External Services

Purpose: Use the External Services screen to review and work with attributes for external services used for integration, including:

How to display this screen: Select External Services from the Modern View home screen. See the Modern View Overview for background.


Only users with Manage External Services authority can display this screen. See Roles for more information.

When upgrading from Order Broker 21.0 or earlier: See Shipping Service Conversion for information on how shipping services are converted when you upgrade from Order Broker 21.0 or earlier, and the required steps to verify and select shipping services.

When upgrading from Order Broker 21.1 through See the following sections in the System screen help topic for information on how information is converted when you upgrade, and the required steps to verify and select services:

Using an API to work with external services: You can also use an API to create, update, review, count, or delete external services. See the Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (2953017.1) for more information.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
create a new external service
  1. Select Add from the Actions menu or select the Add icon (Illustrates the Add icon.) to open the Add External Service window.
  2. Complete each of the required fields. See Fields at the Add External Service, Edit External Service, and View External Service Windows, below, for details on fields.
  3. Select OK or press enter to create the external service, or select Save and Add Another to continue creating external services.

search for an external service

The existing external services defined for your current organization are displayed. Use any combination of the fields at the top of the screen and tab through the search fields to restrict the search results to matching external services:

  • Optionally, enter a full or partial description in the External Service Description field. When you tab through this field, the displayed external services are limited to those whose descriptions start with your entry, but that don’t need to match completely. For example, if your entry is St, the external services with descriptions starting with Standard Shipping are displayed.
  • Optionally, enter a full or partial code in the External Service Code field. When you tab through this field, the displayed external services are limited to those whose codes start with your entry, but that don’t need to match completely. For example, if your entry is AD, the external service codes starting with ADSI are displayed.
  • Optionally, select Yes or No in the Active fields to display active or inactive external services.
  • Optionally, select a type from the External Service Type field.

Sort displayed external services: You can also sort the displayed external services by clicking the up arrow (^) or down arrow next to each field title.

View options: Open the View Options drop-down menu to the right of the Actions menu to manage columns, change the sort of individual columns from ascending to descending or back, or remove the search fields above the columns. See How to use the View options in Modern View for more information.

Filter options: Open the Filter Options drop-down menu to the right of the refresh icon (Illustrates the refresh icon) to control whether the search results need to match all the search criteria entered for multiple columns. See How to use the Filter Options in Modern View for more information.

Clear filters: Select Clear Filters to remove the criteria entered in the filter fields.

update an existing external service
  1. Highlight a displayed external service.

  2. Select Edit from the Actions menu or click the Edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) to open the Edit External Service window.

    See Fields at the Add External Service, Edit External Service, and View External Service Windows, below, for details on fields, including which fields can be edited for an existing external service.

  3. Select OK or press enter to save your changes.

view an external service
  1. Highlight a displayed external service.

  2. Select View from the Actions menu or click the View icon (Illustrates the view icon.) to open the View External Service window. All fields are display-only. See Fields at the Add External Service, Edit External Service, and View External Service Windows, below, for details on fields.

delete an external service
  1. Highlight a displayed external service.

  2. Select Delete from the Actions menu or click the Delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.).

  3. Select OK or press enter at the Confirm Deletion window to delete the external service.

Note: You cannot delete an external service that is currently selected as the Shipping Service for an organization at the Store Connect Preferences screen, or an external service that is assigned at the Inventory, RICS Integration, or OCDS Integration Import tabs at the System screen.

Fields at the External Services screen

Field Description
External Service Description

The description of the external service.

Optionally, enter a full or partial description to search for an external service to display external services whose descriptions start with or match your entry.

External Service Code

The code that identifies an external service.

Optionally, enter a full or partial code to display external services whose codes start with or match your entry.


Indicates if the external service is flagged as active.

Optionally, use this flag to filter search results based on whether the external service is active. Select:

  • Yes for external services that are active.
  • No (default) for external services that are not active.
External Service Type

Indicates the type of external service. Available types are:

  • Foundation Data: Integration with the Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS) or Merchandising Omni Services to import warehouse or store location, product, and product location information from Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS). See OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services Imports for background.

  • Inventory: Integration with Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM), Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (EICS), or Order Administration for interactive inventory updates. See Additional Types of Import Processes (Other than RMFCS File Upload and OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services) for background.

