Trace Shopping Log

Purpose: Use the Trace Shopping Log screen to view the existing product locations that the Routing Engine considered for placement of an order or line for sourcing, and the reason why each location was filtered from selection.

Simple trace example: A simple shopping logic trace for a product with four product location records might include the Routing Engine evaluating the locations as follows:

  1. Initial list: The Routing Engine identifies each of the four product location for the requested item.
  2. The Routing Engine filters out location A because it does not support the order type, based on the Fulfillment settings at the Preferences screen.
  3. The Routing Engine filters out location B because it does not have sufficient inventory of the requested item(s).
  4. The Routing Engine filters out location C because it is the requesting location.

The shopping trace entries displayed for the order might include:

  • First, all product locations that for the product:

    • Initial List / Location A

    • Initial List / Location B

    • Initial List / Location C

    • Initial List / Location D

  • Next, location A is filtered because it does not support the order type, for example:

    • Does not support Order Type / Location A

  • Next, location B is filtered because it does not have sufficient inventory, for example:

    • Location has insufficient inventory / Location B

  • Next, location C is filtered because it was the requesting location, for example:

    • Requesting Location / Location C

Location D is selected for the order; however, there is no entry at the Trace Shopping Log screen for the selected location. You can review the selected location at the Order screen.

See Trace Log Elimination Reasons, below, for a list of possible reasons why the Routing Engine might filter out a location.

When the Routing Engine takes multiple passes through possible locations: There are situations when the Routing Engine evaluates potential locations more than once and writes trace records for filtering a location each time, although one or more of the locations might ultimately be selected to fulfill or source the order.

  • If order must be split and split order is supported: For example, an order includes two items. The Routing Engine first looks for a single location that can fulfill both order lines, but does not find a single location for both.Then, if splitting orders is selected, the Routing Engine checks whether the order can be fulfilled by splitting the lines across location A and location B.

    In this type of scenario, a shopping trace entry might first indicate a reason that location A and location B are filtered; however, these two locations are ultimately selected in a subsequent pass.

  • If zone fulfillment is in use: For example, the shipping address is within a fulfillment zone that includes both primary and alternate locations. The Routing Engine first evaluates the primary locations but does not find one or more primary locations that can fulfill the order. The Routing Engine then evaluates the alternate locations. If the order cannot be fulfilled in one or more alternate locations, the Routing Engine then evaluates whether the order can be fulfilled by splitting across any primary and alternate locations.

    In these scenarios, a trace log can indicate a reason for filtering a location, although the location might ultimately be selected in a subsequent pass. For example, location A and location B are eliminated separately in the first pass, but are ultimately selected to fulfill individual order lines in a subsequent pass.


The Routing Engine evaluates multiple locations only if your organization supports splitting orders.

Demonstrates filtering rather than selection: Use the Trace Shopping Log screen to determine how locations are filtered from shopping, rather than how the remaining eligible locations are selected. Once the Routing Engine has determined the remaining locations after ineligible locations are filtered, the Routing Engine or the Science Engine selects the sourcing location based on the Standard Brokering or Weighted Brokering settings at the Preferences screen.

Enabling shopping logic tracing: Shopping log records are created only when Trace Shopping Logic at the Event Logging screen is set to Detailed.


Oracle recommends that you turn on shopping logic tracing to research questions related to how the Routing Engine is selected locations, but to otherwise keep tracing turned off in order to enhance system performance.

Shopping logic records created when? You can use trace shopping log records to track how the Routing Engine eliminates potential locations for sourcing a delivery or ship-for-pickup order after:

  • A submit order message is received.

  • A status update request is received, rejected the order or line.

  • A store associate rejects the order or line in Store Connect.

  • You change the status of an order to rejected through the Order screen, if splitting orders is not enabled.

  • You change the status of an order line to rejected through the Edit Order Item window, if splitting orders is enabled.

The above scenarios related to rejecting an order line include the possibility of rejecting a partial quantity of the line if the Allow Partial Updates preference is selected.

Not created? Trace log records are not created when:

  • The Routing Engine or the Science Engine selects the sourcing location. The screen displays only reasons for eliminating a location, not reasons for selecting a location.

  • There are no product locations for the item.

  • The pickup location rejects a pickup or ship-for-pickup order.

  • You select a different location at the Order screen or the Edit Order Item window.

  • A locate items or product availability search request is received.

  • The order or line is put in Unfulfillable status because the Search Retries specified at the Preferences screen has been met.

