
Purpose: Use the Products screen to review or work with products, or items, in the Order Orchestration database. Products in the database are visible in locate items searches conducted from an integrated system, such as Order Administration or Xstore.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

Product relationships: See Product, System Product and Product Location for an overview of the relationships among Order Orchestration elements, including products.

How to display this screen: Select Products from the Home Screen or from the Products Menu.


Only users with Products authority can display this screen. See Roles for more information.

How are products created in the Order Orchestration database?

Typically, you create products through a product import integration with your external system of record. The process you use to download products from an integrated system varies based on the integration. See Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, and Locations into the Database for an overview.


You should not normally create products by completing the entry fields at the top of the Products screen. Instead, you should always create and update product and related information through import from the external systems (such as Order Administration System or Xstore. See Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, and Locations into the Database for background.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
create a product

Note: Normally, you should not create products using this method. By creating a product in Order Orchestration directly rather than using the process described under Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, and Locations into the Database, you run the risk that product information will be inconsistent with that in the external systems, such as Order Administration or Xstore.

  1. Optionally, select a different organization from the Organization drop-down box. Your Default Organization, defined through the Users screen, is selected by default. See Data Hierarchy for more information on how products are integrated within organizations.

    Note:You must complete the Preferences screen for an organization before you can select it from the drop-down box.

  2. Optionally, enter a product code in the Product field. Product codes can be 1 to 35 positions in length, and must be unique within the organization. If you do not enter a product code here, you can enter it at the New Product screen.
  3. Optionally, enter a name in the Name field. Names can be 1 to 40 positions in length. If you do not enter a name here, you can enter it at the New Product screen.

  4. Optionally, enter a master style in the Master Style field. Master styles can be 1 to 35 positions in length. This is an optional field.

  5. Click New. If:

    • the product already exists in the organization, Order Orchestration displays an error message.
      • your entries were valid, you advance to the New Product screen, where you can complete the creation of the product.

Note: If you click Cancel after advancing to the New Product screen, the product is not created.

search for a product

When you first advance to this screen, no products are displayed. Your Default Organization, defined through the the Users screen, is selected by default. Click Search to retrieve the first 50 products in your organization, or use any combination of the fields at the top of the screen to restrict the search results to matching products:

  • Select a different organization from the from the Organization drop-down box to restrict your results to this organization. You can also select a blank organization to remove this field from your selection criteria.

  • Enter a full or partial product code in the Product field to restrict your results to product codes starting with your entry.

  • Enter a full or partial system product code in the System Product field to restrict your results to product codes that have any system products starting with your entry. The system product code itself is not displayed with the search results.

  • Enter a full or partial name in the Name field to restrict your results to products whose names contain your entry.

  • Enter a full or partial master style in the Master Style field to restrict your results to products whose master styles start with your entry.

  • Click Search.

Case? All the enterable fields on this screen are case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of a or A matches a product code of ABC1234.

select a product for review or maintenance

Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) next to a product to advance to the Edit Product screen.

Note: If the Edit Product screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, with the previously-selected product displayed.

delete a product

Click the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a product to delete the product from Order Orchestration.

Note: You can delete a product only if there is not an existing system product or product location for the product; however, if there are no system product or product location records, any existing product UPC codes or product attributes are deleted.

You might need to delete a product if it was created inadvertently in the default system and later deleted there. For example, this situation can occur if you inadvertently generated extra SKU's of an item in the Order Administration. In this situation, deleting the product in Order Orchestration is necessary because deleting the SKU in the Order Administration does not automatically delete the product in Order Orchestration.

advance to the System Products screen

Click the systems icon (Illustrates the systems icon.) next to a product.

Note:If the System Products screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, with the system products for the previously-selected product displayed.

advance to the Product Locations screen

Click the locations icon (Illustrates the locations icon.) next to a product.

Note: If the Product Locations screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, with the product locations for the previously-selected product displayed.

advance to the Product Attributes screen

Click the attributes icon (Illustrates the attributes icon.) next to a product.

Note: If the Product Attributes screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, with the product attributes for the previously-selected product displayed.

advance to the UPC screen

Click the UPC icon (Illustrates the UPC icon.) next to a product.

Note: If the UPC screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, with the UPC barcodes for the previously-selected product displayed.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Search/new fields:

See organization. From the Default Organization defined through the Users screen, but you can override it.


See product. Product codes can be 1 to 35 positions in length. Enter a full or partial product code and select Search to display products whose codes start with your entry.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a product code of A12345.

System Product

See system product. System product codes can be 1 to 35 positions in length. Enter a full or partial system product code and select Search to display products that have any system product codes that start with your entry. The system product code itself is not displayed with the search results.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a product code of A12345.


The Name of a product. Product names can be 1 to 40 positions in length. Enter a full or partial name and select Search to display products whose names start with your entry.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a product name of Arabica Coffee Beans.

Master Style

See master style. Master styles can be 1 to 35 positions in length. Enter a full or partial master style and select Search to display products whose master styles start with your entry.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a master style of A12345.

Results fields:

See organization.


See product.


The Name of a product.

Master Style

See master style.


Select the systems icon (Illustrates the systems icon.) next to a product to advance to the System Products screen.

Note: If the System Products screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, with the system products for the previously-selected product displayed.


Select the locations icon (Illustrates the locations icon.) next to a product to advance to the Product Locations screen.

