
Purpose: Use the Tenant screen to define enterprise-wide settings for Order Orchestration,

How to display this screen: Select Tenant from the Systems Menu.

Which Tenant screen? When you select the Tenant screen:

  • If you are the admin user, you advance to the Tenant-Admin screen, which displays fields required for administration of the application. See that screen for more information.
  • Otherwise, if you are a retailer user, you advance to the Tenant (retailer information) screen, which displays configuration options for a retailer user with administrative authority. See that screen for more information.

Tenant (retailer information)

Purpose: Use the Tenant screen to define enterprise-wide settings for your enterprise’s use of Order Orchestration, including those related to:

  • the Order Orchestration module(s) you use
  • your logo

About tenant settings: Tenant settings are attributes of your enterprise in Order Orchestration at a level higher than the organization. Tenant-level settings apply to all your organizations in Order Orchestration.

Order and merchandise volume: This screen also displays total order and merchandise locator requests broken out by month for the current and prior year. This information is also available through a web service; see the Order and Locator Metric Web Service in the Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (2953017.1) for more information.

How to display this screen: Select Tenant from the Systems Menu.


Only users with Tenant authority can display this screen. See Roles for more information. Also, the admin user does not have access to this screen.

Tenant - Admin screen: The Tenant-Admin screen displays additional settings related to cloud administration. This screen is available only to an admin user.

Fields at this screen

Update any of the fields described below and click Save, or click Cancel to exit the screen without making any changes.

Field Description
Tenant Logo

The URL for the logo to display in Store Connect. Not currently used.

Preview the logo: After entering the URL, click the preview icon (Illustrates the magnifying glass icon.) to preview the image at 254 x 33.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Time Zone

The time zone to use when setting schedules and displaying dates and times on screens, in reports, and in email notifications. This is the retailer’s time zone, which can be different from the system time zone and the user’s time zone. See Time Zones for a discussion.

Changing the time zone: If you change the time zone, you should reset the following:

  • Report schedules, through the Schedule Reports screen
  • Imports, through the Schedule Jobs screen
  • Incremental inventory import, probable quantity update and export, and fulfilled inventory export, at the System screen
Geocode Address

The URL to use when generating geocode requests to determine the latitude and longitude for:

  • a location, when the location is created or has its address updated, either through the New Location or Edit Location screens, or through the import process
  • a customer’s address, in order to calculate proximity for an order or inventory request, such as the SubmitOrder or the LocateItems request message

If you specify a URL, Order Orchestration uses the Oracle Maps Cloud Service to determine latitude or longitude. Otherwise, if this field is blank, Order Orchestration uses the proximity database.

This field is display-only at this screen, and can be set at the Tenant-Admin screen. Admin authority is required for access to the Tenant-Admin screen.

See Proximity Locator Searching for background.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Use Routing Engine

Select this option to be able to use the Routing Engine and see related screens.

Required settings:

  • If you select the Use Store Connect option but not this option, this option is selected automatically.
  • Order Orchestration requires that at least this option or the Use Vendor Portal option are selected. If you don’t select any of the module use options, the Use Routing Engine option is selected automatically.

See the Home Screen for information on screen access controlled by this setting.

Use Store Connect

Select this option to be able to use the Store Connect module. This option also requires the Routing Engine. If you select this option and don’t select Use Routing Engine, the Use Routing Engine option is selected automatically.

See the Home Screen for information on screen access controlled by this setting.

Use Vendor Portal

Select this option to use the Drop Ship (Supplier Direct Fulfillment) module.

See the Home Screen for information on screen access controlled by this setting.

About the Volume tables: The Volume tables display totals, broken out by month for the current year and the previous year, of SubmitOrder requests and of searches for fulfilling, sourcing, or pickup locations. Totals are for all organizations in the enterprise.

Activities that aren’t tracked: Order Orchestration does not include any of the following order-related activity in the Order or Merchandise Locator Volume tables:

  • status inquiries, either individually or by list
  • status updates, either through the status update request message or through the Order screen
  • fulfillment requests or intransit requests
  • order searches
  • order updates (updates to the Under Review setting or the Pickup By Date)
  • “reshopping” an order or line that is rejected

Supplier Direct Fulfillment? Activities related to the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module are not tracked in the Order or Merchandise Locator Volume tables.