Purging trace log records: The daily cleanup job purges trace log records for closed, completed, canceled, and unfulfillable orders when the shopping date is older than number of days specified in the Trace Log History setting at the Tenant-Admin screen.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

How to display this screen: Click the Trace Log icon (Illustrates the attribute icon.) at the Order Inquiry screen. Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen, regardless of whether Trace Shopping Logic is currently enabled.


If the Trace Shopping Log screen was already open in another tab when you clicked the edit/display icon, you advance to this screen with the previously-selected order data displayed.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
Filter the Shopping Trace Records Displayed
Filter the displayed shopping trace records based on criteria such as trace type, item, reason, location code or name, or associated system

See the Search and Filter Options, below.

Fields at this screen

Fields Description
Order Number

See Order Number.

Request ID

See Request ID.

Search and Filter Options

Optionally, use one or more of the following search options to restrict the displayed shopping trace records to those that match your entries or selections.

Trace Type

Select a trace type and click Search to display shopping trace records created during that trace type. Possible types include:

  • Initial Routing: The Routing Engine identifies all possible product location records.

  • Initial Routing (Primary Locations): The Routing Engine identifies all possible primary locations for the zone when zone fulfillment is in effect and the customer’s address is within the zone.

  • Initial Routing (Alternate Locations): The Routing Engine identifies all possible alternate locations for the zone when zone fulfillment is in effect, the customer’s address is within the zone, and one or more locations were not found in the list of primary locations.

  • Initial Routing (Primary and Alternate Locations): The Routing Engine identifies all possible primary and alternate locations when zone fulfillment is in effect, the customer’s address is within the zone, and one or more locations were not found in the list of primary locations or the list of alternate locations, so the combination of primary and alternate locations are now evaluated.

  • Reshop - N (Location Zone Type): The Routing Engine begins the routing process again because the fulfilling or sourcing location has rejected the order, where:

    • The N indicates the pass for reshopping, and,

    • The Location Zone Type indicates the type(s) of location zones being evaluated. Possible types are Primary Locations, Alternate Locations, and Primary and Alternate Locations.

Example: The Trace Type for the second pass over primary and alternate locations is Reshop - 2 (Primary and Alternate Locations).


The Routing Engine evaluates multiple locations only if your organization supports splitting orders.

Enter a full or partial item code and click Search to display shopping trace records for items that start with your entry or match it completely.


Select a reason why the location was eliminated, or select Initial List, and click Search to display shopping trace records that match your entry. See Trace Log Elimination Reasons, below, for information on possible reasons.


Enter a complete, valid location code and click Search to display shopping trace records for that location.


Enter a full or partial location name and click Search to display shopping trace records for locations whose names include your entry.


This is the name at the time the trace history record was created. If you have changed the name of the location since that time, searching based on the new name may not succeed.

Select a system and click Search to display shopping trace records for locations associated with the selected system. Only systems associated with the organization related to the order are available for selection.



The reason why the location was eliminated from selection; otherwise, set to Initial List. See Trace Log Elimination Reasons, below.


If the entire reason is not displayed, you can drag the Reason heading to the right to widen the displayed information.
Reason Value

The value related to the reason. Included only when related to zone, distance, attribute, or probability rule. If related to:

  • Zone: Indicates the zone name.

  • Proximity distance: Indicates 50 - miles, where 50 is the Default Distance and miles is the unit of measure; confirm with ship-for-pickup)

  • Attribute: Indicates the attribute name.

  • Probability rule: Indicates the probability rule name.

Otherwise, this field is blank.


The code identifying the location.


The name and address for the location displayed here, as well as the available quantity of the item, is based on the information from when the shopping trace record was written, and may differ from the current information if the location record has been edited or the available quantity has changed.

The name of the location at the time when the shopping took place.


The city for the location at the time when the shopping took place.


The state or province for the location at the time when the shopping took place.


The postal or zip code for the location at the time when the shopping took place.


The system associated with the location.

Available Qty

The available to promise quantity of the item in the location at the time when the shopping took place.


The date and time when the shopping took place.

Trace Log Elimination Reasons

The following table lists possible reasons why a potential sourcing location was filtered from eligibility.

Reason Description (Reason Why Location was Filtered from Eligibility)

Disallow shopping within same System

The Disallow shopping within same system flag was selected at the System screen, and the location is associated with the same system as the requesting location.

Does not support Order Type

The location was not eligible to fulfill the order based on the Fulfillment settings at the Preferences screen.

