
Purpose: Use the Locations screen to work with locations where you sell or stock inventory to be visible for locate items requests or product availability requests, or that can place or fulfill orders through the Routing Engine, or that can originate a purchase order fulfilled through Supplier Direct Fulfillment.

What is a location? A location is a place where a product is sold or stocked. A location can be a warehouse or store where you keep actual inventory, or it can also be a virtual location such as a web storefront or a vendor. Locations are defined within an organization both by the system to which they belong and their location type.

How are locations created? Typically, you create locations through an integration with an external system. For example, locations are created as part of the product import process; see OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services Imports or Importing Locations through File Storage API. You can also create them through the Location Update request JSON message; see the Web Services Guide on My Oracle Support (2953017.1) for more information.


Once you have created locations in Order Orchestration, you can then import them into the Store Connect module.

Location address: It is important that the location address be accurate, since the location address is used as the ship-to address for ship-for-pickup orders.

Location relationships: See Organization, System, and Location for an overview of the relationships among Order Orchestration elements, including locations.

Order Administration integration: Locations that correspond to Order Administration warehouses must have codes identical to the Order Administration warehouse codes.

How to display this screen: Select Locations from the Home Screen or from the Locations Menu.


Only users with Locations authority can display this screen. See Roles for more information.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
create a new location

Note: Normally, you should not create locations using this method. By creating a location in Order Orchestration directly rather than using the process described under Importing Locations through File Storage API, you run the risk that location information will be inconsistent with that in the external system, such as Order Administration or Xstore.

Each of the fields at the top of the screen is required.

  1. Optionally, select a different organization from the Organization drop-down box. See Data Hierarchy for more information on how locations are assigned to organizations.


    You must complete the Preferences screen for an organization before you can select it.
  2. Select a location type from the Type field. Only location types that you have set up within the selected organization are available for selection. See the Location Types screen for background.


    You cannot select a location until you select an organization.
  3. Enter a code for the location in the Location field. Location codes can be 1 to 10 positions in length, and must be unique for each organization and system; however, you can use the same location code within an organization for two or more different systems.
  4. Enter the name of the location in the Name field. Location names can be 1 to 40 positions in length, and do not need to be the same as the name or description of the location in the integrated system, such as Order Administration or Xstore.
  5. Select the system where the location is located from the System drop-down box. Only systems within the selected organization are available for selection.
  6. Click New. If:

    • the location already exists for the organization and system, Order Orchestration displays an error message, clears your entries from the screen, and positions the results fields to the existing location.

    • you did not enter any of the required fields, Order Orchestration displays an error message.

    • your entries were accepted, you advance to the New Location screen, where you can enter additional information about the location. However, if you click Cancel after advancing to the Location screen, the location is not created.

Order Administration integration: Locations that correspond to Order Administration warehouses must have codes identical to the Order Administration warehouse codes.

Sort order: The sort at the Preferences and Probability Location screens is in alphanumeric order within each organization. In other words, organizations are listed alphanumerically by name, as are location types within an organization, and locations within a location type. Since the sort is alphanumeric, numeric codes are listed before alphabetical codes; for example, location 123 is listed before location ABC.

search for a location

Your Default Organization defined through the Users screen is selected by default, but no locations are displayed. Click Search to retrieve the first 50 locations for your organization, or use any combination of the fields at the top of the screen to restrict the search results to matching locations:

  1. Optionally, select a different organization from the Organization drop-down box to restrict your results to that organization.


    You can select a blank organization to remove this field from your selection criteria.
  2. Select a location type from the Type drop-down box to restrict your results to this type. You cannot select a location type until you select an organization.


    You can select a blank location type to remove this field from your selection criteria.
  3. Enter a full or partial location code in the Location field to restrict your results to locations whose names start with your entry.
  4. Enter a full or partial location name in the Name field to restrict your results to locations whose names contain your entry.
  5. Select a system from the System drop-down box to restrict your results to this system. You cannot select a system until you select an organization.
  6. Click Search.