  • Orders: Integration with the Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) to communicate order information between Order Orchestration and: Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS), as well as Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) or Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (EICS). See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for background.

  • Shipping: Shipping services available to use in Store Connect. You assign a shipping service at the Shipping Preferences tab (Shipping) at the Store Connect Preferences screen.

Optionally, select a type to filter search results to external services that match the selected type.

Fields at the Add External Service, Edit External Service, and View External Service Windows

All fields are display-only at the View External Service window.

Field Description
External Service Description

The description of the external service. Up to 256 positions. Required at the Add or Edit External Service window.

External Service Code

The code identifying the external service. Your entry is converted to uppercase. Up to 20 positions. Required at the Add External Service window; otherwise, display-only.


Indicates if the external service is currently active.  

  • Inactive shipping services are indicated as (Inactive) in the Shipping Service drop-down at the Store Connect Preferences screen.

  • If an inactive shipping service assignment applies to a store location, only manual shipping is available at the location.

External Service Type

Indicates the type of external service. Supported types are:

  • Foundation Data: Integration with the Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS) or Merchandising Omni Services to import warehouse or store location, product, and product location information from Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS). See OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services Imports for background.

  • Inventory: Integration with Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM), Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (EICS), or Order Administration for interactive inventory updates. See Additional Types of Import Processes (Other than RMFCS File Upload and OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services) for background.

  • Orders: Integration with the Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) to communicate order information between Order Orchestration and: Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS), as well as Oracle Retail Store Inventory Management (SIM) or Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service (EICS). See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for background.

  • Shipping: Shipping services available to use in Store Connect. You assign a shipping service at the Shipping Preferences tab (Shipping) at the Store Connect Preferences screen.

Required when creating an external service; otherwise, display-only.

Foundation Data Service Fields

The following fields are displayed only when the selected External Service Type is set to Foundation Data.

Use these fields to set up integration with the Omnichannel Cloud Data Service (OCDS) or Merchandising Omni Services to import warehouse or store location, product, and product location information from Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS). When you use OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services for these imports, Order Orchestration generates web service requests for this information rather than processing an upload file.

Note: If any of the URLs in this window are flagged as active, the OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services import process is run rather than any other type of product or location import when you submit an import through the Schedule Jobs screen.

For more information: See:

Foundation Data Service

Set to Merchandising Integration and cannot be changed.

Store Location: Endpoint URL

The endpoint to use when requesting store location information from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v1/location/retailstore, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 256 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected.

Note: Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.

Store Location: Active Flag

Select this flag to enable importing store locations through OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

If this flag is selected, the Store Location Endpoint URL is also required.

Warehouse Location: Endpoint URL

The endpoint to use when requesting virtual warehouse location information from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v1/location/warehouse, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 256 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for warehouse locations.

Note: Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.

Warehouse Location: Active Flag

Select this flag to enable importing virtual warehouse locations through OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

If this flag is selected, the Warehouse Location Endpoint URL is also required.

Product: Endpoint URL

The endpoint to use when requesting product information from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v2/item, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 256 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for products.

Note: Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.

Product: Active flag

Select this flag to enable importing products and system products through OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

If this flag is selected, the Product Endpoint URL is also required.

Product Barcode: Endpoint URL

The endpoint to use when requesting product barcode information from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v2/item/upc, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 256 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for product barcodes.

Note: Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.

Product Barcode: Active flag

Select this flag to enable importing product barcodes through OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

If this flag is selected, the Product Barcode Endpoint URL is also required.

Product Image: Endpoint URL

The endpoint to use when requesting product image information from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v2/item/image, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 256 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for product images.

Note: Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.

Product Image: Active flag

Select this flag to enable importing product images through OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

If this flag is selected, the Product Image Endpoint URL is also required.

Store Inventory: Endpoint URL

The endpoint to use when requesting inventory (product location) information for store locations from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v2/inventory/Store, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 256 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for store inventory.

Note: Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.

Store Inventory: Active flag

Select this flag to enable importing inventory (products and system products) in store locations through OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

If this flag is selected, the Store Inventory Endpoint URL is also required.

Warehouse Inventory: Endpoint URL

The endpoint to use when requesting inventory (product location) information for warehouse locations from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services, for example, https://SERVER/ords/ocdspdb/omnichannel/v2/inventory/warehouse, where SERVER is the name of the server.

