10 Locations Menu

Organizations and Preferences

Purpose: Use the Organizations and Preferences screen to advance to the Preferences, Drop Ship Preferences, or Store Connect Preferences screen for an organization.

Location relationships: See Organization, System, and Location for an overview of the relationships among Order Orchestration elements, including organizations.

How are organizations created? You need to create each organization through the Organizations screen in Modern View. See Setting Up Data for the Routing Engine Module for background.

How to display this screen: Select Organizations and Preferences from the Home Screen or from the Locations Menu.


Only users with Organization and Preferences authority can display this screen. See Roles for more information.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
search for an organization

Use one or both of the fields at the top of the screen to restrict the search results to matching organizations:

  • Enter a full or partial organization code in the Organization field to restrict your results to organizations starting with your entry.
  • Enter a full or partial name in the Name field to restrict your results to organizations whose names contain your entry.
  • Click Search.

Case? Both the Organization and the Name fields on this screen are case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of o does not match an organization of Org.

work with Order Orchestration preferences

Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen. Click the Order Orchestration Preferences icon (Illustrates the preferences icon.) for an organization to advance to the Preferences screen, where you can work with Routing Engine settings and other controls available at the organization, location type, or location level.

work with Drop Ship (Supplier Direct Fulfillment) preferences

Available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen. Click the Drop Ship Preferences icon (Illustrates the preferences icon.) for an organization to advance to the Drop Ship Preferences screen, where you can work with Supplier Direct Fulfillment preferences related to the Vendor Portal and related emails.

work with Store Connect preferences

Available if Use Store Connect is selected at the Tenant screen. Click the Click the Store Connect Preferences icon (Illustrates the preferences icon.) for an organization to advance to the Store Connect Preferences screen, where you can work with preferences related to the Store Connect module.

Note: The Store Connect Preferences screen is available only if you have flagged a system as the Store Connect Default. See the Systems screen or Setting Up Data for the Store Connect Module for more information.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Search fields:

See organization. The organization code can be 1 to 10 positions long, can include spaces and special characters, and must be unique within Order Orchestration.

Case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of org does not match an organization code of Org.


The name of an organization. The name can be from 1 to 35 positions long and can include spaces and special characters.

Case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of org does not match an organization name of Org.

Results fields:

See organization.


The name of an organization. Display-only.


The default system for the organization. Display-only.

Order Orchestration Preferences

Click the Order Orchestration Preferences icon (Illustrates the preferences icon.) for an organization to advance to the Preferences screen, where you can work with Routing Engine settings and other controls available at the organization, location type, or location level.

Drop Ship Preferences

Click the Drop Ship Preferences icon (Illustrates the preferences icon.) for an organization to advance to the Drop Ship Preferences screen, where you can work with Supplier Direct Fulfillment preferences related to the Vendor Portal and related emails.

Store Connect Preferences

Click the Store Connect Preferences icon (Illustrates the preferences icon.) for an organization to advance to the Store Connect Preferences screen, where you can work with preferences related to the Store Connect module.

Note: The Store Connect Preferences screen is available only if you have flagged a system as the Store Connect Default. See the Systems screen or Setting Up Data for the Store Connect Module for more information.


Purpose: Use the Preferences screen to work with options such as the Order Orchestration Settings Tab and other controls available at the organization, location type, or location level. Within the preferences, for example, you can indicate whether to use proximity locator logic or probability rules, and how the Routing Engine works.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

Drop ship preferences: Use the Drop Ship Preferences screen to set preferences related to the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

Store Connect preferences: In addition to completing the Preferences screen, use the Store Connect Preferences screen to set additional preferences related specifically to the Store Connect module.

Location relationships: See Data Hierarchy for an overview of the Order Orchestration organization, system, and location hierarchy.

Applying a preference: Set each preference at the lowest level in the hierarchy where it should apply. When determining the preference for an individual location, Order Orchestration uses the first defined preference it finds, starting at the location level and then working up to the location type level, then finally the organization level. For example, if you set a preference to Not Defined at the location level, the setting at the location type level applies.

Illustrates the preference hierarchy: use the setting at the location level, if any; otherwise, use the setting at the location type level, if any; otherwise, use the setting for the organization.


Required result: All US stores should use proximity locator logic except for the Natick store. The US store locations are assigned to the location type of US Store.

Correct preference settings: Set Use Proximity Locator for US Stores to Yes, but set it to No for the Natick store location only.


You need to set all preferences at the organization level before integrating any external systems with Order Orchestration. If you leave any of the preferences at this level set to blank, there will be errors when you attempt to begin processing messages between Order Orchestration and any system that uses the organization.

Additional settings: In addition to the Preferences screen, the following screens include settings that control the function of the Routing Engine:

To set up: Use the:
database connection information
email addresses for notifications
  • Event Logging screen for Order Orchestration-wide notifications
  • System screen for notifications for specific systems (to receive the Polling Status Email if the system’s Require Status Update flag is selected)
organization default system
online or offline setting
polling retries and status update requirement
probability rules

Note: Use the Probable Quantity Rules screen to set up rules for the probable quantity update, and use the Probable Quantity Location screen to assign the rules to locations or location types.

product and product location import schedule
reserved inventory settings
drop ship preferences
Store Connect preferences

Note: You also need to complete the Preferences screen in order to use Store Connect.

overrides to preference settings by system and order type

For more information: See Setting Up Data for the Routing Engine Module for a checklist to use when setting up an organization.

How to display this screen: Click the Order Orchestration Preferences icon (Illustrates the preferences icon.) for an organization at the Organizations and Preferences screen.


Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with Organization and Preferences authority can display this screen. See Roles for more information.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
review preferences at a specific level

See Fields at this screen, below, for more information.

  1. When you first advance to this screen, it displays the preferences at the level of the organization you selected at the Organizations and Preferences screen.
    Illustrates an organization in the left-hand hierarchy.
  2. Click the plus sign next to the organization in the left-hand pane to display each location type for the organization if they are not already visible.
    Illustrates two sample location types within the sample organization.
  3. Location-type-level preferences: You can display the preferences for a location type by highlighting the location type name in the left-hand pane.
  4. Click the plus sign next to a location type in the left-hand pane to display each location for the type.
    Illustrates sample locations within a sample location type.
  5. Location-level preferences: You can display the preferences for a location by highlighting the location name in the left-hand pane.

If you click the name of a location type or an organization in the left-hand pane, the tree-structure collapses to that level. For example, if you click the name of an organization while it is expanded to show location types, it collapses back to the organization level.

Note: The hierarchy may not be displayed correctly until you assign Default Organization through the Users screen to the default admin user. See Assign the default organization to the default user for more information.

set preferences at a specific level
  1. Use the left-hand pane to advance to the correct organization, location type, or location where the preference setting should apply. Order Orchestration starts checking preference settings at the location level and works upward; if the setting is set to Pi for a location, it next checks the location type level, using the organization level only if both the location-level and location type-level settings are set to Not Defined.
  2. Set or reset the preferences as needed. See Fields at this screen, above, for descriptions of the various preferences. Leave a preference set to Not Defined to have Order Orchestration skip this level and go to the next level in the hierarchy for the preference setting. For example, leave a preference set to Not Defined at the location level to have Order Orchestration check the setting at the location type level. These settings are required at the organization level.
  3. Click Save.

Fields at this screen

Field Description

Heading Information

The information displayed at the top of the screen varies depending on whether you are working with preferences for a specific location or location type, or for the organization itself.


When you first advance to this screen, the location hierarchy is collapsed to the level of the organization you selected at the Organizations and Preferences screen. The organization code is separated from the organization description by a hyphen (-).

Illustrates the top of the Preferences screen with a sample organization displayed.

See review preferences at a specific level, above, for more information on how to work with preferences for an organization.

Settings at the organization level:

  • The Use Probability Rules and Order Orchestration Settings Tab are available at the organization level only.
  • The remaining preferences are Use Proximity Locator, No Offline Response Action, and tab settings: Fulfillment Tab, Standard Brokering Tab, and Weighted Brokering Tab. These preferences are available at all levels (organization, location type, and location); however, the organization-level settings apply if you do not set these preferences at the location type level or the location level.

Important: You should set all preferences at the organization level in order to avoid unpredictable results.


When you highlight a location type in the left-hand pane, its code and name are displayed at the top of the screen.

Illustrates the top of the Preferences screen with a sample organization and location type displayed.

Settings at the location type level:

  • The Use Proximity Locator, No Offline Response Action, and Fulfillment Tab settings at the location type level apply to locations of that type unless they are overridden at the location level. These settings override any settings at the organization level.
  • If a setting is set to Not Defined at the location type level, the organization-level setting applies.

See review preferences at a specific level, above, for more information on how to work with preferences for a location type.


When you highlight a location in the left-hand pane, its code and description are displayed at the top of the screen.

Illustrates the top of the screen with a sample organization, location type, and location displayed.

Settings at the location level:

  • The Use Proximity Locator, No Offline Response Action, and Fulfillment Tab settings at the location level apply to the selected location and override any settings at the location type or organization level.
  • If a setting is set to Not Defined at the location level, the location type-level setting, if any, applies; otherwise, if the setting is set to Not Defined at the location-type level, the organization-level setting applies.

See review preferences at a specific level, above, for more information on how to work with preferences for a location type.

Navigational Fields


These fields are in the left-hand side of the Preferences screen, below the heading information. See review preferences at a specific level, above, for information on advancing through these fields to display preferences for a specific organization, location type, and location.

An organization.

Location Type

A location type.


A location. The location code is also displayed.

Preference Fields

Preference Options

Available at: All levels.

Use Proximity Locator

Indicates whether to use proximity locator search logic when searching for a location that could fulfill an order, restricting search results to locations within the specified search area.

Yes = Use proximity locator search logic. If a location is not within the search area specified for a locate items or product availability search request, do not include the location in the search results. Also, the Routing Engine can use distance as a criterion for the submit order message, or when an order is rejected by a fulfilling or sourcing location and needs to be “reshopped,” for locations where this setting applies.

If you set this field to Yes, you need to specify an address for each location that should be subject to proximity rules.

No = Include a location in the search results regardless of its distance from the customer’s location or the pickup location. Also, the Routing Engine cannot use distance as a criterion for the submit order message or when an order is “reshopped.”

Not Defined = Check a higher level setting to determine whether to use proximity locator search logic. This setting is not available at the organization level.

Order Orchestration uses the Data Hierarchy to determine whether this preference applies to a particular location, checking for a Yes or No setting at the location level, then at the location type level, and finally at the organization level.

If some locations do not use proximity: You might use proximity locator search logic for some locations in your enterprise, such as retail stores, and not for others, such as warehouses, in order to route orders to warehouses first. Any locations that are not set up as eligible for proximity searching are returned in search results with a distance of 0 from the requesting location. For example, if you use the Routing Engine and have proximity as your first search criterion, search results are returned in ascending sequence based on distance from the requesting location; as a result, any eligible locations that are not eligible for proximity locator searching are listed first in the response message.

For more information: See Proximity Locator Searching in the overview for a discussion.

Default Distance

The maximum distance, in the selected distance unit of measure, that the Routing Engine should search within when looking for fulfilling locations for pickup or delivery orders. Not used for ship-for-pickup orders, which use the Sourcing Distance instead. Defaults to 4000, but you can override it. Required.