Case: Both the enterable fields on this screen are case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of D or D matches a location name of Distribution Center.

advance to the Location Attributes screen

Click the attributes icon (Illustrates the attributes icon.) next to a location.

Note: If the Location Attributes screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, with the location attributes for the previously-selected location displayed.

select a location for review or maintenance

Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) next to a location to advance to the Edit Location screen, where you can review or work with additional information about the location, such as address, telephone numbers, and store hours.

Note: If the Edit Location screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, where the previously-selected location is displayed.

delete a location

Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a location to delete the location from Order Orchestration. You can delete a location only if there is not an existing record for the location of any:

  • Product locations.
  • Attributes assigned to the location, or to product locations for the location.
  • Store associate users with authority to log into the location.
  • Fulfillment zones that include the location.
  • Order status history for an order lines in the location, or order lines that are assigned to the location.
  • Orders originating in the location.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Search/new fields:

See organization. Required to create a new location. From the Default Organization defined through the Users screen, but you can override it.

Note: You must complete the Preferences screen for an organization before you can select it.


See location type. Required to create a new location.


See location. Required to create a new location.

Case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of D or D matches a location code of D123.


Location names can be 1 to 40 positions in length, and do not need to be the same as the name or description of the location in the integrated system, such as Order Administration System or Xstore. Required to create a new location.

Case-insensitive for searching; for example, an entry of D or D matches a location name of Distribution Center.


See system. Required to create a new location.

Results fields:

See organization.


See location type.


See location. You can click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) to advance to the Edit Location screen, where you can review or work with additional information about the location such as address, telephone numbers, and store hours.


The descriptive name of the location.


See system.


Select the attributes icon (Illustrates the attributes icon.) next to a location to advance to the Location Attributes screen.

Note: If the Location Attributes screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, with the location attributes for the previously-selected location displayed.


Select the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) to advance to the Edit Location screen.

Note: If the Edit Location screen is already open in another tab, you advance to that screen, where the previously-selected location is displayed.


Select the delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.) next to a location to delete the location from Order Orchestration. You can delete a location only if there is not an existing record for the location of any:

  • Product locations.
  • Attributes assigned to the location, or to product locations for the location.
  • Store associate users with authority to log into the location.
  • Fulfillment zones that include the location.
  • Order status history for an order lines in the location, or order lines that are assigned to the location.
  • Orders originating in the location.

New Location

Purpose: Use the New Location screen to create a location, including the address, telephone numbers, and other related information such as the store rank and hours.


Typically, you create locations through integrations with external systems. For example, locations might be created as part of the product import process; see OCDS or Merchandising Omni Services Imports or Importing Locations through File Storage API.

Location relationships: See Data Hierarchy for an overview of the Order Orchestration organization, system, and location hierarchy. Also, see the Locations screen for more information on how locations are created in Order Orchestration.

Location address: It is important that the location address be accurate, since the location address is used as the ship-to address for ship-for-pickup orders.

How to display this screen: Enter the required information to create a new location at the Locations screen and click New.


  • If you click Cancel after advancing to the New Location screen, the location is not created.
  • You must complete the Preferences screen for an organization before you can create any locations for it. See Setting Up Data for the Routing Engine Module for an overview.
  • Only users with Locations authority can display this screen. See Roles for more information.

Completing creation of a location

Enter any of the fields described below and click Save, or click Cancel to return to the Locations screen without creating the location.


Any changes you make at this screen can be overwritten the next time you import location information, as described in Importing Locations through File Storage API.

Required, optional fields: The Name is always required. All of the remaining information on this screen is optional, although the screen displays a warning message before you can create a location without a State/Province, Country, and Postal Code, because these fields are required to use the proximity locator. The remaining fields are optional, however:

  • If you use the proximity locator in your organization, you should always enter a valid address, regardless of whether the location is subject to proximity locator searching (for example, a warehouse).
  • Canadian postal codes should be entered with a space: for example, L5R 4H1 rather than L5R4H1.
  • locateitems response: the name and address information for the location that is displayed in the locate items response is derived from your entries at this screen.
  • ADSI integration in Store Connect: The name and address may also be submitted to ADSI when the store associate ships an item, based on the setting of the Shipping Label Return Address specified at the Store Connect Preferences screen. The return address location The return address location must include:

    • contact name and company name

    • street address line 1

    • U.S. city, state/province, and postal code

    • phone number of 10 positions, plus any formatting (for example, (508) 555-1111). The store location phone number is used if there is not a day or evening phone number for the order shipping address

  • submit order request for a pickup order: If a submit order request for a pickup order originates from a location without an address that includes a valid postal code, Order Orchestration returns an error indicating that the location does not have sufficient inventory of the requested item.