Alphanumeric, 256 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for warehouse inventory.

Note: Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.

Warehouse Inventory: Active flag

Select this flag to enable importing inventory (products and system products) in warehouse locations through OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services.

If this flag is selected, the Warehouse Inventory Endpoint URL is also required.


Foundation Data Service Authentication Configuration: Use the following fields to configure authentication for the foundation data external service.

Request Size

Defines the total number of records to request from OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services in each import request. You can set this field as high as 500,000. A non-negative number is required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types. Defaults to 50,000.

Connection Timeout

The number of seconds to wait for a response before timing out. A non-negative number is required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types. Can be up to 9 positions. Defaults to 30 seconds.

Authentication Type

Enables you to select an authentication type. Your selection in this field controls the additional fields displayed in this window, described below.

  • OAuth (default): For OAuth authentication, you need to enter an OAuth URL, Client ID, and Client Secret. Optionally, you can enter a Scope.

  • Basic: You need to specify a User ID and Password.

  • Application OAuth: You will use the Client ID and Secret defined for the Order Orchestration application at the Tenant-Admin screen. The Client ID defaults, and the secret is not displayed. Optionally, you can enter a Scope.

Note: OAuth support is available with Oracle Retail Merchandising Foundation Cloud Service (RMFCS) application version 21.0 or above. Older versions will continue to support Basic authentication.


The following fields vary depending on whether the selected authentication type is Basic, Application OAuth, or OAuth.


The URL to use when requesting the token for OAuth. This field is available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth.

Alphanumeric, up to 256 positions. Required if the Authentication Type is set to OAuth.


Defines the limits that control where the token can be used, for example: rgbu:merch:system. This field is available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth or Application OAuth. Optional.

Client ID

The client ID to use when requesting the token for OAuth. Required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types and OAuth is selected.

This field is available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth. If the selected authentication type is Application OAuth, the client ID defined for Order Orchestration defaults and cannot be changed.

Client Secret

The client secret to use when requesting the token for OAuth. Required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types and OAuth is selected.

This field is available only when the Authentication Type is set to OAuth.

User ID

The user ID to use for authenticating the web service requests in basic authentication.

This field is available only when the Authentication Type is Basic. Alphanumeric, up to 256 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types and basic authentication is selected.

Note: The user ID and password must be valid for authentication of the web service requests to OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services; however, no validation takes place at this screen.


The password to use for authenticating the web service requests in basic authentication. Your entry is masked on the screen and encrypted in the database.

This field is available only when the Authentication Type is Basic. Alphanumeric, up to 256 positions. Required if the Active flag is selected for any of the import types and basic authentication is selected.

Inventory Service Fields

Defines how to receive inventory information received through the integration with SIM, EICS, or Order Administration. See Additional Types of Import Processes (Other than RMFCS File Upload and OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services) for background. The following fields are displayed only when you select an External Service Type of Inventory, and vary depending on the selected Inventory Service.

Inventory Service

Defines whether to use SIOCS or a Standard Inventory Service. Required.

If this field is set to SIOCS, then the Inventory Service Configuration fields that are displayed include settings for basic authentication (user ID and password). Otherwise, if this field is set to Standard Inventory Service, you can choose an Authentication Type of Basic, OAuth, or Application OAuth. See the Authentication Type, below, for more information.

This field is available only at the Add External Service window; otherwise, display-only.

Endpoint URL

The URL where Order Orchestration should send RESTful service requests to a remote, online system for real-time inventory updates for requested items, or the URL to use for integration with SIM or EICS. Required.

Your entry should end with /getAvailable.

Note: The Inventory Request/Response setting at the Event Logging screen controls whether to log the inventory update request and response messages.

Order Administration integration: See the Work with Web Service Authentication (WWSA) menu option in the Order Administration System Classic View online help for information on setting up web service authentication. If you use the Basic Authentication Type, the user ID you enter at the System screen must be in all capital letters. Also, the URL is typically in the format of http://<SERVER>:1234/SerenadeSeam/sxrs/Inventory/getAvailable, where <SERVER> is the server name and 1234 is the port number. See Generic Web Services in the Order Administration System online help for more information.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.