Does not support Sourcing orders

Ship-for-pickup orders are supported, and the location was not eligible to source the order based on the Fulfillment settings at the Preferences screen.

Initial list

The location was included in the initial list of potential locations for the Trace Type because there was a product location record. Initial list trace records are listed before the subsequent trace records indicating why each location is eliminated from eligibility.

If no availability? If you use standard brokering, only product locations with an available to promise quantity, or that are flagged as Backorder Available at the Preferences screen, are included in the initial list. Otherwise, if you use weighted brokering, product locations with no availability are included in the initial list, but then eliminated afterward with the Zero Availability reason.

Location at Maximum Daily Order Count

Use Maximum Order Limits was selected at the Preferences screen, and the location was filtered because it had already met the Maximum Daily Orders.

Location cannot be fulfilled from Alternate Search Locations for Zone

Fulfillment Zones were in use and the location was not assigned as an alternate location to the zone for the shipping address.

In this case, the fulfillment zone name is indicated as the Reason Value.

Location cannot be fulfilled from Combined Primary and Alternate Search Locations for Zone

Fulfillment Zones were in use and the location was not assigned to the zone for the shipping address as either a primary or alternate location.

In this case, the fulfillment zone name is indicated as the Reason Value.

Location cannot be fulfilled from Primary Search Locations for Zone

Fulfillment Zones were in use and the location was not assigned as a primary location to the zone for the shipping address.

In this case, the fulfillment zone name is indicated as the Reason Value.

Location does not match Location Attribute

Use Attribute Rules was selected at the Preferences screen, the requesting location had a location attribute assigned with a use of originating, and the location was filtered because it was not assigned the same attribute with a use of sourcing. For example, the requesting location supports originating orders for brands A, but the location does not support sourcing orders for brand A.

In this case, the attribute name is indicated as the Reason Value.

Location does not match Product and Location Attribute

Use Attribute Rules was selected at the Preferences screen, the item had a product and location attribute assigned, and the location was filtered because it was not assigned the same attribute. For example, the item requires engraving, but the location does not support engraving.

In this case, the attribute name is indicated as the Reason Value.

Location does not support Gift Wrap

Use Attribute Rules was selected at the Preferences screen, the order required gift wrap, and the location was filtered because its Gift Wrap flag was not selected.

Location has insufficient inventory

The requested quantity was more than the available to promise quantity for the location.

Note: There may be subsequent shopping trace entries if splitting lines is supported, because the Routing Engine attempts to fulfill the line by splitting against eligible locations.

Location is not common for all products

Allow Split Order was not selected at the Preferences screen, the order included more than one order line, and there was not a product location record for this item at this location, although there was a product location for one or more other items on the order.

Location is not eligible to source Product Attribute

The submit order request specified an attribute for the product that was not associated with the location. For example, the submit order request specified brand A for the product, but the location does not support sourcing orders for brand A.

Previously Assigned Location not Eligible

The location was previously assigned as a fulfilling or sourcing location and the order or line was rejected.

Probability Rule

The location was filtered based on a probability rule. For example, a probability rule was set to exclude the location or lower the available quantity.

In this case, the probability rule name is indicated as the Reason Value.

Proximity distance

The location’s distance from the customer’s address is more than:

Note: This reason can occur even if the location is included in a fulfillment zone for the shipping address.

Requesting Location

This is the location where the order originated.

Shopping by common location. Location has insufficient inventory

Allow Split Order was selected at the Preferences screen, the order included more than one order line, this was a common location for the items, and the requested quantity of this item was not available at this location.

Split Line Off - Location has insufficient inventory

Allow Split Line was not selected at the Preferences screen and there was a product location for the item at this location, but not enough to fulfill the full line quantity.

Split Line On - Location has insufficient inventory

Allow Split Line was selected at the Preferences screen and there was a product location for the item at this location, but not enough to fulfill the full line quantity.

This shopping trace entry comes after the Location has insufficient inventory entry.

Split Order On - Location has insufficient inventory

Allow Split Order was selected at the Preferences screen, the order included more than one order line, and the requested quantity of this item was not available at this location.

This shopping trace entry comes after the Location has insufficient inventory entry.

Un-Requested Location

A different location was specified as the fulfilling or sourcing location for the order.

Zero Availability

Exclude Locations with Zero Availability was selected at the Preferences screen, and the location was filtered because the available to promise quantity for the product in the location is zero or less and the location does not allow backorders.

Note: This reason can apply only when weighted brokering is in use.