Purpose: Use the UPC screen to review or work with existing UPC barcodes for a product, or create a new one.

What is a UPC barcode? A UPC barcode is an identification of a product by either a UPC-A or EAN-13 code.

Created how? You can create UPC barcodes for products when you download or export items or products from an external system, such as Order Administration or Xstore. See Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, Images, and Locations into the Database for an overview, and see Importing UPC Barcodes through File Storage API for information specific to the barcode import.

Used how? You can use UPC barcodes in Store Connect to scan picked items on orders. See the Store Connect Preferences screen for more information.

Product relationships: See Product, System Product and Product Location for an overview of the relationships among Order Orchestration elements, including UPC barcodes.

How to display this screen: Click the UPC barcode icon (Illustrates the UPC barcode icon.) next to a product at the Products screen.


  • Only users with Products authority can display this screen. See Roles for more information.
  • If the UPC screen was already open in another tab when you clicked the UPC barcode icon, you advance to this screen with the UPC barcodes for the previously-selected product displayed.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
create a UPC barcode

Note: Normally, you should not create UPC barcodes using this method. By creating a UPC barcodes in Order Orchestration directly rather than using the process described under Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, Images, and Locations into the Database, you run the risk that UPC barcode information will be inconsistent with that in the external system, such as Order Administration or Xstore.

  1. Enter a UPC barcode in the UPC field.
  2. Select a barcode type from the UPC Type drop-down box.
  3. Click New. If:
    • the UPC barcode has already been assigned to any product in your organization, Order Orchestration displays an error message.
    • your entries were valid, the new UPC barcode is added to the UPC screen.

Note: To reassign a barcode to a different product through the screens, you need to first delete the existing barcode record and then create the new barcode record for the other product. However, you can reassign a product barcode through the import process; see Importing UPC Barcodes through File Storage API for more information.

search for a UPC barcode

Use 1 or both of the fields at the top of the screen to restrict the search results to matching UPC barcodes:

  1. Enter a full or partial barcode and click Search to restrict your results to barcodes matching your entry.
  2. Select a UPC Type and click Search to find matching UPC barcodes.

Case? The barcode is case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of a does not match a barcode of A12345.

select a UPC barcode to edit the code

Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) next to UPC barcode to open the Edit UPC window.

delete a UPC barcode

Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a UPC barcode to delete the barcode.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Informational fields:

See organization. The organization code is separated from the organization description by a hyphen (-). Display-only.


See product. The product you selected at the Products screen. The product code is separated from the product name by a hyphen (-). Display-only.

Search/New fields:

The barcode identifying a product.

Creating a UPC barcode: Enter a complete UPC-A or EAN-13 barcode identifying the product, select the UPC Type, and click New to create the barcode. A barcode can be assigned to a single product in an organization, but each product can have multiple UPC-A and EAN-13 barcodes. Required when creating. Up to 40 positions.

Searching for a UPC barcode: Enter a full or partial barcode and click Search to display barcodes that match your entry. Case-sensitive for searching; for example, an entry of a does not match a UPC of A12345.

UPC Type

Creating a UPC barcode: Enter the barcode in the UPC field, select a type from the UPC Type drop-down box, and click New to create the UPC barcode. Available types are UPC-A and EAN-13, and a product can have multiple barcodes of each type. Required when creating.

Searching for a UPC barcode: Select a type from the UPC Type drop-down box and click Search to position to that product location.

Search Results fields:

The barcode identifying a product. Up to 40 positions.

UPC Type

The barcode type. Possible types are UPC-A and EAN-13.


Select the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) to open the Edit UPC window, where you can change the code.


Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) to delete the UPC barcode.

Edit UPC

Purpose: Use the Edit UPC window to update a UPC barcode for a product.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

How to display this window: Select the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for a UPC barcode at the UPC screen.


Only users with Products authority can display this screen. See Roles for more information.

Updating the UPC barcode: Update the UPC number and click Save, or click Cancel to return to the UPC screen without making a change.

Fields at this window

Field Description

See organization. The organization code is separated from the organization description by a hyphen (-). Display-only.


See product. The product you selected at the Products screen. The product code is separated from the product name by a hyphen (-). Display-only.

UPC Type

The barcode type. Possible types are UPC-A and EAN-13. Display-only.


The barcode number identifying a product. Up to 40 positions. Optionally, enter a new barcode and click Save to change the barcode. Each barcode must be assigned to only a single product in an organization.