In situations when Turn-by-Turn Distance Evaluation for Delivery Orders takes place, the Maximum Turn-by-Turn Distance applies instead. See Turn-by-Turn Distance Evaluation for Delivery Orders for a discussion.

Note: This setting is available at the organization level only.

Distance unit of measure (unlabeled field to the right of the Default Distance)

Select either miles (default) or kilometers to control the unit of measure for the Default Distance.

Note: This setting is available at the organization level only.

Use Offline Newer Than:

Indicates whether to use offline inventory information in responding to a locate items or product availability request if the inventory information for product locations for a requested item in that system was updated within a given period of time, indicated as HH:MM:SS. For example, set this field to 1:30:00 in order to use off-line inventory information for each related product location if the information for any product location for the item in that system was updated in the last hour and a half. When inventory information for product locations in the system was updated within the time frame specified, Order Orchestration does not send an inventory inquiry to an online system.


  • Order Orchestration sends an inventory inquiry to a system for an item only if it already has a record of a product location for the item in that system. As a result, if there was not previously a product location for the item in a particular system, but one was created for the item since the last time you imported products and locations from the system, then Order Orchestration does not send an inventory inquiry to the system and so is not notified of the new product location.
  • This setting is available at the organization level only.
No Offline Response Action

Indicates how to handle an online system in the locate items response or product availability response when Order Orchestration cannot receive an inventory update from the system. Options are:

  • Use offline = Use the current offline inventory
  • Exclude from response = Do not include the product locations in the response to the locate items request
  • Not Defined = Check a higher level setting to determine the response action. This setting is not available at the organization level.
Use Probability Rules

Select this flag to use probability rules when performing locate items searches and other processes that search for fulfilling or sourcing locations. This option is available only at the organization level.

See Using Probability Rules and the Probability Rule Wizard for more information.


Acknowledge Order Before Brokering

Select this flag to have the Order Orchestration acknowledge the submit order request before selecting a fulfilling or sourcing location for an order. This option enables the Order Orchestration to respond more quickly to submit order requests, especially if you process large, multi-line orders. If this flag is selected, when a system submits a delivery order that does not specify a fulfilling location, or a ship-for-pickup order that does not specify a sourced location:

  • Order Orchestration validates just basic order information, such as address, products, and originating system and location, before acknowledging the order in the submit order response message.
  • The order lines are initially assigned to the IN PROCESS location, which is a virtual location used temporarily until Order Orchestration completes the fulfilling or sourcing location selection process, including all shopping logic such as fulfillment zone evaluation, interactive inventory updates, and probability rules.
  • Order Orchestration creates the IN PROCESS location if it does not already exist. This location is:
    • assigned to the same system and location type as the default shipping (unfulfillable) location
    • created with the Pickup Available, Delivery Available, Ship For Pickup Sourcing Available, Ship For Pickup Receiving/Pickup Available, Backorder Available, Ship For Pickup Sourcing Available, Ship For Pickup Receiving/Pickup Available flags all set to No
    • assigned the name Brokered Order Temporary Location

    Note: If you create the IN PROCESS location instead of letting Order Orchestration create it automatically, you need to make sure that the above-listed flags are all set to No.

  • The submit order response message always specifies the IN PROCESS location for a delivery order unless the request message specified a fulfilling location, and for a ship-for-pickup order unless the request message specifies a sourced location.
  • The order is created with a hidden in_process flag that is set to Y until Order Orchestration completes location assignment for the order. As long as this flag is set to Y, no lines on the order are eligible to be included in the fulfillment response message.
  • The originating system needs to submit a status inquiry request after initial order creation to determine the selected fulfilling or sourcing location.
  • If a line is in any other status besides new_order (for example, if the originating system cancels an order or line) while it is still assigned to the IN PROCESS location, Order Orchestration does not assign the order to an actual fulfilling or sourced location.
  • Order Orchestration does not assign a rejected order or line to the IN PROCESS location; instead, it “reshops” the order or line immediately.
  • If an order or line is still assigned to the IN PROCESS location when Order Orchestration receives a status update to cancel it, Order Orchestration does not attempt to find a fulfilling or sourcing location for the order or line.

Cleanup process: A cleanup job runs automatically every two hours to check for any orders or lines that were created more than two hours earlier and that are still assigned to the IN PROCESS location, and completes processing for these orders or lines.

This flag is selected by default. Clear this flag to have Order Orchestration complete the fulfilling or sourcing location selection process as it receives and creates each order, and specify selected fulfilling or sourcing locations in the submit order response message.

Note: This setting is available at the organization level only.

Use Zone Fulfillment

Select this flag if the Routing Engine should assign orders only to a primary or secondary location specified for the order’s shipping address through the Fulfillment Zone Wizard. See Fulfillment Zones and the Fulfillment Zone Wizard for more information.

Note: This setting is available at the organization level only.

Exclude Locations with Zero Availability

Controls whether the Routing Engine considers each product location whose available to promise quantity is 0 or less when determining which locations could fulfill or source an order.

Why select? Selecting this option enhances the performance of the Routing Engine module by reducing the number of product locations to evaluate.

If this preference is selected, locations whose available to promise quantities are 0 or less are not considered for:

  • locate items searches
  • product availability searches
  • submit order requests
  • “reshopping” rejected orders or lines

This setting applies to delivery, pickup, and ship-for-pickup order requests and searches.


  • Any locations that are flagged as Backorder Available are not excluded, regardless of whether the current available to promise quantity is 0 or less.
  • This preference applies only if there are no online systems in your organization.

Can prevent probability rule application: If this preference is selected, product locations with quantities of 0 or less are excluded before the Routing Engine applies any probability rules. If you might use probability rules to increase the available quantity in locations for Routing Engine evaluation, you should consider whether selecting this preference might produce an undesired result.

Example: You assign a probability rule that adds the next PO quantity to a product location’s available quantity. When the Exclude Locations with Zero Availability preference is selected, the Routing Engine does not apply this probability rule if a product location’s current available to promise quantity is 0 or less unless the location supports backorders.

If this preference is not selected, the Routing Engine evaluates each possible product location, including applying any assigned probability rules, regardless of whether the current available to promise quantity is 0 or less.

If this preference is not selected, the Routing Engine does not automatically exclude product locations whose available to promise quantities are 0 or less before performing other evaluation steps, such as probability rules.


This setting is available at the organization level only.
Use Maximum Order Limits

Controls whether you can restrict the number of delivery orders the Routing Engine can assign per day to a location, or the number of ship-for-pickup orders the Routing Engine can assign per day to a sourcing location. Select this setting to have the Routing Engine check the Maximum Daily Orders setting that applies to a location when determining whether an order is eligible to be included in a locate items search response for a delivery or ship-for-pickup order, to be automatically selected as the fulfilling location for a delivery order, or the sourcing location for a ship-for-pickup order.

Note: This setting is available at the organization level only.

For more information: See Using Maximum Daily Order Assignment.

Use Weighted Brokering Rules

Controls order routing behavior:

  • Unselected (default): Use the rules set up at the Standard Brokering Tab, described below, to select shipping, transfer, or sourcing locations for delivery or ship-for-pickup orders. See Location Selection for background.
  • Selected: After basic filtering of eligible locations, submit product location information, as well as the rules set up at the Weighted Brokering Tab, described below, to the Science Engine for selection of shipping, transfer, or sourcing locations for delivery or ship-for-pickup orders. See LocateItems Sequence and Splitting Examples (Standard Brokering) for background.

Note: This setting is available at the organization level only.

Use Attribute Rules

Controls whether to route orders based on custom attribute definitions set up for locations, or for locations and products. See Using Attribute Rules for Delivery and Pickup Orders and Using Attribute Rules for Ship-for-Pickup Orders for more information.

Also controls whether to restrict eligible locations based on whether they support gift wrap.

Update Offline Inventory

Controls whether to update product location records in the database based on inventory information received from integrated online systems during the location shopping process. You might omit the database update step during the location shopping process in order to streamline performance. Possible settings:

  • Unselected (default): The Routing Engine uses the current inventory information received from an online system in initial or reshopping order assignment, locate items responses, and product availability responses, but does not update the product locations for the online system with the current information received.
  • Selected: The Routing Engine uses the current inventory information received from the online system, and also updates the product locations with the current information.

Applies to online systems only.

Note: This setting is available at the organization level only.

Shop Order When Proximity Unknown

Controls searching for locations for a Submit Order request.

When the Use Proximity Locator flag is selected and this flag is:

  • Selected: The Routing Engine shops an order and uses proximity as a shopping criterion:
  • Using the ship-to address, if possible; otherwise,
  • Using the address of the originating location, if possible; otherwise,
  • Using a distance of 0 as the proximity.
  • Unselected: The Routing Engine returns an error indicating that the customer address was not found if the ship-to address cannot be identified.

Note that all other routing engine rules still apply, including zone assignment, other brokering preference settings, and any probability rules.

Restrict Reassignment of Canceled Line

Select this flag to have the Order Status Update response return an error if the request message indicated to change the status of an order or line that is canceled. Use this setting to prevent a canceled order or line from being “reshopped.”

If the Order Status Update response returns an error because the order or line is canceled, the History tab of the Order screen displays a message with Transaction Notes such as Picked Status Update Restricted, where Picked is the status specified in the Order Status Update request message.

Leave this flag unselected to enable the Order Status Update request message to reset the status of a canceled line. See the Operations Guide for more information on the Order Status Update request and response.

If this flag is selected, you can use the Status Restricted Report to review order lines whose status update was restricted through the Order Status Update request message.

Note: Regardless of the setting of this flag, you can still update the status of a canceled order through the Order screen if you do not have splitting orders enabled, or through the Edit Order Item window if you do have splitting orders enabled, based on the setting of the Allow Split Order flag.

Order Orchestration Settings Tab

These settings indicate the basic rules that the Routing Engine should use when determining whether locations are eligible to:

  • Ship a delivery order to the customer
  • Transfer a ship-for-pickup order to the location where the customer will pick up the order
  • Include in the LocateItems response or the Product Availability response when a system is searching for a location that can fulfill or source an order
  • Assign an order or order line when it is rejected by the currently assigned fulfilling or sourcing location

Also, these rules specify whether a location specified in the SubmitOrder request is eligible for assignment of orders of each type.

Available at: Organization level only.

Group Shipment Locations

Select this flag if external systems that send locate items requests just want to verify that the item(s) on the order is/are available for shipment or transfer, and do not need a listing of individual locations that might be able to ship an order to the customer.

Background: The Group Shipment Locations flag controls whether the locate items response includes the virtual location when the locate items request specifies a fulfillment_type of DELIVERY or SHIPFORPICKUP. The virtual location in the response message indicates that the requested item(s) can be shipped (or transferred) from a location, but does not include specifics on which locations stock the item(s), on-hand quantities, open purchase orders, etc. If the item is not available for shipment (or transfer) in any eligible location, the locate items response message indicates that the product is not stocked.

The virtual location is not an actual location that you need to create in Order Orchestration.

The Group Shipment Locations flag does not affect the locate items response message if the customer would like to pick up the item from a designated location that already has the inventory (the fulfillment_type is PICKUP). Also, the flag does not affect any other messages used in the Routing Engine integration, such as the submit order message.

