: You have confirmed shipment of the line.


The line status is different from the Order Status if the purchase order has more than one line, and the lines have different statuses. See the Order Status for more information.
Original Due Date

The due date that was specified by the retailer for the line.


Optionally, select this flag to change the line’s status to Held, or clear the flag to release the line from hold and change the status back to the previous setting.

You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation, and if you use the void/reprint option, the held line is omitted from the new pack slip.

When you put a line on hold, you need to enter a Reason Description.

If you release the line from hold and it returns to New Order status, any pending cancellation request or address change applies automatically. See the Purchase Order Change Requests screen for background.

Retailer notified: The retailer receives a notification email when you hold or release a line.

Revised Due Date

Optionally, enter a different due date in the correct format for your locale (as defined at the Vendor Configuration screen) or select a date from the calendar control. When you revise the due date, you also need to enter a Reason Description.

Retailer notified: The retailer receives a notification email when you change an expected ship date.

Reason Description

Enter a reason description:

  • when you enter a Revised Due Date (required), or
  • when you change the setting of the Hold flag (required), or
  • to enter an information note for the line (optional)

When the line’s status is Held and you clear the Hold flag, the Reason Description is also cleared.

Retailer notified: The retailer receives a notification email when you enter or change a reason description.

Ordered Qty

The original ordered quantity of the item.

Shipped Qty

The total quantity of the item for which you have confirmed shipment.

Cancelled Qty

The total quantity of the item that the retailer has cancelled.

Invoiced Qty

The total quantity of the item that is included on an invoice, regardless of the status of the invoice. The Vendor Portal reduces this quantity if you delete the invoice including the item (only New or Rejected invoices are eligible for deletion).

Unit of Measure

The unit of measure indicated by the retailer. Informational only.

Unit Price

Your single-unit price for the item. Rounded to 2 decimal positions (for example, a price of $1.3456 is rounded to $1.35). The currency symbol displayed is based on the Currency specified for the purchase order.

Ext. Price

The extended price for the item, calculated by multiplying the Ordered Qty * the Unit Price, regardless of whether any units have been canceled. Rounded to 2 decimal positions. The currency symbol displayed is based on the Currency specified for the purchase order.

UPC Code

The item’s UPC code, if any, indicated by the retailer.

EAN Code

The item’s EAN code, if any, indicated by the retailer.

Status Date

The last date and time when the status of the line changed.

The date and time might not be your local date and time, if the retailer uses a server in a different time zone. For example, if your store location is on Eastern Standard time, and the retailer uses a server that is on Pacific time, the date and time displayed might be earlier than the current time in your location.

Option Procedure
put the line on hold
  • Select the Hold flag.
  • Enter a Reason Description.
  • Click Save.

The line’s status changes to Held, and it is no longer eligible for pack slip generation or shipment.

remove the line from hold
  • Clear the Hold flag.
  • Optionally, enter a different Reason Description.
  • Click Save.

The line’s status changes to its prior status, and the Reason Description is cleared. The line is now eligible for pack slip generation (if the status is New Order) or shipment (if the status is In Process).

revise the due date
  • Select a different due date from the calendar control.
  • Enter a Reason Description.
  • Click Save.
enter a reason description without putting the line on hold or revising the due date
  • Enter a Reason Description.
  • Click Save.
change the current reason description
  • Type over the current Reason Description.
  • Click Save.
clear the reason description
  • Delete the current Reason Description.
  • Click Save.
review the next item

Click the next icon (Illustrates the next item.) to display the next item.

review the previous item

Click the previous icon (Illustrates the previous icon.) to display the previous item.

Purchase Order History Detail

Purpose: Use the Purchase Order History Detail window to review:

  • an address change applied automatically to a line because the retailer submitted the change when the line was in New Order status
  • an address change requested by the retailer when a line is in In Process or Held status; these address changes do not apply until you accept them at the Purchase Order Change Requests screen

Automatically rejected? Address change requests are not available for review in this window if they arrive when the line is already in Cancelled or Shipped status. These address change requests are automatically rejected.

How to accept or reject: Use the Purchase Order Change Requests screen.

Address changes for different lines on the purchase order: Even though the address change request is related to the purchase order header, the Vendor Portal evaluates the status of the individual lines on the purchase order when determining whether to apply the change, reject it automatically, or submit it to you for review.

Example: A purchase order is in Open status, with one line in In Process status and one line in Shipped status. You need to approve or reject the address change for the line in In Process status. The address change is automatically rejected for the line in Shipped status.

What if the retailer submits multiple address changes for the same line? If the retailer submits a second or third address change for the same In Process or Held line before you have accepted or rejected the previously rejected change, the Vendor Portal automatically rejects the previous address change. In this situation, when you display the Purchase Order History Detail window, only the name and address information for the most recent address change is displayed.

If the retailer submits multiple address changes for a New Order line before you generate the pack slip, each address change is automatically applied, and is displayed at the Purchase Order History Detail window.

How to display this window: Select the icon (Illustrates the icon.) in the Details column at the History tab of the Purchase Order screen if you have the required authority. This icon is displayed only if there is an address change request that was received when the line was in New Order, In Process, or Held status.

Window displayed for multiple history records? If the address change was:

  • accepted = The window is available next to the history record marking both when the address change was requested and when you approved the address change. The status indicated in both windows is Address Change Approved.
  • rejected = The window is available only next to the history record marking when the address change was requested. The status indicated is Address Change Rejected.
Field Description
Action Type

Always set to Address Change.

Date / Time

The date and time when the address change request was received.

The date and time might not be your local date and time, if the retailer uses a server in a different time zone. For example, if your store location is on Eastern Standard time, and the retailer uses a server that is on Pacific time, the date and time displayed might be earlier than the current time in your location.


The current status of the address change (not the status at the time the history record was created). Possible statuses are:

  • Address Change Requested = The retailer has submitted an address change, the line is in Held or In Process status, and you have not yet accepted or rejected the change.
  • Address Change Automatically Applied = The Vendor Portal applied the address change automatically because the purchase order was in New Order status and you had not yet generated a pack slip.
  • Address Change Approved = You have accepted the address change for a Held or In Process line at the Purchase Order Change Requests screen. This status is displayed in this window for both the original history record created when the retailer requested the change, and the history record created when you accepted the change.
  • Address Change Rejected = You have rejected the address change for a Held or In Process line at the Purchase Order Change Requests screen. This status is displayed in this window for both the original history record created when the retailer requested the change, and the history record created when you rejected the change.

The user ID of the person who performed the activity:

  • Admin: indicated when:

the retailer requests an address change

an address change is automatically applied to a New Order line

an address change is automatically rejected when you confirm shipment

Sold To Change

Indicates whether the sold-to address for the purchase order is the same as the shipping address, so the retailer is requesting that both addresses be changed. Possible settings:

  • Yes = update both the sold-to address and the ship-to address
  • No = update the ship-to address only

Indicates where the activity originated. Possible settings:

  • WS (web service) = the retailer submitted the request through a message from the retailer’s system to the Vendor Portal, or the change is automatically applied or rejected
  • UI (user interface) = you accepted or rejected the change at the Purchase Order Change Requests screen
Old Ship To

The ship-to name and address before applying the change. Includes:

  • name: prefix (such as Mr. or Dr.), first name, middle name, last name, and suffix (such as Jr. or Esq.)
  • company name
  • first address line
  • apartment, unit, or suite number (prefixed by the label Apt / Unit #:)
  • address line 2
  • address line 3
  • address line 4
  • city, state, postal or zip code, country code
  • daytime phone number (prefixed by the label Day:)
  • evening phone number (prefixed by the label Eve:)
  • email address


Not all of the information above might be available for each customer.
New Ship To

The ship-to name and address with the changes indicated in red. Includes the same name and address fields as the Old Ship To.

Reprint Pack Slip

Purpose: Use this window to confirm the voiding and reprinting of a printed pack slip.

For more information: See the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen or the Purchase Order screen.

How to display this screen: Click Reprint Pack Slip at the Purchase Order screen. This option is available to generate a new pack slip if there are any generated, unshipped pack slips for the purchase order (lines in In Process status). You might use this option if the original pack slip is damaged or lost.


If there are multiple generated pack slips for the purchase order, each in a different batch, then the Select Batch window opens when you select the Reprint Pack Slip option from the Purchase Order screen.

Completing this window: When you click Accept at this window, the Vendor Portal generates a new pack slip with the same information as the original pack slip.

Pack slip icon: The Vendor Portal displays the pack slip icon Illustrates the pack slip icon. at the top of the screen when it has finished regenerating the pack slip. Click that icon to advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen, where you can review and print the regenerated pack slip.

Void / Reprint Pack Slip

Purpose: Use the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to reprint pack slips when needed, for example if:

  • the original pack slip is damaged or missing
  • the retailer has submitted an address change since you printed the original pack slip
  • the retailer has submitted a cancellation request since you printed the original pack slip
  • you do not have the full ordered quantity of all purchase order lines available for shipping, so you need a new pack slip with just the available lines and quantities

You can also use this screen to void an entire pack slip if you cannot ship it. Voiding the entire pack slip acts as an automatic acceptance of any pending cancellation requests or pending address change.

Dependent on configuration: The Vendor Configuration settings specify whether to generate a PDF pack slip, a PDF pullsheet, and a CSV file when you generate pack slips. Also, the configuration settings whether to generate the graphical or non-graphical version of the pack slip.

Pending change requests? If the retailer has submitted any pending address change or cancellation requests, the screen displays a message: Change Requests waiting approval exist. To prevent unexpected results, you need to use the Purchase Order Change Requests screen to accept or decline any pending address change or cancellation requests for the purchase order before voiding and reprinting the pack slip. For example, if there is a pending address change, you need to accept the address change before reprinting the pack slip so that the new pack slip lists the correct mailing address.

How to display this screen: Select Void / Reprint Pack Slip from the Home Screen or the Purchase Orders drop-down menu if you have the required authority.

Option Procedure
select a purchase order and display information about the pack slip to void and reprint

Enter the purchase order number in the PO Number field and click Search or press Enter. If the number you enter:

  • identifies an existing purchase order with:

one or more In Process lines on a single pack slip, the screen displays the purchase order information.

one or more In Process lines on multiple pack slips, the Select Batch window opens. If you are not sure of the batch ID for the pack slip, select a batch at the window and click Save to return to the screen with the item(s) from that pack slip displayed. If the selected batch does not include the correct item(s), click Search to open the Select Batch window again so you can select a different batch.

  • does not identify an existing purchase order with at least one In Process line, the screen indicates that there is no match to your entry.

Case: The purchase order number is not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a purchase order number of A12345.

Pending change requests? If the retailer has submitted any pending address change or cancellation requests, the screen displays a message: Change Requests waiting approval exist. To prevent unexpected results, you need to either use the Purchase Order Change Requests screen to accept or decline any pending address change or cancellation requests for the purchase order before reprinting the pack slip, or fully void the pack slip and then reprint. If you simple reprint the pack slip, the address change or cancellation does not apply.

reprint a packing slip with one or more lines omitted
  • After specifying the purchase order, use the New Print Qty field to change the quantity on the pack slip to 0.


If the New Print Qty field for a line displays the word Held, then the line is automatically omitted from the reprinted pack slip.

You advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen, which indicates the batch number assigned to the reprinted pack slip. When pack slip generation is complete, you can view the new pack slip, pullsheet, and CSV file, based on the Pack Slip output specified at the Vendor Configuration screen.

The Pack Slip, Pack Slip CSV File, and Pack Slip Batch Pullsheet each include just the purchase order lines whose New Print Qty was not 0 and which are not held. See each of the above documents for more details.

The Vendor Portal changes the Printed Qty to 0 for any lines whose New Print Qty was set to 0, and changes the status of these lines to New Order unless a pending cancellation request applied automatically. If a line was held, the Printed Qty changes to 0 but the status remains Held. See the Detail tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.

The lines on the new pack slip are assigned to the new batch number indicated at the View Printed Pack Slips screen. Lines omitted from the pack slip because their New Print Qty is set to 0 no longer have a batch assigned.

The Vendor Portal writes history for each purchase order line on the original pack slip, indicating whether the pack slip was reprinted (if the New Print Qty was not 0) or voided (if the New Print Qty was 0 or the line was held). See the History tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.

reprint a packing slip with the quantity of one or more lines reduced

You advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen, which indicates the batch number assigned to the reprinted pack slip. When pack slip generation is complete, you can view the new pack slip, pullsheet, and CSV file, based on the Pack Slip output specified at the Vendor Configuration screen.

The Pack Slip, Pack Slip CSV File, and Pack Slip Batch Pullsheet each include the current printed quantity of each purchase order line based on the New Print Qty. See each of the above documents for more details.

The Vendor Portal changes the Printed Qty for any lines whose New Print Qty was reduced; however, the status of these lines remains In Process. See the Detail tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.

The lines on the new pack slip are assigned to the new batch number indicated at the View Printed Pack Slips screen.

The Vendor Portal writes history for each purchase order line indicating that the pack slip was reprinted. See the History tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.


If a partial quantity of a line is printed, you cannot generate another pack slip for the remaining, unprinted quantity until you confirm shipment of the printed quantity, or void the pack slip.

Held line? If you have used the Purchase Order Maintenance screen or the Edit Purchase Order Item window to put a purchase order line on hold, then you cannot enter a new print quantity; instead, this field lists the word Held. If you reprint the pack slip, the held line is omitted from the pack slip and the Printed Qty for the line is set to 0.

void an entire pack slip

The Vendor Portal changes the Printed Qty to 0 for all lines on the pack slip, and changes the status of these lines to New Order unless a pending cancellation request applied automatically or the line was already held. See the Detail tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.

The batch is cleared from the lines on the pack slip, and no new batch number is assigned.

Any pending address changes or cancellation requests are applied.

The Vendor Portal writes history for each purchase order line on the original pack slip, indicating that the line was voided. See the History tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.

generate a new pack slip without changing the quantities for any purchase order lines

Pending change requests? If the retailer has submitted any pending address change or cancellation requests, the screen displays a message: Change Requests waiting approval exist. To prevent unexpected results, you need to use the Purchase Order Change Requests screen to accept or decline any pending address change or cancellation requests for the purchase order before voiding and reprinting the pack slip. For example, if there is a pending address change, you need to accept the address change before reprinting the pack slip so that the new pack slip lists the correct mailing address.

You advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen, which indicates the batch number assigned to the reprinted pack slip. When pack slip generation is complete, you can view the new pack slip, pullsheet, and CSV file, based on the Pack Slip output specified at the Vendor Configuration screen.

The lines on the new pack slip are assigned to the new batch number indicated at the View Printed Pack Slips screen.

The Vendor Portal writes history for each purchase order line indicating that the pack slip was reprinted. See the History tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.

Held line? If you have used the Purchase Order Maintenance screen or the Edit Purchase Order Item window to put a purchase order line on hold, then you cannot enter a new print quantity; instead, this field lists the word Held. If you reprint the pack slip, the held line is omitted from the pack slip and the Printed Qty for the line is set to 0.