For more information: See the RESTful Inventory Request and Response Messages chapter in the Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (2953017.1) for details and more setup requirements.

Connection Timeout

Defines the number of seconds to wait for a response to a request message before timing out and using offline inventory information from the Order Orchestration database. Up to 9 positions. Defaults to 30 seconds.

A value of 1 or higher in this field is required.

Failed Request Threshold

The number of consecutive failed interactive inventory request attempts that, if exceeded, should trigger putting the inventory requests for the system in a wait time. For example, if this field is set to 5, and 6 requests in a row fail to get a response, interactive inventory requests are halted for the defined wait time. Can be set to 0, indicating that failed requests are not evaluated, or from 1 to 10000 if failed requests should be evaluated. Defaults to 0.

Failed Request Wait Time

The number of minutes to wait after the defined number of failed requests have been exceeded for the system. For example, if this field is set to 10, interactive inventory requests for the system are halted for 10 minutes. Can be set to 0 only if the Failed Request Threshold is also set to 0; otherwise, can be set to a whole number from 1 to 60. Defaults to 0.

Authentication Type

Defines how to authenticate inventory requests. This field is available for a Standard Inventory Service. Not displayed for SIOCS Integration. Possible settings:

  • OAuth (default): You need to enter a Client ID and Client Secret. Optionally, you can enter a Scope.

  • Basic: You need to specify a User ID and Password.

  • Application OAuth: Uses the Client ID and Secret defined for the Order Orchestration application at the Tenant-Admin screen. The Client ID defaults, and the secret is not displayed. Optionally, you can enter a Scope.

Note that 23.2.301.0 or higher release of Order Administration (formerly Order Management System) does not support basic authentication for inbound messages.


Defines the limits that control where the token can be used, for example: urn:opc:idm:myscopes. This field is available only for a Standard Inventory Service and only when the Authentication Type is OAuth. Not displayed for SIOCS Integration.

Your Oracle representative can tell you whether to specify a Scope here. If you do not specify a Scope, the default applies.

Client ID

The client ID to use when requesting the token for OAuth. Available for entry only for a Standard Inventory Service and only if using OAuth (not Application OAuth), and in that case, required. Not displayed for SIOCS Integration. Defaults from the Tenant-Admin screen and display-only if using Application OAuth.

Client Secret

The client secret to use when requesting the token for OAuth. Available only for a Standard Inventory Service and only if using OAuth (not Application OAuth), and in that case, required. 

User ID

A valid user ID to authentication inventory request messages.

This field is available if the Inventory Service is set to SIOCS Integration, or if the Inventory Service is set to Standard Inventory Service and the Authentication Type is set to Basic; in this case, required. Alphanumeric, 256 positions.

For integration with Order Administration (URL), you need to use the Work with Web Service Authentication (WWSA) menu option to set up a corresponding user ID and password for the CWServiceIn web service. The user ID you enter at the System screen must be in all capital letters.


The valid password for the user ID. Your entry is masked on the screen and encrypted in the database. This field is available if the Inventory Service is set to SIOCS Integration, or if the Inventory Service is set to Standard Inventory Service and the Authentication Type is set to Basic; in this case, required.

Order Service Fields

The following Outbound Orders Service Configuration fields are displayed only when the selected External Service Type is set to Orders. These fields vary depending on the selected authentication type. See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for background.

Orders Service

The only available setting is RICS Integration.

Endpoint URL

The URL for RICS. This is the URL where Order Orchestration should send order-related and interactive inventory update messages for communication with RMFCS, EICS, or SIM. Up to 256 positions. Required.


  • The URL might be similar to https://SERVERNAME:47220/rib-oms-services-web/resources/publisher.

  • Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.

Connection Timeout

Defines the number of seconds to wait for a response from RICS before timing out. Defaults to 30 seconds. Numeric, 9 positions.

Authentication Type

Defines how to order requests. Possible settings:

  • OAuth (default): You need to enter a Client ID and Client Secret. Optionally, you can enter a Scope.

  • Basic: You need to specify a User ID and Password.

  • Application OAuth: Use the Client ID and Secret defined for the Order Orchestration application at the Tenant-Admin screen. The Client ID defaults, and the secret is not displayed. Optionally, you can enter a Scope.