Possible settings:

  • Selected = When the locate items request message has a fulfillment_type of DELIVERY or SHIPFORPICKUP, and the requested item(s) is/are available for shipment, transfer, or sourcing, return the virtual location in the locate items response message.
  • Unselected = Do not return the virtual location in the locate items response message; always list the locations where the item(s) is/are available for shipment, transfer, or sourcing.

Note: This flag affects the logic of the locate items request and response, but does not affect any other messages.

Allow Split Line

If this field is selected, the Routing Engine (standard brokering) or Science Engine (weighted brokering):

  • initially attempts to fulfill a line on a delivery order, or source a line on a ship-for-pickup order, by assigning partial quantities of the requested item to multiple fulfilling locations if a single location does not have the entire requested quantity available, or is not flagged as Backorder Available:
  • can initially assign the requested quantity of an order line on a delivery order across multiple fulfilling locations, and an order line on a ship-for-pickup order across multiple sourcing locations
  • reassigns rejected lines on delivery or ship-for-pickup orders across multiple fulfilling or sourcing locations if there is no single eligible location that can fulfill or source the entire requested quantity
  • also, for the LocateItems request (standard brokering only), if the Group Shipment Locations field is:
    • Unselected, returns a listing of locations that can partially fulfill the requested quantity of an item in the locate items response if the request specified a fulfillment_type of DELIVERYor SHIPFORPICKUP, and there is no eligible location that could fulfill or source the entire requested quantity; see the Maximum No. Responses field, below for more information
    • Selected, indicates that the item is available in the virtual location if the request specified a fulfillment_type of DELIVERYor SHIPFORPICKUP, and the order line could be fulfilled by assigning the item to multiple fulfilling or sourcing locations

Note: This setting is available only if the Allow Split Order field is selected.

If this field is unselected, the Routing Engine does not initially attempt to fulfill a line on a delivery order, or source a line on a ship-for-pickup order, when there is no eligible location that could fulfill or source the entire quantity, or that is flagged as Backorder Available. When weighted brokering is in use, the Routing Engine does not submit the request to the Science Engine.

Splitting a line through a partial quantity update: Regardless of the setting of this field, if the Allow Partial Updates field is selected, the Routing Engine or Science Engine reassigns the quantity of a delivery order that is rejected by the fulfilling location, or of a ship-for-pickup order that is rejected by the sourcing location.

Note: This setting applies to order creation only when the fulfilling or sourcing location is not specified in the submit order request message.

For more information: See Selecting a Location for a Delivery Order or Selecting a Sourcing Location for a Ship-for-Pickup Order for a discussion.

Allow Split Order

If this field is selected, the Routing Engine or Science Engine:

  • attempts to fulfill a delivery order by assigning individual order lines to different locations if there is no one location eligible to fulfill all the order lines, or
  • attempts to source a ship-for-pickup order by assigning individual order lines to different sourcing locations if there is no one location eligible to source all the order lines
  • attempts to reassign rejected individual lines or units on delivery or ship-for-pickup orders until the Search Retries total is reached for the entire order. For example, if the Search Retries total is set to 3, the Routing Engine might reassign 3 rejected order lines or units before it assigns the next rejected line or unit to the Default Unfulfillable Location

Also, the Routing Engine:

  • requires that the status update request message specify the status of each assigned order line (rather than the order-level status). Note: This applies to all order types, not just delivery or ship-for-pickup orders
  • supports partial fulfillment of orders
  • uses additional order-level statuses (Open or Complete) for orders if not all order lines are in the same status
  • also, for the LocateItems request (standard brokering only), if the Group Shipment Locations field is:
  • Unselected, returns a listing of locations for each requested item in the locate items response if the request specified a fulfillment_type of DELIVERY, or SHIPFORPICKUP and there is no eligible location that could fulfill or source the requested quantity of all specified items
  • Selected, indicates that the items are available in the virtual location if the request specified a fulfillment_type of DELIVERYor SHIPFORPICKUP, and the order could be fulfilled or sourced by assigning the lines to multiple fulfilling or sourcing locations

Also, the Preferences screen:

  • enables you to select the Allow Split Line setting
  • enables you to select the Allow Partial Updates setting
  • displays the Auto Cancel Reason and other fields related to enabling Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders

RICS integration: If this preference is selected, the Create Fulfillment Order message to RICS has the partial delivery indicator (<partial_delivery_ind> tag set to Y; otherwise, it is set to N. See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for more information.

If this field is unselected, the Routing Engine or Science Engine does not:

  • attempt to fulfill a delivery order if there is not at least one eligible location that can fulfill the entire order
  • attempt to source a ship-for-pickup order if there is not at least one eligible location that can source the entire order
  • support partial fulfillment of an order

Also, the Routing Engine does not:

  • accept submit order requests that specify multiple fulfilling or sourcing locations for an order
  • accept a status update request message that does not specify order-level status; all status updates apply to the order and all order lines
  • use order-level statuses representing mixed line statuses, since all of the line statuses will be consistent
  • enable you to select the Allow Split Line setting or the Allow Partial Updates setting


This preference is selected by default when you create a new organization.

For more information: See Selecting a Location for a Delivery Order, including LocateItems Sequence and Splitting Examples (Standard Brokering).

Allow Partial Updates

Indicates whether to support status updates for individual units on an order line, rather than always updating the status of the entire order line.

Example: When a customer arrives at a store for a pickup order, he buys 2 units of an order line and does not want the other unit. The store location sends a status update to change 2 of the units to fulfilled, and sends another status update to change the remaining unit to canceled.

If this field is:

  • selected, each status update message needs to specify the item quantity of the order line to update to the new status. When the specified item quantity is lower than the current line quantity, the Routing Engine creates a new order line for the specified quantity and decreases the quantity of the current order line. If the status update indicates to reject the quantity for a delivery or ship-for-pickup order, the Routing Engine attempts to reassign the order line quantity based on the rules described under Selecting a Location for a Delivery Order.
  • unselected, the setting of the Use Requesting System Line Number in Status Update for the originating system controls whether a status update from the originating location needs to specify the requesting system’s line number, or the line number assigned by Order Orchestration. See the discussion of the Use Requesting System Line Number in Status Update flag for more information.


  • This field is enabled only if the Allow Split Order field is selected.
  • When a partial quantity of a line on a delivery or ship-for-store order is rejected, the Routing Engine splits the line and attempts reassignment regardless of the setting of the Allow Split Line field.
  • If this field is selected, the unit quantity is also required at the Edit Order Item window.
  • The Routing Engine tracks the number of Search Retries for a delivery or ship-for-pickup order based on the total number of rejections, including each rejection of a single unit. See When the Routing Engine Cannot Fulfill an Order, below, for a discussion.
  • When individual units on a line on a delivery or ship-for-pickup order are rejected separately, the Routing Engine assigns each rejected unit to a separate fulfilling or sourcing location.
  • The Store Connect module does not support partial status updates.
  • Do not select this preference if an integrating system, such as Order Administration, does not support partial quantity updates of order lines.

For more information: See Updating Order Status at the Line or Unit Level for a discussion.

Maximum No. Responses

Indicates the maximum number of locations to return in the locate items response message. You can enter any number from 1 to 9999. Required.

If splitting lines: The locate items response does not include more than this number of locations, even when the Allow Split Line field is selected and it would require more than this number of locations to fulfill or source the entire requested quantity on a delivery or ship-for-pickup order. For example, the Maximum No. Responses is set to 3, the requested quantity of an item is 10, and there are 5 eligible locations, each with a quantity of 2. The locate items response includes just the first 3 locations; however, if you submit an order for the quantity of 5, the Routing Engine assigns the full quantity across the 5 locations.

  • If the Allow Split Order field is selected, the Allow Split Line field is unselected, the requested quantity for a delivery or ship-for-pickup order exceeds the quantity available in all eligible fulfilling or sourcing locations, and one of the eligible locations is flagged as Backorder Available, the locate items response message lists just the location(s) flagged as Backorder Available. This response indicates that the only way to assign the entire order is to assign the entire requested quantity to a location flagged as Backorder Available, even if it does not have the requested quantity on-hand.
  • This limit does not apply to the number of pickup locations returned in the ProductAvailability response message. See Using Product Availability Search for a Pickup or Delivery Order for background.
Default Unfulfillable Location

The default location for the Routing Engine to use when no actual locations in the organization can fulfill or source a delivery, or ship-for-pickup order or line. When a system inquires on the current status of an order and the response indicates that the order or line is assigned to this location, this indicates that the order or line is unfulfillable.

For more information: See Setting Up Data for the Routing Engine Module for setup recommendations.

Important: The default unfulfillable location does not represent an actual location where items are stocked; however, you do need to create it as a valid location in the default system for your organization.

Default Carrier

The default carrier to assign to delivery or ship-for-pickup orders, if no ship_via is specified in the submit order message. Required.

Pickup orders? Pickup orders are assigned to the default PICKUP carrier, which is created automatically.

For more information: See the Carriers screen in Modern View for background.

Note: You cannot delete the default carrier or the default PICKUP carrier.

Do Not Split Order For Carrier

Optionally, select a carrier to indicate that the Routing Engine should:

  • Not split new delivery orders that have this carrier assigned. If the entire order cannot be assigned to a single location, it is unfulfillable.
  • If the fulfillment type for the LocateItems or ProductAvailability request is delivery and the request specifies this carrier, indicate that the requested product(s) is/are available only if they could be fulfilled without splitting.
  • Not reassign a rejected order line on a delivery order by splitting it across multiple locations if the order has this carrier assigned.

Defaults to Not Defined. All carriers are available for selection, with the exception of the default PICKUP carrier.


  • This preference applies to Routing Engine logic only when the Allow Split Order preference is selected.
  • This setting does not prevent you from splitting an order or line manually through the Edit Order Item window.
Turn-by-Turn Distance Evaluation for Delivery Orders

These fields control whether to use turn-by-turn distance evaluation, rather than straight-line distance, for delivery orders using a specified carrier.

Available when? Turn-by-turn distance evaluation is available only when you use the Oracle Maps Cloud Service API and only if a valid Turn-by-Turn Distance URL is specified at the Tenant-Admin screen. See Turn-by-Turn Distance Evaluation for Delivery Orders for a discussion.


These settings are available at the organization level only.
Carrier for Turn-by-Turn Distance Evaluation

The carrier that requires use of turn-by-turn distance evaluation for a delivery order, if turn-by-turn distance evaluation is enabled.

For example, when you use a local delivery service, you need to make sure to consider the actual driving distance, rather than the point-to-point distance, when determining the locations that are actually closer to the customer’s address.

Defaults to Not Defined. The PICKUP and SHIP2STORE carriers are not available for selection.

See Turn-by-Turn Distance Evaluation for a discussion.

Maximum Turn-by-Turn Distance

The maximum distance from the customer’s address to use when evaluating possible locations for a delivery order based on turn-by-turn distance, in order to exclude locations that are too far away, and enhance performance.

Example: When you use a local delivery service, you want to evaluate the actual driving distance for locations only within a 10-mile radius from the customer’s address, since it takes an increasingly longer time to calculate the actual driving distance for locations that are farther away.

Overrides: The product availability request can specify a different distance to override this default; however, this default is always used for a locate items request, submit order request, or when selecting a new fulfilling location when an order or line is rejected.