Fields Description
Search fields
PO #

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system. Enter a purchase order number with at least one In Process pack slip and click Search or press Enter to:

  • display the information from the pack slip, if there is a single In Process pack slip for the purchase order
  • open the Select Batch window if there is more than one In Process pack slip for the purchase order

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a purchase order number of A12345.

PO HEADER fields

All PO Header fields are display-only.

Ship To

The current shipping address for the pack slip. Can include:

  • name: prefix, first name, middle initial or name, last name, suffix
  • company name
  • first street address line
  • apartment or suite, prefixed by Apt / Unit #
  • second through fourth address lines
  • city, state, zip or postal code, country code
PO Number

The purchase order number you entered in the PO # field. This is the number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system.

Date Created

The PO entered date provided by the retailer. Might not be the same as the date when the purchase order became available to you through the Vendor Portal.

Order Number

The number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system.


Possible statuses are:

  • In Process: You have generated pack slips for the entire purchase order.
  • Open (multi-line purchase orders only): The purchase order includes more than one line, and the line statuses include at least one line that is Held, In Process, or New Order.

The retailer’s brand that is associated with the sales orders originating the purchase order.

Batch ID

The number assigned by the Vendor Portal to identify a group of pack slips generated at the same time. A batch can include a single pack slip. Batch numbers are not necessarily sequential.

Search Results fields

All fields except the New Print Qty are display-only.

Line #

The line number identifying the item on the purchase order.

Item #

Your item number or code. Hold the pointer over the Item # to display the retailer’s item number or code and description.

Item Description

A description of the item. Hold the pointer over the Item Description to display the retailer’s item number or code and description of the item.

Order Qty

The total quantity of the item ordered by the customer.

Printed Qty

The total quantity of the item that you currently have on a generated pack slip or extracted to your system, but not yet confirmed as shipped.

New Print Qty

The printed quantity to list on the reprinted pack slip. Defaults to the current printed quantity on the pack slip. Optionally, you can enter a lower number to reduce the quantity for the reprinted pack slip, or change the quantity to 0 to omit the item from the pack slip and reset the printed quantity on the line to 0.

Held: If you have used the Purchase Order Maintenance screen or the Edit Purchase Order Item window to put a purchase order line on hold, then you cannot enter a new print quantity; instead, this field lists the word Held. If you reprint the pack slip, the held line is omitted from the pack slip and the Printed Qty for the line is set to 0.

Select Batch

Purpose: Use this window to select the batch containing the pack slip you want to:

This window opens only when the lines on a purchase order selected are across more than one batch.

When would a purchase order print in more than one batch? Typically, a purchase order would have pack slips in more than one batch if you:

  • put one or more purchase order lines on hold
  • generate a pack slip for the purchase order; the Vendor Portal assigns the pack slip to a batch
  • release one or more purchase order lines from hold
  • generate another pack slip for the purchase order; the Vendor Portal assigns the pack slip to a different batch

For more information: See the Purchase Order Maintenance screen for background on changing the hold status for a purchase order line. You can also use the Edit Purchase Order Item window to change the hold status of a line.

How to determine the correct batch? If you are not sure of which item(s) are included in which batch:

  • From the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen or the Integrated Shippingscreen: You can select the first batch from this window and click Save to return to the screen with the item(s) from that pack slip displayed. If the selected batch does not include the correct item(s), click Search again at the original screen to open the Select Batch window again so you can select a different batch.
  • From the Purchase Order screen: Use the History tabto review the batch number assigned to each line.

How to display this screen:

Completing this window:

  • Select the correct number from the Batch ID dropdown list.
  • Click Save to return to the Void / Reprint Pack Slip or Integrated Shipping screen with the information from the selected batch displayed. If the information is not the correct pack slip, click Search again at the Void/Reprint Pack Slip or Integrated Shipping screen to reopen the Select Batch window and select a different batch.
Void / Reprint Pack Slip Confirmation

Purpose: Use this window to confirm the voiding and reprinting of a printed pack slip.

For more information: See the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen or the Purchase Order screen.

How to display this screen:

  • Click Void / Reprint at the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen, or
  • Click Reprint Pack Slip at the Purchase Order screen. Note: If the selected purchase order includes more than one batch, you need to first use the Select Batch window to select a batch, and then click Save.

Completing this window: When you click Accept at this window, if you have:

  • Changed the printed quantity of all lines to 0, voiding the entire pack slip (available from the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen only):

The Vendor Portal changes the Printed Qty to 0 for all lines on the pack slip, and changes the status of these lines to New Order unless a pending cancellation request applied automatically or the line was already held. See the Detail tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.

The batch is cleared from the lines on the pack slip, and no new batch number is assigned.

Since the lines’ status is set to New Order, any pending address changes or cancellation requests are applied.

The Vendor Portal writes history for each purchase order line on the original pack slip, indicating that the line was voided. See the History tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.

  • Changed the printed quantity of any lines to 0 without voiding the entire pack slip (available from the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen only):

The Vendor Portal displays the pack slip icon Illustrates the PDF icon. at the top of the screen when it has finished generating the pack slip. Click that icon to advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen, where you can view the new pack slip, pullsheet, and CSV file, based on the Pack Slip output specified at the Vendor Configuration screen.

The Pack Slip, Pack Slip CSV File, and Pack Slip Batch Pullsheet each include just the purchase order lines whose New Print Qty was not 0 and which are not held. See each of the above documents for more details.

The Vendor Portal changes the Printed Qty to 0 for any lines whose New Print Qty was set to 0, and changes the status of these lines to New Order unless a pending cancellation request applied automatically. If a line was held, the Printed Qty changes to 0 but the status remains Held. See the Detail tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.

The lines on the new pack slip are assigned to the new batch number indicated at the View Printed Pack Slips screen. Lines omitted from the pack slip no longer have a batch assigned.

The Vendor Portal writes history for each purchase order line on the original pack slip, indicating whether the pack slip was reprinted (if the New Print Qty was not 0) or voided (if the New Print Qty was 0 or the line was held). See the History tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.

The Vendor Portal displays the pack slip icon Illustrates the PDF icon. at the top of the screen when it has finished generating the pack slip. Click that icon to advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen, where you can view the new pack slip, pullsheet, and CSV file, based on the Pack Slip output specified at the Vendor Configuration screen.

The Pack Slip, Pack Slip CSV File, and Pack Slip Batch Pullsheet each include the current printed quantity of each purchase order line based on the New Print Qty. See each of the above documents for more details.

The Vendor Portal changes the Printed Qty for any lines whose New Print Qty was reduced; however, the status of these lines remains In Process. See the Detail tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.

The lines on the new pack slip are assigned to the new batch number indicated at the View Printed Pack Slips screen.

The Vendor Portal writes history for each purchase order line indicating that the pack slip was reprinted. See the History tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.

Note: If a partial quantity of a line is printed, you cannot generate another pack slip for the remaining, unprinted quantity until you confirm shipment of the printed quantity, or void the pack slip.

Held line? If you have used the Purchase Order Maintenance screen or the Edit Purchase Order Item window to put a purchase order line on hold, then you cannot enter a new print quantity; instead, this field lists the word Held. If you reprint the pack slip, the held line is omitted from the pack slip and the Printed Qty for the line is set to 0.

  • Reprinted the pack slip without making any changes:

The Vendor Portal displays the pack slip icon Illustrates the PDF icon. at the top of the screen when it has finished generating the pack slip. Click that icon to advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen, where you can view the new pack slip, pullsheet, and CSV file, based on the Pack Slip output specified at the Vendor Configuration screen.

The lines on the new pack slip are assigned to the new batch number indicated at the View Printed Pack Slips screen.

The Vendor Portal writes history for each purchase order line indicating that the pack slip was reprinted. See the History tab at the Purchase Order screen for more information.

Held line? If you have used the Purchase Order Maintenance screen or the Edit Purchase Order Item window to put a purchase order line on hold, then you cannot enter a new print quantity; instead, this field lists the word Held. If you reprint the pack slip, the held line is omitted from the pack slip and the Printed Qty for the line is set to 0.

Purchase Order Maintenance

Purpose: Use the Purchase Order Maintenance screen to:

  • put the line on hold by selecting the Hold flag. When you put a line on hold, you also need to specify a Reason Description. When you release a line from hold, you can enter a different reason description or leave the field blank.


You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation, and if you use the void/reprint option, the held line is omitted from the new pack slip.
  • clear the Hold flag to return the line to its previous status. If the line returns to New Order status, any pending cancellation request or address change applies automatically. See the Purchase Order Change Requests screen for background.
  • revise the due date for a line by entering a Revised Due Date in the correct format for your locale (as defined at the Vendor Configuration screen), or selecting a date from the calendar control next to the Revised Due Date entry field. When you revise the due date for a line, you also need to specify a Reason Description.
  • enter or delete a Reason Description as an informational note about the line, even if you are not changing the line’s hold status or revising the due date.

After entering your changes, click Update to update one or more lines on a purchase order, or click Cancel to cancel your updates.

Retailer notified: The retailer receives a notification email when you hold or release a line, change a due date, or enter or change a Reason Description.

All other fields at this screen are display-only.

How to display this screen: Select Purchase Order Maintenance from the Home Screen or the Purchase Orders drop-down menu if you have the required authority.

Fields Description
Search fields

Searching for lines to maintain: When you first advance to this screen, no lines on purchase orders are displayed. Use any combination of the following fields and click Search to restrict the lines displayed to those matching your search criteria. Up to 500 purchase order lines are displayed in ascending order (oldest to newest) based on the date and time when they were sent to the Vendor Portal.

Line Status

Select a status from the drop-down list and click Search to restrict displayed lines to those in the selected status. Possible statuses are:

  • Held: You have held the line from processing. You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation, and if you use the void/reprint option, the held line is omitted from the new pack slip.
  • In Process: You have generated a pack slip for the line, or the line has been sent to (and, if necessary, acknowledged by) the integrating system if you use the vendor integration.
  • New Order: You have not yet generated a pack slip for the line, or sent the purchase order to (and, if necessary, received acknowledgement from) the integrating system if you use the vendor integration.


Shipped or canceled lines are not eligible for maintenance.
PO Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system to display purchase orders that start with or match your entry. Can include numbers, letters, spaces, or special characters. Up to 30 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an purchase order number of A12345.

Order Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system to display purchase orders whose sales order number starts with your entry. Up to 30 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an order number of A12345.

Item #

Your item number or code. Optionally, enter a full or partial item code to display purchase orders or lines if the items start with or match your entry. For example, if you sell items ABC111 and ABC123, entering ABC1 matches both of these items. Up to 35 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an item number of A12345.

Retailer Item #

The retailer’s item number or code. Optionally, enter a full or partial item code to display purchase orders or lines if the retailer’s item codes start with or match your entry. For example, if the retailer has item codes XYZ222 and XYZ234, entering XYZ2 matches both of these retailer items. Up to 35 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a retailer item number of A12345.

Due Date

Optionally, select a date from the calendar control or enter it in the correct format for your locale (as defined at the Vendor Configuration screen) to display lines whose revised due dates, if any, match your entry; otherwise, to display lines whose original due dates match your entry.


If a line has a revised due date, searching based on the original due date does not display the line. To display the line, you need to search based on the revised date.
Result fields

Up to 500 purchase order lines are displayed in ascending order (oldest to newest) based on the date and time when they were sent to the Vendor Portal.

PO Number

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system.

Order Number

The number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system.

Item #

Your item number or code. Hold the pointer over the Item # to display a description of the item.

Retailer Item #

The retailer’s item number or code. Hold the pointer over the Retailer Item # to display the retailer’s description of the item.

Original Due Date

The due date that was specified by the retailer for the line.

Maintaining a line on a purchase order: Optionally, use the following three fields and click Update to update one or more lines on a purchase order, or click Cancel to cancel your updates.


Optionally, select this flag to change the line’s status to Held, or clear the flag to release the line from hold and change the status back to the previous setting.

You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation, and if you use the void/reprint option, the held line is omitted from the new pack slip.

When you put a line on hold, you need to enter a Reason Description.

If you release the line from hold and it returns to New Order status, any pending cancellation request or address change applies automatically. See the Purchase Order Change Requests screen for background.

Retailer notified: The retailer receives a notification email when you hold or release a line.

Revised Due Date

Optionally, enter a different due date in the correct format for your locale (as defined at the Vendor Configuration screen), or select a date from the calendar control. When you revise the due date, you also need to enter a Reason Description.

Retailer notified: The retailer receives a notification email when you change a due date.

Reason Description

Enter a reason description:

  • when you enter or change a Revised Due Date (required), or
  • when you change the setting of the Hold flag (required), or
  • to enter an informational note for the line (optional)

When the line’s status is Held and you clear the Hold flag, the Reason Description is also cleared. Optionally, you can enter a different Reason Description when you release the line.

Retailer notified: The retailer receives a notification email when you enter or change a Reason Description.

Line Status

Possible statuses are:

  • Held: You have held the line from processing. You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation, and if you use the void/reprint option, the held line is omitted from the new pack slip.
  • In Process: You have generated a pack slip for the line, or the line has been sent to (and, if necessary, acknowledged by) the integrating system if you use the vendor integration.
  • New Order: You have not yet generated a pack slip for the line, or sent the purchase order to (and, if necessary, received acknowledgement from) the integrating system if you use the vendor integration.


Shipped or canceled lines are not displayed at this screen.
PO Inquiry

Click the PO Inquiry icon (Illustrates the icon.) to advance to the Purchase Order Inquiry screen, where you can review the details of the purchase order, such as the sold-to and ship-to address, items, history, and messages.

Select Purchase Orders

Purpose: Use this screen to generate pack slips for purchase orders assigned to you for fulfillment.

Generation options: The configuration options set by the retailer control whether this screen generates the PDF Pack Slip, the PDF Pack Slip Batch Pullsheet, a Pack Slip CSV File (comma-separated value) of the purchase orders for extract to your system, or all of these.

How to display this screen: Select Select Purchase Orders from the Home Screen or the Purchase Orders drop-down menu if you have the required authority.

If integrated: If you use the vendor integration, this screen is not available; the Get Purchase Orders screen is available instead.

Which purchase orders are eligible? Only purchase orders or purchase order lines in New Order status are eligible for pack slip generation.

About CSV files: You can open a CSV file in your default spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel. You can also extract the contents of the CSV file into your database if your system supports it.

Selection options: When generating pack slips, you can select:

  • All POs: Generates pack slips without the requirement to select individual purchase orders; however, you can:

    • specify a maximum number of purchase orders to select

    • restrict pack slip generation to:

    • single-line purchase orders

    • a particular brand

    • shipping addresses in a particular country and, optionally, state/province or territory

    • purchase orders that include lines whose due date is on or before a specified date

  • Select POs: Generates the pack slips for the purchase orders you select at the screen. You can restrict the displayed purchase orders available for selection based on:

    • single-line purchase orders only

    • brand

    • earliest due date for lines on the purchase order being on or before a specified date

    • date created being on or before a specified date

    • purchase order number

    • sales order number

    • country and, optionally, state/province or territory for shipping address

    After searching for purchase orders that match your criteria, you can select any or all displayed purchase orders and generate pack slips.