  • If you click Cancel at this screen, the location is not created.

  • You need to advance to the Preferences screen and click Save to have the Routing Engine begin including the new location in locate items results and to make the location eligible for submit order assignment.
  • If you use proximity locator, when you create a new location with a postal code, Order Orchestration determines its latitude and longitude using either the Oracle Maps Cloud Service or the proximity location table, depending on your configuration, and saves this information as part of the location record. The screen displays an error message if the Geocode URL is required, but not specified at the Tenant screen. See Proximity Locator Searching for an overview.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Informational fields:

The organization you selected at the Locations screen. Required. The organization code and name are displayed, separated by a hyphen (-).


The location type you selected at the Locations screen. Required. The location type code and name are displayed, separated by a hyphen (-).


The location code you entered at the Locations screen. Required. The location code only is displayed.


The system you selected at the Locations screen. Required. The system code and name are displayed, separated by a hyphen (-).

Location detail fields:


Most of the fields on this screen are optional and informational only. The exceptions are the Name field, which is always required, and the Country and Postal code, which are required if Use Proximity Locator is selected for the organization at the Preferences screen. The name and address information for the location that is displayed in the locate items response is derived from your entries at this screen.

Location names can be 1 to 40 positions in length, and do not need to be the same as the name or description of the location in the integrated system, such as Order Administration System or Xstore. Required.


Your entry can be up to 10 positions. Informational.


Your entry can be up to 20 positions. Informational.

Contact Name

Your entry can be up to 40 positions. Informational.

Store Hours

Your entry can be up to 60 positions. Informational.


The email address(s) must be formatted as user@host.com (or other valid suffix such as .org). Order Orchestration does not validate that your entry represents an existing email address. Separate multiple email addresses with a semicolon (;). Your entry can be up to 245 positions total.

New Store Connect order? Used for the new order notification email if this is a Store Connect location and the Send New Order Notifications flag is selected at the Email tab of the Store Connect Preferences screen. See:


Your entry can be up to 20 positions.


Your entry can be up to 10 positions.


Your entry can be up to 20 positions.


Your entry in each of the four fields can be up to 50 positions. Optional.


Your entry can be up to 35 positions. Optional.


Your entry can be up to 3 positions. Required to use the proximity locator, although you can create a location without completing this field. Should be a valid ISO code.

Postal Code

The ZIP or postal code for the location. Your entry can be up to 10 positions. Required to use the proximity locator, although you can create a location without completing this field.

  • Canadian postal codes should be entered with a space: for example, L5R 4H1 rather than L5R4H1.
  • If a submit order request for a pickup order originates from a location without an address that includes a valid postal code, Order Orchestration returns an error indicating that the location does not have sufficient inventory of the requested item.

Your entry can be up to 3 positions. Required to use the proximity locator, although you can create a location without completing this field. Should be a valid ISO code.

Labor Cost

Used to shop an order for fulfillment or sourcing as part of the weighted brokering method (see Submit Order Request for Delivery Order (Weighted Brokering) for background) when determining the cost to pick, pack, and ship an order. Your entry can be a maximum of 19 positions, including up to 15 positions before the decimal and 4 positions after. It can also be 0 (0.000), but cannot be a negative number, and should not include a currency symbol. Optional.

You can also update the labor cost through the Location Bulk Updates wizard.

Gift Wrap

Select this flag to indicate that the location supports gift wrap; otherwise, leave it unselected. It defaults to unselected.