Calculation method: Initial evaluation of fulfillment locations takes place using straight-line distance evaluation. For example, this default is set to 15 miles, and the location’s straight-line distance from the customer’s address is 14.5 miles. The location is included in the turn-by-turn request to Oracle Maps Cloud Service. However, if turn-by-turn distance returned by Oracle Maps Cloud Service is 15.2 miles, the location is still excluded from the list of eligible to fulfill the delivery order.

Defaults to 100. You can enter a whole number from 1 to 100.

Turn-by-Turn Unit of Measure (unlabeled field)

The unit of measure to use when calculating the maximum turn-by-turn distance. You can select kilometers or miles. Defaults to miles.

Fulfillment Tab

The Routing Engine uses these settings to determine the types of orders a location can fulfill and how to rank a location separately from other standard or weighted brokering criteria, and how many attempts to make to place an order for fulfillment. When weighted brokering is used, these settings control the product locations to submit to the Science Engine for location selection based on weighted percentages and other factors. This tab also includes settings that control the automatic cancellation of unclaimed pickup and ship-for-pickup orders.

Available at: The Search Retries, Sourcing Distance, Auto Cancel Days of Unclaimed Pickup Orders, Auto Cancel Days of Unclaimed Ship For Pickup Orders, and Auto Cancel Reason settings are available at the organization level only, while the other settings are available at all levels.

Pickup Available

Indicates to the Routing Engine whether a location is eligible to fulfill an order whose fulfillment type is PICKUP. This setting controls whether to:

  • include the location in the response when the Routing Engine receives the locate items request for the PICKUP fulfillment type
  • consider the location an eligible pickup location when the Routing Engine receives the product availability search request.
  • accept the order when the Routing Engine receives a submit order message for a pickup order.

Set this field to Yes to have a location, type, or organization eligible to fulfill a pickup order, or set it to No if you do not want the location, type, or organization eligible for pickup orders.

Order Orchestration uses the Data Hierarchy to determine whether this preference applies to a particular location, checking for a Yes or No setting at the location level, then at the location type level, and finally at the organization level.

See Pickup Order for a discussion.

Delivery Available

Indicates to the Routing Engine whether a location is eligible to fulfill an order whose fulfillment type is DELIVERY. This setting controls whether to:

  • include the location when the Routing Engine receives the locate items request for the delivery fulfillment type. The location is listed in the locate items response if the Group Shipment Locations flag is set to No; if the Group Shipment Locations flag is set to Yes, then the response lists just the virtual location, but considers the location when determining if the requested item(s) are available for shipment.
  • consider the location eligible to fulfill an order when the Routing Engine receives the product availability search request, or filter eligible locations to submit to the Science Engine.
  • consider the location eligible for order selection when the Routing Engine receives a SubmitOrder request message with the delivery fulfillment type if the Routing Engine needs to select the fulfilling location, or filter eligible locations to submit to the Science Engine.
  • consider the location eligible for selection as a fulfilling location when an order is rejected and the Routing Engine needs to “reshop” the order.
  • create the order when the Routing Engine receives a SubmitOrder request message with the delivery fulfillment type if the fulfilling location is specified in the request message.

Set this field to Yes to have a location, type, or organization eligible to fulfill a delivery order, or set to No if you do not want the location, type, or organization selected for delivery orders.

Order Orchestration uses the Data Hierarchy to determine whether this preference applies to a particular location, checking for a Yes or No setting at the location level, then at the location type level, and finally at the organization level.

See Delivery Order for a discussion.

Ship For Pickup Sourcing Available

Indicates to the Routing Engine whether a location is eligible to transfer the inventory for an order to the pickup location for a ship-for-pickup order (a fulfillment type of SHIPFORPICKUP). This setting controls whether to:

  • include the location when the Routing Engine receives the locate items request for the ship-for-pickup fulfillment type. The location is listed in the locate items response if the Group Shipment Locations flag is set to No; if the Group Shipment Locations flag is set to Yes, then the response lists just the virtual location, but considers the location when determining if the requested item(s) are available for transfer.
  • consider the location eligible to supply inventory for ship-for-pickup order when the Routing Engine receives the product availability search request, or filter eligible locations to submit to the Science Engine.
  • consider the location eligible for selection as a sourcing location when the Routing Engine receives a SubmitOrder request message with the ship-for-pickup fulfillment type, if the Routing Engine needs to select the fulfilling location, or filter eligible locations to submit to the Science Engine.
  • create the order when the Routing Engine receives a SubmitOrder request message with the ship-for- pickup fulfillment type if the sourced location is specified in the request message.
  • consider the location eligible for selection as a sourcing location when an order is rejected and the Routing Engine needs to “reshop” the order.

Set this field to Yes to have a location, type, or organization eligible to source a ship-for-pickup order, or set to No if you do not want the location, type, or organization selected to source ship-for-pickup orders.

Order Orchestration uses the Data Hierarchy to determine whether this preference applies to a particular location, checking for a Yes or No setting at the location level, then at the location type level, and finally at the organization level.

This field is displayed only if the organization supports ship-for-pickup orders. See Enable Ship-For-Pickup? for background.

See Ship For Pickup Order for a discussion on ship-for-pickup orders.

Ship For Pickup Receiving/Pickup Available

Indicates to the Routing Engine whether a location is eligible to have the customer pick up an order whose fulfillment type is SHIPFORPICKUP. This setting controls whether to:

  • consider the location an eligible ship-for-pickup location when the Routing Engine receives the product availability search request.
  • accept the order when the Routing Engine receives a submit order message for a ship-for-pickup order.

Set this field to Yes to have a location, type, or organization eligible to have a customer pick up a ship-for-pickup order, or set it to No if you do not want the location, type, or organization eligible for pickup of ship-for-pickup orders.

Order Orchestration uses the Data Hierarchy to determine whether this preference applies to a particular location, checking for a Yes or No setting at the location level, then at the location type level, and finally at the organization level.

This field is displayed only if the organization supports ship-for-pickup orders. See Enable Ship-For-Pickup? for background.

See Ship For Pickup Order for a discussion.

Backorder Available

Indicates whether a location can be assigned a delivery orderor for sourcing of a ship-for-pickup order, even if it does not currently have sufficient inventory on-hand.

Splitting an order line: If the Allow Split Line preference is set to Yes and the Routing Engine needs to split a line across multiple locations in order to fulfill it, it uses a location flagged as Backorder Available as a catchall, even if the location does not have sufficient inventory on-hand to fulfill the entire quantity.

Example: A customer places an order for 10 units of an item. Location A has 5 available, location B has 3 available, and location C has 2 available.

  • If none of the locations are flagged as Backorder Available, the Routing Engine assigns:
    • 5 to location A
    • 3 to location B
    • 2 to location C
  • However, if location B is flagged as Backorder Available, the Routing Engine assigns 5 to location A and 5 to location B. It does not continue to assign a quantity to location C, since location B acts as the catchall.

Set this field to Yes to have a location, type, or organization eligible to fulfill a delivery order, or to source a ship-for-pickup order, even if it does not currently have the requested quantity of each item on-hand, or set to No if you do not want the location, type, or organization selected unless it currently has the full quantity of each item on-hand.

Order Orchestration uses the Data Hierarchy to determine whether this preference applies to a particular location, checking for a Yes or No setting at the location level, then at the location type level, and finally at the organization level.


  • If Standard Brokering is in use, the Routing Engine still uses the Standard Brokering settings to assign partial locations for a split line until it assigns a partial quantity to a location flagged as Backorder Available, and does not omit preceding eligible locations that would otherwise be selected first. In the example above, since location A is first in the hierarchy based on your Order Orchestration Settings, it is still assigned to fulfill the first 5 units, even though location B is flagged as Backorder Available.
  • When you submit a locate items request with a fulfillment type of DELIVERY or SHIPFORPICKUP, the response message always indicates that the items are available if an eligible location where they are stocked has the Backorder Available flag selected.
  • Do not set this field to Yes for the Default Unfulfillable Location.
Location Priority

Indicates to the Routing Engine the preference to give a location when selecting a location to ship a delivery order, or source a ship-for-pickup order when the Routing Engine uses the Location Priority criterion. This setting is considered only when only for Standard Brokering. See the description of the Location Priority below under Standard Brokering Tab for more information. The Science Engine does not use this setting.

You can set location priority at the location, location type, and organization level. The Routing Engine checks the location setting first. If there is no Location Priority set at the location, the Routing Engine checks the location type setting; if there is no Location Priority set at the location type, the Routing Engine checks the organization.

Order Orchestration uses the Data Hierarchy to determine whether this preference applies to a particular location, checking for a setting from 1 to 9 at the location level, then at the location type level, and finally at the organization level.

Search Retries

Indicates how many times to reassign a delivery or ship-for-pickup order, or lines or units on an order, to other fulfilling or sourcing locations after rejection. If a location assigned to fulfill a delivery or ship-for-pickup order or line rejects it, the Routing Engine selects the next eligible location in its search criteria to fulfill or source the order, line, or unit, as long as the Search Retries level has not been exceeded for the entire order. If an order or line is rejected by that number of locations, or if there are no additional eligible locations, the Routing Engine assigns the order or line to the Default Unfulfillable Location, indicating that the order or line cannot be fulfilled through the Routing Engine.

For example, when the Search Retries limit is 2, and the order has been rejected and reassigned 2 times, the Routing Engine assigns the order to the default unfulfillable location if it is rejected a third time. See When the Routing Engine Cannot Fulfill an Order, above, for a discussion.

Enter a number from 0 to 99. Available at the organization level only.

  When the Routing Engine Cannot Fulfill an Order

The Routing Engine uses the Search Retries setting for the organization to determine how many times it can reassign an order, or its lines or units, to other locations for shipment, transfer, or sourcing. If a location assigned to fulfill or source an order or line rejects it, the Routing Engine selects the next eligible location based on its search criteria to fulfill or source the order, line, or unit, or resubmits the data to the Science Engine, as long as the Search Retries level has not been reached for that order.

Search retries total: The Routing Engine tracks the total number of rejections for an order, whether the rejection is based on a single unit, a single line, or the entire order. After the search retries limit is reached, the Routing Engine assigns the order to the Default Unfulfillable Location, indicating that the order cannot be fulfilled through the Routing Engine. This can occur when:

  • the order is rejected by that number of locations (non-split order), or
  • individual order lines are rejected by that number of locations (split order), or
  • individual units are rejected (if Allow Partial Updates is selected), or
  • there are no additional locations that stock the requested item(s).

Example: The Search Retries is set to 2 for an organization. The Routing Engine assigns an order to location 12, which rejects the order because the requested item has since sold out. The Routing Engine then assigns the order to location 43, which also rejects the order. At this point, the Routing Engine assigns the order to the default unfulfillable location. The next time the placed (originating) location checks the status of the order, the assignment to the default unfulfillable location indicates that the Routing Engine was unable to find a location to fulfill the order.

Splitting orders? If the Allow Split Order preference is set to Yes and the Routing Engine assigns lines on the order independently, it compares the number of retries across the entire order with the Search Retries; it does not track the retries for each line individually. For example, the Search Retries is set to 2 and the order includes 5 lines, each assigned to a different location. If 2 lines are rejected and the Routing Engine receives a rejection for a third line, the line is assigned to the default unfulfillable location.

Allow Partial Updates? If the Allow Partial Updates preference is selected, the assigned location can reject each unit individually. In this situation, each rejection increments the search retries total.

