
Purpose: Use the Order screen to view the details and activity of an order, or update the order’s status, or sourcing location, if you do not split orders (If you do split orders, you can use the Edit Order Item window to update an item’s status, or sourcing location). This screen is accessible to users with Order Inquiry authority; however, all fields are display-only if the user does not have Order Maintenance authority. See Roles for more information.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

Customer name anonymized? If the customer data on an order has been anonymized (deleted and replaced with asterisks), the customer name is displayed as:

Illustrates the sold-to name and address with the information replaced by asterisks.

See Anonymizing Data for background.

How to display this screen: Click the edit/display icon (Illustrates the edit/display icon.) at the Order Inquiry screen. Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen.


If the Order screen was already open in another tab when you clicked the edit/display icon, you advance to this screen with the previously-selected order displayed.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
Viewing Options
view order totals, addresses, and summary information

Click the Header tab. This tab is selected by default.

view the items on the order

Click the Details tab.

view the activity that has taken place for each item on the order

Click the History tab.

view the existing system products for an item on the order

Click the system products icon (Illustrates the system products icon.) for an item on the Details tab to advance to the System Products window.

Line split? If the line is split, this icon is available only after you click the plus sign for the requesting system line number to display additional fields and options:

Illustrates the plus sign next to the requesting system line number if the line has split.

See the Details tab, below, for a discussion.

view additional information about an item, including the description, price and tax, and polled count, in a single window

Click the edit/display icon (Illustrates the edit/display icon.) for an item on the Details tab to advance to the Edit Order Item window if you have Order Maintenance authority and the Allow Split Order preference is selected; otherwise, the Browse Order Item window opens. See below for a discussion of maintenance options.

Line split? If the line is split, this icon is available only after you click the plus sign for the requesting system line number to display additional fields and options:

Illustrates the plus sign for a line.

See the Details tab, below, for a discussion.

view the updated ship to address associated with the item

Click the display icon (Illustrates the display icon.) for an item on the History tab to advance to the Order History Detail - Address Change Window.

See the History tab, below, for a discussion.

Maintaining an order

Authority to maintain an order: You can update an order as described below if you have Order Maintenance authority. See Roles for more information.

Maintenance at the order level or at the line level? If the Allow Split Order preference for an organization is:

  • Unselected: an order’s status, and fulfilling location or sourced location, are set at the order level.

  • Selected: an order’s status, and fulfilling location or sourced location, are set at the line level.


    When you have Order Maintenance authority and the Allow Split Order preference is selected, you use the Edit Order Item window, rather than the Order screen, to maintain an order line’s status or sourcing location.

Cannot change both status and sourced location: You cannot change both the status and any location for an order or an order line at the same time. To change more than one field, first apply one change and click Save, then return to the Order screen and apply the other change.

Caution: Updating an order or line’s status, fulfilling location, or sourced location is a means to correct occasional issues that may occur, and not recommended for routine processing. Except for the restrictions noted below, the screen does not prohibit most status or location updates.


Before updating an order, you can use other screens in Order Orchestration or contact a potential fulfilling, sourced, or pickup location directly to ensure that the update does not produce subsequent issues, such as fulfilling an order twice, reopening a shipped or canceled order, sourcing an order twice, or not fulfilling an order at all.
update the status of an order

If you have authority to Order Maintenance and the Allow Split Order preference for the organization is unselected, you can update the status of an order:

  • Select the new status from the Order Status field.

  • Click Save.

You cannot change the status of an order to Complete or Open, since these are statuses that Order Orchestration applies to an order only when the individual lines have different statuses.

You can change the status of a canceled order here regardless of whether the Restrict Reassignment of Canceled Line preference is selected.


  • When you select a status from the Order Status field for a delivery order, the corresponding fulfilling location field (Shipment or Sourced) becomes display-only. Similarly, when you select a status from the Order Status field for a ship-for-pickup order, the corresponding Sourced location field becomes display-only. In order to change both the order’s status and its fulfilling or sourced location, complete one update and then return to the Order screen to complete the other update.


  • When you change the order status to new_order, canceled, or fulfilled, the Polled Count for the order lines are reset to 0.

  • When you change the order status to rejected:

    • delivery order: The Routing Engine reassigns the order and changes the status to new_order if another eligible location exists and if the Search Retries limit hasn’t been reached; otherwise, the Routing Engine changes its status to unfulfillable. There may be a brief delay before the update is applied.

    • When you use RICS order fulfillment, changing the order status to rejected also triggers a new fulfillment order request to RICS. See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for more information.

    • pickup order: The Routing Engine changes its status to unfulfillable.

    • ship-for-pickup order: The Routing Engine reassigns the order to a different sourcing location, and changes the status to new_order if another eligible sourcing location exists and if the Search Retries limit hasn’t been reached. For a ship-for-pickup order, a rejected status update generally indicates that the inventory was not received from the sourced location, or that it was defective. There may be a brief delay before the update is applied.

A status change can update the reserved quantity for the product location, depending on the system’s Include Reserved setting and any Reserved Statuses for the system. See the System page for more information.

Order Orchestration tracks the activity in status history. See the History tab, below.

For more information: See Order and Line Statuses (Splitting Preference Turned Off) for more information on automatic status updates for orders fulfilled through Store Connect.

update the fulfilling location for a delivery order

If you have authority to Order Maintenance and the Allow Split Order preference for the organization is unselected, you can update the fulfilling location for an order:

Select the new fulfilling location from the field labeled Shipment for a delivery order and Click Save.

Which locations are available for selection? The dropdown list includes each location that supports the type of order:

  • For a delivery order, the location must be flagged as Delivery Available.

You cannot select:

  • Any location where the order was previously assigned, even if it no longer supports the type of order.

  • The IN PROCESS location. See the Acknowledge Order Before Brokering preference for background.


    The window does not prevent you from selecting a location:
    • where the item(s) are not available. If you do so, and if the Include Reserved flag is selected at the System screen, Order Orchestration creates a new record of the product location(s).

    • that is not associated with the zone for the order’s shipping location if you use zone fulfillment.

When you use RICS order fulfillment, changing the fulfilling location for a delivery order triggers a release reservation request for the prior location and a new fulfillment order request for the new location to RICS. See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for more information.

For more information: See below for Restrictions.

update the sourcing location for a ship-for-pickup order

If you have authority to Order Maintenance and the Allow Split Order preference for the organization is unselected, you can update the fulfilling location for an order:

Which locations are available for selection? The dropdown list includes each location that is flagged as Ship For Pickup Sourcing Available.