  • Select Item: Optionally, you can restrict pack slip generation to purchase orders that include a particular item. You can also limit the pack slips to generate based on the quantity of the selected item. Once you have specified the item and maximum quantity, you can specify whether to generate pack slips for single-line purchase orders only, or only purchase orders for a specific brand.

Multi-line purchase orders: A purchase order can include more than one line. When you generate a pack slip for a multi-line purchase order, the pack slip includes all lines on the purchase order, provided they are in New Order status, even if you use the Select Item option.

Lines in different statuses? Only lines in New Order status are eligible for pack slip generation. If a purchase order includes a line in New Order status and another line in Held or Canceled status, the generated pack slip includes only the line in New Order status.

There is no option to force a purchase order to ship complete or to prevent splitting a purchase order across more than one pack slip.

Limiting the total number of pack slips: If you specify a Max POs number to generate when using the All POs option, or specify a Max Units number to generate when using the Select Item option, pack slips are generated in chronological order based on when the Vendor Portal received the purchase orders, starting with the oldest eligible purchase orders.

Confirmation window? If you generate pack slips by item, the Generate Pack Slip Confirmation window opens. You need to click Accept at this window to generate pack slips. See that window for more information.

What happens when you generate pack slips? When you generate a pack slip:

  • The Vendor Portal assigns a batch ID to the group of generated pack slips, and creates:

    • a PDF version of the Pack Slip, if specified under Vendor Configuration. If you generate multiple pack slips for the same brand, the Vendor Portal generates a single PDF file containing all the pack slips you have just generated for the brand. The PDF file includes pack slips in chronological order based on when the purchase orders were received by the vendor portal (oldest first).

    • a Pack Slip Batch Pullsheet listing the items to pick, if specified under Vendor Configuration.

    • a Pack Slip CSV File that includes a row for every purchase order line, if specified under Vendor Configuration. If there are multiple purchase orders for the same brand, the Vendor Portal generates a single CSV file containing all the items on pack slips you have just generated for the brand.


    If the batch of pack slips includes multiple brands, there is a separate PDF file, pullsheet, and CSV file for each brand.
  • The status of the purchase order line changes to In Process. If this is the only line on the purchase order, or if you generate a pack slip for the entire purchase order, the status of the purchase order itself also changes to In Process. See Order Status for a discussion of possible purchase order statuses.
  • The Vendor Portal tracks the date and time when the pack slip was generated, the user ID of the person who generated the pack slip, and the batch ID. The date and time might not be your local date and time, if the retailer uses a server in a different time zone. For example, if your store location is on Eastern Standard time, and the retailer uses a server that is on Pacific time, the date and time displayed might be earlier than the current time in your location. You can review this history at the History tab of the Purchase Order screen.
  • A PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) appears at the top of the screen once the PDF and CSV file generation is complete. Click this icon to advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen to work with the generated files.

Address changes or cancellations? Occasionally the customer updates the shipping address for a purchase order or requests a cancellation. If a shipping address change or cancellation request occurs:

  • before you generate the pack slip, while the purchase order or line is still in New Order status: the Vendor Portal updates the purchase order automatically.
  • after you have generated a pack slip for a purchase order, changing the status of the line(s) to In Process: you need to use the Purchase Order Change Requests screen to accept these changes, or reject them if it is too late to change or cancel the purchase order.

If the customer requests a change or cancellation after the purchase order is shipped, the Vendor Portal automatically rejects the request.

See the Purchase Order Change Requests screen for more information.

Option Procedure
generate pack slips for all eligible purchase orders
  • The All POs option is selected by default when you advance to the Select Purchase Orders screen. Optionally, use the Search fields if All POs is selected to restrict the purchase orders selected for pack slip generation.
  • Click Generate.
  • A PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) appears at the top of the screen once the PDF and CSV file generation is complete. Click this icon to advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen to work with the generated files.
generate pack slips for selected purchase orders
  • Click Select POs.
  • Optionally, use the Search fields if Select POs is selected and click Search to restrict the displayed purchase orders to those that match your criteria.
  • Select individual purchase orders for pack slip generation by clicking the selection box next to the purchase order, or select all displayed purchase orders by clicking the selection box at the top of the search results.
  • Click Generate.
  • A PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) appears at the top of the screen once the PDF and CSV file generation is complete. Click this icon to advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen to work with the generated files.
generate pack slips for a selected item
  • Click Select Item.
  • Optionally, use the Search fields if Select Item is selected and click Search to restrict the displayed items to those that match your criteria.
  • Select each item you want to include by clicking the selection box next to the item.
  • Use the Max Units field to specify the total number of units of that item to include on generated pack slips.

Not exceeding the maximum: If you enter a maximum that is lower than the total number of eligible units, the Vendor Portal enforces this maximum or generates pack slips for a smaller quantity.

Example: The total number of eligible units for dining room chairs is 12, and you enter a maximum of 10. There are 3 existing purchase orders for the item, each for a quantity of 4. The vendor portal generates pack slips for 2 purchase orders, for a total printed quantity of 8.

Additional items on the purchase order: This maximum applies to the selected item only. If there are additional items on the purchase order and you do not select the Single Line POs only option at the confirmation window when you generate pack slips, then these items are also included on the pack slip.

You specify Max Units of 4 chairs. The next eligible purchase order includes 4 chairs, plus a table and a sideboard. The pack slip includes the chairs, the table, and the sideboard.

  • Click Generate.
  • At the Generate Pack Slip Confirmation window, you have the option to select:

    • a Brand from the dropdown list to generate pack slips for this brand only

    • the Single Line POs Only option to generate pack slips only for purchase orders that consist of a single line of the item in New Order status.

  • Click Accept at the Generate Pack Slip Confirmation window to generate the pack slips for all lines in New Order status that meet your selected criteria, or click Reject at that window to cancel.


The screen displays an error message if you select either or both of the options above and click Accept, and there are no purchase orders that meet the selected criteria.

A PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) appears at the top of the screen once the PDF and CSV file generation is complete. Click this icon to advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen to work with the generated files.

advance to purchase order inquiry

Click the edit/display icon (Illustrates the edit/display icon.) labeled PO Inquiry to advance to the Purchase Order screen, where you can review additional information about the purchase order. This option is available only when the Select POs option is selected.

refresh the summary table

Ways to update the information currently displayed in the Summary table:

  • Switch between the current selection option (All POs, Select POs, or Select Item) and another selection option.
  • If the Select POs or Select Item option is selected: Click Search.
  • If the All POs option is selected (default): Close the Select Purchase Orders screen and reopen it.
  • Click Generate to produce a batch of pack slips.
work with generated pack slips

A PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) appears at the top of the screen once the PDF and CSV file generation is complete. Click this icon to advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen to work with the generated files.

Fields Description
Summary table

(unlabeled table at the upper right of the screen)

To update the information in this summary table:

  • Switch between the current selection option (All POs, Select POs, or Select Item) and another selection option.
  • If the Select POs or Select Item option is selected: Click Search.
  • If the All POs option is selected (default): Close the Select Purchase Orders screen and reopen it.
  • Click Generate to produce a batch of pack slips.


  • New = The total number of purchase orders that include at least one line in New Order status
  • In Process = The total number of purchase orders that include at least one line in In Process status
  • Held = The total number of purchase orders that include at least one line in Held status

A purchase order can be included in more than one column if, for example, it includes one line in New Order status and one line in Held status.

Single Line POs


  • New = The total number of single-line purchase orders that are in New Order status
  • In Process = The total number of single-line purchase orders that are in In Process status
  • Held = The total number of single-line purchase orders that are in Held status

A single-line purchase order can be included in only one of these columns.



  • New = The total unit quantity on all lines that are in New Order status
  • In Process = The total unit quantity on all lines that are in In Process status and included on generated pack slips (“printed quantity”)
  • Held = The total unit quantity on all lines that are in Held status and not on generated pack slips
# Distinct Items


  • New = The total number of different items are in New Order status
  • In Process = The total number of different items that are in In Process status
  • Held = The total number of different items that are in Held status

For example, you have 8 new purchase orders for a total of 20 units of item AB123, and you also have 12 new purchase orders for a total of 12 units of item CD234. The total number of distinct items in New Order status is 2 (AB123 and CD234).

Search fields if All POs is selected

Optionally, use the fields described below and then click Generate to generate pack slips for all purchase orders meeting your criteria.

You can also click Generate without selecting any criteria to generate all eligible pack slips.

There are no results fields displayed when you use the All POs option.


When All POs is selected, the screen does not display any search results; however, you can use the Summary table to review the total numbers of purchase orders and purchase order lines eligible for pack slip generation.
Single Line POs Only

Select this option to generate pack slips for all purchase orders that consist of a single line in New Order status. Eligibility:

  • A single-line purchase order can include a single line with a quantity greater than one: for example, an order for four matching chairs.
  • A purchase order is not a single-line order if it includes more than one line even if, for example, it includes a single line in New Order status and another line in Held, Shipped, or Canceled status.

Leave this option unselected to generate pack slips for purchase orders regardless of the number of lines.


Optionally, select a brand from the dropdown list to generate pack slips for this brand only.

Max POs

Optionally, enter the maximum number of pack slips to generate. You should not enter a number larger than the number of new POs indicated in the Summary table. When you limit the number of pack slips, pack slips are generated in chronological order based on when the Vendor Portal received the purchase orders, starting with the oldest eligible purchase orders.

If you do not enter a maximum number, the Vendor Portal generates pack slips for up to 500 purchase orders at a time; however, you can enter a maximum that exceeds this number.

Due Date

Optionally, select a due date from the calendar control to generate pack slips for purchase orders that include any lines with this due date or earlier, including revised due dates.


Optionally, select a country from the dropdown list to generate pack slips only for purchase orders whose shipping addresses are in this country.


Optionally, select a state, province, or territory from the dropdown list to generate pack slips only for purchase orders whose shipping addresses are in this state, province, or territory.


You can select a state, province, or territory only after you first select a country, and only if there is a defined list of states, provinces, or territories for the country.
Search fields if Select POs is selected

Searching for purchase orders: You can use any combination of the fields below and click Search to display purchase orders matching your search criteria. All search fields are optional.

Which purchase orders are eligible? Only purchase orders with at least one line in New Order status are eligible for pack slip generation.

For more information: See generate pack slips for selected purchase orders, above, for information on generating pack slips using the Select POs option.

Single Line POs Only

Optionally, select this option to display pack slips only for purchase orders that consist of a single line in New Order status. Eligibility:

  • A single-line purchase order can include a single line with a quantity greater than 1: for example, an order for four matching chairs.
  • A purchase order is not a single-line order if, it includes more than one line even if, for example, it includes a single line in New Order status and another line in Held, Shipped, or Canceled status.

Leave this option unselected to generate pack slips for purchase orders regardless of the number of lines.


Optionally, select a brand from the dropdown list to display purchase orders for this brand only.

Due Date

Optionally, select a date from the calendar control to display purchase orders whose earliest original due date from any eligible line is on or before your entry.

Date Created

Optionally, select a date from the calendar control to display purchase orders created on that date or earlier. This is the created date provided by the retailer, and may be different from the date when the Vendor Portal received the purchase order.

PO Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system to display purchase orders that start with or match your entry. Can include numbers, letters, spaces, or special characters. Up to 50 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a purchase order number of A12345.

Order Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system to display purchase orders whose sales order number starts with your entry. Up to 30 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an order number of A12345.


Optionally, select a country from the dropdown list to display purchase orders shipping to the selected country.


Optionally, select a state, province, or territory from the dropdown list to display purchase orders shipping to the selected state, province, or territory. You can use this option only if you first select a country that has a defined list of states, provinces, or territories.

Result fields if Select POs is selected

Use the selection checkbox next to a purchase order and click Generate to include that purchase order when generating pack slips, or use the selection box at the top of the search results to include all displayed purchase orders for generation.

PO Number

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system.

Order Number

The number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system.


The retailer’s brand that is associated with the sales order.

Due Date

The earliest original due date for a line on the purchase order. A red asterisk (*) indicates that at least one line on the purchase order has a revised due date. You can revise the due date for a line at the Edit Purchase Order Item window or the Purchase Order Maintenance screen.

Date Created

The PO entered date provided by the retailer. Might not be the same as the date when the purchase order became available to you through the Vendor Portal.

Past Due

The number of days that the line with the earliest current (original or revised) due date is past due. For example, a purchase order includes a line with a due date of June 28, and another line with a due date of June 30. If today is July 1, the number of days past due is 3.

Blank if none of the items on the purchase order are past due.


The code identifying the state where the purchase order is shipping. Two positions.


The code identifying the country where the purchase order is shipping. Two or three positions.


A check (Illustrates the green check icon.) indicates that this is a single-line purchase order.

PO Inquiry

Click the PO Inquiry icon (Illustrates the icon.) to advance to the Purchase Order Inquiry screen, where you can reveal the details of the purchase order, such as the sold-to and ship-to address, items, history, and messages.

Search fields if Select Item is selected

Searching for items: Optionally, you can use either of the fields below and click Search to display matching items on eligible purchase orders.

Which items are eligible? Items are listed only if there is at least one line for the item in New Order status on a purchase order.


Your item number or code. Optionally, enter a full or partial item code to display items that start with or match your entry. For example, if you sell items ABC111 and ABC123, entering ABC1 matches both of these items. Up to 35 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an item number of A12345.

Retailer Item #

The retailer’s item number or code. Optionally, enter a full or partial item code to display items that start with or match your entry. For example, if the retailer has item codes XYZ222 and XYZ234, entering XYZ2 matches both of these retailer items. Up to 35 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a retailer item number of A12345.

Result fields if Select Item is selected

See generate pack slips for a selected item, above, for information on generating pack slips using the Select Item option.

Item #

Your item number or code.

Retailer Item #

The retailer’s item number or code.

Hold the pointer over the Retailer Item # to display the retailer’s description of the item.

Item Description

The description of the item.

New POs

Purchase order totals include:

  • All = The total number of purchase orders that include a line for the item in New Order status
  • S/L (single-line) = The total number of single-line purchase orders for the item in New Order status
  • M/L (multi-line) = The total number of multi-line purchase orders that include a line for the item in New Order status
New PO Units

Unit totals include:

  • All = The total number of units of the item on purchase order lines in New Order status
  • S/L (single-line) = The total number of units of the item on single-line purchase orders in New Order status
  • M/L (multi-line) = The total number of units of the item multi-line purchase orders on lines in New Order status
Max Units

Enter the maximum number of units of the selected item to include on generated pack slips and press Enter (not Tab). You should not enter a number larger than the total unit quantity in New Order status. Required.

Not exceeding the maximum: If you enter a maximum that is lower than the total number of eligible units, the Vendor Portal enforces this maximum or generates pack slips for a smaller quantity.

Example: The total number of eligible units for dining room chairs is 12, and you enter a maximum of 10. There are 3 existing purchase orders for the item, each for a quantity of 4. The vendor portal generates pack slips for 2 purchase orders, for a total printed quantity of 8.

Additional items on the purchase order: This maximum applies to the selected item only. If there are additional items on the purchase order and you do not select the Single Line POs only option at the confirmation window when you generate pack slips, then these items are also included on the pack slip.