Things to note:

  • All organizations: The totals listed include all organizations in the environment.
  • Counter reset: The counters reset at the start of a new month.
  • Actual date: The month incremented is based on the actual date, not the date specified in the request message. For example, a SubmitOrder request received on October 1 updates the total for October, even if the transaction date specified in the message is September 30.
  • Counter always incremented by 1: Each request increments the counter by 1, regardless of the number of items, requested quantity(s), or if multiple fulfillment types are specified for a ProductAvailabiity request.
  • Splitting order or line? The totals are incremented by just 1, regardless of whether the Allow Split Order or Allow Split Line preferences are selected and the order or line would need to be fulfilled out of multiple locations. For example, a SubmitOrder request for 2 units of item ABC123 results in 1 unit assigned to location 100 and 1 unit assigned to location 200; however, the Order Volume total is incremented by just 1.
  • Unfulfillable orders: The order counter is incremented for orders that cannot be fulfilled, and are automatically assigned to the Default Unfulfillable Location.
  • Order not created: The order count is not incremented when Order Orchestration returns an error to a SubmitOrder request if, for example, the specified product is not available in the specified location, or if the specified location does not support the order type.

Troubleshooting if last month in the tables is cut off: Depending on the browser you are using, the font size in your browser, the zoom level in your browser, and the Display settings for your computer, the last months in the volume tables may be cut off. Some things to try:

  • Make sure your computer’s Display setting is at 125% or less, and zoom out (-) if needed in the browser.
  • Decrease the font size in the browser.
  • If you prefer to leave the computer’s Display setting at the default, try another browser; for example, the last month may be cut off in Firefox, but displayed correctly in Chrome.
Order Volume

Displays order request totals broken out by month for the current year and the previous year. The monthly total is incremented by 1 each time the routing engine processes a SubmitOrder request.

Unfulfillable? The monthly total is incremented when an order or line on a new order is assigned to the unfulfillable location (Default Shipping Location), because there are no locations that could fulfill the order.

Unavailable? The monthly total is not incremented when the requested quantity of the item(s) is/are not available at the specified location (for example, Location does not have sufficient inventory of this item) or if the specified location does not support the order type (for example, Location (123) does not support pickup transactions).

Rejected: The monthly total is not incremented when an assigned location rejects the order or line, and Order Orchestration attempts to “reshop” it.

Error? The monthly total is not incremented when the routing engine returns an error, such as when the requested product is invalid, unless the error indicates that the requested quantity(s) of one or more items are not available for the order.

Merchandise Locator Volume

Displays merchandise locator requests broken out by month for the current year and the previous year. The monthly total is incremented by 1 each time the routing engine:

  • processes a LocateItems request, regardless of the number of items in the request.
  • processes a ProductAvailability request, regardless of the number of items in the request or the number of fulfillment types specified in a ProductAvailability request.

Unavailable? The monthly total is incremented regardless of whether the requested quantity(s) of the item(s) is/are available within the search criteria.

Error? The monthly total is not incremented when the Order Orchestration returns an error, except an error that indicates that the requested quantity(s) of the item(s) is/are not available within the search criteria.


Purpose: Use the Tenant-Admin screen to define enterprise-level settings for Order Orchestration, including those related to:

  • the Order Orchestration module(s) used
  • the retailer’s logo
  • the timeout interval for Order Orchestration user sessions
  • the number of unsuccessful login attempts before Order Orchestration deactivates a user ID
  • the Geocode Address for integration with Oracle Maps Cloud Service

About tenant settings: Tenant settings are enterprise-level attributes in Order Orchestration at a level higher than the organization. Tenant-level settings apply to all the retailer’s organizations in Order Orchestration.

How to display this screen: Select Tenant from the Systems Menu.


Only an admin user can display this screen. Retailer users with Tenant authority advance instead to the Tenant (retailer information) screen.

Fields at this screen

Update any of the enterable fields described below and click Save, or click Cancel to exit the screen without making any changes.

