Edit Invoice Detail

Purpose: Use the Edit Invoice Detail window to review and, optionally, change information on an invoice detail line.

Information you can change: You can add or change the:

  • Invoice Unit Cost
  • Freight, Handling, and Other Charges amounts
  • Other Description

All other information at this window is display-only.

Saving your changes: When you are done, click Save to save your changes or click Cancel to exit the window without saving. You also need to click Save at the Invoice screen and complete the Create Invoice Confirmation window to commit your changes to the invoice detail line.

Other options: You can exit the window without making any changes by clicking the X in the upper right corner of the window. If you have not made any changes, you can also advance to the previous or next invoice detail line by clicking the up or down arrows.

Browse window instead? You advance to this window rather than the Browse Invoice Detail window if you have the required authority and if the status of the invoice is New or Rejected.

How to display: Select the icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) in the Display column at the Detail tab of the Invoice screen for an invoice that is in New or Rejected status if you have the required authority.

Field Description
PO Number

The number or code identifying the purchase order in the originating system.

Order Number

The number or code identifying the sales order in the originating system.

PO Line #

The original purchase order line number for the shipment.

Item #

The code or number identifying the item. The description of the item follows, separated by a hyphen (-).

Retailer Item #

The retailer’s item number or code. The retailer’s description of the item follows, separated by a hyphen (-).

Shipped Date

The date when the shipment occurred.

Optionally, when you are confirming shipments through the:

Invoice Qty

The total quantity included in a shipment and being billed on this invoice.

PO Unit Cost

The original unit cost from the purchase order.

Invoice Unit Cost

The unit cost you are billing the retailer for the shipment. Multiplied by the Invoice Qty. Defaults from the PO unit cost. Required.

Changing the unit cost? Optionally, you can override this unit cost if the invoice is in New or Rejected status. If the cost you enter exceeds or falls short of the original PO Unit Cost by more than the Unit Cost Threshold percentage specified by the retailer, the invoice detail line will be out-of-balance. For example, if the retailer sets the threshold at 10%, and you change the invoice unit cost by more than 10%, the invoice detail line is out-of-balance. If the line is out-of-balance, the out-of-balance indicator (Illustrates the out-of-balance icon.) is displayed. Once the retailer approves the invoice, this indicator is no longer displayed.

Held invoice? When you submit an invoice that includes any out-of-balance lines, the invoice goes into Held status, and the retailer needs to either approve or reject the invoice. If the invoice’s status is Rejected, you can edit the invoice, including the Invoice Unit Cost, again, and resubmit the invoice; or you can delete the invoice.

Extended Invoice Cost

The current Invoice Unit Cost * the Invoice Qty.


The total freight charge for this invoice detail line.

Optionally, you can change, add, or delete the freight amount if the invoice is in New or Rejected status. Your entry cannot be a negative number.


The total handling charge for this invoice detail line.

Optionally, you can change, add, or delete the handling amount if the invoice is in New or Rejected status. Your entry cannot be a negative number.

Other Charges

The total “other” charge for this invoice detail line.

Optionally, you can change, add, or delete the “other” amount if the invoice is in New or Rejected status. Your entry cannot be a negative number.

Other Description

A message about the invoice detail line. Informational only; this description is not included in the invoice information submitted to the retailer.

Optionally, you can change, add, or delete the description if the invoice is in New or Rejected status.

Last Update

The last date and time when you updated the invoice detail line. Does not reflect activity by the retailer. The date and time might not be your local date and time, if the retailer uses a server in a different time zone. For example, if your store location is on Eastern Standard time, and the retailer uses a server that is on Pacific time, the date and time displayed might be earlier than the current time in your location.