Store Associate User Profiles

Purpose: Use the Store Associate User Profiles screen to deactivate store associate user logins or delete existing store associate users.

About store associate users: Store associates have access only to Store Connect screens.

Used for: The Store Connect module.

Store associate users anonymized? If a store associate has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the associate’s name and email.

Anonymized associates can still log into Store Connect and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.

Creating store associates: See Identity Cloud User Synchronization.

How to display this screen: Select Store Associate User Profiles from the Home Screen or from the Systems Menu.


Available if Use Store Connect is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with Store Associate User Profiles authority can display this screen. See the Role Wizard for more information.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
search for a store associate user profile

Optionally, use any combination of the fields at the top of the screen to restrict the search results to matching store associate user profiles:

  • Select a different Organization to work with store associates for that organization.
  • Enter a full or partial User ID to restrict your results to user ID’s starting with your entry.
  • Enter a full or partial Name to restrict your results to user profiles whose names contain your entry. If the store associate has been anonymized, you can’t search by name.
  • Enter a full or partial Email to restrict your results to user profiles whose email addresses contain your entry. If the store associate has been anonymized, you can’t search by email address.
  • Set the Disabled logins drop-down box to Yes or No to restrict your results to user profiles that match your selection, or leave this field unselected to search for user profiles regardless of this setting.
  • Select a Location to restrict your results to store associates who are assigned to that store location.
  • Click Search.

Case: The User ID is changed to lowercase automatically. The additional enterable fields on this screen (Name and Email) are case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of j matches both John and john.

change an existing store associate user, or enable or deactivate the user’s login

Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for a store associate user profile to advance to the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen.


If the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, where the previously-selected store associate user profile is displayed.
deactivate or activate the login for a store associate user profile

The inactive icon (Illustrates the inactive icon.) indicates that the store associate user cannot currently log into Store Connect; otherwise, the active icon (Illustrates the active icon.) indicates that the store associate user can currently log in. To switch between the settings, click the icon that is currently displayed.

You can also use the Active flag at the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen to control whether a store associate user can log in.

If someone attempts to log into Store Connect using an inactive user ID, the login screen displays an error: Log in failed.


Even if the store associate user profile is enabled, the associate must be assigned to a store location in order to log into Store Connect.
select a store associate user for review

Click the store associate user profile to open the Browse Store Associate User Profile window. This window displays information about the store associate user, including the store associate user’s assigned authority and location(s).

delete a store associate user profile

Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a store associate user profile to delete the store associate user profile from Order Broker. You can delete a store associate user profile even if there is history for the user.

Deleting a store associate user profile does not delete the user from IDCS or OCI IAM.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Search fields:

See organization. Defaults from the organization associated with the Default Shipping System from your user profile, but you can override this default.

User ID

A unique ID to identify a store associate user with authority to log into Store Connect. Always lowercase; entries in uppercase are automatically changed to lowercase.


The store associate user’s name. Names can be 1 to 30 positions in length. Case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of j matches both John and john. f the store associate has been anonymized, you can’t search by name.


Email addresses must be in the format of name@host.ext. You cannot enter more than one email address. Optional entry. Informational only. Case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of j matches both John and john. If the store associate has been anonymized, you can’t search by email address.

Disabled Logins

Use this flag to filter search results based on whether the store associate users can currently log into Store Connect. Select:

  • Yes to display store associate users who can log into Store Connect
  • No to display store associate users who cannot log into Store Connect
Results fields:

Store associate users anonymized? If a store associate has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the associate’s name and email.

Anonymized associates can still log into Store Connect and retain their current authority unless they are deactivated.

See Anonymizing Data for background.

User ID

A unique ID to identify a store associate user. The store associate user ID can be 5 to 30 positions in length. Always lowercase.


The store associate user’s name. Names can be 1 to 30 positions in length. If a store associate has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the associate’s name.


The code identifying the store location where the store associate is assigned.

No location? This field is blank if the store associate is not assigned to any locations. In this case, the associate cannot log into Store Connect.

Multiple locations? If you have used the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen to assign the associate to more than one location, the word Multiple is displayed here. An associate user who is assigned to more than one location must select the correct location when logging into Store Connect.


Informational only. If a store associate has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed as the associate’s email.


The inactive icon (Illustrates the inactive icon.) indicates that the store associate user cannot currently log into Store Connect; otherwise, the active icon (Illustrates the active icon.) indicates that the store associate user can currently log in. To switch between the settings, click the icon that is currently displayed.

You can also use the Active flag at the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen to control whether a store associate user can log in.

If someone attempts to log into Store Connect using an inactive user ID, the login screen displays an error: Log in failed.


Even if the store associate user profile is enabled, the associate must be assigned to a store location in order to log into Store Connect.
Requires Locations

The icon (Illustrates the attribute icon.) indicates that the store associate has not yet been assigned to any locations.


Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for a store associate user profile to advance to the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen. At that screen, you can change an existing store associate user’s preferences, authority, and store assignment(s).


If the Edit Store Associate User Profile screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, where the previously-selected store associate user profile is displayed.

Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) for a store associate user profile to delete the store associate user profile from Order Broker. You can delete a store associate even if there is history for the store associate user profile.

Deleting a store associate user profile does not delete the user from IDCS or OCI IAM.