Probable Quantity Rules

Purpose: Use the Probable Quantity Rules screen to review or work with existing probable quantity rules, or create new rules.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

What is a probable quantity rule? A probable quantity rule is a probability rule that applies only to calculation of the probable quantity, an estimate of available quantity that a system, such as your ecommerce site, can retrieve in order to more accurately present an item’s availability.

Calculated when? The probable quantity export program calculates the probable quantity. See the Inventory Quantity Export of the System screen for information on scheduling or running the export program.

Assigning and applying rules: You use the Probable Quantity Location screen to assign a rule to a location type or to a location. If you specify a system product or master style as criteria for the rule, the rule applies only to product locations that match your entries.

Each rule applies only to the location type or location where it is assigned.


Probable quantity rules based on department, class, or category are not currently supported; also, probability rules assigned to a specific location might not be applied during the probable quantity export. See Evaluating Probable Quantity Rules for a discussion.

Rule hierarchy: See Evaluating Probable Quantity Rules for a discussion of how the probable quantity update program selects a probability rule if a product location qualifies for multiple rules.

Routing Engine probability rules: See the Probability Rule Wizard for more information on probability rules that apply to locate items searches and order assignment, rather than the probable quantity calculation.

How to display this screen: Select Probable Rules from the Products Menu.


Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with Probable Quantity Rules authority can display this screen. See Roles for more information.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
create a probable quantity rule
  1. Enter a Rule Name of up to 40 positions.
  2. Click New. If the rule already exists, the screen displays an error message. Otherwise, you advance to the New Probable Quantity Rule window, where you can complete creation of the rule.


    If you click Cancel at the New Probable Quantity Rule window, the rule is not created.
search for a probable quantity rule

Enter a full or partial Rule Name and click Search to display rules whose names include your entry.

Case? The Rule Name field is case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of add does not match a rule name of Add.

select a rule for review or maintenance

Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) next to a rule to advance to the Edit Probable Quantity Rule window.

delete a rule

Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a rule to delete it.

Note: You cannot delete a rule that is assigned to any location types or locations. Use the Probable Quantity Location screen to review or work with rule assignments.

New Probable Quantity Rule

Purpose: Use the New Probable Quantity Rule window to complete creation of a probable quantity rule.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

What is a probable quantity rule? A probable quantity rule is a probability rule that applies only to calculation of the probable quantity, an estimate of available quantity that a system, such as your ecommerce site, can retrieve in order to more accurately present an item’s availability.

Calculated when? The probable quantity update program calculates the probable quantity. See the Inventory Quantity Export at the Schedule Jobs screen for information on scheduling or running the probable quantity update program, and see Evaluating Probable Quantity Rules for a process overview and background.

Assigning and applying rules: You use the Probable Quantity Location screen to assign a rule to a location type or to a location. If you specify a system product or master style as criteria for the rule, the rule applies only to matching product locations.

Each rule applies only to the location type or location where it is assigned.

Rule hierarchy: See Evaluating Probable Quantity Rules for a discussion of how the probable quantity update program selects a probability rule if a product location qualifies for multiple rules.

Routing Engine probability rules: See the Probability Rule Wizard for more information on probability rules that apply to locate items searches and order assignment rather than to the probable quantity calculation.

How to display this screen: Enter a Rule Name of up to 40 positions at the Probable Quantity Rules screen and click New.


Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with Probable Quantity Rules authority can display this screen. See Roles for more information.

Creating a rule

To complete creation of a probable quantity rule:

  1. Optionally, edit the Rule Name you entered at the previous screen.
  2. Optionally, specify selection criteria for the rule:
  3. System Product code, or
  4. Master Style, or
  5. Department, Class, or Category
  6. Select the Operator that indicates how to increase, decrease, or set the probable quantity.
  7. Enter the Value that indicates how to calculate the probable quantity.
  8. Click Save.

Fields at this window

Field Description
Rule Name

The description of the rule. Up to 40 positions. Required.

Optional Conditions

Optionally, use the following fields to restrict the rule to products that match the specified criteria. The rule must be assigned to the product location’s location type or location in order to apply.

All entries are free-form text.

System Product

The system product code identifying the product in a particular system that is eligible for the rule. Up to 35 positions. Optional.

If you specify a system product, you cannot also specify a master style, department, class, or category.

Master Style

The master style identifying system products that are eligible for the rule. Up to 35 positions. Optional.

If you specify a master style, you cannot also specify a system product, department, class, or category.


The department identifying products eligible for the rule. See the New Product screen for background. Up to 40 positions. Optional.

  • If you specify a department, you cannot also specify a system product or a master style.
  • If you specify a class or a category as well as a department, the product must match all entered values for the rule to apply.

The class identifying products that are eligible for the rule. See the New Product screen for background. Up to 40 positions. Optional.

  • If you specify a class, you cannot also specify a system product or a master style.
  • If you specify a department or a category as well as a class, the product must match all entered values for the rule to apply.

The category identifying products that are eligible for the rule. See the New Product screen for background. Up to 40 positions. Optional.