Only the default admin user has access to fields related to administering Order Orchestration.

Field Description
UI Timeout

The number of minutes that Order Orchestration should wait before timing out a user’s inactive session. When the session times out, the screen displays an error when the user next clicks an option or attempts to navigate in Order Orchestration, and needs to close the browser before logging back in to Order Orchestration.

Your entry can be 15 minutes to 1440 minutes (24 hours). Required.

The default setting is 30 minutes.

Use Routing Engine

Select this option to be able to use the Routing Engine and see related screens.

Required settings:

  • If you select the Use Store Connect option but not this option, this option is selected automatically.
  • Order Orchestration requires that at least this option or the Use Vendor Portal option are selected. If you don’t select any of the module use options, the Use Routing Engine option is selected automatically.

See the Home Screen for information on screen access controlled by this setting.


This field is also available to a retailer user at the Tenant (retailer information) screen.
Use Store Connect

Select this option to be able to have the Store Connect module available. This option also requires the Routing Engine. If you select this option and don’t select Use Routing Engine, the Use Routing Engine option is selected automatically.

See the Home Screen for information on screen access controlled by this setting.


This field is also available to a retailer user at the Tenant (retailer information) screen.
Tenant Logo

The URL for the logo to display at the Store Connect login page at a size of 254 x 33 pixels.

Preview the logo: After entering the URL, click the preview icon (Illustrates the magnifying glass icon.) to preview the image at 254 x 33.

This field is also available to a retailer user at the Tenant (retailer information) screen.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Use Vendor Portal

Select this option to have the Drop Ship (Supplier Direct Fulfillment) module available.

See the Home Screen for information on screen access controlled by this setting.


This field is also available to a retailer user at the Tenant (retailer information) screen.

The name of the Order Orchestration database. The destination specified in inbound XML messages must match this setting. The default setting is locate. Required.

Once you set the account, it should not ordinarily be changed.

Time Zone

The time zone to use when setting schedules and displaying dates and times on screens, in reports, and in email notifications. This is the retailer’s time zone, which can be different from the system time zone and the user’s time zone. See Time Zones for a discussion. Display-only.

Changing the time zone: When the time zone here is reset by the retailer, the following should also be reset:

  • Report schedules, through the Schedule Reports screen
  • Imports, through the Schedule Jobs screen
  • Incremental inventory import, probable quantity update and export, and fulfilled inventory export, at the System screen
  • Jobs scheduled through the Schedule Jobs screen

Note: Modern View screens reflect the change in time zone the next time the user logs into Order Orchestration.

Job Batch Size

Indicates the number of records to include in each batch for all imports. The default setting is 1000, the maximum setting is 50,000, and the minimum setting is 10.

See Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, Images, and Locations into the Database.

PQE Startup Threads

Indicates the number of threads to allot to a background job that calculates probable quantity updates for the Inventory Quantity Export. The job checks this setting each time it starts. If this field is set to 0, no calculation takes place. Defaults to 0.

Identity Cloud Service Settings
Client ID

The Name identifying Order Orchestration as an application in IDCS or OCI IAM. Typically formatted as RGBU_OBCS_ENV_APPID where OBCS identifies Order Orchestration and ENV identifies the environment, such as production.

Alphanumeric, 255 positions. Display-only.

Can be used as the default client ID for OAuth authentication for the Inventory Service. See the Manage External Application Access for more information.

Retention Settings

The following settings control the number of days to retain certain types of files.

If set to 0 days: If you set one of the following to 0 days, then all files or records are eligible to be purged the day after creation.

File Storage

The number of days to retain:

  • File storage records
  • Generated reports

After this number of days, the daily cleanup job automatically deletes the database records, so it is no longer possible to:

  • Retrieve the file storage records, or
  • Print the generated reports


You can also use the File Storage History screen to delete individual file storage records.

Setting this field to a whole number from 0 to 30 days is required.

Pack Slip Files

The number of days to retain pack slip records for purchase orders that have been shipped through the Vendor Portal. After this number of days, the daily cleanup job automatically deletes the database records, so it is no longer possible for the vendor to print the pack slips. Can be from 0 to 30 days. Required.

