Order Inquiry

Purpose: Use the Order Inquiry screen to search for and review Order Orchestration orders sent from an integrated system, such as Xstore or Order Administration, for fulfillment by another integrated system.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

How to display this screen: Select Order Inquiry from the Home Screen or the Orders Menu.


Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen. This screen is accessible to users with Order Inquiry authority. See Roles for more information.

How to display orders on this screen

When you first advance to the Order Inquiry screen, your Default Organization defined through the Users screen is selected by default, but no orders are displayed. Click Search to retrieve the last 50 orders in your organization, or select additional search criteria.

Sort order: The orders are sorted based on Request ID. The Request ID is a unique number assigned by the Routing Engine when an integrated system assigns an order or order line to Order Orchestration for fulfillment.

How to view order updates? Click Search to refresh the screen.


This screen functions only after you have created at least one order in Order Orchestration.

Customer name anonymized? If the customer data on an order has been anonymized (deleted and replaced with asterisks), the customer name is displayed as:

*** ***


In this case, searching by customer name or company name is not supported.

An order is eligible to be anonymized only if it is no longer open.

See Anonymizing Data for background.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
search for orders

When you first advance to this screen, no orders are displayed and your Default Organization defined through the Users screen is selected by default. Use any combination of the fields at the top of the screen to restrict the search results.

Case? All the enterable fields on this screen are case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of a or A matches a name of Adams.

review the reasons why the Routing Engine eliminated individual locations from sourcing the order

Click the Trace Log icon (Illustrates the Trace Log icon.) to advance to the Trace Shopping Log screen, where you can review the reasons why the Routing Engine filtered each possible location from sourcing the order.

  • The Routing Engine traces shopping logic only if the Trace Shopping Logic field is set to Detailed at the Event Logging screen. Typically, you would select to trace shopping logic only to research why certain locations are or aren’t selected to fulfill orders.

  • These history records are retained only for the number of Trace Log History days specified at the Tenant-Admin screen; after that number of days, the daily cleanup job automatically deletes the records.

  • If the Trace Shopping Logic screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, where the previously-selected order is displayed.

view order details or update an order

Click the Edit/Display icon (Illustrates the edit/display icon.) to advance to the Order screen, where you can view order details and history or update an order if you have Order Maintenance authority.

Note: If the Order screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, where the previously-selected order is displayed.

Fields at this screen

Fields Description
Search fields

Case? All the enterable fields on this screen support case-insensitive searching; for example, an entry of a or A matches a name of Adams.


See organization. From the Default Organization defined through the Users screen, but you can override it.

Request ID

A unique number to identify the order within Order Orchestration. Assigned by the Routing Engine when it creates the order. Depending on your integration and the type of order, each individual order line might create a separate order in Order Orchestration, or might be included with other lines from the originating order in the external system.

Note: The numbers might not always be in sequential order.

Order Number

The number or code identifying the order in the originating system. From the order id passed in the submit order message. Can be up to 30 positions.

Case: If the originating system includes any lowercase letters in the order number, Order Orchestration converts them to uppercase when creating the order.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches an order number of A12345.

Placed Location

The location where the order originated; see placed location for a discussion.

Sourced Location

The location supplying the inventory for a ship-for-pickup order.

Multiple locations? If an order includes lines assigned to multiple sourcing locations, searching based on a sourcing location produces a list of orders that include lines assigned to the specified location.

Pickup Location

The location where the customer picks up a pickup order or ship-for-pickup order.

Date Ordered

The transaction date passed in the submit order message. Might not be the same as the date when the order was created.

Order Status

The order-level status, which can be different from the various line-level statuses if the Allow Split Order preference is selected. See Order and Line Statuses.

Under Review? The words Under Review follow the order status in parentheses if the order’s Under Review flag is selected. You might need to adjust the column widths to display these words.

Order Type

Possible order types are:

  • Delivery = The order is shipped to the customer from the fulfilling location. See Delivery Order for a discussion.

    Pickup = The customer goes to the fulfilling location, where the merchandise is already in stock, to pick up the order, See Pickup Order for a discussion.

    Ship For Pickup = The customer wants to pick up the order in a store location, and the inventory can be sourced from a location that differs from the pickup location and the originating location.


Customer name anonymized? If the customer data on an order has been anonymized (deleted and replaced with asterisks), searching by the original company name, first name, or last name is not supported. See Anonymizing Data for background.

Company Name

The sold-to customer’s company name, if it was passed in the submit order message.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a company name of Acme.

First Name

The sold-to customer’s first name, if it was passed in the submit order message.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a first name of Alice.

Last Name

The sold-to customer’s last name, if it was passed in the submit order message.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a last name of Allen.

Postal Code

The sold-to customer’s postal or zip code from the submit order message.

Case: If the originating system includes any lowercase letters in the postal code, Order Orchestration converts them to uppercase when creating the order.

Not case-sensitive for searching; an entry of A or a matches a postal code of A1A OB1.

Result fields
Request ID

The screen sorts by Request ID.

Order Number

See Order Number.


The sold-to customer’s first and last name, followed by the customer’s company name. Based on the information passed in the submit order message for the customer.

Customer name anonymized? If the customer data on an order has been anonymized (deleted and replaced with asterisks), the customer name is displayed as:

*** ***


See Anonymizing Data for background.

Placed Location

The location that originated the order.

Sourced Location

The location supplying the inventory for the order. A location of Multiple is listed if Split Order is enabled and the order is split across sourcing locations.

Pickup Location

The location where the customer picks up the order. Blank for a delivery order.

Date Ordered

The transaction date passed in the submit order message. Might not be the same as the date when the order was created.

Order Status

See Order and Line Statuses.

Under Review? If the order is currently flagged as Under Review, meaning that the fulfilling system needs to delay shipping or fulfilling the order, the message (Under Review) is listed next to the order status.

Depending on your browser settings, you might need to broaden the column to read this message.

See the Under Review field at the Order screen for more information.

Order Type

See Order Type, above.

Postal Code

The sold-to customer’s Postal Code or zip code.

Trace Log

Click the Trace Log icon (Illustrates the Trace Log icon.) to advance to the Trace Shopping Log screen, where you can review the reasons why the Routing Engine eliminated each possible location from sourcing the order.

  • The Routing Engine traces shopping logic only if the Trace Shopping Logic field is set to Detailed at the Event Logging screen. Typically, you would select to trace shopping logic only to research why certain locations are or aren’t selected to fulfill orders.

    These history records are retained only for the number of Trace Log History days specified at the Tenant-Admin screen; after that number of days, the daily cleanup job automatically deletes the records.

    If the Trace Shopping Logic screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, where the previously-selected order is displayed.


Click the Edit/Display icon (Illustrates the edit/display icon.) to advance to the Order screen, where you can view order details and history or update an order if you have Order Maintenance authority.

If the Order screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, where the previously-selected order is displayed.