Example: The Search Retries is set to 2. A location rejects 1 unit on the first line; rejects a second unit on the first line; and then rejects 1 unit on the second line. Since the Search Retries was reached by the 2 rejections on the first line, the unit on the second line is assigned to the Default Unfulfillable Location.

Maximum Daily Orders

Indicates the maximum number of delivery or ship-for-pickup orders that the Routing Engine can automatically assign to a location per day, or consider eligible when filtering locations to send to the Science Engine. Maximum daily order limits apply, and this field is enterable only if the Use Maximum Order Limits flag is selected. See Using Maximum Daily Order Assignment for an overview.

Possible settings are:

  • maximum number: Unselect the Not Defined flag to enter a maximum number of orders to restrict automatic assignment of delivery orders for a location to this number. Your entry can be up to 10 positions.

    Note: If the Maximum Daily Orders is already set for a location or location type and you delete the current setting, the screen selects the Not Defined flag automatically. Clear the Not Defined flag to enter a different number.

  • 0: There is no limit to the number of delivery or ship-for-pickup orders that the Routing Engine or Science Engine can assign to the location.
  • Not Defined: Select this setting to clear the maximum number, if any, for a location or location type, and to have the Routing Engine check the next level for a maximum daily order setting. If Not Defined is selected for a location, the setting from the location type applies; and if Not Defined is selected for both the location and the location type, the setting for the organization applies.

Organization-level setting: An entry of a maximum number or 0 is required at the organization level if the Use Maximum Order Limits flag is selected. Instead of using the backspace key to change an organization-level setting, highlight the number currently entered in this field and enter the new number.

Sourcing Distance

The maximum distance, in the selected distance unit of measure, that the Routing Engine should search within when looking for sourcing locations for ship-for-pickup orders, or when filtering locations for these orders to send to the Science Engine. Not used for delivery or pickup orders; which use the Default Distance instead. Defaults to 4000, but you can override it. Required.

This setting is available at the organization level only, and is displayed only if the organization supports ship-for-pickup orders. See Enable Ship-For-Pickup? for background.

See Ship For Pickup Order for a discussion.

Distance unit of measure (unlabeled field to the right of the Sourcing Distance)

Select either miles (default) or kilometers to control the unit of measure for the Sourcing Distance.

Note: This setting is available at the organization level only, and is displayed only if the organization supports ship-for-pickup orders.


The following fields are related to the automatic cancellation of unclaimed pickup or ship-for-pickup orders through the Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders job. See Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders for a discussion.

These fields are available only if Allow Split Order is selected, and are available at the organization level only.

Auto Cancel Days of Unclaimed Pickup Orders

The number of days to retain a pickup order, after the customer is notified that the order is ready for pickup, before the order is eligible for automatic cancellation through the Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders job. See Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders for a discussion.

Defaults to Not Used.

  • This setting is available at the organization level only, and only if Allow Split Order is selected.
  • The Pickup By Date is assigned even if the order is currently flagged as Under Review. In this case, the customer is not notified that the order is ready for pickup until the Under Review flag is removed.

Note: If this preference is set to Not Used, then the option to change the pickup date is not available in Store Connect, regardless of whether an Auto Cancel Days of Unclaimed Ship For Pickup Orders is specified.

Auto Cancel Days of Unclaimed Ship For Pickup Orders

The number of days to retain a ship-for-pickup order, after the customer is notified that the order is ready for pickup, before it is eligible for automatic cancellation through the Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders job. See Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders for a discussion.

Defaults to Not Used.

  • This setting is available at the organization level only, and only if the organization supports ship-for-pickup orders. See Enable Ship-For-Pickup? for background. Also, this field is available only if Allow Split Order is selected.
  • The Pickup By Date is assigned even if the order is currently flagged as Under Review. In this case, the customer is not notified that the order is ready for pickup until the Under Review flag is removed.
  • If the number of days is specified, the store associate user can select a new order pickup date from the Ready to Pick Up screen, Pick Up Order screen, or the View Order screen in Store Connect.

Auto Cancel Reason

Select the cancellation reason code to use when an unclaimed pickup or ship-for-pickup order is automatically canceled through the Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders job. See Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders for a discussion.

Defaults to Not Used.

The cancellation reason code specified here cannot be deleted or deactivated. See the Reason Codes screen in Modern View for background.

There is no restriction against using this code in other situations, such as in Store Connect.

Note: This setting is available at the organization level only, and only if Allow Split Order is selected.

Standard Brokering Tab

Available at: The organization level.


The settings at this tab apply to delivery or ship-for-pickup orders only if Use Weighted Brokering Rules is unselected.

If Use Weighted Brokering Rules is unselected, these fields control the criteria that the Routing Engine uses to sort locations when it selects a location to fulfill a delivery order or line, or select a sourcing location for a ship-for-pickup order or line, when it receives the SubmitOrder request message or Product Availability request message, or when it lists the locations in the locate items response for any fulfillment type. It also uses these criteria when a location assigned to fulfill the delivery order or to source the ship-for-pickup order or line rejects it, and the Routing Engine needs to look for a new fulfilling location.

Ranking criteria: To have the Routing Engine use a particular criterion first, rank it with a 1, and continue assigning 2, 3, 4, and 5 to other criteria that the Routing Engine should consider; however, the Last Order Assigned and Sales Velocity Rank criteria are optional. For example, to have the Routing Engine look first at On Hand Count, rank it with a 1; to have the Routing Engine next look at Location Priority in a situation when two locations have the same on-hand count, rank Location Priority with a 2; and so on.

When does the Routing Engine check the second, third, and optional fourth or fifth criterion? The Routing Engine checks the next criterion in the hierarchy only when there is more than one location with the same result for the previous criterion (a “tie-breaker”).

Example: If you rank Location Priority with a 1 and there is more than one eligible location with the same Location Priority, then the Routing Engine checks the next criterion in the hierarchy. On the other hand, if you rank Proximity with a 1 and all eligible locations use proximity locator logic, it is less likely that more than one location will be the exact same distance from the requesting location, so as a result it is less likely that the Routing Engine will need to check the next criterion.

Optional criteria: The Last Order Assigned and Sales Velocity Rank criteria are optional.

Which locations are eligible for consideration? The criteria apply only to locations that:

  • stock the item
  • have a sufficient quantity available, or have the Backorder Available flag selected
  • are flagged Delivery Available for a delivery order, or Ship For Pickup Sourcing Available for a ship-for-pickup order
  • are not excluded due to probability rules
  • are not excluded based on zone shipping
  • are not excluded based on exceeding the Maximum Daily Orders

Searching for pickup locations: When the Routing Engine receives a web service request searching for locations that could fulfill a pickup order:

  • If Use Weighted Brokering Rules is selected: Both the LocateItems response and the Product Availability response list the locations in order of proximity.
  • If Use Weighted Brokering Rules is unselected: The LocateItems response uses Standard Brokering rules, while the Product Availability response lists the locations in order of proximity.

Criterion evaluation (ascending or descending): The second flag for each of the criterion indicates how to apply the criterion. See the description of each criterion, below, for a discussion.

For more information: See Selecting a Location for a Delivery Order and Selecting the Location for a Pickup Order (LocateItems) for background.

Overrides? You can set up overrides to these criteria, based on the originating system and order type. In the case of delivery and ship-for-pickup order types, the express carrier flag is also considered. The override settings all default to inheriting the settings from the Preferences screen, but if there is an override set up that matches the information in a locate items or order request, the override criteria apply. The overrides also apply when the Routing Engine “reshops” a rejected delivery or ship-for-pickup order. See Order Orchestration Preference Overrides for more information.


If the Routing Engine uses the proximity criterion:

Closest = select the eligible location closest to the requesting location’s, customer’s, or pickup location’s address. You might choose this setting to save on shipping costs for delivery orders or shorten the transfer time for ship-for-pickup orders.

Farthest = select the eligible location farthest from the requesting location’s, customer’s, or pickup location’s address

To use proximity as an Order Orchestration criterion, you need to be using the proximity locator and have data in the proximity location table, or be using the Oracle Maps Cloud Service.

If some locations do not use proximity: You might use proximity locator search logic for some locations in your enterprise, such as retail stores, and not for others, such as warehouses. Any locations that are not set up as eligible or proximity searching are returned in search results with a distance of 0 from the requesting location. For example, if you use the Routing Engine and have proximity as your first search criterion, search results are returned in ascending sequence based on distance from the requesting location; as a result, any eligible locations that are not eligible for proximity locator searching are listed first in the response message.

On Hand Count

If the Routing Engine uses the on-hand count criterion:

Low to High = select the eligible location whose available quantity is lowest.

High to Low = select the eligible location whose available quantity is highest. You might use this setting to avoid depleting the inventory in any one location.

If there are multiple products requested, use the total available quantity in each location for evaluation.

The determination of the available quantity is subject to probability rules and reserved quantity calculation.

Location Priority

If the Routing Engine uses the location priority criterion for delivery or ship-for-pickup orders:

Low to High = select the eligible location with the lowest-number location priority to ship, transfer, or source the order

High to Low = select the eligible location whose location priority is the highest number

Last Order Assigned

If the Routing Engine uses the last order assignment criterion:

Constant = select the eligible location whose last order assignment date and time (for any item or items) was the most recent. However, you would not ordinarily use this criterion with a setting of Constant, as this would cause the Routing Engine to persistently select the same location to fulfill orders until such point when that location is unable to fulfill an order; at that time, the Routing Engine would persistently pick another location to fulfill orders.

Variable = select the eligible location whose last order assignment date and time (for any item or items) was the earliest. You might choose this setting to create an even distribution of orders or lines among eligible locations.

The Routing Engine checks the create_timestamp field in the xom_order table when evaluating locations for this criterion. It updates this field when it assigns an order or line (for any item or items) to a location for shipment or transfer.


  • The Routing Engine does not update the create_timestamp for an order if the fulfilling location rejects the assignment and the order or lines are reassigned to a new location.
  • This criterion is optional. Set it to Not Used to exclude it from Routing Engine logic.
Sales Velocity Rank

If the Routing Engine uses the sales velocity rank criterion:

Low to High = select the eligible location whose Sales Velocity is lowest.

High to Low = select the eligible location whose Sales Velocity rank is highest.

If there are multiple products requested, use the total sales velocity in each location for evaluation.

This criterion is optional. Set it to Not Used to exclude it from Routing Engine logic.

Weighted Brokering Tab

Available at: Organization level only.


The settings at this tab apply only if Use Weighted Brokering Rules is selected.

Which locations are eligible for consideration? The weighted brokering percentages apply only to locations that have not been filtered out of those sent to the Science Engine. To be eligible, a location must:

  • stock the item
  • have a sufficient quantity available, or have the Backorder Available flag selected
  • be flagged Delivery Available for a delivery order, or Ship For Pickup Sourcing Available for a ship-for-pickup order
  • not be excluded due to probability rules
  • not be excluded based on zone shipping
  • not be excluded based on exceeding the Maximum Daily Orders
  • not be excluded based on proximity

For more information: See Selecting a Location for a Delivery Order and Selecting the Location for a Pickup Order (LocateItems) for background.

Overrides? You can set up overrides to these percentages, based on the originating system, order type, and express carrier flag setting. The override percentages all default to inheriting the settings from the Preferences screen, but if there is an override set up that matches the information in an order request, the override criteria apply. The overrides also apply when the Routing Engine “reshops” a rejected delivery or ship-for-pickup order. See Order Orchestration Preference Overrides for more information.