The URL to use when requesting the token for OAuth. This field is available only when the Authentication Type is set to OAuth.

Alphanumeric, up to 256 positions. Required if the Authentication Type is set to OAuth.


Defines the limits that control where the token can be used, for example: urn:opc:idm:myscopes. This field is available only when the Authentication Type is OAuth or Application OAuth.

Your Oracle representative can tell you whether to specify a Scope here. If you do not specify a Scope, the default applies.

Client ID

The client ID to use when requesting the token for OAuth. Required if the Authentication Type is set to OAuth. Display-only, and defaulted from the Tenant-Admin screen, if the Authentication Type is set to Application OAuth. Not displayed if the Authentication Type is set to Basic.

Client Secret

The client secret to use when requesting the token for OAuth. Displayed and available for entry only if using OAuth (not Application OAuth), and in that case, required. 

User ID

A valid user ID to outbound order request messages.

This field is available if the Authentication Type is set to Basic; in this case, required. Alphanumeric, 50 positions.

Note: This user ID needs to have the Operator or Admin role in RIB in order to support sending stop and start requests at the beginning and end of the Inventory Quantity Export, indicating to pause Available-to-Sell Individual Inventory Updates through Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) while the export runs. It then generates a request to resume sending the update message when the update and export process is complete.


The valid password for the user ID. Your entry is masked on the screen and encrypted in the database. This field is available if the Authentication Type is set to Basic; in this case, required.

Shipping Service Configuration Fields

The following fields are displayed only when the selected External Service Type is set to Shipping. These fields vary depending on the selected shipping service and the selected authentication type.

Shipping Service

At the Add External Service window, this field is available and required when you select the external service type of Shipping; otherwise, display-only.

When creating an external service, select a shipping type:

  • ADSI

  • Standard Shipping Service: Uses the Generic Ship Order API. See the Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (2953017.1) for details.

Outbound Message Version

Displayed only when the selected Shipping Service is Standard Shipping Service. Currently, the only available version for the Standard Shipping Service is 1.0. Required.

Endpoint URL

Enter the URL to use for the integrated shipping system when the store associate confirms shipments through integrated shipping. Up to 256 positions. Included for both ADSI and Standard Shipping Service. Required.

Note: Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.

Shipper Reference

Reference value for the shipper to identify the calling system. Included for both ADSI and Standard Shipping Service. Up to 256 positions. Optional.

Authentication Type

Included only for the Standard Shipping Service. Possible authentication types are Basic and OAuth (default). The selected authentication type controls the additional fields described below. Required.


The URL to use for authentication request messages for the Standard Shipping Service. Up to 256 positions. Included only for the Standard Shipping Service and when the Authentication Type is set to OAuth; in this case, required.


The scope to specify for authentication request messages for the Standard Shipping Service. Up to 256 positions. Included only for the Standard Shipping Service and when the Authentication Type is set to OAuth. Optional.

Client ID

The client ID to use for authentication request messages for the Standard Shipping Service. Up to 256 positions. Included only for the Standard Shipping Service and when the Authentication Type is set to OAuth; in this case, required.

Client Secret

The client secret to use for authentication request messages for the Standard Shipping Service. Up to 256 positions. Included only for the Standard Shipping Service and when the Authentication Type is set to OAuth; in this case, required.

User ID

The user ID to authenticate request messages for the Standard Shipping Service. Up to 256 positions. Included only for the Standard Shipping Service and when the Authentication Type is set to Basic; in this case, required.


The password to authenticate request messages for the Standard Shipping Service. Up to 256 positions. Included only for the Standard Shipping Service and when the Authentication Type is set to Basic; in this case, required.

Packaging Dimensions

The Package Dimensions fields are included for both ADSI and the Standard Shipping Service.

Length Unit of Measure

Defines the length unit of measure to display in the Length, Width, and Height fields at the Ship Order screen in Store Connect. Possible settings are Inch and Centimeter for a Standard Shipping Service. Defaults to Inches. Cannot be changed for ADSI.

Weight Unit of Measure

Defines the weight unit of measure to display in the Package Weight field at the Ship Order screen in Store Connect. Possible settings are Gram, Kilogram, and Pound (default) for a Standard Shipping Service. Defaults to Pounds. Cannot be changed for ADSI.