  • This setting does not control the retention of pack slip records generated through Store Connect. The daily cleanup job automatically deletes these database records after one day. The store associate cannot reprint pack slips using these records.
  • Used only by the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module.
Product Import Error Files

The number of days to retain import error files before the daily cleanup job automatically deletes them. Can be from 0 to 30 days. Required.

For more information: See Importing Items/Products, Inventory, Barcodes, Images, and Locations into the Database and Incremental Inventory Import for background.

RICS Log History

The number of days to retain records in the RICS_LOG table of messages between Order Orchestration and Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS) before the daily cleanup job automatically deletes them. Can be from 0 to 30 days. Required.

RICS log records whose Retry Status is Failed are not eligible to be purged.

The RICS log history messages are available for review at the RICS Log tab if the system is configured for order integration through RICS. See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for background.

Trace Log History

The number of days to retain trace log history records for closed, completed, canceled, or unfulfillable orders before the daily cleanup job automatically deletes them. If the Trace Shopping Logic field is set to Detailed at the Event Logging screen, the Routing Engine records the reasons why individual locations are eliminated when selecting a location to source an order. You can use the Trace Shopping Log screen to review these shopping trace records; see that screen for information on tracing shopping logic.

Can be from 0 to 30 days. Defaults to 30. Required.

Job History

The number of days to retain job history records before the daily cleanup job automatically deletes them.

See the View Job History screen to review job history.

Can be from 1 to 30 days. Defaults to 30. Required.

Geocode Settings
Geocode Address

The URL to use when generating geocode requests to determine the latitude and longitude for:

  • a location, when the location is created or has its address updated, either through the New Location or Edit Location screens, or through the import process
  • a customer’s address, in order to calculate proximity for an order or inventory request, such as the SubmitOrder or the LocateItems request message

If you specify a URL here, Order Orchestration uses the Oracle Maps Cloud Service to determine latitude or longitude. Otherwise, if this field is blank, Order Orchestration uses the proximity database.

Invalid URL? If the URL specified here is invalid, the error is logged based on the specified logging level. Also, web service request messages that require lookup of the customer address return an error indicating Customer Address not found. This error is returned only if the Shop Order When Proximity Unknown preference is unselected.

For more information: See Proximity Locator Searching for background.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Connection Timeout

The number of seconds to wait for a response from Oracle Maps Cloud Service. If there is no response within that number of seconds, Order Orchestration returns an error to a product availability, locate items, or submit order request:

  • Product availability or locate items request: error is 1012 Customer Address not found.
  • Submit order request: error is 2084 Customer Address not found


The 2084 error is returned only if the Acknowledge Order Before Brokering preference is not selected.

Applies to both regular Geocode requests and to Turn-by-Turn requests.

Defaults to 30 seconds.

Turn-by-Turn Distance URL

The URL where Order Orchestration submits requests for turn-by-turn distance evaluation. Used only when a Carrier for Turn-by-Turn Evaluation is selected at the Preferences screen, and that carrier is used in a locate items, product availability, or submit order request. See Turn-by-Turn Distance Evaluation for Delivery Orders for a discussion.


Oracle staff need to make sure that this URL is added to the allow list.
Failed Geocode Request Threshold

Defines the number of consecutive failed interactive inventory request attempts that, if exceeded, should trigger putting the Geocode requests in a wait time. For example, if this field is set to 5, and 6 requests in a row fail to get a response, Geocode requests are halted for the defined wait time. Applies to both regular Geocode requests and to Turn-by-Turn requests. Defaults to 0.

Can be left set to 0, indicating that failed requests are not evaluated, or from 1 to 10000 if failed requests should be evaluated.

Failed Geocode Request Wait Time

Defines the number of minutes to wait after the defined number of failed requests have been exceeded. For example, if this field is set to 10, Geocode requests are halted for 10 minutes. Applies to both regular Geocode requests and to Turn-by-Turn requests. Defaults to 0.

Can be left set to 0 only if the Failed Geocode Request Threshold is also set to 0; otherwise, can be set from 1 to 60.