Note: If the Product Locations screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, with the product locations for the previously-selected product displayed.


Select the attributes icon (Illustrates the attributes icon.) next to a product to advance to the Product Attributes screen.

Note: If the Product Attributes screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, with the product attributes for the previously-selected product displayed.


Select the UPC icon (Illustrates the UPC icon.) next to a product to advance to the UPC screen.

Note: If the UPC screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, with the UPC barcodes for the previously-selected product displayed.


Select the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) next to a product to advance to the Edit Product screen.

Note: If the Edit Product screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, with the previously-selected product displayed.


Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a product to delete the product from Order Orchestration.

Note: You can delete a product only if there is not an existing system product or product location for the product; however, if there are no system product or product location records, any existing product UPC codes or product attributes are deleted.

New Product

Purpose: Use the New Product screen to work with a product or review the date and time when it was last updated.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

Product relationships: See Product, System Product and Product Location for an overview of the relationships among Order Orchestration elements, including products. Also, see the Products screen for more information on how products are created in Order Orchestration.

How to display this screen: Begin the entry of a new product at the Products screen and click New.


Only users with Products authority can display this screen. See Roles for more information.

Completing entry of a product

Update any of the fields described below and click Save, or click Cancel to return to the Products screen without saving the new product. The Organization, Product, and Name fields are required.


Any changes you make at this screen can be overwritten the next time you import product information, as described in Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, and Locations into the Database.

Fields at this screen

Field Description

See organization. The organization code is separated from the organization description by a hyphen (-). Required.


The product code can be 1 to 35 positions long, and must be unique in your organization. See product for more information. Required.

Product fields:

The Name of a product. Product names can be 1 to 40 positions in length. Required.

Master Style

See master style. Optional.


Normally, you would never change the master style for a product in Order Orchestration.
Image URL

The URL of the product image to display in Store Connect. Up to 255 positions. Optional.

Must be a validly formatted URL, such as, where:

  • http or https is the protocol

  • is the domain or server name

  • folder is a folder or subfolder where the image is found

  • image.png or image.jpg is the name of the image

The screen does not validate that an image is found at the specified URL.

Classification fields:

The description of the product’s department.

The department description can be 1 to 40 positions in length, and is informational only. Optional.

Order Administration System integration: If your default system is an Order Administration company, this field is the description of the item/SKU’s Long SKU Department. Long SKU departments are used to identify items within a retail hierarchy.


The description of the product’s class.

The class description can be 1 to 40 positions in length, and is informational only. Optional.

Order Administration integration: If your default system is an Order Administration company, this field is the description of the item/SKU’s Long SKU Class. Taken from the base item rather than the SKU if this is a SKU’d item. Long SKU classes can be used together with long SKU departments to identify items within a retail hierarchy.


The description of the product’s category.

The Category description can be 1 to 40 positions in length, and is informational only. Optional.

Order Administration integration: If your default system is an Order Administration company, this field is the description of the item/SKU’s Long SKU Division. Long SKU divisions can be used together with long SKU departments and classes to identify items within a retail hierarchy.

Edit Product

Purpose: Use the Edit Product screen to work with an existing product or review the date and time when it was last updated.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

Product relationships: See Product, System Product and Product Location for an overview of the relationships among Order Orchestration elements, including products. Also, see the Products screen for more information on how products are created in Order Orchestration.

How to display this screen: Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for an existing product at the Products screen.

Only users with Products authority can display this screen. See Roles for more information.

If the Edit Product screen was already open in another tab when you clicked the edit icon, you advance to this screen with the previously-selected product displayed.

Updating a product: Update any of the fields described below and click Save, or click Cancel to return to the Products screen without making any changes.


Any changes you make at this screen can be overwritten the next time you import product information, as described in Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, Images, and Locations into the Database.

Fields at this screen

Field Description

See organization.


See product.

Product fields:

The Name of a product. Product names can be 1 to 40 positions in length. Required.

Master Style

See master style. Optional field.


Normally, you would never change the master style for a product in Order Orchestration.
Image URL

The URL of the product image to display in Store Connect. Up to 255 positions. Optional.

Must be a validly formatted URL, such as, where:

  • http or https is the protocol

  • is the domain or server name

  • folder is a folder or subfolder where the image is found

  • image.png or image.jpg is the name of the image

The screen does not validate that an image is found at the specified URL.

Classification fields:

The description of the product’s department.

The department description can be 1 to 40 positions in length, and is informational only. Optional.

Order Administration System integration: If your default system is an Order Administration company, this field is the description of the item/SKU’s Long SKU Department. Long SKU departments are used to identify items within a retail hierarchy.


The description of the product’s class.

The class description can be 1 to 40 positions in length, and is informational only. Optional.

Order Administration integration: If your default system is an Order Administration company, this field is the description of the item/SKU’s Long SKU Class. Taken from the base item rather than the SKU if this is a SKU’d item. Long SKU classes can be used together with long SKU departments to identify items within a retail hierarchy.


The description of the product’s category.

The Category description can be 1 to 40 positions in length, and is informational only. Optional.

Order Administration integration: If your default system is an Order Administration company, this field is the description of the item/SKU’s Long SKU Division. Long SKU divisions can be used together with long SKU departments and classes to identify items within a retail hierarchy.

Last updated fields:

The last date and time when the product was updated, either through the product import process or interactively. Display-only.