
Purpose: Use the Roles screen to work with user roles that control:

Admin user: An admin user has authority to all screens and does not need role assignment.

Making roles more or less specific: You can assign each user to one or more roles; for example, you can set up one role to control access to products and another role to control access to order inquiry, and assign a user to both of these roles if needed. You can also set up a single role to control authority to all systems-related options so that you can assign all authority to administrative users more easily.


The ability of a retailer user to generate specific reports is not controlled by role. For example, if a retailer user has authority to generate reports, but does not have authority to drop ship options, the user can still generate drop ship reports.

How to display this screen: Select Roles from the Modern View home screen. See the Modern View Overview for background.


Only users with Roles authority can display this screen. See for more information.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
search for a role

The existing roles are displayed. Use any combination of the fields at the top of the screen and tab through the search fields to restrict the search results to matching roles:

  • Optionally, enter a full or partial role description in the Role Description field. When you tab through this field, the displayed organizations are limited to those whose descriptions start with your entry, but that don’t need to match completely. For example, if your entry is 1, the roles with descriptions starting with 123 or 157 are displayed.
  • Optionally, enter a full or partial code in the Role Code field. When you tab through this field, the displayed roles are limited to those whose codes start with your entry, but that don’t need to match completely.
  • Optionally, select a Role Type of Retailer or Vendor to display roles of the selected type.

See Roles Screen Fields for more details.

Sort displayed roles: You can also sort the displayed roles by clicking the up arrow (^) or down arrow next to each field title.

View options: Open the View Options drop-down menu to the right of the Actions menu to manage columns, change the sort of individual columns from ascending to descending or back, or remove the search fields above the columns. See How to use the View options in Modern View for more information.

Filter options: Open the Filter Options drop-down menu to the right of the refresh icon (Illustrates the refresh icon) to control whether the search results need to match all the search criteria entered for multiple columns. See How to use the Filter Options in Modern View for more information.

Clear filters: Select Clear Filters to remove the criteria entered in the filter fields.

create a new role
  1. Select Add from the Actions menu or select the Add icon (Illustrates the Add icon.) to advance to the Role Details tab for the New Role screen.
  2. Enter the description of the role in the Role Description field. The description can be from 1 to 40 positions long, and can include spaces and special characters.

  3. Enter the role code in the Role Code field. The role code can be 1 to 20 positions long, can include spaces and special characters, and must be unique within Order Orchestration.

  4. Optionally, select the Vendor User Role flag to create a role for use in the Vendor Portal. Note that this flag is available only if the Use Vendor Portal flag is selected at the Tenant screen for the current organization. If you select this flag, you have the option to also select the Default Vendor Role for Vendor User Flag, indicating whether to use this role for the assignment of authority to new vendor users.

    See the descriptions below under Role Details Fields for more information.

    Note that as you complete each tab with one or more entries, its title is displayed with a green check mark.

  5. Select Next to advance to the Menu Authority tab for the New Role screen, where you can select the feature and menu authority settings to apply to users assigned to the role. The features and menus vary depending on whether you selected the Vendor User Role flag at the previous tab.

    At this tab, individual feature and menu authority assignments are grouped under different menu headings. See the Menu Authority Fields, below, for details.

    • To assign or remove authority to an individual feature or menu option, such as Invoice Inquiry in the Inquiry group, use the Allow flag.
      Illustrates selecting a single menu option.

    • To assign or remove authority to an entire group of features or options in a group, such as the Inquiry group, select Allow or Exclude All.
      Illustrates selecting an entire group, such as the Inquiry group.

  6. If you are creating a vendor role, select Done to finish and create the role after you have selected at least one feature or menu authority option.

    Otherwise, if you are creating a retailer user role, you can advance to the Assigned Users tab once you have selected at least one feature or menu authority option. Use this tab to select each user that should have the authority assignments defined for the new role.

    • Use the Allow flag to assign a user to the role.

    • Optionally, enter a full or partial user name in the filter field above the user IDs to filter the displayed users to those whose IDs or names contain your entry.

    Note that it is not necessary to assign users when you are creating a retailer role. You can assign users later.

    See the Assigned Users Fields for more information.

  7. Select Done to finish and create the role.

Note that after completing the Role Details and Menu Authority tabs, you can use the Previous or Next buttons to display each of the other tabs, or select Done to complete your entry and create the role.

update feature or menu authority for a role or change the role description.
  1. Highlight a displayed role.

  2. Select Edit from the Actions menu or click the Edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) to advance to the Role Details tab for the selected role.

  3. Optionally, change the Role Description displayed under Role Details.

    Because you cannot change the Vendor User Role setting, you cannot change an existing retailer role to a vendor user role, or vice versa.

    See Role Details Fields, below, for details on fields.