Example: You specify Max Units of 4 chairs. The next eligible purchase order includes 4 chairs, plus a table and a sideboard. The pack slip includes the chairs, the table, and the sideboard.

Get Purchase Orders

Purpose: Use this screen to generate the pack slip, set the status to In Process, and assign the batch number for a single purchase order, all new purchase orders including a specific item, or all new purchase orders regardless of the items they include.


This screen is available only if you use the vendor integration. Contact the retailer for more information and see the Integrated Vendor Process Flow for an overview. Otherwise, you can use the Select Purchase Orders screen.

How to display this screen: Select Get Purchase Orders from the Home Screen or the Purchase Orders drop-down menu if you have the required authority and if the vendor integration is enabled.

Option Procedure
generate the pack slip for all new purchase orders
  • Make sure that All POs is selected. This option is selected by default when you advance to the Get Purchase Orders screen.

  • Click Generate.

  • Click Accept at the Generate Pack Slip Confirmation window, or click Reject at that window to cancel. If you select Accept, a message indicates that pack slip generation has been submitted for processing.

generate the pack slip for a specific purchase order
  • Click Single PO. The PO Number field opens.

    Use this field to enter a purchase order number to generate the pack slip for that purchase order.

  • Click Generate.

  • Click Accept at the Generate Pack Slip Confirmation window, or click Reject at that window to cancel. If you select Accept, a message indicates that pack slip generation has been submitted for processing.

generate the pack slip for all new purchase orders that include a selected item
  • Click Single Item.

  • The Item # field opens. Use this field to enter an item number in order to generate the pack slip for all new purchase orders that include the specified item.

    Searching for an item: You can click the search icon (Illustrates the search icon.) to open a pop-up window displaying all items that have been assigned to you for fulfillment on purchase orders. Double-click the correct item to paste the item number into the Item # field.

  • Click Generate.

  • Click Accept at the Generate Pack Slip Confirmation window, or click Reject at that window to cancel. If you select Accept, a message indicates that pack slip generation has been submitted for processing. If no new purchase orders that include the selected item are found, an error message indicates that no purchase orders are available for generation.

refresh the Summary table

Close the screen and then reopen it. If any purchase order lines have shipped or been held since you last opened the screen, the summary information is updated.

Fields Description
Search and Selection Options:
All POs

Leave this option selected and click Generate to generate the pack slip for all new purchase orders.

PO Number

This field opens when you select the Single PO option. Use this field to enter the purchase order number to generate the pack slip for that purchase order. Your entry must be an exact match. You cannot prompt on this field. If necessary, use another screen, such as the Purchase Order Inquiry screen, to identify the correct purchase order number.

Item Number Search window

This field opens when you select the Single Item option. Use this field to enter the item number to generate the pack slip for all purchase orders that include the specified item.

Searching for an item: You can click the search icon (Illustrates the search icon.) to open a pop-up window displaying all items that have been assigned to you for fulfillment on purchase orders. Double-click the correct item to paste the item number into the Item # field.

Summary table

(unlabeled table at the upper right of the screen)

To update the information in this summary table: Close the screen and then reopen it. If any purchase order lines have shipped or been held since you last opened the screen, the summary information is updated.

Last Generated On

The last date and time when the Vendor Portal has received a request for new purchase orders and sent the new purchase order(s) in the response message.



  • New = The total number of purchase orders that include at least one line that has not been sent to the integrated system.

    Note: This total does not include any purchase order that:
    • has had a pack slip voided and not reprinted

    •  if the Require Acknowledgement flag at the Vendor Configuration screen is selected, may have been sent to the integrated system and been assigned a batch number, but has not been acknowledged by the integrated system.

  • In Process = The total number of purchase orders that include at least one line in In Process status. This total includes purchase orders with lines that have been assigned a batch number and, if the Require Acknowledgement flag at the Vendor Configuration screen is selected, have been acknowledged.
  • Held = The total number of purchase orders that include at least one line in Held status

A purchase order can be included in more than one column if, for example, it includes one line in New Order status and one line in Held status.

Single Line POs


  • New = The total number of single-line purchase orders that are in New Order status.
  • In Process = The total number of single-line purchase orders that are in In Process status.
  • Held = The total number of single-line purchase orders that are in Held status.

A single-line purchase order can be included in only one of these columns.



  • New = The total unit quantity on all lines that are in New Order status.
  • In Process = The total unit quantity on all lines that are in In Process status and included on generated pack slips (“printed quantity”).
  • Held = The total unit quantity on all lines that are in Held status and not on generated purchase orders.
# Distinct Items


  • New = The total number of different items are in New Order status.
  • In Process = The total number of different items that are in In Process status.
  • Held = The total number of different items that are in Held status.

For example, you have 8 new purchase orders for a total of 20 units of item AB123, and you also have 12 new purchase orders for a total of 12 units of item CD234. The total number of distinct items in New Order status is 2 (AB123 and CD234).

Generate Pack Slip Confirmation

Purpose: Use this window to confirm the generation of pack slips at the Select Purchase Orders screen if you are generating pack slips by item.

How to display: Click Generate at the Select Purchase Orders screen if you are generating pack slips by item, or the Get Purchase Orders screen if you use the vendor integration.

Completing this window:

  • If you are generating pack slips by item and are not using the vendor integration (see generate pack slips for a selected item):

    • Optionally, select a Brand to generate pack slips for that brand only. If there is only a single brand, that brand defaults.

    • Optionally, select the Single Line POs Only option to generate pack slips only for single-line purchase orders.

    • Otherwise, if you are using the vendor integration, these options are not available at the window.

  • Click Accept to generate pack slips; otherwise, click Reject.


The originating screen displays an error message if you select either or both of the options above and click Accept, and there are no purchase orders that meet the selected criteria.

Pack slip icon: The Vendor Portal displays the pack slip icon Illustrates the generated pack slip icon. at the top of the screen when it has finished generating the pack slips. Click that icon to advance to the View Printed Pack Slips screen, where you can review and print the generated pack slips.

Field Description

Optionally, select a brand from the dropdown list to generate pack slips for this brand only. This option is available only if you opened this window from the Select Purchase Orders screen (not using the vendor integration). If there is only a single brand, that brand defaults.

Single Line POs Only

Optionally, select this option to generate pack slips only for purchase orders that consist of a single line in New Order status. This option is available only if you opened this window from the Select Purchase Orders screen (not using the vendor integration). Eligibility:

  • A single-line purchase order can include a single line with a quantity greater than 1: four example, an order for four matching chairs.
  • A purchase order is not a single-line order if, it includes more than one line even if, for example, it includes a single line in New Order status and another line in Held, Shipped, or Canceled status.

Leave this option unselected to generate pack slips for purchase orders regardless of the number of lines.

View Printed Pack Slips

Purpose: Use the View Printed Pack Slips screen to print pack slips and pullsheets for purchase orders or to download a CSV file of the purchase orders for extract to your system.

Dependent on configuration: The Vendor Configuration settings specify whether to generate a PDF pack slip, a PDF pullsheet, and a CSV file when you generate pack slips. Also, the configuration settings whether to generate the graphical or non-graphical version of the pack slip. These settings apply regardless of whether you use the vendor integration, so that if the Vendor Portal puts a batch of purchase orders into In Process status through the integration, the documents on this screen are still generated.

Deleted automatically: Generated pack slips and pullsheets are deleted automatically after a number of days specified by the retailer.

How to display this screen: This screen opens when you click the pack slip icon Illustrates the PDF icon. at the top of the screen indicating that the Vendor Portal has finished generating pack slips. You can also display this screen by selecting View Printed Pack Slips from the Home Screen or the Purchase Orders drop-down menu if you have the required authority.

How to generate pack slips: You can generate pack slips by:

Option Procedure
search for batches of generated pack slips

When you first advance to this screen, all existing generated batches are displayed. You can search by completing any of the Search fields and clicking Search.

view or print pack slips

Click the PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) in the Pack Slips column to open the PDF file in a separate tab. See the Pack Slip for more information.

No pack slip? If the Vendor Configuration settings specify not to produce a PDF pack slip, no PDF is generated and this field is blank.

Pack slip error? An error icon (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that the retailer has not specified a valid program to use when generating the pack slip for the brand. Contact the retailer for more information.

Window width: In Chrome, the pack slip is displayed in a window 800 pixels wide.

view or print a pullsheet

Click the PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) in the Pullsheet column to open the PDF file in a separate tab. The pullsheet includes a line for each purchase order line in the batch, so you can use the pullsheet to facilitate picking the items. See the Pack Slip Batch Pullsheet for more information.

No pullsheet? If the Vendor Configuration settings specify not to produce a pullsheet, no PDF is generated and this field is blank. Contact the retailer for more information.

Pullsheet error? An error icon (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that the retailer has not specified a valid program to use when generating the pullsheet for the brand. Contact the retailer for more information.

Window width: In Chrome, the pullsheet is displayed in a window 800 pixels wide.

download a CSV file of pack slips

Click the CSV icon (Illustrates the CSV icon.) to download a file containing the same information as the pack slip. The file is in CSV (comma-separated value) format, so that you can easily open it in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel.

When you click the icon, a separate tab opens, and your browser (such as Internet Explorer or Chrome) presents the option to save and open the CSV file. See the Pack Slip CSV File for more information.

No file? If the Vendor Configuration settings specify not to produce a CSV file, no file is generated and this field is blank. This field is also blank if the retailer has not specified a valid program to use when generating the pack slip for the brand. Contact the retailer for more information.

CSV error? An error icon (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that the Vendor Portal encountered an error when attempting to generate the CSV file. Contact the retailer for more information.

delete a batch of generated pack slips

Click the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) to delete the batch of pack slips and the related PDF and CSV files if you have completed processing of the batch.


You can use the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen or the Reprint Pack Slip option at the Purchase Order screen to reprint a pack slip if you delete it inadvertently.
Fields Description
Search fields
Batch #

Optionally, enter a full or partial batch number and click Search to display batches that start with or match your entry. This is the number assigned by the Vendor Portal to identify a group of pack slips generated at the same time. A batch can include a single pack slip. Batch numbers are not necessarily sequential.


If the batch of pack slips includes multiple brands, there is a separate entry at the screen for each brand, each with a separate PDF file, pullsheet, and CSV file, if generated.

Optionally, select a brand from the dropdown list and click Search to display batches of pack slips generated for this brand only.

Generate Date

Optionally, select a date from the calendar control and click Search to display batches generated on that date only.

Submitted By

Optionally, enter a full or partial user ID and click Search to display batches submitted by users whose IDs start with your entry.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a user ID of AJOHNSON.

Result fields
Batch #

The number assigned by the Vendor Portal to identify a group of pack slips generated at the same time. A batch can include a single pack slip. Batch numbers are not necessarily sequential.


If a batch of pack slips includes multiple brands, there is a separate entry at the screen for each brand, each with a separate PDF file, pullsheet, and CSV file, if generated.

The retailer’s brand that is associated with the sales orders originating the purchase orders.

Generate Date

The date and time when the batch of pack slips was generated.

The date and time might not be your local date and time, if the retailer uses a server in a different time zone. For example, if your store location is on Eastern Standard time, and the retailer uses a server that is on Pacific time, the date and time displayed might be earlier than the current time in your location.

Submitted By

The user ID of the person who submitted the batch of pack slips.


The total number of pages in the pack slip PDF.

Pack Slips

Click the PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) in the Pack Slips column to open the PDF file in a separate tab. See the Pack Slip for more information.

No pack slip? If the Vendor Configuration settings specify not to produce a PDF pack slip, no PDF is generated and this field is blank. Contact the retailer for more information.

Pack slip error? An error icon (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that the retailer has not specified a valid program to use when generating the pack slip for the brand. Contact the retailer for more information.


Click the PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) in the Pullsheet column to open the PDF file in a separate tab. The pullsheet for a batch and brand includes a line for each purchase order line, so you can use the pullsheet to facilitate picking the items. See the Pack Slip Batch Pullsheet for more information.

No pullsheet? If the Vendor Configuration settings specify not to produce a pullsheet, no PDF is generated and this field is blank. Contact the retailer for more information.

Pullsheet error? An error icon (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that the retailer has not specified a valid program to use when generating the pullsheet for the brand. Contact the retailer for more information.

CSV File

Click the CSV icon (Illustrates the CSV icon.) to download a file containing the same information as the pack slip. The file is in CSV (comma-separated value) format, so that you can easily open it in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel.

When you click the icon, a separate tab opens, and your browser (such as Internet Explorer or Chrome) presents the option to save and open the CSV file. See the Pack Slip CSV File for more information.

No file? If the Vendor Configuration settings specify not to produce a CSV file, no file is generated and this field is blank. This field is also blank if the retailer has not specified a valid program to use when generating the pack slip for the brand. Contact the retailer for more information.

CSV error? An error icon (Illustrates the red X icon.) indicates that the Vendor Portal encountered an error when attempting to generate the CSV file. Contact the retailer for more information.


Click the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) to delete the batch of pack slips and the related PDF and CSV files if you have completed processing of the batch.


You can use the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen or the Reprint Pack Slip option at the Purchase Order screen to reprint a pack slip if you delete it inadvertently.

Pack Slip

Purpose: The contents of the pack slip are described below.

How to generate:

You can also generate this file by using the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to reprint a pack slip. When you void and reprint a pack slip, the batch consists only of that pack slip.

The Vendor Portal generates a PDF pack slip only if specified by the Vendor Configuration settings. Contact the retailer for more information.

Pack slip sequence: The pack slips within each PDF file are in chronological order based on when the Vendor Portal received the purchase orders (oldest to newest).

Graphical or non-graphical? The Vendor Configuration settings specify whether to generate the graphical or non-graphical version of the pack slip, based on whether you use pre-printed forms. Both versions include the same information.

Language and formats: The language, date and time formats, and number formats are from the retailer’s organization.

How to view: Click the PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) in the Pack Slips column of the View Printed Pack Slips screen to open the PDF file containing pack slips. The pack slips open in a new tab, and the tab’s title indicates the batch and the brand (for example, a tab title of PDF:Pack Slips 443-001 Red Panda indicates batch 443 for the Red Panda brand).

No pack slip? If the Vendor Configuration settings specify not to produce a PDF pack slip, no PDF is generated and the PDF icon is not displayed in the Pack Slips column of the View Printed Pack Slips screen.

Window width: In Chrome, the pack slip is displayed in a window 800 pixels wide.

Pack slip error? An error icon (Illustrates the red X icon.) in the Pack Slips column of the View Printed Pack Slips screen indicates that the retailer has not specified a valid program to use when generating the pack slip for the brand. Contact the retailer for more information.

Fields Description

The logo for the retailer’s brand that is associated with the purchase order.

Ordered By:

The name and address of the sold-to customer. Includes the:

  • company name, if any
  • first, middle, and last name, if any
  • first two address lines
  • apartment or suite number
  • city, state, postal code, and country code

Additional information about the sold-to customer is available for review at the Purchase Order screen.

Ship To:

The name and address of the customer receiving the shipment. Includes the:

  • company name, if any
  • first, middle, and last name, if any
  • first two address lines
  • apartment or suite number
  • city, state, postal code, and country code
  • attention line, if any


The graphical version of the pack slip includes the Attention: label if there is an attention line included in the ship-to address.
Pack slip message (unlabeled field below the Ordered By)

A message specified by the retailer to print on all pack slips for this brand.