Used when? If the Use Attribute Rules flag is selected for the organization at the Preferences screen, locations are filtered based on this setting when the LocateItems request, SubmitOrder request, or ProductAvailability request indicates that the item requires gift wrap, or if the order line is rejected and reshopped.

For a ship-for-pickup order, it is the pickup location that needs to support gift wrapping rather than the sourcing location. See Enable Ship-For-Pickup? for background.

Note: This field is not updated through the location import, but it is updated through the LocationUpdate request message.

Days Open

The Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders job uses the Days Open settings to determine when to cancel an unclaimed pickup or ship-for-pickup order. Only days that are selected here are included in the calculation. See Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders for a discussion and setup information.

Days Open for Auto-Cancel

Use these fields to indicate which days of the week should be included to determine when a pickup or ship-for-pickup order is eligible for automatic cancellation. If a day is not selected, it is not included in the calculation.

All days of the week are available for selection.

Updating these fields: All days of the week are selected by default when you create a new location through this screen, the LocationUpdate request message, or the Importing Locations through File Storage API process. You can change the settings at the Edit Location screen, or through the Location Bulk Updates wizard.

If you change a location’s Days Open for Auto Cancel settings, this does not affect the Pickup By Date that has already been assigned to any order lines for the location.

Updating an existing location through the Importing Locations through File Storage API process does not update the Days Open for Auto-Cancel.

Edit Location

Purpose: Use the Edit Location screen to work with a location, including the address, telephone numbers, and other related information such as the store rank and hours.

Location relationships: See Data Hierarchy for an overview of the Order Orchestration organization, system, and location hierarchy. Also, see the Locations screen for more information on how locations are created in Order Orchestration.

Location address: It is important that the location address be accurate, since the location address is used as the ship-to address for ship-for-pickup orders.

Updated how? The location information displayed at this screen can be updated by:

How to display this screen: Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for a location at the Locations screen.


  • Only users with Locations authority can display this screen. See Roles for more information.
  • If the Edit Location screen was already open in another tab when you clicked the edit icon, you advance to this screen with the previously-selected location displayed.
  • When you create or update locations through an import, entries you make at this screen may be overwritten the next time the import runs.

Updating a location

Update any of the fields described below and click Save, or click Cancel to return to the Locations screen without making any changes.


Required, optional fields: The Name is always required. All of the remaining information on this screen is optional, although the screen displays a warning message before you can create a location without a State/Province, Country, and Postal Code, because these fields are required to use the proximity locator. The remaining fields are optional, however:

  • If you use the proximity locator in your organization, you should always enter a valid address, regardless of whether the location is subject to proximity locator searching (for example, a warehouse).
  • Canadian postal codes should be entered with a space: for example, L5R 4H1 rather than L5R4H1.
  • locateitems response: the name and address information for the location that is displayed in the locate items response is derived from your entries at this screen.
  • ADSI integration in Store Connect: The name and address may also be submitted to ADSI when the store associate ships an item, based on the setting of the Shipping Label Return Address specified at the Store Connect Preferences screen. The return address location must include:

    • contact name and company name

    • street address line 1

    • U.S. city, state/province, and postal code

    • phone number of 10 positions, plus any formatting (for example, (508) 555-1111). The store location phone number is used if there is not a day or evening phone number for the order shipping address

  • submit order request for a pickup order: If a submit order request for a pickup order originates from a location without an address that includes a valid postal code, Order Orchestration returns an error indicating that the location does not have sufficient inventory of the requested item.

Fields at this screen

Field Description
Informational fields:

See organization. The organization code and name are displayed, separated by a hyphen (-).


See location type. The location type code and name are displayed, separated by a hyphen (-).


See location. The location code only is displayed.


See system. The system code and name are displayed, separated by a hyphen (-).

Location detail fields:


Most of the fields on this screen are optional and informational only. The exceptions are the Name field, which is always required, and the Country and Postal code, which are required if Use Proximity Locator is selected for the organization at the Preferences screen. The name and address information for the location that is included in the locate items response is derived from your entries at this screen.