  • You cannot select:

  • Any location where the order was previously assigned.

  • The IN PROCESS location. See the Acknowledge Order Before Brokering preference for background.


    The window does not prevent you from selecting a location:
    • where the item(s) are not available. If you do so, and if the Include Reserved flag is selected at the System screen, Order Orchestration creates a new record of the product location(s).

    • that is not associated with the zone for the order’s shipping location if you use zone fulfillment.

For more information: See Ship For Pickup Order for background.


  • You cannot change the fulfilling location for a pickup order.

  • You cannot change the pickup location for a ship-for-pickup order.

  • When you select a location from the fulfilling location field (Shipment) for a delivery order, the Order Status field becomes display-only. In order to change both the order’s status and its fulfilling location, complete one update and then return to the Order screen to complete the other update.

  • When you select a status from the Order Status field for a ship-for-pickup order, the corresponding Sourced location field becomes display-only. In order to change both the order’s status and its sourced location, complete one update and then return to the Order screen to complete the other update.


  • If you select the default unfulfillable location, the status of the order changes to unfulfillable.

  • Order Orchestration tracks the location assignment history. See the History tab, below.

  • If the system is configured to track reserved quantity and the line is in an applicable status, Order Orchestration updates the reserved quantity for the product location or creates the product location if it does not already exist. Otherwise, Order Orchestration does not create or update a product location.

change an order line’s status or fulfilling location, and view additional information about an item, including the description, price and tax, and polled count, in a single window

Click the edit/display icon (Illustrates the edit/display icon.) for an item on the Details tab to advance to the Edit Order Item window if you have Order Maintenance authority and the Allow Split Order preference is selected; otherwise, the Browse Order Item window opens.

Line split? If the line is split, this icon is available only after you click the plus sign for the requesting system line number to display additional fields and options:

Illustrates the plus sign for a line number.

See the Details tab, below, for a discussion.

Fields at this screen

Fields Description
Request ID

See Request ID.

Order Number

See Order Number.

Header tab

Order Type

See Order Type.

Customer Number

The customer number, if passed as the customer_no in the submit order message, identifying the customer in the originating system.

Order Date

The transaction date and time passed in the submit order message. Might not be the same as the date when the order was created. If no time was specified in the message, the time displayed here indicates midnight (for example, 12:00 AM).

(Field labels vary depending on the type of order)

Placed = The location that originated a delivery orderor ship-for-pickup order.

Pickup = The location a customer selected to pick up a pickup order or ship-for-pickup order.

Shipment = The location shipping a delivery order. This location might have been specified by the placed (originating) location, or selected by the Routing Engine based on the rules set up at the Preferences screen.

Sourced = The location that transfers the inventory for a ship-for-pickup order to the pickup location. This location might have been specified by the placed (originating) location, or selected by the Routing Engine based on the rules set up at the Preferences screen.

Multiple locations? If the Allow Split Order preference is selected, a delivery order can be assigned to multiple locations for fulfillment, and a ship-for-pickup order can be assigned to multiple locations for sourcing. In this case, this field displays the word Multiple and information on each assigned location is displayed under the Details tab. See Selecting a Location for a Delivery Order or Selecting a Sourcing Location for a Ship-for-Pickup Order for an overview.

Update? You can update the fulfilling location for a delivery order, or the sourcing location for a ship-for-pickup order, if the Order Maintenance flag for a role assigned to your user profile is selected and the Allow Split Order preference for an organization is unselected. See Options at this screen, above, for more information.

Note: An integrated system might use different terms for these locations.

Order Status

See Order and Line Statuses for possible statuses.

Update? You can update the order status if the Order Maintenance flag in your user profile is selected and the Allow Split Order preference for an organization is unselected. See Options at this screen, above, for more information.

Under Review

A selected setting indicates that the fulfilling system needs to delay shipping or fulfilling the order until the flag is cleared.


  • It is the responsibility of the integrating systems to prevent fulfillment of an order that is under review. Order Orchestration does not prevent fulfillment based on this setting.

  • The items on orders that are under review are still included in the reserved quantity calculation.

Updates: You can select this flag through the initial submit order message, and can also update this flag:

The History tab displays a record of each time you change the setting of this flag.

Hold under review? If the order is fulfilled through Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration and the Hold Under Review Orders flag for the system is selected, the order is submitted for fulfillment when you clear this flag. See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for background.

Effect of the Under Review indicator in Store Connect:

  • The order is still eligible to be accepted and picked

  • The associate can generate the packing slip and the pick list pull sheet for the order

  • The order is not eligible for shipping or pickup

  • When the associate picks a pickup order, no email notification is sent to the customer until the setting of the Under Review indicator changes

  • A delivery order is not eligible to be shipped, and a pickup order is not eligible to be picked up

How the associate can tell if an order is under review:

  • The words Under Review, in red, are is displayed next to the order number on Store Connect screens.

  • The option to ship a delivery order or pick up a pickup order is greyed out.

Sold To

Any of the following information on the customer placing the order, if it is passed in the submit order message:

  • first name, middle initial, last name

  • company name

  • first through fourth address lines, including any apartment or suite

  • city, state, Postal Code, and country

  • first phone number (prefixed by Day:)

  • second phone number (prefixed by Eve:)

  • email address

Note: When submitting a pickup or ship-for-pickup order, Xstore uses the location’s address from Order Orchestration, while Order Administration uses the address from its own Store Cross Reference table.

Customer anonymized? If the customer data on an order has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed for the sold-to information. See Anonymizing Data for background.

Ship To

Any of the following information on the customer to receive a delivery order, or the address and contact information for the store where a customer picks up a ship-for-pickup order.

  • first name, middle initial, last name

  • company name

  • attention line (can be used for the name of the person to alert at the shipping destination)

  • first through fourth address lines, including any apartment or suite

  • city, state, Postal Code, and country

  • first phone number (prefixed by Day:)

  • second phone number (prefixed by Eve:)

  • email address

Note:Order Orchestration does not support a ship-to address for a pickup order.

Customer anonymized? If the customer data on an order has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed for the ship-to information. See Anonymizing Data for background.

If the address has been updated through the Edit Ship To Details window in Store Connect at any store location assigned to ship one or more items on the order, the most recently updated address is displayed here.



