Browse Store Associate User Profile

Purpose: Use the Browse Store Associate User Profile window to review a store associate user.

Used for: The Store Connect module.

Store associate users anonymized? If a store associate has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the associate’s name and email.

Anonymized associates can still log into Store Connect and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.

How to display this window: Click a store associate user profile once at the Store Associate User Profiles screen.


Available if Use Store Connect is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with Store Associate User Profiles authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Options at this window

Option Procedure
edit the displayed store associate user

Click Edit to advance to the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen.

review the next store associate user profile

Click the next icon (Illustrates the next icon.) to display the next store associate user profile.

review the previous store associate user profile

Click the previous icon (Illustrates the previous icon.) to display the previous store associate user profile.

Fields at this window

All fields are display-only.

Field Description

The organization associated with the Store Connect system where the store associate works.

User ID

Always lowercase. If the user ID exceeds 60 positions, it is truncated.


1 to 30 positions, alphanumeric. Asterisks are displayed if the associate has been anonymized.


Informational. If the email address exceeds the available width, it is truncated. Asterisks are displayed if the associate has been anonymized.


Set to No if the store associate user cannot currently log into Store Connect; otherwise, set to Yes if the store associate user can currently log in. Based on the setting of the Active icon at the Store Associate User Profiles screen.

Cloud Service User Id

The user name identifying the user in IDCS (Oracle Identity Cloud Service) or OCI IAM (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Identity and Access Management). Up to 255 positions.

Data Formats

The following fields are not currently used.

For more information: See Localization Settings for information on how language and data format settings are defined for Store Connect.

Date Format

The format to use for the display of dates on Store Connect screens:

  • MM/DD/YYYY (default): Month/day/year, for example: 12/31/2017
  • DD.MM.YYYY: Day.month.year, for example: 31.12.2017
  • DD/MM/YYYY: Day/month/year, for example: 31/12/2017
  • YYYY/MM/DD: Year/month/day, for example: 2017/12/31
  • DD-MM-YYYY: Day-month-year, for example: 31-12-2017
Time Format

The format to use for the display of times on Store Connect screens:

  • AM/PM (default): For example: 11:40 AM
  • 24 Hour: For example: 13:01
Decimal Separator

The character to use as a decimal separator on Store Connect screens:

  • Period (default): For example, 12.34
  • Comma: For example, 12,34
Thousands Separator

The character to use as a separator on Store Connect screens for numbers over 3 positions:

  • Comma (default) For example, 1,234
  • Period: For example, 1.234
  • Space: For example, 1 234

Indicates the role(s) to which the store associate user is currently assigned. These roles do not currently control authority in Store Connect. See the Role Wizard for background.


The code and name of each location where the associate is currently assigned. See the Locations tab at the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen for more information on assigning locations.