Customer #

The number identifying the sold-to customer in the retailer’s system.

Carrier (unlabeled field to the right of the customer number)

The carrier designated to ship the order.

Order message (unlabeled field below the customer number)

The order message, if any. Can be multiple lines of text. Up to four total lines of order message and gift message text can be displayed, or up to 255 positions (characters and spaces).

Gift message (unlabeled field below the order message)

The gift message, if any. Can be multiple lines of text.


If there is both an order message and a gift message, the first line of the gift message starts on the last line of the order message.
Header information
Date of Order

The PO created (entered) date provided by the retailer. Might not be the same as the date when the purchase order became available to you through the Vendor Portal.

Purchase Order No.

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the retailer’s system.

Batch No.

The batch number assigned by the Vendor Portal to identify the pack slips generated at the same time.


Left blank.

Shipped Via

The name of the carrier designated to ship the order.

Customer No

The number identifying the sold-to customer in the retailer’s system.

Order No.

A number or code identifying the sales order in the retailer’s system.

Page No.

The page number on the pack slip.

For each line on the pack slip:
Line No.

A unique number identifying the item on the purchase order.

Items Ordered

The total ordered quantity of the item for the purchase order line.

Items Shipped

The total quantity of the item to ship. Same as the ITEMS ORDERED unless you have used the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to change the printed quantity.

Item Number

The retailer’s item number or code.


The retailer’s description of the item.

Unit Price

The customer’s unit price for the item. Not printed if the order is flagged as a gift.


The customer’s extended price for the item (quantity * unit price). Not printed if the order is flagged as a gift.

Information for the item may also include:

This label indicates that the following lines are the customization instructions for the item, including:

  • a code identifying the type of customization, such as monogramming, ink color, or script
  • the customization instructions themselves

The total handling charges for the item are listed in the Extension column; however, no prices print if the order is flagged as a gift.

order line messages (unlabeled field after an order line and customization, if any)

Any order line messages from the sales order.

  • If the pack slip prints on more than one page, the totals are blank except for the last page of the pack slip.
  • If there are multiple pack slips generated for a purchase order, the totals print on the first generated pack slip only; in this case, the totals are blank on any additional pack slips generated, and the pack slip includes the message: Other Items Shipped Separately.
Total Merchandise

The total extended price of all items on the pack slip. Not printed if the order is flagged as a gift.

Shipping & Handling

The total extended shipping and handling charges for all items on the sales order. Not printed if the order is flagged as a gift.

Multiple pack slip for a purchase order? If this is not the first pack slip for the purchase order, then shipping charges related to the prior shipment or to the purchase order as a whole are included in the first pack slip and not the current pack slip. There might be multiple pack slips for a purchase order if, for example, you put a line on hold before generating the first pack slip, then released the held line before generating the next pack slip.

Sales Tax

The total sales tax for the sales order. Includes any tax on freight. Not printed if the order is flagged as a gift.

Order Total

The total of all merchandise, shipping and handling, and sales tax. Not printed if the order is flagged as a gift.

Total Paid

The total amount prepaid for the pack slip, such as checks, cash, merchandise credits, or gift cards. May be blank if this information is not passed by the retailer. Not printed if the order is flagged as a gift.


The total refund due for the pack slip. May be blank if this information is not passed by the retailer. Not printed if the order is flagged as a gift.

Bal. Due

The total balance due for the pack slip. May be blank if this information is not passed by the retailer. Not printed if the order is flagged as a gift.

order total (unlabeled field)

The total of all merchandise, shipping and handling, and sales tax. The same as the Order Total. Not printed if the order is flagged as a gift.

ship-to address labels (unlabeled fields)

Two labels, each including:

  • company name, if any
  • first, middle, and last name, if any
  • first two address lines
  • apartment or suite number
  • city, state, postal code, and country code
  • attention line, if any


The graphical version of the pack slip includes the Attention: label if there is an attention line included in the ship-to address.
Return To:

The return address for the retailer’s brand, as specified by the retailer.

Pack Slip Batch Pullsheet

Purpose: The pullsheet includes a line for each purchase order line included in the batch, providing a checklist you can use for picking the items for each pack slip. The contents of the pack slip batch pullsheet are described below.

How to generate:

You can also generate this file by using the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to reprint a pack slip. When you void and reprint a pack slip, the batch consists only of that pack slip.

How to view: Click the PDF icon (Illustrates the PDF icon.) in the Pullsheet column of the View Printed Pack Slips screen to open the PDF file containing the pullsheet. The pullsheet opens in a new tab, and the tab’s title indicates the batch and the brand (for example, a tab title of PDF:Pull Sheet 443-001 Red Panda indicates batch 443 for the Red Panda brand).

Language and formats: The language, date and time formats, and number formats are from the Data Formats Options selected at the Vendor Configuration screen.

No pullsheet? If the Vendor Configuration settings specify not to produce a pullsheet, no PDF is generated and no PDF icon is displayed in the Pullsheet column of the View Printed Pack Slips screen. Contact the retailer for more information.

Pullsheet error? An error icon (Illustrates the red X icon.) in the Pullsheet column of the View Printed Pack Slips screen indicates that the retailer has not specified a valid program to use when generating the pullsheet. Contact the retailer for more information.

Window width: In Chrome, the pullsheet is displayed in a window 800 pixels wide.

Fields Description

The logo for the retailer’s brand that is associated with the purchase orders in the batch.

brand name (unlabeled field)

The retailer’s brand name.

vendor code (unlabeled field)

The code or number identifying your company to the retailer.

date and time generated (unlabeled field)

The date and time when you generated the batch of pack slips.

The date and time might not be your local date and time, if the retailer uses a server in a different time zone. For example, if your store location is on Eastern Standard time, and the retailer uses a server that is on Pacific time, the date and time displayed might be earlier than the current time in your location.

Batch #

The batch number assigned by the Vendor Portal to identify the group of pack slips generated at the same time.

Total POs

The total number of purchase orders included in the batch.

Total Lines

The total number of purchase order lines included in the batch.

Total Units

The total number of units on all purchase order lines and all items included in the batch.

for each purchase order line for the same brand in the batch
PO #

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the retailer’s system.

Order #

A number or code identifying the sales order in the retailer’s system.

Ship To Name

The last name and first name or company name of the customer receiving the shipment. Truncated if it exceeds the available space.

Line #

A unique number identifying the item on the purchase order.

Item #

Your item number or code. Truncated if it exceeds the available space.

Retailer Item #

The retailer’s item number. Truncated if it exceeds the available space.

Item Description

A description of the item. Truncated if it exceeds the available space.

Order Qty

The quantity of the item to ship.


The code identifying the designated carrier. Truncated if it exceeds the available space.

Tracking #

A space for you to enter the tracking number for a shipment.


A space for you to enter the weight of a shipment.


A space for you to enter the rate of a shipment.

Vendor Item Count

Each item included in the batch pullsheet, and the total quantity of each.

Pack Slip CSV File

Purpose: The contents of the pack slip CSV file are described below. This file contains the same information as the Pack Slip, with a separate row for each purchase order line included in the batch. The file is in CSV (comma-separated value) format, so that you can easily open it in a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel.

How to generate:

You can also generate this file by using the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to reprint a pack slip. When you void and reprint a pack slip, the batch consists only of that pack slip.

How to download: Click the CSV icon (Illustrates the CSV icon.) at the View Printed Pack Slips screen. When you click the icon, a separate tab opens, and your browser (such as Internet Explorer or Chrome) presents the option to save and open the CSV file.

No file? If the Vendor Configuration settings specify not to produce a CSV file, no file is generated and no icon is displayed in the CSV File column at the View Printed Pack Slips screen. This field is also blank if the retailer has not specified a valid program to use when generating the pack slip for the brand. Contact the retailer for more information.

CSV error? An error icon (Illustrates the red X icon.) in the CSV File column at the View Printed Pack Slips screen indicates that the Vendor Portal encountered an error when attempting to generate the CSV file. Contact the retailer for more information.

How to open: When you click the file, it opens in your default spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel.

About numeric fields: When you open the file in a spreadsheet application, numeric fields are formatted as numbers: right-aligned and leading zeros removed. This formatting also applies to phone numbers and postal codes if they do not include any non-numeric characters. Decimal positions are also removed for whole numbers; for example, a dollar value of $10.00 is formatted as 10, although a value of $10.01 retains the decimal.

Fields Description
Batch No.

The batch number assigned by the Vendor Portal to identify the pack slips generated at the same time.

PO No.

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the retailer’s system. Up to 7 positions.

Order No.

A number or code identifying the sales order in the retailer’s system. Up to 8 positions.

Customer No.

The number identifying the sold-to customer in the retailer’s system. Up to 9 positions.


A number identifying the retailer’s brand. Up to 3 positions.

Date of Order

The PO created (entered) date provided by the retailer. Might not be the same as the date when the purchase order became available to you through the Vendor Portal.

Order First Name

The first name of the sold-to customer. Up to 15 positions.

Order Last Name

The last name of the sold-to customer. Up to 25 positions.

Order Company

The company name of the sold-to customer. Up to 30 positions.


The sold-to customer has either a first and last name or a company name, or both.
Order Prefix

The prefix for the sold-to customer’s name, such as Mr. or Dr. Up to 3 positions.

Order Suffix

The suffix for the sold-to customer’s name, such as Jr. or Esq. Up to 3 positions.

Order Address 1

The first address line for the sold-to customer. Up to 32 positions.

Order Address 2

The second address line, if any, for the sold-to customer. Up to 32 positions.

Order Address 3

The third address line, if any, for the sold-to customer. Up to 32 positions.

Order Address 4

The fourth address line, if any, for the sold-to customer. Up to 32 positions.

Order Apt

The apartment or suite number, if any, for the sold-to customer. Up to 10 positions.

Order City

The city for the sold-to customer. Up to 25 positions.

Order State

The code identifying the state or province for the sold-to customer. Always included for addresses in the US and Canada. Two positions.

Order Postal Code

The zip or postal code for the sold-to customer. Up to 10 positions.


A spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel might automatically remove any leading zeroes, changing a postal code of 02135 to 2135.
Order Country

The 2-position or 3-position code identifying the country for the sold-to customer.


The ship-to information is always included, even if it is the same as the sold-to information.
Ship To First Name

The first name of the ship-to customer. Up to 15 positions.

Ship To Last Name

The last name of the ship-to customer. Up to 25 positions.

Ship To Company

The company name of the ship-to customer. Up to 30 positions.


The ship-to customer has either a first and last name or a company name, or both.
Ship To Prefix

The prefix for the ship-to customer’s name, such as Mr. or Dr. Up to 3 positions.

Ship To Suffix

The suffix for the ship-to customer’s name, such as Jr. or Esq. Up to 3 positions.

Ship To Address 1

The first address line for the ship-to customer. Up to 32 positions.

Ship To Address 2

The second address line, if any, for the ship-to customer. Up to 32 positions.

Ship To Address 3

The third address line, if any, for the ship-to customer. Up to 32 positions.

Ship To Address 4

The fourth address line, if any, for the ship-to customer. Up to 32 positions.

Ship To Apt

The apartment or suite, if any, for the ship-to customer. Up to 10 positions.

Ship To City

The city for the ship-to customer. Up to 25 positions.

Ship To State

The code identifying the state or province for the ship-to customer. Always included for addresses in the US and Canada. Two positions.

Ship To Postal Code

The zip or postal code for the ship-to customer. Up to 10 positions.


A spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel might automatically remove any leading zeroes, changing a postal code of 02135 to 2135.
Ship To Country

The 2-position or 3-position code identifying the country for the sold-to customer.

Ship To Day Phone

The day phone number for the ship-to. May include formatting applied by the retailer’s system. Up to 14 positions.

Ship Via

The code identifying the carrier designated for the purchase order line. Numeric; up to 2 positions.

Ship Via Description

The description of the designated carrier. Up to 30 positions.

Line No.

A unique number identifying the item on the purchase order. Up to 3 positions.

Retailer Item Number

The retailer’s item number or code. Up to 27 positions.

Retailer Item Description

The retailer’s description of the item. Up to 40 positions.

Vendor Item Number

Your item number. Up to 20 positions.

Vendor Item Description

Your item description. Up to 30 positions.

Retailer Items Ordered

The total ordered quantity of the item for the purchase order line. Up to 7 positions.

Retailer Items Shipped

The total quantity of the item to ship. Same as the Retailer Items Ordered unless you have used the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to void a partial quantity of the purchase order line.

Retailer Unit of Measure

The retailer’s code for the unit of measure. Informational only; unit of measure conversion is not supported. Up to 3 positions.

Vendor Items Ordered

Same as the Retailer Items Ordered.

Vendor Items Shipped

The total quantity of the item to ship. Same as the Vendor Items Ordered unless you have used the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to void a partial quantity of the purchase order line.

Vendor Unit of Measure

Your code for the unit of measure. Up to 3 positions. Informational only; unit of measure conversion is not supported.

Unit Price

The customer’s unit price for the item. The price is zero if the order is flagged as a gift. Up to 7 positions, including a 2-place decimal.


A spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel might automatically remove the digits to the right of the decimal if they are set to .00; for example, a price of $10.00 is formatted as 10.

The customer’s extended price for the item (quantity * unit price). The extended price is zero if the order is flagged as a gift. Up to 11 positions, including a 2-place decimal.


A spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel might automatically remove the digits to the right of the decimal if they are set to .00; for example, an amount of $10.00 is formatted as 10.

If there are multiple pack slips: If there are multiple pack slips for a purchase order, the totals are included for the first generated pack slip only; in this case, the totals are zero for any additional pack slips generated.

Total Merchandise

The total extended price of all items on the pack slip. Repeated for each line on the pack slip. The total is zero if the order is flagged as a gift. Up to 11 positions, including a 2-place decimal.


A spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel might automatically remove the digits to the right of the decimal if they are set to .00; for example, an amount of $10.00 is formatted as 10.

The total extended shipping charges for all items on the sales order. Repeated for each line on the pack slip. The total is zero if the order is flagged as a gift. Up to 7 positions, including a 2-place decimal.

Multiple pack slip for a purchase order? If this is not the first pack slip for the purchase order, then shipping charges related to the prior shipment or to the purchase order as a whole are included in the first pack slip and not the current pack slip. There might be multiple pack slips for a purchase order if, for example, you put a line on hold before generating the first pack slip, then released the held line before generating the next pack slip.


A spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel might automatically remove the digits to the right of the decimal if they are set to .00; for example, an amount of $10.00 is formatted as 10.

The total handling charges for all items on the pack slip, plus any additional charges. Repeated for each line on the pack slip. The total is zero if the order is flagged as a gift. Up to 7 positions, including a 2-place decimal.


A spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel might automatically remove the digits to the right of the decimal if they are set to .00; for example, an amount of $10.00 is formatted as 10.
Sales Tax

The total sales tax for the sales order. Includes any tax on freight. Repeated for each line on the pack slip. The total is zero if the order is flagged as a gift. Up to 7 positions, including a 2-place decimal.


A spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel might automatically remove the digits to the right of the decimal if they are set to .00; for example, an amount of $10.00 is formatted as 10.
Order Total

The total of all merchandise, shipping and handling, and sales tax. Repeated for each line on the pack slip. The total is zero if the order is flagged as a gift. Up to 11 positions, including a 2-place decimal.


A spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel might automatically remove the digits to the right of the decimal if they are set to .00; for example, an amount of $10.00 is formatted as 10.
Pay Type

The description of the payment method. Set to MULTI PAY if there is more than one payment method. Repeated for each line on the pack slip. Up to 30 positions.

PO Messages

The sales order message lines, if any, flagged to print. Included for each item on the pack slip. Up to 255 positions (characters and spaces).

PO Gift Messages

The gift message lines, if any. Included for each item on the pack slip. Up to 255 positions (characters and spaces).

Brand Message

The pack slip message, if any, defined for the retailer’s brand. Up to 255 positions (characters and spaces).

Line Customization

If the item requires customization, includes:

  • a code identifying the type of customization, such as monogramming, ink color, or script. Up to 15 positions.
  • the customization instructions themselves. Up to 45 positions.
Line Messages

Any order line messages from the sales order. Up to 255 positions (characters and spaces).

Gift Wrap

Set to Y if the item requires gift wrap; otherwise, set to N.

Integrated Shipping

Purpose: Use this screen to confirm shipment through an integrated shipping system.

Available when? This option is available only if the retailer has enabled shipping through an integrated system.

Other ways to confirm shipment:

Create invoice? You cannot create an invoice through this screen. To create an invoice, you can use the:

Pop-ups blocked? To open the window for printing the shipping label, you need to have pop-ups unblocked for the Vendor Portal in the browser, such as Chrome or Firefox, that you are using. Each browser has a different method for unblocking pop-ups for a particular web site. A search for “unblock pop-ups” with the name of your browser typically leads to instructions to unblock pop-ups for a particular web site, such as the Vendor Portal.

How to display: Select Integrated Shipping from the Home Screen or the Purchase Order drop-down menu if you have the required authority and if integrated shipping is enabled by the retailer.

Option Procedure
select a pack slip for shipment

When you first advance to this screen, no purchase order is displayed. Enter a PO Number or Order Number, or both, to display the correct purchase order on the screen. If:

  • You enter an Order Number and there is more than one In Process purchase order for that order, the Select Purchase Order window opens. Use that window to select the correct purchase order.
  • You enter a PO Number and there is more than one In Process pack slip for that purchase order, the Select Batch window opens. Use that window to select the correct batch.

Case: The PO Number and Order Number are not case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of A or a matches an order number of A12345.

Change requests? The screen displays a message if there are any address change or cancellation requests pending for the selected pack slip. You should respond to these change requests, if at all possible, before confirming shipment. See the Purchase Order Change Requests screen for more information.

Same purchase order number listed twice? It is possible for the same purchase order number to be listed more than once at the Select Purchase Order window if, for example, one of the items on the purchase order was on hold when you initially generated pack slips, and then you released the held line and generated a separate pack slip. In this situation, select either entry for the purchase order so you can confirm whether this is the pack slip you are shipping; you will first need to select a batch from the Select Batch window to display the pack slip details. If this is not the correct pack slip, click Search again.

enter or change the unit weight

Use the Unit Weight field for a purchase order line to enter a different weight. The total weight for the line is calculated by multiplying the unit weight by the Ship Qty.

change the shipment quantity

Use the Ship Qty to enter a quantity that is lower than the Print Qty. You can enter a quantity of 0 if the purchase order line is not included in the shipment.

select or change the ship via (carrier)

Use the Ship Via dropdown box to select a different carrier.

confirm shipment

After selecting a pack slip and changing any defaults, click SHIP.

  • The Estimated Weight and Dimensions window opens where you can define a Total Weight and Box dimensions. Once you define the total shipping weight and box dimensions, click Save.
  • If there are no errors, your browser’s standard Print window opens with the shipping label.

Print the label and close the Print window.

If you did not confirm the entire pack slip for shipment, the pack slip information remains on the screen, with the Total Weight and Print Qty updated to reflect the remaining quantity.

For more information: See Troubleshooting integrated shipping.

Fields Description
Search fields

You can use either the PO Number or the Order Number fields to select the purchase order for shipment.

PO Number

Optionally, enter a valid purchase order number and click Search to confirm shipment of that purchase order. See select a pack slip for shipment, above, for more information.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a purchase order number of A12345.

Order Number

Optionally, enter a valid sales order number and click Search to confirm shipment of that sales order. See select a pack slip for shipment, above, for more information.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an order number of A12345.

Ship To

The shipping address for the pack slip. Includes:

  • name: prefix (such as Mr. or Dr.), first name, middle name, last name, and suffix (such as Jr. or Esq.)
  • company name
  • first address line
  • apartment, unit, or suite number (prefixed by the label Apt / Unit #:)
  • address line 2
  • address line 3
  • address line 4
  • city, state, postal or zip code, country code


Not all of the information above might be available for each customer. At a minimum, the shipping address must include:
  • first and last name or company
  • first address line
  • city, postal or zip code, and country code
PO Number

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system.

Ship Via

The code and description identifying the preferred carrier to use for the purchase order. The carrier for the first item on the purchase order defaults. Optionally, you can use the dropdown box to select a different carrier.

Order Number

The number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system.

Shipping Instructions

The general shipping instructions for the order.

Batch ID

The number identifying the batch that includes the pack slip.

Total Weight

The current total extended weight for the items on the pack slip. Calculated by multiplying the current Unit Weight for each purchase order line by the current Ship Qty. Reduced when you confirm a partial shipment.

Search Results

This area of the screen displays each purchase order line included on the pack slip. Only lines that are not currently held are listed. Optionally, you can change the Unit Weight, the Ship Qty, or both.

Line #

The original purchase order line number for the shipment.

Item #

Your item number or code.

Retailer Item #

The retailer’s item number or code.

Item Description

The description of the item.

Unit Weight

The shipping weight of each unit of the item. Defaults from the purchase order, but you can override the default. Your entry does not update the original purchase order line, but is used to calculate the shipping weight for the pack slip.

When you confirm the shipment, the Estimated Weight and Dimensions window opens where you can also enter a shipping weight.

Print Qty

The quantity of the item printed on the pack slip. Reduced when you confirm a partial shipment.

Ship Qty

The total quantity of the item shipped. The Print Qty defaults, but you can override it to a lower quantity.

If you confirm shipment for a lower quantity, the remaining Print Qty stays in In Process status after you confirm the shipment. You can confirm the shipment for the remaining quantity afterward, or you can use the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to void the remainder.

Issue Possible Explanation or Solution

You closed the Print window without printing the shipping label

Use the shipping label icon (Illustrates the shipping label icon.) at the History tab of the Purchase Order screen to open the label in your browser’s Print window.

The Print window doesn’t open

If pop-ups are blocked, the Print window doesn’t open. Use an internet search to find the steps on unblocking pop-ups for the Vendor Portal in your browser (for example, search for “unblock pop-ups Chrome”).

You confirmed shipment of a pack slip, and now the Vendor Portal screens are not responding to your entries

Confirm that the browser’s Print window is not still open behind the current open browser window.

An error window indicates that a package weight is required

The integrated shipping system requires a total shipping weight that is higher than the current total. For example, the integrated shipping system requires a shipping weight of .10 or higher, and the current total is lower than .10.

An error window indicates that a box size is required

The integrated shipping system requires the box dimensions (length, width, and height). You can define the box dimensions on the Estimated Weight and Dimensions window.

An error window indicates an issue related to the shipping address

Notify the retailer about the error, including the error code or a screen capture if possible. The retailer can send an address update, or can instruct you to use another method to confirm shipment.

Non-U.S. shipping address: If the error is related to a non-U.S. state, contact the retailer. You cannot currently use this screen to confirm shipment to a non-U.S. shipping address.

Address information sent: The system sends the following shipping address information if it is defined:

  • First name, Last name
  • Company
  • First address line
  • Second address line: contains address line 2 and Apt/Suite
  • City, State/Province, Postal code, Country code
  • Phone: the system uses the following hierarchy to determine the phone number to pass:

ship to day phone

ship to eve phone

sold to day phone

sold to even phone

originating location phone

An error window indicates an error with the ship via (carrier)

Use an alternate carrier of the same class if approved by the retailer.

An error window indicates an issue related to the shipper address or phone number, an invalid service, or any other type of error not related to the issues described above

Notify the retailer about the error, including the error code or a screen capture if possible.

Select Purchase Order

Purpose: Use this window to select a purchase order to confirm shipment through the Integrated Shipping screen.

Opens when? This window opens when you search by Order Number at the Integrated Shipping screen if there is more than one in process, unshipped purchase order for that order. This situation might occur if, for example, one of the lines on the sales order was held when purchase orders were originally generated, or if an additional line was added to the order at a later date or time.

Selecting the purchase order: The PO Number dropdown box lists each In Process purchase orders associated with the sales order. Highlight the correct purchase order and click Save. The purchase order information defaults to the Integrated Shipping screen. See that screen for more information.

Same purchase order number listed twice? It is possible for the same purchase order number to be listed more than once in the PO Number dropdown box if, for example, one of the items on the purchase order was on hold when you initially generated pack slips, and then you released the held line and generated a separate pack slip. In this situation, select either entry for the purchase order so you can confirm whether this is the pack slip you are shipping; you will first need to select a batch from the Select Batch window to display the pack slip details. If this is not the correct pack slip, click Search again at the Integrated Shipping screen.

Estimated Weight and Dimensions

Purpose: Use this window to enter the total shipping weight and the box dimensions of a package you are shipping through the Integrated Shipping screen.

Opens when? This window opens when you click SHIP at the Integrated Shipping screen.

Completing this window:

  1. In the Total Weight field, enter the total shipping weight. The unit weight for each line defaults from the weight specified by the retailer, if any. You can also enter or change the unit weight for an item at the Integrated Shipping screen.The shipping weight can include decimals (for example, 1.1234).
  2. In the Box field, define the dimensions of the box. The box flagged as the default by the retailer defaults if it is defined; otherwise, Irregular Size defaults. Select a predefined box size, or choose Irregular Size to manually define the Length, Width, and Height of the box. When manually defining the box dimensions, your entry must be a number between 0.01 and 999.99 with no more than two decimal places (for example, 10.55).
  3. Click Save.

Rounding: The integrated system rounds the total shipping weight up to the nearest whole number if the shipping weight’s decimal is .1 or higher (for example, 3.1 is rounded to 4); otherwise, the total shipping weight is rounded down to the nearest whole number (for example, 3.09 is rounded to 3).

For more information: See the Integrated Shipping screen for more information.

Purchase Order Change Requests

Purpose: Use the Purchase Order Change Requests screen to accept or decline requested address changes and cancellations for purchase orders that are currently in process or held.

In Process or Held status only: Change requests are displayed here only if the retailer submitted when any lines on the purchase order are:

  • In Process: You have generated the pack slip; or,
  • Held: You have used the Purchase Order Maintenance screen to put the line on hold

The Vendor Portal applies or rejects change requests automatically if the purchase order is in any other status. For example, if the purchase order is in New Order status, the change applies automatically; if the purchase order is already Shipped or Canceled, the change is rejected automatically. Also, if you ship a purchase order, the change request is rejected automatically.

Releasing a held line: If you use the Edit Purchase Order Item window or the Purchase Order Maintenance screen to release a line from hold and it returns to New Order status, the address change or cancellation applies automatically.

Void/reprint: You need to you use this screen to accept or decline any address change or cancellation requests before you use the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to reprint a pack slip. However, if you first use the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to void the pack slip, the address change or cancellation request is automatically applied; you can then reprint the pack slip from the Select Purchase Orders or Purchase Order screen if there are any uncanceled lines.

Vendor integration: Address change and cancellation requests are not sent to an integrated system through the vendor integration.

How to display this screen: Select Purchase Order Change Requests from the Home Screen or the Purchase Orders drop-down menu if you have the required authority.

Address changes for different lines on the purchase order: Even though an address change request is related for the purchase order as a whole, the Vendor Portal evaluates the status of the individual lines on the purchase order when determining whether to apply the change, reject it automatically, or submit it to you for review.

Example: When the retailer submits an address change, the purchase order is in Open status, with one line in In Process status and one line in Shipped status. You need to approve or reject the address change for the line in In Process status. The address change is automatically rejected for the line in Shipped status.

What if the retailer submits multiple address changes for the same purchase order? If the retailer submits a second or third address change for the same purchase order with a line in In Process or Held status before you have accepted or rejected the previously rejected change, the Vendor Portal automatically rejects the previous address change.

When are address change requests removed from the screen? An address change is no longer displayed here if you confirm shipment of the purchase order line without accepting or rejecting the change request, or if the address change applies automatically because you void the pack slip at the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen.

Purchase order detail history for address changes: The Vendor Portal tracks address change history for each line at the History tab of the Purchase Order screen when the address change is:

  • automatically applied: The History tab includes a record indicating when the address change was automatically applied to a line in New Order status. You can use the Purchase Order History Detail window to review the address change.
  • requested for an In Process or Held line: The History tab includes a record indicating when the retailer requested an address change for a line in In Process or Held status. You can use the Purchase Order History Detail window to review the requested change.
  • accepted: The History tab includes a record indicating when you:

  • rejected: The History tab includes a record indicating when you rejected an address change for a line in In Process or Held status.

No history record is created when the Vendor Portal automatically rejects an address change request because the line is already in Shipped or Canceled status.

Unlike address change requests, cancellation requests are specific to a line on the purchase order. If the purchase order has multiple lines, the retailer needs to submit a separate cancellation request for each line to cancel the entire purchase order.

Cancellation requests are displayed at this screen only if the lines are in In Process or Held status. If the retailer submits a cancellation request for a line that is in:

  • New Order status: the line is automatically canceled.
  • Shipped or Canceled status: the cancel request is automatically rejected.

If you void a pack slip, this returns the purchase order line(s) to New Order status and the line is eligible to be automatically canceled. See the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen for more information.

Purchase order detail history for cancellation requests: The Vendor Portal tracks cancellation history for each line at the History tab of the Purchase Order screen:

  • automatically canceled: The History tab includes a record indicating when a line in New Order status was automatically canceled.
  • In Process or Held when the retailer requests cancellation: The History tab includes a record indicating when the retailer requested cancellation of a line in In Process or Held status.
  • cancellation accepted: The History tab includes a record indicating when you:

  • cancellation rejected: The History tab includes a record indicating when you rejected a cancellation request for a line in In Process or Held status, including when you confirm shipment of the line.
  • cancellation automatically rejected: The History tab includes a record indicating when retailer sends a cancellation request for a line that is already in Shipped or Canceled status.
Option Procedure
search for and display requested address changes for purchase orders

When you first advance to this screen, no purchase orders or lines are displayed and the Address Changes option is selected by default. Click Search to display all address change requests, or optionally enter any of the Search fields before clicking Search.

search for and display requested cancellation requests for purchase orders

When you first advance to this screen, no purchase orders are displayed and the Address Changes option is selected by default. Select the Cancellations option and click Search to display all cancellation requests, or optionally enter any of the Search fields before clicking Search.