Maximum Order Splits

Indicates the maximum number of times the Science Engine can split an order when selecting fulfilling or sourcing locations.

Example: An order includes 3 items, and each item is available only in a separate location. The Maximum Order Splits is set to 2. The result is that the entire order is unfulfillable. The Transaction Notes at the History tab of the Order screen indicates Exceed Maximum Number of Splits.

Weighted Percentages

The following fields indicate the relative weight to give each of the criteria used by the Science Engine to select a fulfilling or sourcing location. General rules are:

  • The Total Weights must add up to 100% if Use Weighted Brokering Rules is selected.
  • Each field is optional. If you leave a field blank, a percentage of 0 is applied.
Labor Cost

The percentage weight for the Science Engine to assign the location’s location’s Labor Cost when selecting locations from the filtered list submitted by the Routing Engine. The labor cost identifies the cost to pick, pack, and ship an order at the location.

Used how? The location with the lowest labor cost is preferred.

Enter any percentage from 0 to 100. The Total Weights must equal 100 if Use Weighted Brokering Rules is selected.

Gross Margin

The percentage weight for the Science Engine to assign the product location’s Margin when selecting locations from the filtered list submitted by the Routing Engine. The margin identifies the regular Selling Price minus the Cost for the product location; however, if the product location is flagged as On Clearance, then the Science Engine uses a selling price of .01 for the calculation of margin.

Example: If the selling price for a product location is 100.00, and the cost is 10.00, then the Science Engine uses a margin of 90.00 (100.00-10.00). However, if the item is flagged as on clearance, then the Science Engine uses a margin of -9.99.

Used how? The location with the lowest margin is preferred, because that location has the lowest profit for in-store sales.

Enter any percentage from 0 to 100. The Total Weights must equal 100 if Use Weighted Brokering Rules is selected.


The percentage weight for the Science Engine to assign the product location’s distance from the customer’s address.

Used how? The location that is the shortest distance from the customer’s address is preferred.

Enter any percentage from 0 to 100. The Total Weights must equal 100 if Use Weighted Brokering Rules is selected.

On Hand Count

The percentage weight for the Science Engine to assign to the available quantity for the product location when selecting locations from the filtered list submitted by the Routing Engine. The quantity used is the Available to Promise after applying any probability rules.

Used how? The product location that has the highest on-hand count is preferred.

Enter any percentage from 0 to 100. The Total Weights must equal 100 if Use Weighted Brokering Rules is selected.

Sales Velocity

The percentage weight for the Science Engine to assign to the Sales Velocity for the product location when selecting locations from the filtered list submitted by the Routing Engine.

Used how? The Priority setting determines whether the product location that has the highest or lowest setting is preferred.

Enter any percentage from 0 to 100. The Total Weights must equal 100 if Use Weighted Brokering Rules is selected.


Select one of the following settings when determining how the Science Engine should evaluate Sales Velocity:

  • Largest to Smallest (default): The highest sales velocity is preferred
  • Smallest to Largest: The lowest sales velocity is preferred

Required if the Sales Velocity percentage is greater than 0.

Total Weights

Indicates the total of all weighted percentages. Updated as you edit percentages. The total must be 100% if Use Weighted Brokering Rules is selected.

Drop Ship Preferences

Purpose: Use the Drop Ship Preferences screen to set organization-level preferences related to the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.

For more information: See Setting Up Data for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment Module for more information on setup related to Supplier Direct Fulfillment.

How to display this screen: Click the Drop Ship Preferences icon (Illustrates the preferences icon.) for an organization at the Organizations and Preferences screen.


Available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with Organization and Preferences authority can display this screen. See Roles for more information.

Fields at this screen

Field Description

The organization you selected at the Organizations and Preferences screen. Display-only.

Vendor Portal tab
Vendor Landing Page -- Settings
Logo URL

Optionally, enter the URL for the logo to display in the upper left corner of Vendor Portal screens. The URL should use https rather than http.

File format: The image file can be in JPG, PNG, or GIF format.

Image dimensions: The recommended size is 250x35.

If your entry does not point to an existing image file, no logo is displayed on Vendor Portal screens.

Optionally, you can click the magnifying glass (Illustrates the magnifying glass icon.) to preview the image at the recommended size.

Note: Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.

Landing Page Refresh

Controls how often, in minutes, to refresh the information displayed at the Vendor Portal landing page. The default refresh interval is 15 minutes. Your entry cannot exceed 3 positions (999 minutes).

The information on the Vendor Portal landing page also refreshes automatically when the vendor logs out and logs back in.

Portal UI Timeout

Enter the number of minutes that an inactive Vendor Portal session should remain open before timing out. Once a vendor user’s session times out, the vendor user is presented with the Inactivity Timeout screen. The vendor user can then log in again, or close the browser window. Your entry can be from 1 to 20 minutes. The default setting is 20 minutes. Required.

Note: Oracle recommends that the vendor user logs out of the Vendor Portal and does not just close the browser or browser tab; otherwise, the user user will not be able to log back into the Vendor Portal until the SSO session is cleared.

Portal UI Lock Out

The number of unsuccessful, sequential login attempts that triggers Order Orchestration to disable a vendor user account. When a vendor user attempts to log in with an inactive account, the Vendor Portal displays a general error indicating that the login failed.

Example: If you set this number to 4, a vendor user account is made inactive after the entry of 4 incorrect passwords in a row.

Reset: An vendor user’s counter is reset:

  • after a successful login (for example, if there are 3 unsuccessful login attempts, followed by a successful login, the counter is reset to 0
  • when you re-enable the vendor user account at the Vendor User Profiles screen or the Vendor User Profile screen

Your entry can be 1 to 99 login attempts. The default setting is 5. Required.

Very Late Days

The number of days in the past the due date for an unshipped, uncanceled purchase order line needs to be to be considered “very late” for the charts on the Vendor Portal landing page. Your entry must be at least 2 and can be up to 9 positions. See Purchase order aging chart for a discussion.

Retailer Email Address

The email address to use as the “to” address on the email generated when a vendor clicks the E-mail the Retailer link on the Vendor Portal landing page. See Information on the Vendor Portal landing page for a discussion.

Email Subject

The subject line to use on the email generated when a vendor clicks the E-mail the Retailer link on the Vendor Portal landing page. See Information on the Vendor Portal landing page for a discussion.


The URL of the vendor portal to include as a link in email notifications to the vendor. Should be in the format of http://SERVERNAME:7003, where SERVERNAME is the name of the server and 7003 is the port number.

Format in email: The link is in parentheses, and includes the URL you specify here, appended by /LocateVPA/. For example, if you enter example.com, the email includes a link to example.com/LocateVPA/ in parentheses. If you do not enter a URL here, the email includes a link to /LocateVPA/in parentheses.

Note: The VPA Url does not automatically append the vendor’s locale to the link embedded in the email. The same URL is embedded for all vendors.

For more information: See Supplier Direct Fulfillment Module Email Notifications Summary.


The announcement to display on the Vendor Portal landing page. See the screen image under Information on the Vendor Portal landing page.

Invoice -- Settings
Max POs / Invoice

The maximum number of pack slip shipments that a vendor can include on an invoice. An entry between 1 and 999999 is required.

Controls Invoice Number Length: CWDirect and Order Administration support an invoice number of up to 11 positions; if the invoice includes multiple purchase orders, these systems append a numeric suffix to the number, including a hyphen (for example, INV456-01, INV456-02, etc.). Your entry in this field controls the maximum length of the invoice number that a vendor can create, preventing Order Orchestration from creating an invoice with a number that is too long for these systems.

Example: If you support a maximum of 100 purchase orders per invoice, then Order Orchestration reserves 4 positions for the hyphen and the numeric suffix from the maximum of 11, supporting invoice numbers such as INV4567-500. If you support a maximum of 99 purchase orders, then Order Orchestration reserves only 3 positions for the hyphen and the numeric suffix.

Invoice Number Length

Calculated based on the Max POs / Invoice setting as described above. Display-only.

Integrated Shipper -- Settings

For more information: See Integrated Shipping Setup, Troubleshooting, and Mapping: Supplier Direct Fulfillment.

Integration Enabled

Controls whether the Integrated Shipping screen is available to vendors so that they can confirm shipments through integration with an integrated shipping system such as ADSI.

Link in Messages and Tasks area on Landing Page: If this preference is selected, the number of purchase orders in process link in the Messages and Tasks area of the Vendor Portal landing page takes the vendor user to the Integrated Shipping screen. Otherwise, if this preference is not selected, the link takes the vendor user to the Purchase Order Shipping screen.

Illustrates the links at the Vendor Portal landing page.

When this flag is selected, you need to:

  • enter a return address at the New Brand or Edit Brand screen in Modern View. This address prints on the shipping label when the vendor confirms shipments through the Integrated Shipping screen.
  • use the Boxes screen in Modern View to define the dimensions of a box used to ship one or more items using an integrated shipping system and whether the box is available in the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.
Shipper URL

Enter the URL to use for the integrated shipping system when the vendor confirms shipments through the Integrated Shipping screen. Required if the Integration Enabled flag is selected.

Note: Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.

Shipper Name

Enter the code that identifies you to the integrated shipping system. Required if the Integration Enabled flag is selected.

Email tab
PO Status Notification

Select this flag and enter one or more email addresses to receive an email notification when the vendor:

  • puts a purchase order line on hold, or releases it from hold
  • revises the delivery date of a purchase order line
  • enters a Reason Description for a purchase order line, even without changing its hold status or delivery date
  • accepts or rejects an address change or cancellation request

At least one email address is required if the flag is selected.t

Separate each additional email address with a semicolon and no space.

Upload Error Notification

Select this flag and enter one or more email addresses to receive an email notification when the vendor uploads a file of shipment confirmations or invoices that result in any errors. At least one email address is required if the flag is selected.

Separate each additional email address with a semicolon and no space.

Invoice Balance Notification

Select this flag and enter one or more email addresses to receive an email notification when the vendor submits an invoice that includes an out-of-balance line. At least one email address is required if the flag is selected. See the Out-of-balance invoice notification email to retailer for a sample.

Separate each additional email address with a semicolon and no space.

Integrated Shipping Setup, Troubleshooting, and Mapping: Supplier Direct Fulfillment

Required setup: The setup required for shipping through an integrated system such as ADSI includes:

  • Drop Ship Preferences: the settings described above under Integrated Shipper -- Settings at the Drop Ship Preferences screen.
  • Brand return address: The brand return address information is used as the return address on the shipping label, and must include:

    • contact name and company name

    • street address line 1

    • U.S. city, state/province, and postal code

    • phone number of 10 positions, plus any formatting (for example, (508) 555-1111). The brand phone number is used if there is not a day or evening phone number for the purchase order shipping address.

  • Carrier codes: The service codes set up in the integrated shipping system should match the carrier codes set up and assigned to vendors in Order Orchestration. If the service codes include leading zeros, then the carrier codes must match; for example, 1 is not a match for 01.
  • Boxes: The dimensions of the box used with each shipment is required for all purchase orders using an integrated shipping system. If your vendors use the Integrated Shipping screen to confirm shipments, the system requires you to select the box size on the Estimated Weight and Dimensions window. The vendor user can select one of the predefined box sizes or manually define the length, width, and height of the box.
  • Vendor contact address: The vendor contact address is used as the originating address, and must include:

    • street address line 1

    • U.S. city, state/province, and postal code

    • phone number of 10 positions, plus any formatting (for example, (508) 555-1111).