The description or ISO 4217 alphabetical code of the currency on the order. From the currency specified in the submit order message. If the currency is a valid alphabetical ISO 4217 code, the related currency symbol can be displayed for all order values. The default is the U.S. dollar (USD).


  • The currency code must be all capitals to match the ISO 4217 code.

  • Not all currency symbols can be displayed on the screen.

Sub Total

The subtotal of merchandise on the order, and preceded by the symbol of the currency on the order. The screen displays a 2-position decimal, although the database stores 4 positions. If no amount was passed from the originating system, the amount indicated is 0.

Special Instructions

Any special instructions for handling the order. Integrated systems might use this field to store other information about the order. The instructions can be up to 4000 positions.


The total amount of merchandise, tax, freight, and other charges on the order, preceded by the symbol of the currency on the order. The screen displays a 2-position decimal, although the database stores 4 positions. If no amount was passed from the originating system, the amount indicated is 0.


The total amount of tax on the order, preceded by the symbol of the currency on the order. The screen displays a 2-position decimal, although the database stores 4 positions. If no amount was passed from the originating system, the tax indicated is 0.

Ship Via

The ship via code and ship via description designated for the order from the ship_via and ship_via_description. Formatted as 12 - UPS Ground where:

  • 12 is the ship via

  • UPS Ground is the ship via description

Different from carrier description? The description displayed here is from the SubmitOrder message and saved in the xom_order table, but this description does not update the carrier description displayed at the Carriers screen in Modern View. The description from the Carrier record is used elsewhere in the application, including Store Connect screens, Store Connect printed output, and the shipment notification email generated for orders shipped through Store Connect.

If no ship via specified in the SubmitOrder message:

  • For a delivery or ship-for-pickup order, the Default Carrier specified at the Preferences screen is used.

  • The default PICKUP carrier is used for a pickup order. If the default PICKUP carrier does not exist, Order Orchestration creates it.

Balance Due

The total balance due on the order, preceded by the symbol of the currency on the order. The screen displays a 2-position decimal, although the database stores 4 positions. If no amount was passed from the originating system, the amount indicated is 0.


The total amount of freight on the order, preceded by the symbol of the currency on the order. The screen displays a 2-position decimal, although the database stores 4 positions. If no amount was passed from the originating system, the freight indicated is 0.


Set to Y or N, if passed in the submit order message; otherwise, blank.

Details tab

Is line split? Provided the Allow Split Order preference is selected, a line can split if:

  • the Allow Split Line preference is selected, and the Routing Engine split a line when initially creating a delivery order, or after the line was rejected by an assigned location; or,

  • the Allow Partial Updates preference is selected, and the Routing Engine received a status update for a quantity lower than the current line quantity.

Even if your preferences support splitting lines or partial status update, this does not necessarily mean that the lines on an order will split.

Split lines at Detail tab: If any line on the order is split, you need to expand the requesting system line number at the Details tab in order to see and work with the details for all lines and see additional options:

Illustrates a split line at the Detail tab.

Non-split lines at Detail tab: If none of the lines on the order are not split, the details and options are displayed when you open the Detail tab:

Illustrates two non-split lines at the Detail tab.

For more information: See Selecting a Location for a Delivery Order for some of the different scenarios that are possible in creating or updating detail lines on delivery orders if you have Order Orchestration configured to split orders or order lines. Also, see Updating Order Status at the Line or Unit Level for an overview on processing partial status updates for order lines.

Req. Sys. Line # (Requesting system line number)

The line number identifying the order line in the requesting location. From the line_item_no passed in the submit order message. A single line from the requesting system can create multiple order lines in Order Orchestration if the Allow Split Line preference is selected. Also, a line can split as the result of a partial status update if the Allow Partial Updates preference is selected.

Even if a line is not split in Order Orchestration, the requesting system line number can be different from the line number in Order Orchestration. For example, this situation can occur if the placed (originating) location sends only the third line on a multi-line order to Order Orchestration; in this case, the line number in Order Orchestration is #1.

If split: If any lines on the order are split, you need to expand the line to see additional details and options. Click the plus sign next to the requesting system line number to expand:

Illustrates the plus sign next to the requesting system line number for a split line.
Line #

The order line number assigned by Order Orchestration. May be different from the requesting system’s line number if the system did not send all of the order lines to Order Orchestration for fulfillment and the version specified in the submit order message was lower than 3.0, or if an order line is split.

If split: If any of the lines on the order are split, the Item # is before the Order Orchestration Line # and is always displayed, even if you have not expanded the line by clicking the plus sign next to the Req. Sys. Line # (Requesting system line number); however, the Line # and other fields are not displayed until you click the plus sign.

Examples of line splitting:

  • Split by the Routing Engine:

    • The Routing Engine assigns the order to location A, and then Location A rejects the order

    • The Routing Engine then assigns half the quantity to location B, and half to location C. Result: the quantity in location B is now line #1; the quantity in location C is now line #2

  • Partial status update: The entire quantity of 5 was originally assigned to location A, but location A rejected 3 units. Result: the quantity in location A is now line #1; the rejected quantity, now reassigned or unfulfillable, is now line #2

Illustrates a split line, with the original quantity, original line number and current quantity, and line number created when split and the quantity on this line.

Different line numbers even if not split: It is possible for the Order Orchestration line number and requesting system line number to differ if, for example, the requesting system sends line 3 of a multi-line order to Order Orchestration (requesting system line number); when the Routing Engine creates the order, it assigns a line number of 1 because it is the only order line received from the requesting system.

Line numbers might not be consecutive: If the Routing Engine splits a line or receives a partial status update, the line numbers assigned in Order Orchestration to the resulting split lines might not be consecutive. For example, a system sends 3 lines, which produce lines 1, 2, and 3. Subsequently, the Routing Engine receives a partial update for line 1 and creates line 4 for the quantity in the updated status.

If not split: If none of the lines on the order are split, just a single line number is displayed.

Item #

The system product code for the user’s Default Organization. If the user’s Default Organization is not the same as the organization associated with the order, the system product code for the fulfilling location is displayed. Up to 26 positions.

If split: If any of the lines on the order are split, the Item # is before the Order Orchestration Line # and is always displayed, even if you have not expanded the line by clicking the plus sign next to the Req. Sys. Line # (Requesting system line number).

No item #? If your user ID is not assigned a Default Organization through the Users screen, the Item # might not be displayed here.

