Browse Order Broker Preference Override

Purpose: Use the Browse Order Broker Preference Override window to review the Order Broker criteria overrides that apply to a particular order type and express carrier setting for an originating system.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

How to display this window: Click to highlight an Order Broker preference override at the Order Broker Preference Overrides screen.

Used for the Routing Engine module.


  • Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen.
  • You can work with preference overrides only if you have completed the Preferences screen for the organization.
  • When you create an organization, you need to first select Save at the Preferences screen in order to create the override combinations to display at this window.
  • If Use Weighted Brokering Rules is selected at the Preferences screen, the Weighted Percentages are displayed; otherwise, the fields from the Standard Brokering tab at the Preferences screen are displayed.
  • Only users with Order Broker Preference Overrides authority can display this window. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Pickup location preferences: When the Routing Engine receives a web service request searching for locations that could fulfill a pickup order:

  • If Use Weighted Brokering Rules is unselected: The LocateItems response uses Standard Brokering rules from thePreferences screen, while the Product Availability response lists the locations in order of proximity.
  • If Use Weighted Brokering Rules is selected: Both the LocateItems response and the Product Availability response list the locations in order of proximity.


Because the Standard Brokering Rules never apply to searches for pickup orders when Use Weighted Brokering Rules is selected, the Browse Order Broker Preferences window does not display any preference rules for a pickup order type. Although you can work with the Standard Brokering Rules at the Edit Order Broker Preference Override screen, these settings are never used if you use weighted brokering.

Options at this window

Option Procedure
review the next order type, originating system, and express carrier setting combination subject to Preference overrides

Click the next icon (Illustrates the next icon.) to display the next combination subject to Preference overrides.

review the previous order type, originating system, and express carrier setting subject to Preference overrides

Click the previous icon (Illustrates the previous icon.) next to display the previous subject to Preference overrides.

edit the current order type, originating system, and express carrier setting’s Preference overrides

Select Edit to advance to the Edit Order Broker Preference Override screen.

Fields at this window


All fields at this window are display-only.
Field Description
Informational fields:

The organization associated with the originating system. The organization code and name are displayed, separated by a hyphen (-).

Originating System

The system originating the order or the product search request subject to the override. The system code and description are displayed, separated by a hyphen (-).

  • This is the system that originally submits the order; or, in the case of a locate items or product availability request message, this is the system submitting the request.
  • The Routing Engine always uses the override setting for the originating system when routing an order, even if the order has been rejected, and it is finding another fulfilling or sourcing location (“reshopping” the order).
Order Type

The order type subject to the override. Possible order types are:

  • If ship-for-pickup is not enabled:
  • Pickup: customer picks up the order at a specified location
  • Delivery: order ships directly to the customer
  • Ship For Pickup: merchandise is transferred from a sourcing location to a pickup location, and the sourcing location and pickup location can both be different from the placed (originating) location

The Routing Engine determines the order type for an override based on:

  1. the order type specified in the submit order request for a new order
  2. the order type assigned to an existing delivery or ship-for-pickup order that is rejected, so that the Routing Engine searches for another location
  3. the fulfillment type specified for a a locate items request or product availability request
Express Carrier

Indicates whether an order needs to use an express carrier to be subject to the override. Possible settings are:

  • Y:
  • Orders that specify an express carrier are subject to the override if they match the Order Type (delivery or ship-for-pickup orders only)
  • If the Default Carrier specified at the Preferences screen has the express carrier selected and the order matches the Order Type, this carrier’s setting applies, so that delivery and ship-for-pickup order requests that do not specify a carrier are subject to the override, as well as locate items requests with delivery or ship-for-pickup transaction types
  • N:
  • Orders that do not specify an express carrier are subject to the override if they match the Order Type (delivery or ship-for-pickup orders only)
  • If the Default Carrier specified at the Preferences screen does not have the express carrier selected and the order matches the Order Type, this carrier’s setting applies, so that delivery or ship-for-pickup order requests that do not specify a carrier are subject to the override, as well as locate items requests with delivery or ship-for-pickup transaction types

Note: The Express Carrier flag is always set to N when the Order Type is Pickup.

Order Broker Preference Override
Inherit from Organization and Preferences

Possible settings:

  • Selected (default): the Order Broker settings specified at the Preferences screen apply to this originating system, order type, express carrier type combination, and the current settings are displayed below
  • Unselected: the override settings specified at this screen apply to this originating system, order type, and express carrier type combination

For more information: For a discussion on the following fields, see the Standard Brokering Tab in the Preferences help topic.

  • The following fields, which control standard brokering, are displayed only if Use Weighted Brokering Rules is not selected at the Preferences screen; otherwise, the Weighted Percentages are displayed.
  • If Use Weighted Brokering Rules is selected, both the LocateItems response and the Product Availability response list the locations in order of proximity. Because the Standard Brokering Rules never apply to searches for pickup orders when you use weighted brokering, no preference rules are displayed for a pickup order type.

See Proximity.

On Hand Count

See On Hand Count.

Location Priority

See Location Priority.

Last Order Assigned

See Last Order Assigned.

Sales Velocity Rank

See Sales Velocity Rank.

Weighted Percentages

Displayed only for delivery or ship-for-pickup orders, and only if Use Weighted Brokering Rules is selected at the Preferences screen.

Labor Cost

See Labor Cost.

Gross Margin

See Gross Margin.


See Proximity.

On Hand Count

See On Hand Count.

Sales Velocity

See Sales Velocity.


See Priority.

Total Weights

See Total Weights.