  • Vendor user authority: In order to use the Integrated Shipping screen, vendor users require Integrated Shipping authority. See Roles for more information.
  • allow list: If a vendor attempts to ship through integration with ADSI and the URL is not on the allow list, the Vendor Portal screen opens a pop-up window indicating an unhandled ADSI error. Also, an error message is written to the server log.

Restrictions for integrated shipping:

  • International shipping not supported: Shipping to addresses outside of the United States is not currently supported through the Integrated Shipping screen.
  • Address line and apartment/suite: Address line 2 cannot exceed 35 positions; also, the apartment/suite number is appended to address line 2. If the address line 2 exceeds 35 positions, ADSI truncates the line for a Federal Express carrier, and returns an error for a UPS carrier.
  • Newgistics not supported: Shipping with Newgistics is not supported for drop shipments.

To help identify possible response delays, the response time is logged.

  • Duplicate service codes: If you set up multiple service codes in ADSI for the same carrier, the first service code is used on the shipment regardless of whether it was the carrier selected for the purchase order. For example, if you set up both service code 10 and service code 20 in ADSI as UPS Next Day, and the vendor confirms the shipment using carrier 20, service code 10 is returned from the integrated shipping system.
  • Rate shopping: If the vendor confirms a shipment using a rate-shopping service code, and ADSI returns a code that is not currently a valid carrier in Order Orchestration, Order Orchestration automatically creates the carrier code, but does not assign the new carrier to the vendor.

Integrated Shipping Mapping: Supplier Direct Fulfillment

Message Element Field or Information Passed Notes

The address information passed is from the xom_shipping table unless otherwise indicated.


The first name and last name from the shipping address.

Blank if there is just a company name but no customer first and last name.


The company name from the shipping address.

Some carriers require company name. If the ship-to address does not have a company name, Order Orchestration sends the first and last name as the company name, but sets the ResidentialFlag to true; otherwise, the ResidentialFlag is set to false.


The first address line (address_1) of the shipping address.

Only the first address line is sent to ADSI.


The apartment/suite, if any, of the shipping address.



The city of the shipping address.



The two-position state code.



The zip or postal code.



The country for the shipping address.



  • day phone, if any, for the shipping address; otherwise,
  • evening phone, if any, for the shipping address; otherwise,
  • phone number from the brand return address.


The carrier code identifying the carrier shipping the order.

The service codes set up in the integrated shipping system should match the carrier codes set up and assigned to vendors in Order Orchestration. If the service codes include leading zeros, then the carrier codes must match; for example, 1 is not a match for 01.





Set to false if a company name is specified; otherwise, set to true.



Set to false.



Set to ADSI.



Set to the current date and time.



The purchase order number.



The purchase order number.


This section of the request message uses name/value pairs to provide information.

name value


The carrier code identifying the carrier shipping the order.

The service codes set up in the integrated shipping system should match the carrier codes set up and assigned to vendors in Order Orchestration. If the service codes include leading zeros, then the carrier codes must match; for example, 1 is not a match for 01.

The names with the ORIGINNA prefix provide information from the vendor record’s contact information.



The vendor name.



The vendor’s contact name.



The first address line from the vendor’s contact address.



The second address line and suite, if any, from the vendor’s contact address.

The third address line, if any, is not sent.


The city from the vendor’s contact address.



The state or province code from the vendor’s contact address.



The zip or postal code from the vendor’s contact address.



The telephone number from the vendor’s contact address.


The names with the RETURNNA provide information from the brand’s return address information.



The company name from the brand’s return address.



The contact name from the brand’s return address.



The first address line from the brand’s return address.



The second address line and suite, if any, from the brand’s return address.

The third and fourth address lines, if any, are not sent.


The city from the brand’s return address.



The state or province code from the brand’s return address.



The zip or postal code from the brand’s return address.



The telephone number from the brand’s return address.


The remaining information in the message provides information on the package and the required label.


The weight of the package, including up to a 4-position decimal.

Calculated by multiplying the unit_ship_weight, if any, from the CreateDSOrder message for each item being shipped by the shipping quantity. Otherwise, if no weight was passed for the purchase order, the vendor needs to enter a total shipping weight.


The dimensions of the box, such as 1.0x1.0x1.0.



Set to PNG.





Preview Image

Purpose: Use the Preview Image window to preview the logo URL for a brand at the dimensions used for display or printing.

Used for the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module and the Store Connect module.

How to display this window: Click the preview icon (Illustrates the preview icon.) next to the Logo URL field:

  • New Brand or Edit Brand screen in Modern View: The Logo URL field is available in the Brand Logo folder under the Preferences tab. Indicates the logo to print on the graphical pack slip and pullsheet. The idea dimensions are 225 x 50.
  • Drop Ship Preferences screen: The Logo URL field is available under the Vendor Portal tab. Indicates the logo to display in the upper left corner of Vendor Portal screens. The ideal dimensions are 250 x 35.
  • Store Connect Preferences screen: The Logo URL field is available under the General tab. Indicates the logo to print on the packing slip. The ideal dimensions are 29x18.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.

Store Connect Preferences

Purpose: Use the Store Connect Preferences screen to set preferences related to the Store Connect module.

For more information: See Setting Up Data for the Store Connect Module for more information on setup related to the Store Connect module, and see the Store Connect Overview for background.

How are orders assigned to Store Connect locations? The Order Orchestration preferences set up at the Preferences screen control the assignment of delivery orders to all locations, including Store Connect locations. These preferences also apply to ship-for-pickup or store pickup order assignment; for example, a Store Connect location must be flagged as Pickup Available. See the Preferences screen for more information.

How to display this screen: Click the Store Connect Preferences icon (Illustrates the preferences icon.) for an organization at the Organizations and Preferences screen. This screen is available only if you have flagged a system as the Store Connect Default. See the Systems screen or Setting Up Data for the Store Connect Module for more information.


Available if Use Store Connect is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with Organization and Preferences authority can display this screen. See Roles for more information.

Fields at this screen

Field Description

The code and name of the organization you selected at the Organizations and Preferences screen. Display-only.

Store Connect System

The code and name of the system flagged as the Store Connect Default for the organization. Display-only.

General tab


Associate UI Timeout

Enter the number of minutes that an inactive store associate session should remain open before timing out.

Inactivity warning: Three minutes before the associate’s session is due to time out, an Inactivity Timeout window indicates when the session will expire and provides an option to log out of SSO or extend the session.

Illustrates the Inactivity Timeout window, indicating when the session will expire and the options to log out or extend.

Your entry can be 15 to 1440 minutes. The default setting is 15 minutes. Required.

Logo URL

Enter the URL of the logo in the upper left corner of each Store Connect screen. The URL should use https rather than http.


The recommended logo size is 29 x 18, but can be larger if it is proportional to these dimensions.

Preview: Click the magnifying glass (Illustrates the magnifying glass icon.) to preview the logo as it will appear on the screen.

If you leave this field blank, then the screen does not include a logo.

If a logo URL is specified, but there is no logo at the specified URL, then the screen displays a broken image icon.

Note: Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.

Order Age Thresholds

Order Age Hours

Enter the number of hours within which store associates should process new delivery, pickup, or ship-for-pickup orders:

  • delivery orders should be shipped within this number of hours
  • pickup orders should be picked and ready for pickup within this number of hours
  • ship-for-pickup orders:

    • the sourcing location should ship the order to the pickup location within this number of hours

    • the pickup location, if it is also the sourcing location, should have the order picked and ready for pickup within this number of hours

Your entry should be a whole number from 1 to 999, or it should be blank. This setting is available at the Store Connect system level only.

Calculated how? The age is calculated based on the date and time when the oldest open (uncompleted) line was created:

  • delivery orders or the sourcing location for ship-for-pickup orders: the date and time when the oldest line still in polled, accepted, or picked status was created (that is, not yet shipped)
  • pickup orders or the pickup location when it is also the sourcing location for ship-for-pickup orders: the date and time when the oldest line still in polled or accepted status was created (that is, not yet picked)

When an order’s age meets this number of hours: A red triangle is displayed next to the Age on Store Connect screens, and the date itself is in red, indicating that the order has exceeded your service level, as in the following example. Note that the order date is still highlighted even if the order is under review and cannot yet be fulfilled.Illustrates order age.

The indicator indicates that store associate action is required, so it is not displayed for pickup or ship-for-pickup orders that have been processed for store associates and are ready for customer pickup, regardless of when the order was created.

Displayed on which screens in Store Connect: The order age indicator is displayed at the New Orders, Ready to Pick, and Ready to Ship screens in Store Connect screens for orders that exceed the Order Age Hours, as described above.

If no Order Age Hours specified: If you leave this field blank, then the Store Connect screens never display the order date in red, bold text. You should either enter a number of hours from 1 to 99 or leave the field blank; 0 is not a valid entry. This setting is available at the Store Connect system level only.

Reshopped delivery orders: If the original store location assigned to fulfill a delivery order rejects the order, the order’s age is still calculated based on the original date and time. When the order is assigned to a different store location, the order date may be displayed in red, bold text even though the order is new to the second store.

The same calculation applies to reassigning the sourcing the location for ship-for-pickup orders.

Orders placed outside of a store location’s business hours: The calculation of order age does not reflect whether the order was placed during the store location’s regular business hours. For example, if the order is created at 6 o’clock, and the store location opens at 10 o’clock, the order’s age is calculated as 4 hours.

Unclaimed Orders Hours

This field is not currently implemented.

Pick/Pack Preferences tab (Pick Pack)

These fields control the generation of the pick list pull sheet and the packing slip, including the programs to print them, and the logo and messages to include on the printed documents.

Pick List Pull Sheet Form

Specifies the BI Publisher template to generate the pick list pull sheet for delivery and pickup orders. Set to ob_pullsheet_report and should not be changed if the pull sheet should be generated. See Pick List Pull Sheet for information on form contents. Up to 20 positions. Required.

Language, date and time formats, and number formats are from the organization.

If you leave this field blank, or if your entry is not ob_pullsheet_report, no pick list pull sheet PDFs are generated in Store Connect.

Pack Slip Form

Specifies the BI Publisher template to generate the packing slip for a delivery or pickup order. Set to ob_packslip_stc_report and should not be changed. Up to 20 positions. Required.

Sample: See the Packing Slip.

If you leave this field blank, or if your entry is not ob_packslip_stc_report, no packing slip PDFs are generated in Store Connect.

Logo URL (packing slip)

Not currently used.

Delivery Pack Slip Message

Optionally, enter a message to print on packing slips for delivery orders. The message prints below the addresses and above the items. See the Packing Slip for an example. Your entry can be up to 240 positions.

Pick Up Pack Slip Message

Optionally, enter a message to print on packing slips for pickup and ship-for-pickup orders. The message prints below the address and above the items. See the Packing Slip for an example. Your entry can be up to 240 positions.

Printing Preferences tab (Printing)

Printing Preference Configuration

Printing preference hierarchy: You should set printing preferences at the Store Connect system level, and can also set them at the location type or location level. The hierarchy is:

  1. Use the setting at the location, if any.
  2. If the setting for the location is Not Defined, use the setting at the location type, if any.
  3. If the setting for the location type is Not Defined, use the setting for the Store Connect system.