Case: The PO Number and Order Number are not case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of A or a matches an order number of A12345.

accept or decline one or more change (address change or cancellation) requests

Select the Accept or Decline option for one or more address change or cancellation requests and click Update. Optionally, you can click the Accept or Decline box at the top of the column and click Update to accept or decline all listed addresses changes or cancellations.

Retailer notified: The retailer receives a notification email when you accept or decline any address change or cancellation requests.

review a requested address change

Click the display icon (Illustrates the display icon.) to open the Purchase Order Address Change Request window. This window displays additional information about the address change request, including the current ship-to address and the proposed new address.

advance to purchase order inquiry

Click the edit/display icon (Illustrates the edit/display icon.) labeled PO Inquiry to advance to the Purchase Order screen, where you can review additional information about the purchase order.

Fields Description
Search fields
View Results By


  • Address Changes and click Search to display address change requests submitted by the retailer
  • Cancellations and click Search to display cancellation requests submitted by the retailer
Order Status

Address change requests only: Optionally, select an order status and click Search to display address changes for orders in that status. Possible statuses are:

  • Held: You have held the line(s) on the purchase order from processing. You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation.
  • In Process: You have generated pack slips for the purchase order or line.
  • Open (multi-line purchase orders only): The purchase order includes more than one line, and the line statuses include at least one line that is Held, In Process, or New Order.
Line Status

Cancel requests only: Optionally, select a line status and click Search to display cancellation requests for lines in that status. Possible statuses are:

  • Held: You have held the line from processing. You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation through the Purchase Order Shipping screen.
  • In Process: You have generated a pack slip for the line.
PO Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system to display purchase orders whose numbers start with your entry. Up to 30 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a purchase number of A12345.

Order Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system to display purchase orders whose sales order number starts with your entry. Up to 30 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an order number of A12345.


A table at the upper right displays the total number of pending address change and cancellation requests. Click Search to update these totals.

Address Changes

The total number of held, in process, or open purchase orders that have pending address change requests from the retailer.


The total number of lines on purchase orders that have pending cancellation requests from the retailer.

Result fields

You cannot work with both address change requests and cancellation requests at the same time. Use the Address Changes and Cancellations options at the top of the screen to switch between the two types of requests.


Select this box and click Update to accept the address change or cancellation. You can also select the box at the top of the column and click Update to accept all listed addresses changes or cancellations.

Retailer notified: The retailer receives a notification email when you accept or decline any address change or cancellation requests.


Select this box and click Update to decline the address change or cancellation. You can also select the box at the top of the column and click Update to decline all listed addresses changes or cancellations.

Retailer notified: The retailer receives a notification email when you accept or decline any address change or cancellation requests.

PO Number

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system. Address change requests apply to all unshipped lines on the purchase order, while cancellation requests are specific to a line on the purchase order.

Line #

Cancel requests only: The line number identifying the line on the purchase order.

Order Number

The number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system.

Customer Ship To

The name from the shipping address on the purchase order, including the customer’s first and last name, or the company name, or both.

Item #

Cancel requests only: Your item number or code. Hold the pointer over the Item # to display a description of the item and the retailer’s item number or code.

Request Date

The date when the address change or cancellation request was submitted.

Due Date

Address change requests: The earliest date when a line on the purchase order is due. If you have revised any of the due dates at the Purchase Order Maintenance screen, this is based on the revised due date.

Cancellation requests: The date when the line is due. If you have revised the due date at the Purchase Order Maintenance screen, this is the revised due date.

Order Status

Address change requests only: Possible statuses are:

  • Held: You have held the line(s) on the purchase order from processing. You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation through the Purchase Order Shipping screen.
  • In Process: You have generated pack slips for the purchase order or line.
  • Open (multi-line purchase orders only): The purchase order includes more than one line, and the line statuses include at least one line that is Held, In Process, or New Order.
Line Status

Cancel requests only: Possible statuses are:

  • Held: You have held the line from processing. You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation through the Purchase Order Shipping screen.
  • In Process: You have generated a pack slip for the line.

Address change requests only: Click the display icon (Illustrates the display icon.) to open the Purchase Order Address Change Request window. This window displays additional information about the address change request, including the current ship-to address and the proposed new address.

PO Inquiry

Click the edit/display icon (Illustrates the edit/display icon.) labeled PO Inquiry to advance to the Purchase Order Inquiry screen, where you can review the details of the purchase order, such as the sold-to and ship-to address, items, history, and messages.

Purchase Order Address Change Request

Purpose: Use the Purchase Order Address Change Request window to review a pending address change requested by the retailer when a line is in In Process or Held status.

For more information: See the Purchase Order Change Requests screen, especially About Address Change Requests.

How to display this window: Select the icon (Illustrates the icon.) in the Display column for an address change at the Purchase Order Change Requests screen if you have the required authority.

Field Description
Purchase Order #

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system.

Order Status

Possible statuses are:

  • Held: You have held the line(s) on the purchase order from processing. You might put a line on hold if you cannot fulfill it, and are requesting that the retailer cancel it. When a line on a purchase order is on hold, it is not eligible for pack slip generation; or, if a pack slip has already been generated, the line is not eligible for shipment confirmation through the Purchase Order Shipping screen.
  • In Process: You have generated pack slips for the purchase order or line.
  • Open (multi-line purchase orders only): The purchase order includes more than one line, and the line statuses include at least one line that is Held, In Process, or New Order.
Sales Order #

The number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system.

Batch ID

The batch number assigned when you generated the pack slip. Blank if you have not generated a pack slip.


The retailer’s brand that is associated with the sales order.

Sold to Change

Indicates whether the sold-to address for the purchase order is the same as the shipping address, so the retailer is requesting that both addresses be changed. Possible settings:

  • Yes = update both the sold-to address and the ship-to address
  • No = update the ship-to address only
Old Ship To

The ship-to name and address before applying the change. Includes:

  • name: prefix (such as Mr. or Dr.), first name, middle name, last name, and suffix (such as Jr. or Esq.)
  • company name
  • first address line
  • apartment, unit, or suite number (prefixed by the label Apt / Unit #:)
  • address line 2
  • address line 3
  • address line 4
  • city, state, postal or zip code, country code
  • daytime phone number (prefixed by the label Day:)
  • evening phone number (prefixed by the label Eve:)
  • email address


Not all of the information above might be available for each customer.
New Ship To

The ship-to name and address with the changes indicated in red. Includes the same name and address fields as the Old Ship To.

Purchase Order Shipping

Purpose: Use the Purchase Order Shipping screen to confirm shipment of one or more pack slips for purchase orders.

If multiple items are included on a pack slip: You can use the Purchase Order Shipping Details window to confirm shipment of individual line items on a pack slip, or enter a separate tracking number, weight, rate, or shipment date for individual units or lines. Select the Ship by Line option on this screen to open the window. This option is not available if the pack slip includes just a single unit of one line item.

Even if a pack slip includes multiple line items, you can also confirm shipment for the entire pack slip at the Purchase Order Shipping screen; it is not necessary to confirm shipment for each item separately.

If the purchase order has multiple pack slips: It is possible for you to generate more than one pack slip for a purchase order if, for example, you put an item on hold before generating pack slips, then release the item from hold before generating pack slips again. In this situation, you need to confirm shipment of each pack slip separately.

Change requests? The screen displays a message if there are any address change or cancellation requests pending for any of the generated pack slips. You should respond to these change requests, if at all possible, before confirming shipment. See the Purchase Order Change Requests screen for more information.

Invoice entry? Depending on how the retailer has set the Uses Invoicing preference, the Require Invoice # at Shipping preference, and your authority, entry of an invoice number can be optional, required, or not supported.


If entry of an invoice number is required at shipment confirmation, but you do not have authority to invoice creation, you cannot confirm shipments.

Other ways to confirm shipments:

How to display this screen: Select Purchase Order Shipping from the Home Screen or the Purchase Orders drop-down menu if you have the required authority.

Option Procedure
search for generated pack slips

When you first advance to this screen, no pack slips are displayed. This screen can display a maximum of 500 generated pack slips.

To display all generated, unconfirmed pack slips, click Search. Otherwise, use any of the Search fields> and then click Search to restrict the displayed pack slips to those that match your selection(s).


Clicking Search clears any entries or selections you have made in the INVOICE HEADER or Search Results fields.

Case: The enterable fields are not case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of A or a matches an order number of A12345.

Confirm shipment of one or more pack slips without creating an invoice

To confirm shipment of one or more pack slips:

For each pack slip you are confirming:

  • Select the pack slip from the Search Results fields.


When you select a pack slip, the current date defaults to the Ship Date. If you select all pack slips, the current date defaults for all pack slips. Optionally, you can override this default for any selected pack slips; however, the Ship Date cannot be earlier than the purchase order’s Date Created.
  • Optionally, override the default Carrier for the pack slip, or select a carrier if there is no default. To quickly select a carrier, enter the first letters of the carrier name while the cursor is in the Carrier field.

If the carrier doesn’t default: The Carrier field is blank if the carrier specified for the purchase order is not currently assigned to you as an active carrier. Notify the retailer if this occurs.

  • Enter the Tracking #, Weight, and Rate. The retailer’s settings for the carrier control whether these fields are required or optional.
  • Optionally, you can also Confirm shipment by line or unit, or enter separate information for each line or unit for individual pack slips. After you complete the Purchase Order Shipping Details window and click Save, you return to the Purchase Order Shipping screen. You can no longer enter shipment information for the pack slip that you updated until you submit the shipment or exit the screen.
  • Click SHIP.

For more information: See Shipping updates, below.

Confirm shipment of one or more pack slips and create an invoice

To confirm shipment of one or more pack slips and create an invoice to submit to the retailer:

  • Enter invoice? If:

the Require Invoice # at Shipping preference at the Vendor Configuration screen is selected and:

you have authority to create an invoice, you need to enter an Invoice # to associate with the shipment of all selected pack slips.

you do not have authority to create an invoice, you cannot confirm shipment of any pack slips. Contact the retailer for assistance.

the Require Invoice # at Shipping preference at the Vendor Configuration screen is not selected and you have authority to create an invoice, you can enter an Invoice #, but it is not required to confirm shipment.


If you do not have authority to enter an invoice, or if the Uses Invoicing preference is not selected, the Invoice # field is not available for entry. See the Invoice # field, below, for more information.
  • Continue with the steps above under Confirm shipment of one or more pack slips without creating an invoice to confirm shipment.
  • If you entered an invoice number, the Create Invoice Confirmation window opens. See that window for more information on creating invoices.

For more information: See Shipping updates, below.

Confirm shipment by line or unit, or enter separate information for each line or unit

Regardless of whether you have already entered an invoice number or selected pack slips as described above under Confirm shipment of one or more pack slips without creating an invoice, you can click the Ship by Line icon (Illustrates the icon.) to open the Purchase Order Shipping Details window. You can use this window to confirm shipment of individual lines or partial quantities of lines.

After you complete the Purchase Order Shipping Details window and click Save, you return to the Purchase Order Shipping screen. You can no longer enter shipment information for the pack slip that you updated until you submit the shipment or exit the screen. At this screen, you can:

  • use the Purchase Order Shipping Details window to confirm shipment by line or unit for additional pack slips
  • confirm entire pack slips, using the steps described above under Confirm shipment of one or more pack slips without creating an invoice
  • click SHIP. If you entered an invoice number, the Create Invoice Confirmation window opens. See that window for more information on creating invoices.

For more information: See Shipping updates, below.


If you need to generate an additional pack slip for the remaining quantity of a line, you should first use the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to reprint the pack slip with the currently available quantity, and then after you confirm shipment of this quantity, generate a new pack slip for the remaining quantity. Using this method prevents the second pack slip from listing the totals twice, potentially confusing the customer.
advance to purchase order inquiry

Click the edit/display icon (Illustrates the edit/display icon.) labeled PO Inquiry to advance to the Purchase Order screen, where you can review additional information about the purchase order.

When you confirm shipment of one or more full or partial pack slips, the Vendor Portal:

  • updates the shipped quantity of each line
  • writes a purchase order line history record with:

    • the current date (not necessarily the Ship Date)

    • your User ID

    • a Source of UI

    • an Action Type of Shipment

    • Transaction Notes indicating the ship date, carrier code, tracking number, weight, and freight rate, for example: Ship Date: 07/17/2013, Carrier: 50, Tracking #: Track12155, Weight: 2.34, Rate: $ 1.23

  • changes the status of shipped lines to Shipped if all units are shipped or canceled; otherwise, the status remains In Process
  • changes the status of the purchase order to Shipped if all lines are shipped; otherwise, the status of the purchase order is Open if any units are unshipped, or Complete if all units are either shipped or canceled
  • automatically cancels any pending cancellation requests if the entire purchase order line quantity is shipped
  • automatically cancels any pending address change requests if the entire purchase order is shipped

What if the entire line quantity is not shipped? It is possible that confirming shipment does not change the entire purchase order line quantity to shipped if:

  • You use the Purchase Order Shipping Details to enter a partial shipment quantity. In this case, the remaining quantity on the line remains in In Process status.

    This result can also occur if you use the Purchase Order Shipping Upload screen or the vendor integration to confirm a partial quantity.

  • You have previously used the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to change the printed quantity for a line, and then confirm shipment of the entire current printed quantity. In this case, the remaining quantity on the line goes into New Order status. If there are any pending address change or cancellation requests, they apply automatically; however, if the quantity specified for a cancellation request exceeds the current quantity on the line, the cancel request is automatically rejected.

Creating an invoice: See the Create Invoice Confirmation window for more information.

Fields Description
Search fields

You can use any of the search fields, alone or in combination, to restrict the pack slips displayed in the Search Results fields.

Batch ID

Optionally, select a batch ID from the drop-down list and click Search to display unconfirmed pack slips for that batch only. Batch IDs are included in the drop-down list only if they include at least one pack slip for which you have not fully confirmed shipment.

PO Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial purchase order number and click Search to display unconfirmed pack slips for the purchase order only.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a purchase order number of A12345.

Order Number

Optionally, enter a full or partial number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system to display unconfirmed pack slips whose sales order number starts with your entry. Up to 30 positions.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an order number of A12345.

Date Generated

Optionally, select a date from the calendar control and click Search to display unconfirmed pack slips that you generated on that date or later.

Item #

Optionally, enter a full or partial item number and click Search to display unconfirmed pack slips that include unshipped items matching your entry.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an item number of A12345.


Optionally, select a carrier from the drop-down list and click Search to display unconfirmed pack slips who are currently assigned to that carrier. To quickly select a carrier, enter the first letters of the carrier name while the cursor is in the Carrier field. Only carriers that are assigned to you by the retailer and that are flagged as Active are available for selection.


Optionally, select a country from the drop-down list and click Search to display unconfirmed pack slips whose shipping addresses are in that country.


Optionally, after selecting a country from the Country drop-down list, select a state, province, or territory from the State drop-down and click Search to display unconfirmed pack slips whose shipping addresses are in that state, province, or territory.

Outstanding Pack Slips table

Includes only In Process items: This table includes purchase order lines that are in In Process status.