Note: You can display the item description by moving your cursor over the item code.


Original quantity: If the line is split, the quantity displayed on the first line without a current line number is the quantity of the item that was originally assigned to the Fulfilling Location or Sourced Location. This quantity might differ from the quantity originally submitted to Order Orchestration if the Allow Split Line preference is selected, and the Routing Engine initially split the line across multiple fulfilling or sourcing locations. Also, the original quantity in Order Orchestration might subsequently be split across multiple order lines in Order Orchestration if the original fulfilling or sourcing location rejects the assignment and the Routing Engine splits the line when it reassigns it, or if a location submits a partial status update.

Current quantity: The quantity that is currently assigned to the fulfilling, sourcing, or pickup location. This quantity might be different from the original quantity if the Allow Split Line preference is selected, and the Routing Engine split the line across multiple fulfilling or sourcing locations after it was initially rejected by the first location, or if a location submits a partial status update.

Not split: If the line is not split, the original and current quantities are the same. If none of the lines on the order are split, then just a single quantity is displayed.

Illustrates the original quantity for an order line and the current quantities for each of the current lines.
Fulfilled Quantity

The quantity of the item shipped to the customer (delivery order) or picked up by the customer pickup order, ship-for-pickup order). Updated when the Routing Engine receives a status update message indicating that the new order, line, or quantity status is fulfilled.

If split: The total fulfilled quantity is displayed at the summary level for the line, and the fulfilled quantity for each current line number is listed below with the current line.

Illustrates the fulfilled quantity of the original line as well as the two current lines that exist through splitting.
Fulfilling Location

The fulfilling location that was most currently assigned to fulfill the item. Displayed only if the order is not a ship-for-pickup order.

If split: If the line is currently split across multiple fulfilling locations, the word Multiple is displayed at the summary level. You can expand the line to review all assigned locations by clicking the plus sign to the left.

Update? You can update the fulfilling location for a line if the Order Maintenance flag in your user profile is selected and the Allow Split Order preference is selected. See Edit Order Item for more information.

Sourced Location

The sourcing location that was most currently assigned to source the item for a ship-for-pickup order order.

If split: If the line is currently split across multiple sourcing locations, the word Multiple is displayed at the summary level. You can expand the line to review all assigned locations by clicking the plus sign to the left.

Update? You can update the sourcing location for a line if the Order Maintenance flag in your user profile is selected and the Allow Split Order preference is selected. See Edit Order Item for more information.

Pickup Location

The pickup location for a ship-for-pickup order order.

Line Status

See Order and Line Statuses.

Update? You can update the line status if the Order Maintenance flag in your user profile is selected and the Allow Split Order preference for an organization is selected. If the Allow Partial Updates preference is selected, you can also specify a partial quantity to update with the new status. See Edit Order Item for more information.

Status Date

The last date and time when the status of the order changed.

System Products

Click the system products icon (Illustrates the system products icon.) to open the System Products window, listing the system products for the item.


Click the display/edit icon (Illustrates the display/edit icon.) to open the Edit Order Item window if you have Order Maintenance authority and the Allow Split Order preference is selected; otherwise, the Browse Order Item window opens. These windows list additional information about the item, such as pricing and poll count, and the Edit Order Item provides the ability to edit the item’s fulfilling location or status.

History tab

This tab displays the status history for each line on the order, created whenever a line is:

  • created, or

  • assigned or reassigned to a fulfilling or sourcing location, or

  • when its status changes for any other reason, or

  • when its shipping address is updated, or

  • when there is an update to the Under Review indicator

  • when the Pickup By Date is assigned, changed, or removed

  • when the customer data is anonymized through the Completed Order Private Data Purge job or through the ForgetPrivateData web service request

The History tab lists records for each item in reverse chronological order (newest to oldest). A single transaction can create multiple history records if the transaction splits the line due to a partial status update or reassignment of a rejected order to multiple fulfilling locations. Optionally, you can collapse the history for an item by clicking the box next to the line number.

Illustrates when the line number is collapsed.


Status history and changes to the Under Review indicator are tracked at the line level even if the organization does not split orders or order lines.

Illustrates the history of a line. The line was created; the location polled for orders, and the order was included in the response; units were picked; a partial quantity was fulfilled; the remaining quantity was fulfilled.
Item #

The system product code and item description for the user’s Default Organization defined through the Users screen. If the user’s Default Organization is not the organization associated with the order, the system product code and item description for the fulfilling or sourcing location is displayed. Up to 26 positions.

Line #

The current line number at the time the activity took place. This number might differ from the current line number if the Routing Engine split the line after initial creation in Order Orchestration because the original fulfilling location rejected it.

Which line number? The status history entry always lists the line number referenced in the status update request, even if the status update creates a new line number.

Example: Line 10 currently includes 5 units in picked status. A partial status update indicates to change the status of 3 units on the line to fulfilled status. This update changes the quantity of line 10 to 2, and creates a new line, line 11, for 3 units in fulfilled status. However, both status history entries list line number 10, since that was the line number referenced in the status update request. The Routing Engine does not write a separate status history record for the creation of line 11.

Under Review update: An update to the Under Review indicator creates a history record for each line on the order.

Pickup By Date update: An update to the Pickup By Date creates a history record.

Requesting System Line Number

The line number identifying the order line in the requesting location. From the line_item_no passed in the submit order message. A single line from the requesting system can create multiple order lines in Order Orchestration if the Allow Split Line preference is selected.


The order line quantity at the time the activity took place. Might differ from the current quantity if the line was rejected by the original fulfilling or sourcing location and split by the Routing Engine at reassignment, or if the transaction was a partial status update.


The status as a result of the activity indicated. See Order and Line Statuses.


When an order is rejected and it cannot be reassigned and, as a result, the Routing Engine changes its status to unfulfillable, 2 history records are written: 1 for the rejected status, and 1 for the unfulfillable status.

Under Review update: An update to the Under Review indicator creates a history record using the order-level status, even if the status of an individual line is different; however, this update does not affect the actual status of individual lines.

Example: An order includes a line in polled status and a line in new order status, so the status of the order is open. You update the Under Review indicator for the order. The history record indicates a status of open on both lines, although the status of the polled and new order lines does not change.


The code and description of the location where the change occurred, or which requested the status change.

Under Review update: An update to the Under Review indicator creates a history record using the current fulfilling location for the order, regardless of the location that submitted the update.