  • If you specify a category, you cannot also specify a system product or a master style.
  • If you specify a department or a class as well as a category, the product must match all entered values for the rule to apply.

The following fields define the calculation applied by the rule.


Indicates how to increase, decrease, or set the probable quantity based on the Available to Promise quantity (the available quantity minus the reserved quantity as well as any fulfilled quantity for the product location:

  • Minus [-]: probable quantity = Available to Promise quantity minus the Value

Example: Available to Promise quantity of 100 minus Value of 10 = probable quantity of 90

  • Plus [+]: probable quantity = Available to Promise quantity plus the Value

Example: Available to Promise quantity of 50 plus Value of 10 = probable quantity of 60

  • Reduce by [%]: probable quantity = Available to Promise quantity minus the Value percentage

Example: Available to Promise quantity of 1000 minus Value percentage of 15 = probable quantity of 850

  • Increase by [%]: probable quantity = Available to Promise quantity plus the Value percentage

Example: Available to Promise quantity of 1000 plus Value percentage of 15 = probable quantity of 1150

  • Equals [=]: the probable quantity = the Value

Example: probable quantity = Value of 9999

Required to update the probable quantity.


The value to use in the calculation of the probable quantity, as described above. Up to 4 positions. Required to update the probable quantity.

Edit Probable Quantity Rule

Purpose: Use the Edit Probable Quantity Rule window to review or edit a probable quantity rule.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

What is a probable quantity rule? A probable quantity rule is a rule that applies only to calculation of the probable quantity, an estimate of available quantity that a system, such as your ecommerce site, can retrieve in order to more accurately present an item’s availability.

Calculated when? The probable quantity update program calculates the probable quantity. See the Inventory Quantity Export at the Schedule Jobs screen for information on scheduling or running the probable quantity update program, and see Evaluating Probable Quantity Rules for a process overview and background.

Assigning and applying rules: You use the Probable Quantity Location screen to assign a rule to a location type or to a location. If you specify a system product or master style as criteria for the rule, the rule applies only to matching product locations.

Each rule applies only to the location type or location where it is assigned.

Rule hierarchy: See Evaluating Probable Quantity Rules for a discussion of how the probable quantity update program selects a probability rule if a product location qualifies for multiple rules.

Routing Engine probability rules: See the Probability Rule Wizard for more information on probability rules that apply to locate items searches and order assignment rather than the probable quantity calculation.

How to display this screen: Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for an existing rule at the Probable Quantity Rules screen.


Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen. Only users with Probable Quantity Rules authority can display this screen. See Roles for more information.

Fields at this window

Field Description
Rule Name

The description of the rule. Up to 40 positions. Required.

Optional Conditions

Optionally, use the following fields to restrict the rule to products that match the specified criteria. The rule must be assigned to the product location’s location type or location in order to apply.

All entries are free-form text.

System Product

The system product code identifying the product in a particular system that is eligible for the rule. Up to 35 positions. Optional.

If you specify a system product, you cannot also specify a master style, department, class, or category.

Master Style

The master style identifying system products that are eligible for the rule. Up to 35 positions. Optional.

If you specify a master style, you cannot also specify a system product, department, class, or category.


The department identifying products eligible for the rule. See the New Product screen for background. Up to 40 positions. Optional.

  • If you specify a department, you cannot also specify a system product or a master style.
  • If you specify a class or a category as well as a department, the product must match all entered values for the rule to apply.

The class identifying products that are eligible for the rule. See the New Product screen for background. Up to 40 positions. Optional.

  • If you specify a class, you cannot also specify a system product or a master style.
  • If you specify a department or a category as well as a class, the product must match all entered values for the rule to apply.

The category identifying products that are eligible for the rule. See the New Product screen for background. Up to 40 positions. Optional.

  • If you specify a category, you cannot also specify a system product or a master style.
  • If you specify a department or a class as well as a category, the product must match all entered values for the rule to apply.

The following fields define the calculation applied by the rule.


Indicates how to increase, decrease, or set the probable quantity based on the Available to Promise quantity (the available quantity minus the reserved quantity as well as any fulfilled quantity for the product location:

  • Minus [-]: probable quantity = Available to Promise quantity minus the Value

Example: Available to Promise quantity of 100 minus Value of 10 = probable quantity of 90

  • Plus [+]: probable quantity = Available to Promise quantity plus the Value

Example: Available to Promise quantity of 50 plus Value of 10 = probable quantity of 60

  • Reduce by [%]: probable quantity = Available to Promise quantity minus the Value percentage

Example: Available to Promise quantity of 1000 minus Value percentage of 15 = probable quantity of 850

  • Increase by [%]: probable quantity = Available to Promise quantity plus the Value percentage

Example: Available to Promise quantity of 1000 plus Value percentage of 15 = probable quantity of 1150

  • Equals [=]: the probable quantity = the Value

Example: probable quantity = Value of 9999

Required to update the probable quantity.


The value to use in the calculation of the probable quantity, as described above. Up to 4 positions. Required to update the probable quantity.