To update the information in this summary table: Updating the information in this table requires you to discard any entries you have made but not yet submitted. To update, exit the screen and re-enter it, or click Search.

Excludes canceled items or purchase orders: The totals in this table exclude any items or entire purchase orders whose cancellation has been confirmed.

Excludes held items: The totals in this table exclude any items or entire purchase orders that you have put on hold.


The total number of purchase orders that include pack slips eligible for shipment confirmation. A single purchase order can include multiple pack slips if, for example, you held an item before generating the first pack slip, then released the item and generated an additional pack slip. In this situation, each pack slip for the purchase order is assigned to a different batch.


The total number of units of all items included on pack slips and eligible for shipment confirmation.


The total of the selling unit prices of all items included on pack slips and eligible for shipment confirmation. Includes a two-position decimal.


The total number of batches that include pack slips eligible for shipment confirmation.

Invoice #

The invoice number or code to submit to the retailer for the shipment of the selected pack slip(s).

Displayed when? This field is displayed if the Uses Invoicing preference is selected at the Vendor Configuration screen.

Enterable? You need authority to the Create Invoices feature to enter an invoice number.

Required? This field is required if the Require Invoice # at Shipping preference is selected at the Vendor Configuration screen.


If the Require Invoice # at Shipping preference is selected but you do not have authority to the Create Invoices feature, you cannot confirm shipment of any pack slips. Contact the retailer for assistance.

Validation: Your entry can consist of numbers, letters, and special characters, and must:

  • not be a duplicate of another invoice from you for the retailer
  • not exceed the maximum length specified by the retailer

If you specify an invoice number, the Create Invoice Confirmation window opens when you click SHIP. See that window for more information on creating an invoice.

Search Results fields

Use the results fields to select each pack slip that you are confirming as shipped. See the field descriptions below for required and optional information for each shipment.

Batch ID

The number assigned by the Vendor Portal to identify a group of pack slips generated at the same time and for the same brand. A batch can include a single pack slip. Batch numbers are not necessarily sequential.

PO Number

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system.

Order Number

The number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system.


The carrier delivering the shipment to the customer. The carrier specified by the originating system defaults unless the retailer has flagged the carrier as inactive. Optionally, you can override the default carrier by selecting a different carrier from the drop-down list. Only carriers assigned to you by the retailer and that are flagged as Active are available for selection. Required.

To quickly select a carrier, enter the first letters of the carrier name while the cursor is in the Carrier field.


Optionally, you can use the Purchase Order Shipping Details window to confirm shipment of individual units or lines by different carriers. See that window for more information.
Tracking #

The tracking number assigned by the carrier to trace the shipment. The originating system may include the tracking number in an email to the customer.

The retailer specifies whether a tracking number is required for each carrier.


Optionally, you can use the Purchase Order Shipping Details window to enter a separate tracking number, weight, rate, or shipment date for individual units or lines. See that window for more information.

The shipping weight of the package. Can include a two-position decimal (for example, 12.34).

The retailer specifies whether the weight is required for each carrier.


Optionally, you can use the Purchase Order Shipping Details window to enter a separate tracking number, weight, rate, or shipment date for individual units or lines. See that window for more information.

The rate for shipping the package. Can include a two-position decimal (for example, 12.34).

The retailer specifies whether the rate is required for each carrier.


Optionally, you can use the Purchase Order Shipping Details window to enter a separate tracking number, weight, rate, or shipment date for individual units or lines. See that window for more information.
Ship Date

The date when the shipment occurred. The current date defaults when you select a pack slip for shipment, but you can use the calendar control to override the default. Cannot be earlier than the purchase order’s Date Created. Required.


Optionally, you can use the Purchase Order Shipping Details window to enter a separate tracking number, weight, rate, or shipment date for individual units or lines. See that window for more information.
Ship by Line

Click the Ship by Line icon (Illustrates the icon.) to open the Purchase Order Shipping Details window. You can use this window to confirm shipment of individual lines or partial quantities of lines. This icon is displayed only if there is more than one unshipped unit on the pack slip.

PO Inquiry

Click the PO Inquiry icon (Illustrates the icon.) to advance to the Purchase Order Inquiry screen, where you can review the details of the purchase order, such as the sold-to and ship-to address, items, history, and messages.

Purchase Order Shipping Details

Purpose: Use the Purchase Order Shipping Details window to confirm shipment of individual lines or units on a pack slip. Only lines and units in In Process status are available for confirmation at this window.


If you need to generate an additional pack slip for the remaining quantity of a line, you should first use the Void / Reprint Pack Slip screen to reprint the pack slip with the currently available quantity, and then after you confirm shipment of this quantity, generate a new pack slip for the remaining quantity. Using this method prevents the second pack slip from listing the totals twice, potentially confusing the customer.

How to display this screen: Select the Ship by Line icon (Illustrates the icon.) for a purchase order at the Purchase Order Shipping screen if you have the required authority. This icon is displayed only if there is more than one unshipped unit on the pack slip.

Option Procedure
select an individual line for shipment confirmation
  • Enter the required and any optional information for the shipped line. See the Fields at this screen below for more information.
  • For each additional line whose shipment you are not confirming at this time, position the cursor in the Units To Ship field and change the entry to zero (0).
  • Click Save.
  • When you return to the Purchase Order Shipping screen, you can select additional pack slips for shipment confirmation or click SHIP to confirm the shipment. See the Purchase Order Shipping screen for more information on shipping updates.
select a partial quantity of a line for shipment confirmation
  • Position the cursor in the Units To Ship field and change the entry to the quantity shipping at this time. The window adds a new line, below, with the remaining quantity of the line. The carrier on the new line defaults from the line whose quantity you changed.
  • If you are not confirming the remaining quantity of the line, position the cursor in the Units To Ship field for the new line and change the entry to zero (0).
  • Click Save.
  • Optionally, when you return to the Purchase Order Shipping screen, select additional pack slips for shipment confirmation.
  • At the Purchase Order Shipping screen, click SHIP to confirm the shipment. See the Purchase Order Shipping screen for more information on shipping updates.
select different carriers or enter a different tracking number, weight, rate, or shipment date for each item
  • Enter the required and any optional information for each shipped line. See the Fields at this screen below for more information.
  • Click Save.
  • When you return to the Purchase Order Shipping screen, you can select additional pack slips for shipment confirmation or click SHIP to confirm the shipment. See the Purchase Order Shipping screen for more information on shipping updates.
Fields Description
Summary fields
Purchase Order Number

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system.


The retailer’s brand that is associated with the sales order.

Sales Order Number

The number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system.

Batch ID

The number assigned by the Vendor Portal to identify a group of pack slips generated at the same time and for the same brand. A batch can include a single pack slip. Batch numbers are not necessarily sequential.

For each unshipped item on the pack slip:
Line #

The line number identifying the item on the purchase order.

Item #

Your item number or code.

Units Picked

The total number of units included on the pack slip and available to ship. Updated when you change the Units To Ship; see below.

Units To Ship

The total number of units that you are confirming as shipped. Defaults to the Units Picked. Optionally, you can:

  • enter a number of units lower than the default if you are confirming a partial shipment of the purchase order line. See select a partial quantity of a line for shipment confirmation, above.
  • enter zero (0) if you are confirming a different line for shipment, but not this line. See select an individual line for shipment confirmation, above.

You cannot enter a number higher than the Units Picked.


The carrier to deliver the shipment to the customer. The carrier specified by the originating system defaults unless the retailer has flagged the carrier as inactive. Optionally, you can override the default carrier by selecting a different carrier from the drop-down list. Only carriers currently flagged as Active by the retailer are available to select. To quickly select a carrier, enter the first letters of the carrier name while the cursor is in the Carrier field. Required.

Tracking #

The tracking number assigned by the carrier to trace the shipment. The originating system may include the tracking number in an email to the customer.

The retailer specifies whether a tracking number is required for each carrier.


The shipping weight of the package. Can include a two-position decimal.

The retailer specifies whether the weight is required for each carrier.


The rate for shipping the package. Can include a two-position decimal (for example, 12.34).

The retailer specifies whether the weight is required for each carrier.

Ship Date

The date when the shipment occurred. The current date defaults, but you can use the calendar control to override it. Cannot be earlier than the purchase order’s Date Created. Uses your local time zone, rather than the retailer’s time zone, to determine the current date. Required.

Purchase Order Shipping Upload

Purpose: Use the Purchase Order Shipping Upload screen to upload a CSV (comma-separated value) file containing shipment confirmations for items on purchase orders.

Other ways to confirm shipments:

Eligible purchase order lines: You can use the shipping upload CSV file to confirm shipment of a full or partial quantity of a purchase order line that is not already shipped or canceled, as long as the line’s status is currently In Process, New Order, or Held.


When you use the Purchase Order Shipping screen to confirm shipments, a line is eligible for confirmation only if its status is In Process.

Create invoice? You cannot create an invoice through uploading the CSV file. To create an invoice, you can use the:

Multiple files? Some browsers support uploading multiple files at the same time; however, you might not receive an error email or be able to review all errors when uploading multiple files. To make sure you understand any errors that might occur, upload the files one at a time.

How to display this screen: Select Purchase Order Shipment Upload from the Home Screen or the Purchase Orders drop-down menu if you have the required authority.

To confirm one or more shipments by uploading a CSV file at this screen:

  • Click the Choose Files or Browse... button.
  • Select the file to upload. Your selection must have a CSV extension (for example, MYSHIPMENTS.CSV).


To make sure that you can review any errors that might occur, you should not upload more than one CSV file at a time, even if your browser supports it. Otherwise, the Invoice Upload - Errors might not be available, and the notification email might not be generated. Also, there needs to be a carriage return after each line in the file.
  • Click Upload.
  • Click Refresh to see if the shipment confirmation was successful or if there are any errors, as indicated by the Status field.

If successful: See Shipping updates for a summary of the updates that take place for successful shipment uploads.

If unsuccessful: For each record in the CSV file that includes an error, the Vendor Portal flags the first error it finds and displays the upload error icon (Illustrates the icon.) in the Errors column. Click the icon to open the Purchase Order Shipping Upload - Errors window and review the error(s). See that window for more information.

The Vendor Portal also generates an email notification to the retailer and to the Upload Error Notification email address specified at the Vendor Configuration screen. The email includes information about the data in error.

Contents of the file: Each CSV file should contain the following unlabeled fields in the order indicated below. Each value should be separated from the next by a comma. You can generate a CSV file in a spreadsheet application and then choose to save the spreadsheet in CSV format.

Sample file: A sample file might be formatted as follows:



Field Description
A: PO Number


B: Line Number


C: Order Number

Informational only. No validation. Optional.

D: Carrier Code

The code identifying the carrier shipping the package. Must be a valid code for a carrier assigned to you by the retailer. Assigned carriers are displayed at the Carriers tab of the Vendor Configuration screen. Does not need to be flagged as Active. Required.

E: Freight Rate

Required, but can be set to zero (0) if the carrier does not require a freight rate. Numeric, rounded to 2 decimal places.

F: Weight

Required, but can be set to zero (0) if the carrier does not require weight. Numeric, rounded to 2 decimal places.

G: Tracking Number

The tracking number that the customer can use to track the shipment. Required if a tracking number is required for the carrier.

H: Quantity Shipped

Must not be greater than the current unshipped, uncanceled, printed quantity. Required.

I: Unit of Measure

Informational only. No validation. Required.

J: Ship Date

Can be a future or past date, or the current date; but cannot be earlier than the purchase order’s Date Created. Must be entered in the correct format for your locale (as defined at the Vendor Configuration screen). Required.

Fields Description

The date and time when you uploaded the CSV file to confirm shipment(s).

The date and time might not be your local date and time, if the retailer uses a server in a different time zone. For example, if your store location is on Eastern Standard time, and the retailer uses a server that is on Pacific time, the date and time displayed might be earlier than the current time in your location.


The status of the upload:

  • Completed: The Vendor Portal processed all the shipment updates specified in the CSV file.
  • Completed with Errors: You uploaded just one CSV file at a time, and one or more shipment updates specified in the file contained errors. Click the upload error icon (Illustrates the icon.) to open the Purchase Order Shipping Upload - Errors window and review the errors.
  • Failed: You uploaded more than one CSV file at a time, and one or more shipment updates specified in the file contained errors. Upload the files one at a time so that you can review the errors.
  • Uploaded: You have just uploaded the file and it is currently processing. The file stays in this status briefly until processing completes. If it stays in this status, contact the retailer to confirm that the upload folder has been created correctly.
File Name

The name of the CSV file that you uploaded.

User ID

The user ID of the person who uploaded the file.


The upload errors icon (Illustrates the icon.) indicates that one or more records in the CSV file was incorrect. Click the icon to open the Purchase Order Shipping Upload - Errors window. See that window for more information.


If you upload more than one file at a time, you might not be able to review errors at the Purchase Order Shipping Upload - Errors window and the email might not be generated. Upload the files one at a time so that you can review all errors.

Purchase Order Shipping Upload - Errors

Purpose: Use the Purchase Order Shipping Upload - Errors window to display the errors that occurred when you uploaded shipment information for one or more purchase order lines in a comma-separated value file.

How to display this screen: Select the error icon (Illustrates the error icon.) at the Purchase Order Shipping Upload screen.

The following table describes possible shipping upload errors.


You might not be able to review errors if you upload multiple files at one time.
Error Code Error Description Explanation


Invalid PO (724q) is not associated to vendor (11).

The purchase order number specified is not a valid purchase order number for the vendor.


Invalid Carrier (0) is not associated to vendor (257).

The carrier code specified is not a valid carrier assigned to you by the retailer.


Tracking Number is a required field.

No tracking number is specified, and the retailer specifies that a tracking number is required for the carrier.


Shipping Weight is a required field.

The actual weight specified is 0, and the shipping weight is required for the carrier.


Shipping Rate is a required field.

The meter charges specified is 0, and shipping rate is required for the carrier.


Ship Date is invalid, ship date cannot be before create date.

The shipment date is earlier than the Date created for the purchase order.


Carrier is a required field.

No carrier code is specified.


Invalid PO Line (99) is not associated to PO (383).

There is no matching line number on the specified purchase order. This error also occurs if the line number specified is zero.


Invalid Qty, shipped quantity.

The shipped quantity specified is zero or negative.


Invalid Qty, shipped quantity cannot exceed the available to ship.

The quantity specified in the upload file exceeds the current unshipped, uncanceled quantity for the line.


Invalid Qty, shipped quantity cannot exceed the printed quantity.

The quantity specified in the upload file exceeds the current unshipped, printed quantity for the line.


Invalid PO Lines provided.

The purchase order line is not an open line on the purchase order.


Invalid freight:

No freight rate is specified, or the freight rate specified is not numeric.

Invalid PO line number:

No line number is specified.

Invalid ship date:

The ship date specified was 0, or the date was not formatted correctly.

Invalid weight:

No weight is specified, or the weight specified is not numeric.

Invalid # of data columns.

Can occur if the columns are not the same as those in the Fields in the Shipping Upload CSV File, described at the Purchase Order Shipping Upload , or if no date is specified.

Miscellaneous error java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 4

The date specified is zero (0) or non-numeric.