Locations for ship-for-pickup order: The location listed when a ship-for-pickup order is intransit (and then immediately to intransit polled) is the sourcing location, while the location listed when a ship-for-pickup order is received or fulfilled is the pickup location. If the pickup location receives a partial quantity, splitting the order line, the pickup location is listed for the received quantity and the quantity that is still in transit. See Ship For Pickup Order for background.

Location for auto-cancellation: The location listed when the order line is automatically canceled because the customer did not pick up the order is the pickup location.


The date and the time when the activity occurred, such as the status changed; see Require Status Update for Assigned Orders? for a discussion.


Indicates the user who performed the activity, such as creating the order or updating the status of the order or line:


  • The employee ID specified in an inbound message might not be a valid user ID in Order Orchestration.

  • The user ID is truncated if it exceeds 10 positions.


Indicates how the order was created or updated:

Transaction Notes

Possible transaction notes from the xom_status_history table:

  • Address Change Applied: Click the details icon (Illustrates the details icon.) to advance to the Order History Detail - Address Change Window where you can review the old and new ship to address.

  • Accepted Status Update Restricted (where Accepted is the status specified in the order status update request message: An order status update request message indicated a status change for a canceled line, but the Restrict Reassignment of Canceled Line preference was selected. A similar message is also written if the order line status was Fulfilled. You can use the Status Restricted Report to review order lines whose status updates were restricted through the Order Status Update request message.


    Even if the status update was restricted, if the order status update request indicated shipping details such as the shipper or tracking number, this information is also displayed in the Transaction Notes, although the shipping information is not saved elsewhere in the database.
  • Auto-canceled: auto-cancel reason: Indicates the auto-cancel reason code used by the auto-cancel unclaimed orders job to cancel an unclaimed pickup order line.

  • Carrier: The carrier (shipping agent), if any, passed in the status update message from the assigned fulfilling location, or specified through Store Connect.

  • Carton #: The carton number, if any, passed in the status update message from the placed (originating) location when it changes the order or line status of a ship for pickup order to Intransit, or when the status is set to Fulfilled.

  • Note: The status reason note, if any, passed in the status update message.

  • Pickup By Date: Indicates the Pickup By Date assigned, either automatically when the order is eligible for pickup, or when the existing date is changed by a user or web service update.

  • Pickup By Date Removed: Indicates that the Pickup By Date has been removed due to a status change, such as when the line is fulfilled. rejected, or canceled.

  • Posted to RICS: The order was submitted to RICS if you use Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration.

  • Private Data Anonymized: The order has been anonymized, either through the Completed Order Private Data Purge job, or through the ForgetPrivateData web service request.

  • Reason Code: The status reason code, if any, passed in the status update message.

  • Reason description: The description of the cancellation reason selected when an associate canceled the line in Store Connect.

  • Reject - reason description: The description of the reject reason selected when an associate rejected the line in Store Connect.

  • RICS Release Reservation Message Sent: Order Orchestration: A message was posted to RICS to release the reservation for an order because it has been canceled or rejected. Occurs if you use Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration.

  • [Status] Status Update Restricted. Requested by Location [Loc]:

    • A status update request message attempted to change the status of an order or line in canceled status, but the Restrict Reassignment of Canceled Line preference was selected. The requested status and requesting location are indicated in the history message. See the related preference for a discussion.

    • A status update request message attempted to change the status of an order or line in fulfilled status. Changing the status of a fulfilled order or line is supported only through the Order screen or the Edit Order Item window, but not through the status update request message. However, if the request message specified a shipper and/or tracking number, this information is displayed here.

  • Tracking #: The tracking number, if any, passed in the status update message from the assigned fulfilling location, or specified through Store Connect.

  • Unable to create RICS message: There was an unrecoverable error in the information to be submitted through RICS, such as alphabetical characters in a numeric field. Occurs if you use Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration.

  • Under Review: The current setting of the Under Review indicator, indicating:

    • Yes = the fulfilling system needs to delay shipping or fulfilling the order until the flag is cleared

    • No = the order is eligible for fulfillment

      If an open order was submitted through the RICS integration and the setting of the Under Review flag changes, the message for an order line assigned to a RICS location indicates: Under Review: No; RICS Under Review Message Sent, where No is the new setting of the Under Review flag.

Science Engine responses: If you use weighted brokering, responses from the Science Engine can produce the following Transaction Notes:

  • Exceed Maximum Number of Splits: The Science Engine returned a code indicating that the entire order could not be fulfilled without exceeding the Maximum Order Splits, so the entire order is unfulfillable. This response can occur for a single-line order that could have been fulfilled by splitting the line, but split line is not enabled.

    A reason code of 1000 is stored as the UNFULFILLABLE_REASON_CODE in the XOM_STATUS_HISTORY table.

  • Not Enough Inventory and No Backorder Location: The Science Engine returned a code indicating that the entire order, or a line on the order, could not be fulfilled because there was not sufficient inventory on-hand, and there was not an eligible location that supported backorders.

    A reason code of 2000 is stored as the UNFULFILLABLE_REASON_CODE in the XOM_STATUS_HISTORY table if the entire order was unfulfillable, and a reason code of 3000 is stored for an individual line that was unfulfillable while other line(s) could be fulfilled.

  • Not Fulfilled due to Split Not Allowed: The Science Engine returned a code indicating that the entire order could not be fulfilled without splitting one or more order lines, and Allow Split Line was not selected. The same message is displayed if the order could not be fulfilled without splitting the order, and Allow Split Order was not selected.

    A reason code of 7000 is stored as the UNFULFILLABLE_REASON_CODE in the XOM_STATUS_HISTORY table if the entire order was unfulfillable, and a reason code of 6000 is stored for an individual line that was unfulfillable while other line(s) could be fulfilled.

Additional Science Engine reason codes: The following reason codes are stored in the UNFULFILLABLE_REASON_CODE in the XOM_STATUS_HISTORY table, but no Transaction Notes are displayed, based on responses from the Science Engine:

  • 4000: An order or line had to be assigned to a backorder location that was currently without sufficient inventory, because the entire order could not be assigned to locations with sufficient inventory without exceeding the Maximum Order Splits. For example, an order includes a line for 1 unit of item A, and another line for 2 units of item B. Location 100 can fulfill the line for item A. Locations 200 and 300 each have 1 unit item B. The Maximum Order Splits is set to 2. If location 200 supports backorders, the line with 2 units of item B is assigned there.