Location names can be 1 to 40 positions in length, and do not need to be the same as the name or description of the location in the integrated system, such as Order Administration System or Xstore. Required.


Your entry can be up to 10 positions. Informational.


Your entry can be up to 20 positions. Informational.

Contact Name

Your entry can be up to 40 positions. Informational.

Store Hours

Your entry can be up to 60 positions. Informational.


The email address must be formatted as user@host.com (or other valid suffix such as .org). Order Orchestration does not validate that your entry represents an existing email address. Separate multiple email addresses with a semicolon (;). Your entry can be up to 245 positions total.

New Store Connect order? Used for the new order notification email if this is a Store Connect location and the Send New Order Notifications flag is selected at the Email tab of the Store Connect Preferences screen. See:

Turn off email notifications? To turn off email notifications to a store location, delete the email address(es) specified here.


Your entry can be up to 20 positions.


Your entry can be up to 10 positions.


Your entry can be up to 20 positions.


Your entry in each of the four fields can be up to 50 positions.


Your entry can be up to 35 positions.


Your entry can be up to 3 positions. Required to use the proximity locator, although you can create a location without completing this field. Should be a valid ISO code.

Postal Code

The ZIP or postal code for the location. Your entry can be up to 10 positions. Required to use the proximity locator, although you can create a location without completing this field.


  • Canadian postal codes should be entered with a space: for example, L5R 4H1 rather than L5R4H1.
  • If a submit order request for a pickup order originates from a location without an address that includes a valid postal code, Order Orchestration returns an error indicating that the location does not have sufficient inventory of the requested item.

Your entry can be up to 3 positions. Required to use the proximity locator, although you can create a location without completing this field. Should be a valid ISO code.

Labor Cost

Used to shop an order for fulfillment or sourcing as part of the weighted brokering method (see Submit Order Request for Delivery Order (Weighted Brokering) for background) when determining the cost to pick, pack, and ship an order. Your entry can be a maximum of 19 positions, including up to 15 positions before the decimal and 4 positions after. It can also be 0 (0.000), but cannot be a negative number, and should not include a currency symbol. Optional.

You can also update the labor cost through the Location Bulk Updates wizard.

Gift Wrap

Select this flag to indicate that the location supports gift wrap; otherwise, leave it unselected. It defaults to unselected.

Used when? If the Use Attribute Rules flag is selected for the organization at the Preferences screen, locations are filtered based on this setting when the LocateItems request, SubmitOrder request, or ProductAvailability request indicates that the item requires gift wrap, or if the order line is rejected and reshopped.

For a ship-for-pickup order, it is the pickup location that needs to support gift wrapping rather than the sourcing location. See Enable Ship-For-Pickup? for background.

Note: This field is not updated through the location import, but it is updated through the LocationUpdate request message.


If you use proximity locator and the location has a postal code, Order Orchestration determines a location’s latitude and longitude using either the Oracle Maps Cloud Service or the proximity location table, depending on your configuration, and saves this information as part of the location record.


The location’s latitude. Set automatically when you create or update a location if you use proximity locator. See Proximity Locator Searching for an overview. Display-only.


The location’s latitude. Set automatically when you create or update a location if you use proximity locator. See Proximity Locator Searching for an overview. Display-only.

Days Open

The Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders job uses the Days Open settings to determine when to cancel an unclaimed pickup or ship-for-pickup order. Only days that are selected here are included in the calculation. See Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders for a discussion and setup information.

Days Open for Auto-Cancel

Use these fields to indicate which days of the week should be included to determine when a pickup or ship-for-pickup order is eligible for automatic cancellation. If a day is not selected, it is not included in the calculation.

All days of the week are available for selection.

Updating these fields: All days of the week are selected by default when you create a new location through the New Location screen, the LocationUpdate request message, or the Importing Locations through File Storage API process. You can change the settings at this screen, or through the Location Bulk Updates wizard.

If you change a location’s Days Open for Auto Cancel settings, this does not affect the Pickup By Date that has already been assigned to any order lines for the location.

Updating an existing location through the Importing Locations through File Storage API process does not update the Days Open for Auto-Cancel.