  4. Select the Menu Authority heading.

  5. Optionally, expand a Feature/Menu Option, such as Inquiry or Foundation Data to display the included features.

    See Menu Authority Fields, below, for details on fields; and see above for options in how to select an individual feature or menu option authority, or selecting the entire menu group.

  6. Change the Allow settings for a feature, or use the Allow or Exclude All options to allow or exclude all features for the Feature/Menu option.

  7. Select Done to save your changes.

update users assigned to a role

  1. Highlight a displayed role.

  2. Select Edit from the Actions menu or click the Edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) to advance to the Role Details tab for the selected role.

  3. Highlight Assigned Users. Use this tab to select each additional user that should have the authority assignments defined for the role, or to deselect users. See Assigned Users Fields for more information.

    • Use the Allow flag to assign a user to the role.

    • Optionally, enter a full or partial user name to filter the displayed users to those that contain your entry.

    See Assigned Users Fields, below, for details on fields.

  4. Select Done to save your changes.

view a role
  1. Highlight a displayed role.

  2. Select View from the Actions menu or click the View icon (Illustrates the view icon.) to advance to the Role Details tab for the selected role. You can advance through the Role Details, Menu Authority, and Assigned Users tabs by clicking the title of each tab. See Role Details Fields, Menu Authority Fields, and Assigned Users Fields, below, for details on fields.

delete a role
  1. Highlight a displayed role.

  2. Select Delete from the Actions menu or click the Delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.).

  3. Select OK or press enter at the Confirm Deletion window to delete the role.

Note: You can delete a role regardless of whether there are assigned users. When you delete the role, the role assignment is deleted for all currently assigned users.

Roles Screen Fields

The fields available at the Roles screen are described below.

Field Description
Role Description

The description of a role. Role names can be 1 to 40 positions in length. The name can include special characters and spaces.

Role Code

The unique code identifying the role. Role codes can be from 1 to 20 positions in length and must be unique in Order Orchestration; however, you can create role codes that use the same letters with a different case, such as role01 and ROLE01.

Role Type

Indicates whether the role can be assigned to Retailer user or a Vendor user.

Menu Authorities

Indicates the number of Menu Authority options are allowed for the role. See Menu Authority Fields for a list of possible authority options.

Role Details Fields

These fields are displayed at the first tab when you are creating a new role, or when you are reviewing or updating an existing role.


The words “Vendor Portal” are displayed next to the role name at the top of the screen if the Vendor User Role was selected when the role was created; otherwise, the words “Order Orchestration” next to the role name indicates that the role applies to retailer users.
Field Description
Role Description

The description of a role. Role names can be 1 to 40 positions in length. The name can include special characters and spaces. Required.

Role Code

The unique code identifying the role. Role codes can be from 1 to 20 positions in length and must be unique in Order Orchestration; however, you can create role codes that use the same letters with a different case, such as role01 and ROLE01. Required.

Vendor User Role

Select this flag when creating a role to indicate that the role will control authority to the Vendor Portal. Note that this flag is available only if the Use Vendor Portal flag is selected at the Tenant screen for the current organization. When you select this flag, the Default Vendor Role for Vendor User flag is displayed.

Default Vendor Role for Vendor User

Select this flag to indicate that the role is the default to assign to vendor users. Displayed only if the Vendor User Role flag is selected.

Menu Authority Fields

The Feature/Menu authority fields are displayed at the second tab when you are creating a new role, or by selecting Menu Authority when you are updating or reviewing an existing role. Note that different features and menus are displayed depending on whether you are working with a retailer role or a vendor role.


The words “Vendor Portal” are displayed next to the role name at the top of the screen if the Vendor User Role was selected when the role was created; otherwise, the words “Order Orchestration” next to the role name indicates that the role applies to retailer users.

Menu Authority Title: The number of allowed options is displayed next to the Menu Authority title, for example: Menu Authority (20).

Type of Secured Feature Feature Description Controls Access To Screen or Window and Subsequent Screens and Windows:
Eligible or Allowed User Authority: Retailer Roles

Retailer features listed below are available if the Vendor User Role flag is not selected for the role at the Role Details tab.


Invoice Inquiry

Invoice Inquiry


Invoice Maintenance

Approve Invoice and Reject Invoice

Note: Authority to Invoice Inquiry is also required for a user to advance to the Invoice screen via the Invoice Inquiry screen.


Order Inquiry

Order Inquiry


Order Maintenance

Order: ability to edit

Edit Order Item: if not authorized, advance instead to Browse Order Item

Note: Authority to Order Inquiry is also required for a user to advance to the Order screen via the Order Inquiry screen.


Purchase Order Inquiry

Purchase Order Inquiry

Foundation Data

Attribute Definitions

Attribute Definitions

Note: This authority is not required to advance to the Product Attributes or the Location Attributes screen. These screens are available to users with Products or Locations authority.