  • 5000: An order or line had to be assigned to a backorder location that was currently without sufficient inventory, because there were no locations that had the inventory on-hand; however, this was not the result of the Maximum Order Splits setting being exceeded.

  • 8000: An order or line could have been assigned to locations with inventory if split order or line were allowed; but since the order or line could not be split, it was assigned to a backorder location that was currently without sufficient inventory.

About status reason codes and notes: The assigned fulfilling or sourcing location might pass a status code or note, or both, indicating why it rejects an order or line; or a location might pass a status code or note, or both, indicating why to cancel an order or line.

About rejection and cancellation reason codes: Defined through the Reason Codes screen in Modern View, and available for the store associate to use when rejecting or canceling an order or item if the code is flagged as Active.

Multiple lines: The Transaction Notes can run to more than one line if multiple types of information need to be displayed. For example, if the status update request included a carrier, tracking number, carton number, and Pickup By Date assignment, the first line includes the carrier, tracking number, and carton number, and the second line indicates the Pickup By Date.

Contents too long? If the contents of any one line are too long for the allotted space, an ellipsis (...) indicates that there is more content. This might occur if, for example, the reason notes are too long to be displayed. However, you can drag the Transaction Notes field to the right at the column heading to lengthen the displayed information.


If the ship to address changed, click the details icon (Illustrates the details icon.) to advance to the Order History Detail - Address Change Window where you can review the details of a shipping address change, including the address before and after the change.

RICS Log tab

This tab displays the history for each communication between Order Orchestration and Oracle Retail Integration Cloud Service (RICS).

This tab is displayed only if the Online flag is selected at the RICS Integration tab of the System screen for at least one system in the organization.

These records are stored in the RICS_LOG table in the database. The daily cleanup job automatically deletes these records based on the number of days specified in the RICS Log History field at the Tenant-Admin screen; however, if the record has a Retry Status of Failed it is not eligible to be purged.

For more information: See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for background and more information.


The date and time when the message activity took place.

Retry Status

Possible statuses are:

  • Failed = The message failed to be sent to RICS, typically through some sort of communication failure. In the case of an outbound message,

    RICS log records with a Retry Status of Failed are not eligible to be purged. Instead, a cleanup job attempts to re-send these messages every hour, in case RICS was temporarily down when they were initially sent. Messages are sent in first-in first-out (oldest first) order.

  • Reprocessed = Order Orchestration re-sent the outbound message to RICS.

  • Success:

    • The message was successfully sent or received, or,

    • The message failed due to invalid data, such as an alphabetical character in a numeric field; in this case, the message is not eligible to be re-sent and the RICS log entry is eligible for purge.


The code and description of the fulfilling location for the order.

Response Code

The response code identified for the success or failure. Possible response codes include:

  • Success = The message was successfully posted to RICS.

  • 303 = Might indicate a connection problem.

  • 500 = Might indicate that the URL was incorrect or temporarily unavailable.

  • 502 = Might indicate that the connection timed out.

Message Type

The type of message:

  • Create Fulfillment Order: The order or line was posted to RICS for fulfillment in a warehouse or store location.

  • Release Order Reservation: The order or line was canceled or rejected, or reassigned to a different location for fulfillment, so inventory can be be released for other orders.

  • Status Update: The status of the order or line has changed.

  • Send Under Review: The setting of the Under Review flag for an open order that was previously submitted as changed.


Click the display icon (Illustrates the display icon.) to display the request message in the RICS Log Message window.


Click the display icon (Illustrates the display icon.) to display the response message in the RICS Log Message window.

Order History Detail - Address Change Window

Purpose: Use the Order History Detail - Address Change window to review the changes made to the shipping address on a delivery order. The old ship to address is on the left side of the window and the new updated ship to address is on the right side of the window with the changes indicated in red for comparison.

Used for the Store Connect module.

Submitting address changes: A store associate with authority to edit the shipping address can update the address in Store Connect.

Customer name anonymized? If the customer data on an order has been anonymized (deleted and replaced with asterisks), the customer name is displayed as:

Illustrates the old and new ship-to names and addresses replaced by asterisks.

See Anonymizing Data for background.

How to display this window: Select the icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) in the Details column at the History tab of the Order screen. This icon is displayed only if a store associate updated the shipping address on a delivery order in Store Connect.

Fields at this window

Field Description

The user ID of the person who performed the activity.

Date / Time

The date and time when the shipping address change was received. Format is based on the settings defined through the Users screen.

Old Ship To

The ship-to name and address before applying the change. Includes:

  • name: prefix (such as Mr. or Dr.), first name, middle name, last name, and suffix (such as Jr. or Esq.)

  • company name

  • first address line

  • apartment, unit, or suite number (prefixed by the label Apt / Unit #:)

  • address line 2

  • address line 3

  • address line 4

  • city, state, postal or zip code, country code

  • daytime phone number (prefixed by the label Day:)

  • evening phone number (prefixed by the label Eve:)

  • email address


    Not all of the information above might be available for each customer. Also, the Attention field, if any, is not displayed.

Customer anonymized? If the customer data on an order has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed for the ship-to information. See Anonymizing Data for background.

New Ship To

The ship-to name and address with the changes indicated in red. Includes the same name and address fields as the Old Ship To.


The system does not flag changes in case; for example, updating the country from US to us, in red.

Customer anonymized? If the customer data on an order has been anonymized, asterisks are displayed for the ship-to information. See Anonymizing Data for background.

System Products

Purpose: Use the System Products window to review the existing system products for an item on an order.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

How to display this window: Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen. Click the system product icon (Illustrates the system product icon.) next to an item on the Details tab of the Order screen.

All fields at this window are display-only.

Field Description

The organization associated with the order. The code and name are separated by a hyphen (-).


The product on the order line. The code and name are separated by a hyphen (-).


See system.

System Product

See system product.

Master Style

See master style.

Browse Order Item

Purpose: Use the Browse Order Item window to view the details and activity of an order line.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

How to display this window: Click the display icon (Illustrates the display icon.) for an item at the Details tab of the Order screen.


Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen. If you have Order Maintenance authority and the Use Split Order preference is selected, you advance instead to the Edit Order Item window.

All fields on this window are display-only.

Fields Description
Order Number

See Order Number.