Navigational fields

These fields are in the left-hand side of the screen, below the heading information.


When you first advance to this tab, the location hierarchy is displayed in the left-hand pane, collapsed to the level of the Store Connect system for the organization you selected at the Organizations and Preferences screen.

Printing preferences specified? The system code and system name are displayed. A blue arrow (Illustrates the blue arrow.) is always displayed next to the system, and is also displayed next to a location type or location to indicate if you have set printing preferences.


When you expand the System to highlight a location type in the left-hand pane, the location type’s code and name are displayed. A blue arrow next to the location type indicates that you have set a printing preference at that level or lower.

This setting, if any, applies if there is no setting at the location level. If the setting is Not Defined at both the location and location type level, the setting for the Store Connect system applies.


When you expand the location type to highlight a location in the left-hand pane, the location’s code and name are displayed.

If Print Pick List Pull Sheet is set to Not Defined at the location level, the location type-level setting, if any, applies; and if Print Pick List Pull Sheet is set to Not Defined at the location type level, the system-level setting applies.

Printing Preference settings

The preference settings at the Printing tab are described below.

Print Pick List Pull Sheet

Indicates whether to generate the Pick List Pull Sheet. Options at each level are Yes, No, and Not Defined. You can set this preference at three levels:

  1. The Store Connect system level

  2. The Store Connect location type level

  3. The individual store location level

If the setting is Not Defined at the location level, then the location type level setting applies. If the setting is also Not Defined at the location type level, then the Store Connect system setting applies.

The Pick List Pull Sheet is generated when the store associate accepts the order. If multiple orders are accepted at the same time, the details for all accepted orders are included on the Pull Sheet.

Print Pack Documents

Indicates whether to generate the Packing Slip for a delivery or pickup order, and the shipment label for a delivery order. You can set this preference at three levels:

  1. The Store Connect system level

  2. The Store Connect location type level

  3. The individual store location level

If the setting is Not Defined at the location level, then the location type level setting applies. If the setting is also Not Defined at the location type level, then the Store Connect system setting applies.

Options at each level are:

  • None: Do not print pack documents.

  • Order Accept: Print pack documents when the order is accepted.

  • Pick: Print pack documents when the order is picked.

  • Order Accept and Pick: Print pack documents when the order is accepted and when the order is picked.

  • Fulfillment: Print pack documents when a delivery order is shipped or when a pickup order is picked up.

  • Not Defined: Use the setting from the higher level; for example, if the setting for a location is Not Defined; use the setting from the location type level.

The associate can still print the Packing Slip on demand from most screens in Store Connect if the order has been accepted and not yet fulfilled.

Note: Unless a setting of Fulfillment applies to the store location, the correct items and quantities may not be reflected in the Packing Slip if the associate performs a partial shipment or pickup.

Print Pack Document at Receipt

Indicates whether to generate the Packing Slip for a ship-for-pickup order when it is received at the Receive Order screen at the pickup location. You can set this preference to Yes or No at three levels:

  1. The Store Connect system level

  2. The Store Connect location type level

  3. The individual store location level

A setting of Yes or No is available at all levels, and a setting of Not Defined is also available at the location type level and the store location level. If the setting is Not Defined at the location level, then the location type level setting applies. If the setting is also Not Defined at the location type level, then the Store Connect system setting applies.

At the pickup location, you can also print the Packing Slip at the Ready To Pick Up screen.

Print Pack Document at Intransit

Indicates whether to generate the Packing Slip for a ship-for-pickup order when it shipped from the sourcing location to the pickup location at the Ship Order screen. You can set this preference to Yes or No at three levels:

  1. The Store Connect system level

  2. The Store Connect location type level

  3. The individual store location level

A setting of Yes or No is available at all levels, and a setting of Not Defined is also available at the location type level and the store location level. If the setting is Not Defined at the location level, then the location type level setting applies. If the setting is also Not Defined at the location type level, then the Store Connect system setting applies.

At the sourcing location, you can also print the Packing Slip at the Ready to Pick and Ready to Ship screens.

Note: Printing the pack document when the order is intransit is recommended if your organization supports partial shipments, so that the quantities on the pack document reflect the actual units selected for shipment to the pickup location. Also, the pack document can be used as a reference in the sourcing location for the quantities shipped.

Shipping Preferences tab (Shipping)

Shipping Service Configuration

Shipping preference hierarchy: In order to use ADSI or the Standard Shipping Service to ship delivery orders at any Store Connect location, you need to specify the shipping service and complete the additional fields at this tab at the Store Connect system level. You must then set the Shipping Service preference at the system level, and can also set it at the location type or location level. The hierarchy is:

  1. Use the setting at the location, if any.
  2. If the setting for the location is Not Defined, use the setting at the location type, if any.
  3. If the setting for the location type is Not Defined, use the setting for the Store Connect system.

Navigational fields

These fields are in the left-hand side of the screen, below the heading information.


When you first advance to this tab, the location hierarchy is displayed in the left-hand pane, collapsed to the level of the Store Connect system for the organization you selected at the Organizations and Preferences screen.

Shipping Service specified? The system code and system name are displayed. A blue arrow (Illustrates the blue arrow.) is always displayed next to the system, and is also displayed next to a location type or location to indicate if you have specified a Shipping Service of either ADSI or Manual at that level or lower.


When you expand the System to highlight a location type in the left-hand pane, the location type’s code and name are displayed. A blue arrow next to the location type indicates that you have set a shipping preference at that level or lower.

This setting, if any, applies if there is no setting at the location level. If the setting is Not Defined at both the location and location type level, the setting for the Store Connect system applies.


When you expand the location type to highlight a location in the left-hand pane, the location’s code and name are displayed.

If the Shipping Service is set to Not Defined at the location level, the location type-level setting, if any, applies; and if the Shipping Service is set to Not Defined at the location type level, the system-level setting applies.

Shipping Preference settings

Shipping Service

Use this drop-down field to select the shipping service to use for shipments from Store Connect.

Defining shipping services: Shipping service types are ADSI or Standard Shipping. Shipping services are configured through the External Services screen. See that screen for background.

Inactive? Inactive services are indicated in the shipping service name, for example: Standard Shipping (Inactive). If the selected shipping service that applies to a location is currently inactive, only manual shipping is available in Store Connect.

Manual: Following the list of shipping services defined at the Manage External Services screen, the Manual shipping option is available. When the Manual shipping option applies at a store location, no shipping service is available.

Not Defined: If the setting is Not Defined, the higher-level setting applies, as described above. This setting is not available at the Store Connect system level.

Note: If the shipping service that applies to a store location changes while a store associate is currently logged into Store Connect, the change does not actually take effect until the user logs out and then logs back in.

Shipping Label Return Address

Select the location to submit to ADSI or the Standard Shipping Service as the return address for shipments:

  • Placed Location : The location that originated the order
  • Fulfilling Location (default): The store location fulfilling the order
  • Selected Location: Another location in your organization. If you select this option, the Location for Return Address field opens, so you can select the location to use as the return address.

Note: The return address location must include:

  • contact name and company name
  • street address line 1
  • U.S. city, state/province, and postal code
  • phone number of 10 positions, plus any formatting (for example, (508) 555-1111). The store location phone number is used if there is not a day or evening phone number for the order shipping address.

All locations for all systems within your organization are available for selection.

Available only at the Store Connect system level, and only if the Shipping Service is set to Standard Shiping Service or ADSI. Required if the Shipping Service is ADSI.

See the Edit Location screen for more information on setting up locations.

A change to the shipping label return address takes effect immediately in Store Connect.

Location for Return Address

Available and required only if the Shipping Label Return Address is set to Selected Location. In this case, you need to select the location whose address should be the return address for the shipping label. See above for return address requirements.

Note: You should not select the unfulfillable location.

A change to the location return address takes effect immediately in Store Connect.

Email tab

Email Notifications

The following settings control the email notifications sent to customers and to notify store locations of new orders.

Cust Service From Email Alias

The “from” address, if any, to display as the alias for the system-defined “from” address for email notifications to the customer (Shipment Notification Email, Pickup Ready Reminder to Customer (Pickup Order), and Pickup Ready Notification to Customer).

For example, emails specify the “from” address as My Email Alias <no-reply-omni@oracledomain.com>, where My Email Alias is the alias entered here. The actual “from” address is set by Oracle and cannot be changed.

Your entry can be up to 40 positions and can include letters, numbers, spaces, and special characters, and does not need to be a valid, existing email address.

If you do not specify an email alias here, Order Orchestration generates emails using the defined “from” email address without including an alias.

Note: To generate Store Connect emails with a customized “from” email address rather than the default, you can use the Email Out API. See the Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (2953017.1) for more information.

Send New Order Notifications

Set this flag set to Yes in order to send a new order notification email to the Emails specified for the location if it is a Store Connect location. Otherwise, leave this flag set to No. See:

Shipment Notification Email Generation Type

Indicates whether to have Order Orchestration generate the shipment confirmation email, or to have the content for the email available for retrieval through an API, so that you can use an external service to generate email.

Available settings:

  • Do Not Send: Do not generate a shipment notification email.

  • Standard Email Service: The email information is available for retrieval through the Email Out API so that you can use an external service to generate the email.
  • System Generated Email: Order Orchestration generates the shipment confirmation, as described under Shipment Confirmation to Customer (Delivery Order).

Default setting after upgrade: When you upgrade from a previous version that had a template specified for this email type, this field defaults to System Generated Email; otherwise, the email type defaults to Do Not Send.

For more information: See the Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (2953017.1) for details on the Email Out API.

Pickup Ready Notification Email Generation Type

Indicates whether to have Order Orchestration generate the pickup ready notification email for pickup or ship-for-pickup orders, or to have the content for the email available for retrieval through an API, so that you can use an external service to generate email.

Available settings:

  • Do Not Send: Do not generate a pickup ready notification email.

  • Standard Email Service: The email information is available for retrieval through the Email Out API so that you can use an external service to generate the email.
  • System Generated Email: Order Orchestration generates the pickup ready notification.

Default setting after upgrade: When you upgrade from a previous version that had a template specified for this email type, this field defaults to System Generated Email; otherwise, the email type defaults to Do Not Send.

For more information: See the Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (2953017.1) for details on the Email Out API.

Pickup Ready Reminder Email Generation Type

Indicates whether to have Order Orchestration generate the pickup ready reminder email for pickup or ship-for-pickup orders, or to have the content for the email available for retrieval through an API, so that you can use an external service to generate email.

Available settings:

  • Do Not Send: Do not generate a pickup ready reminder email.

  • Standard Email Service: The email information is available for retrieval through the Email Out API so that you can use an external service to generate the email.
  • System Generated Email: Order Orchestration generates the pickup ready reminder. See Pickup Ready Reminder to Customer (Pickup Order).

Default setting after upgrade: When you upgrade from a previous version that had a template specified for this email type, this field defaults to System Generated Email; otherwise, the email type defaults to Do Not Send.

For more information: See the Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (2953017.1) for details on the Email Out API.

Logo URL (email)

The URL for the logo to include on email notifications to customers. The URL should use https rather than http. Not currently implemented.

Emails include the image at a size 225 x 50 pixels. See Store Connect Email Notifications Summary for a list of email notifications to customers.

Preview the logo: After entering the URL, click the preview icon (Illustrates the magnifying glass icon.) to preview the image at 225 x 50.

Note: Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.