Location Types

Location Types


Manage External Services

External Services


Order Reason Codes

Order Reason Codes


Organizations and Preferences

Organizations and Organizations and Preferences, including the Order Orchestration Preferences, Drop Ship Preferences, and Store Connect Preferences screens.








Fulfillment Zones

Fulfillment Zones


Location Bulk Updates

Location Bulk Updates





Order Broker Preference Overrides

Order Orchestration Preference Overrides





Probability Locations

Probability Location


Probability Rules

Probability Rules


Probable Quantity Location

Probable Quantity Location


Probable Quantity Rules

Probable Quantity Rules





Run Reports

Run Reports


Schedule Reports

Schedule Reports


View Reports

View Reports


Event Logging

Event Logging


File Storage History

File Storage History


Manage External Application Service

Manage External Application Access


Proximity Uploads

Proximity Uploads


Reschedule All

The Reschedule All option at the View Active Schedules screen


Schedule Jobs

Schedule Jobs






Tenant (advance to the Tenant (retailer information) screen unless you are an admin user, in which case you automatically have authority to advance to the Tenant screen)


Vendor User Profiles

Vendor User Profiles


View Active Schedules

View Active Schedules, View Sales Order Data Extract Job History, Incremental Imports History, Product Imports History


View Job History

View Job History


Web Service Authorization

Web Service Authorization

Eligible or Allowed User Authority: Vendor Roles

Available if Use Vendor Portal is selected at the Tenant screen and the Vendor User Role flag is selected for the role at the Role Details tab.

Vendor Portal

Get Purchase Orders

Get Purchase Orders


Integrated Shipping

Integrated Shipping


Invoice Creation

Invoice Creation

Invoice # field at Purchase Order Shipping screen

Invoice Upload


Invoice Inquiry

Invoice Inquiry


Invoice Maintenance

Invoice: ability to edit

Edit Invoice Detail: if not authorized, advance instead to Browse Invoice Detail


Invoice Upload

Invoice Upload



Vendor Configuration


Purchase Order Changes

Purchase Order Change Requests


Purchase Order Inquiry

Purchase Order Inquiry


Purchase Order Maintenance

Purchase Order Maintenance


Purchase Order Shipping

Purchase Order Shipping


Purchase Order Shipping Upload

Purchase Order Shipping Upload


Select Purchase Orders

Select Purchase Orders


View Printed Pack Slips

View Printed Pack Slips


Void / Reprint Pack Slip

Void / Reprint Pack Slip

Assigned User Fields

The Assigned User fields are displayed at the third tab when you are creating a new role, or by selecting Assigned Users when you are updating or reviewing an existing role.


  • This tab not available for a vendor role.

  • The words “Order Orchestration” next to the role name indicates that the role applies to retailer users.

Assigned Users Title: The number of assigned users is displayed next to the Assigned Users title, for example: Assigned Users (257). This total is updated after you save your selections by clicking Done.

This tab includes the following fields:

  • User ID: A unique ID to identify a user. The user ID is always lowercase. Display-only; however, optionally, you can search based on user ID by entering a full or partial ID to display user IDs that contain your entry.

  • Name: The user’s name. Display-only.

    If the user’s name as been anonymized, it is displayed as 3 asterisks (***).

  • Allow:

    • When creating or updating: Optionally, use this flag to assign the role to the user or to remove.

    • When displaying: Set to Yes if the user has authority to the role; otherwise, set to No.

Delivered Roles

Delivered retailer user roles: The following retailer roles are delivered with Order Orchestration:

  • System Administration: Includes authority to all available menu options.
  • System Configuration: Includes authority to:
    • Inquiry (orders): All authority included.
    • Locations: All authority included.
    • Products: All authority included.
    • Reports: All authority included.

    Authority to Systems options and Foundation Data options are not included with this role.

  • Order Maintenance: Includes authority to the Order Inquiry and Order Maintenance. Also, includes authority to run and view all reports.
  • Order Inquiry: Includes authority to the Order Inquiry and authority to run and view all reports.
  • Drop Ship Coordinator: Includes authority to:
    • Inquiry: Purchase Order Inquiry, Invoice Inquiry, and Invoice Maintenance.

    • Foundation Data: Boxes, Brands, Carriers, and Organizations and Preferences.

    • Products: Products. Additional Products authority (Probable Quantity Location, Probable Quantity Rules, Probability Location, and Probability Rules) is not delivered.

    • Locations: Vendors.

    • Reports: Run, View, and Schedule Reports.

    • Systems: Vendor User Profiles.

Delivered vendor user role: The default vendor role, identified by the Default Vendor Role for Vendor User flag, controls the authority to assign when creating new vendor users. Delivered with Order Orchestration.