Requesting System Line Number

The line number identifying the order line in the requesting location. From the line_item_no passed in the submit order message. A single line from the requesting system can create multiple order lines in Order Orchestration if the Allow Split Line preference is selected.

Line #

The line number of the item on the order in Order Orchestration.

How might the line numbers be different? It is possible for the line number, requesting system line number, and original line number to differ; for example:

  • Split by the Routing Engine:

    • The Routing Engine assigns the order to location A, and then Location A rejects the order

    • The Routing Engine assigns half the quantity to location B, and half to location C. Result: the quantity in location B is now line #1; the quantity in location C is now line # 2

  • Partial status update: The entire quantity of 5 was originally assigned to location A, but location A rejected 3 units. Result: the quantity in location A is now line #1; the rejected quantity, now reassigned or unfulfillable, is now line #2

Different line numbers even if not split: It is possible for the Order Orchestration line number and requesting system line number to differ if, for example, the requesting system sends line 20 of a multi-line order to Order Orchestration (Requesting system line number); when the Routing Engine creates the order, it assigns a line number of 1 because it is the only order line received from the requesting system.

Line numbers might not be consecutive: If the Routing Engine splits a line or receives a partial status update, the line numbers assigned in Order Orchestration to the split lines might not be consecutive. For example, a system sends 3 lines, which produce lines 1, 2, and 3. Subsequently, the Routing Engine receives a partial update for line 1 and creates line 4 for the quantity in the updated status.

Original Line #

The line number from which this line was split. Set to 0 if the line was not split after initial order creation.

Item #

The system product code for the user’s Default Organization. If the user’s Default Organization is not in the organization associated with the order, the system product code for the fulfilling or sourcing location is displayed. Up to 26 positions. Display-only.

No item #? If your user ID is not assigned a Default Organization through the Users screen, the Item # might not be displayed here.

Item Description

The name of the product.

Line Status

See Order and Line Statuses for a listing of possible statuses.

(Field label varies depending on the type of order)

Sourced = The location that transfers the inventory for a ship-for-pickup order to the pickup location.

Pickup = The location that the customer selected to pick up the ship-for-pickup order.

Fulfilling = Specified for the following types of orders:

  • Delivery order: The location that ships the order to the customer. This location might have been specified by the placed (originating) location, or selected by the Routing Engine based on the rules set up at the Preferences screen.

  • Pickup order: The location that the customer selected to pick up the order.

Note: An integrated system might use the term “fulfilling location” differently.

Pickup By Date

The last date when the customer can pick up a pickup or ship-for-pickup order line before the line is automatically canceled by the Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders job. The Pickup By Date is assigned automatically when the order line is first eligible for pickup, based on the settings at the Fulfillments tab of the Preferences screen, but the date can be overridden through a web service message or at a screen.

This field is displayed only for a pickup or ship-for-pickup order, and only if the auto-cancel option is enabled, based on the settings at the Preferences screen. Even if displayed, the field is blank if the order line is not ready for pickup.

See Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders for background and more information.


The quantity that is currently assigned to the fulfilling, sourcing, or pickup location. This quantity might be different from the Original quantity if:

  • the Allow Split Line preference is selected, and the Routing Engine split the line across multiple fulfilling or sourcing locations after it was initially rejected by the first location, or

  • the Allow Partial Update preference is selected, and the Routing Engine split the line because a location processed a partial status update.

Original Quantity

The quantity of the item that was originally assigned to the fulfilling or sourcing location. See the Quantity field, above, for a discussion.

Fulfilled Quantity

The quantity of the item shipped to the customer (delivery order) or picked up by the customer pickup order, ship-for-pickup order). Updated when the Routing Engine receives a status update message indicating that the new item status is fulfilled.


The amount the customer paid for the item, preceded by the symbol of the currency on the order. The screen displays a 2-position decimal, although the database stores 4 positions. If no amount was passed from the originating system, the amount indicated is 0.


The total tax amount for this order line, as passed in the SubmitOrder message. Preceded by the symbol of the currency on the order.

Prorating tax for split lines: If a line splits, the tax amount is prorated across the split lines. This prorating can result in a rounding discrepancies of a few pennies.

Example: The total tax amount for 3 units is $1.00. If the line is split across 3 locations, the tax amount for each location is $.33, resulting in a rounding discrepancy of a cent.

Multiple tax amounts? If multiple tax amounts are included (for example, GST and PST), the total tax amount is saved in the xom_item table and displayed here.

Ext. Price

The price of the item times the current quantity, preceded by the symbol of the currency on the order. The screen displays a 2-position decimal, although the database stores 4 positions. If no amount was passed from the originating system, the amount indicated is 0.

Status Date

The last date and time when the status of the order changed.

Polled Count

Indicates the number of times the fulfilling or sourced location has sent a fulfillments message for information on assigned delivery orders, or the pickup location has sent an intransit message for information on assigned ship-for-pickup orders, and the Routing Engine has responded with a message that included this order line.

Polled status updates: This counter is used only if the requesting location’s system has the Require Status Update flag at the System screen selected; otherwise, the Routing Engine sets the poll count to 1 when it receives the fulfillment request message, and sets the status to polled.

See Require Status Update for Assigned Orders? for a discussion.

Resetting the polled count: Changing the status of an order or order line to new_order, canceled, or fulfilled resets the polled count to 0.

Intransit status updates for ship-for-pickup orders: When the sourcing location updates the status of a ship-for-pickup line to intransit, the Polled Count is set to 0. Then when the assigned pickup location sends an intransit message, the Polled Count is reset to 1. This counter is used for ship-for-pickup orders if the Require Status Update flag for the system is selected.

Resetting the polled count: Changing the status of an order or order line to new_order, canceled, or fulfilled resets the polled count to 0.

Edit Order Item

Purpose: Use the Edit Order Item window to view the details and activity of an item on an order, or update the item’s status, or fulfilling or sourcing location.

Used for the Routing Engine module.

How to display this window: Click the edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) for an item at the Details tab of the Order screen.


Available if Use Routing Engine is selected at the Tenant screen. You advance to this window only if you have Order Maintenance authority and the Use Split Order preference is selected; otherwise, you advance to the Browse Order Item window.

Options at this window

Option Procedure
update the status of an order line
  • Select the new status from the Line Status field for each line you want to change. If the Allow Partial Updates preference is selected, the Quantity field becomes enterable.

  • Optionally, enter a different quantity to process a partial status update.

  • Click Save.


You can change the status of a canceled line here regardless of whether the Restrict Reassignment of Canceled Line preference is selected.

Status change restrictions:

  • You cannot change the status of a fulfilled line on a ship-for-pickup order to rejected; instead, you can change the sourcing location if the status was incorrectly set to fulfilled.

  • When you select a status from the Line Status field for a delivery order, the fulfilling location field for that line becomes display-only. Similarly, when you select a status from the Line Status field for a ship-for-pickup order, the sourcing location field for that line becomes display-only. In order to change both the line’s status and its fulfilling or sourcing location, complete 1 update and then return to the Order screen to complete the other update.

  • If the Allow Partial Updates preference is selected and you change the Quantity, you cannot enter a quantity of zero or a number that exceeds the current quantity; also, you cannot change a partial quantity to polled or new_order status.

  • You cannot change the status of a full or partial order line to open or complete, since these are system-assigned statuses.


  • When you change the line status to new_order, canceled, or fulfilled, the Polled Count for the order line is reset to 0.

  • When you change the line or quantity status to rejected:

    • delivery order: The Routing Engine reassigns the line or quantity and changes the status to new_order if another eligible location exists and if the Search Retries limit hasn’t been reached; otherwise, the Routing Engine changes its status to unfulfillable. There may be a brief delay before the update is applied.

      When you use RICS order fulfillment, rejecting a line on a delivery order triggers a release reservation request for the prior location and a new fulfillment order request for the new location to RICS. See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for more information.

    • pickup order: The Routing Engine changes the status to unfulfillable.

    • ship-for-pickup order: The Routing Engine reassigns the line or quantity to a different sourcing location, and changes the status to new_order if another eligible sourcing location exists and if the Search Retries limit hasn’t been reached. For a ship-for-pickup order, a rejected status update generally indicates that the inventory was not received from the sourced location, or that it was defective. There may be a brief delay before the update is applied.

  • If Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders is enabled, a status change on a ship-for-pickup order or pickup order can update the Pickup By Date based on the related settings from the Fulfillment tab of the Preferences screen; for example, changing the status from picked to canceled, rejected, or fulfilled clears the Pickup By Date. See Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders for more information on the rules that control setting the Pickup By Date when you have auto-cancel configured.

  • A status change can update the reserved quantity for the product location, depending on the setting of the Include Reserved flag for the system and any Reserved Statuses for the system. See the System screen for more information.

  • Order Orchestration decreases the quantity of the current line and creates a new order line in the specified status if you process a partial status update.

  • Order Orchestration tracks the status history. See the History tab.

  • The status of the order might also change, depending on its current status. See order status.

For more information: See Order and Line Statuses (Splitting Preference Turned On) for more information on automatic status updates for orders fulfilled through Store Connect.

update the shipment or sourced location for an item on a delivery or pickup order

Which locations are available for selection? The dropdown list includes each location that supports the type of order:

  • For a delivery order, the location must be flagged as Delivery Available.

You cannot select:

  • Any location where the line was previously assigned, even if it no longer supports the type of order.

  • The IN PROCESS location. See the Acknowledge Order Before Brokering preference for background.


The window does not prevent you from selecting a location:
  • where the item is not available. If you do so, and if the Include Reserved flag is selected at the System screen, Order Orchestration creates a new record of the product location.

  • that is not associated with the zone for the order’s shipping location if you use zone fulfillment.


  • You cannot change the fulfilling location for a pickup order.

  • When you select a location from the fulfilling location field for a delivery order, the Line Status field becomes display-only. In order to change both the line’s status and its fulfilling location, complete one update and then return to the Order screen and select the Edit icon again to complete the other update.


  • If you select the default unfulfillable location, the status of the order changes to unfulfillable.

  • Order Orchestration tracks the location assignment history. See the History tab.

  • If the system is configured to track reserved quantity and the line is in an applicable status, Order Orchestration updates the reserved quantity for the product location or creates the product location if it does not already exist. Otherwise, Order Orchestration does not create or update a product location.

When you use RICS order fulfillment, changing the fulfilling location for a line on a delivery order triggers a release reservation request for the prior location and a new fulfillment order request for the new location to RICS. See Order Fulfillment through RICS Integration for more information.

update the sourced location for a ship-for-pickup order

Which locations are available for selection? The dropdown list includes each location that is flagged as Ship For Pickup Sourcing Available.

You cannot select:

When you select a new sourcing location, the Line Status field becomes display-only. In order to change both the line’s status and its sourcing location, complete one update and then return to the Order screen and select the Edit icon again to complete the other update.

Note: The window does not prevent you from selecting a location:

  • where the item(s) are not available. If you do so, and if the Include Reserved flag is selected at the System screen, Order Orchestration creates a new record of the product location(s).

  • that is not associated with the zone for the order’s shipping location if you use zone fulfillment.

update the Pickup By Date for a pickup or ship-for-pickup order

This option is available only if the Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders option is enabled, and the order line is in a status indicating that it is ready for pickup:

  • Picked, if the order type is pickup, or if the order type is ship-for-pickup and the sourcing location is the same as the pickup location; otherwise,

  • Received, if the order type is ship-for-pickup, and the sourcing location is different from the pickup location. In this situation, the line is not eligible for pickup until the sourcing location has transferred the inventory to the pickup location, and the pickup location has received it.

In this case, the Pickup By Date is required, and must be in the future.

For a pickup order assigned to a Store Connect location, a new Pickup Ready Reminder to Customer (Pickup Order) email is generated, indicating the new Pickup By Date.

Fields at this window

Fields Description
Order Number

See Order Number. Display-only.

Requesting System Line Number

The line number identifying the order line in the requesting location. From the line_item_no passed in the submit order message. A single line from the requesting system can create multiple order lines in Order Orchestration if the Allow Split Line preference is selected. Display-only.

Line #

The line number of the item on the order in Order Orchestration. Display-only.

How might the line numbers be different? It is possible for the line number, requesting system line number, and original line number to differ; for example:

  • Split by the Routing Engine:

    • The Routing Engine assigns the order to location A, and then Location A rejects the order

    • The Routing Engine assigns half the quantity to location B, and half to location C. Result: the quantity in location B is now line #1; the quantity in location C is now line # 2

  • Partial status update: The entire quantity of 5 was originally assigned to location A, but location A rejected 3 units. Result: the quantity in location A is now line #1; the rejected quantity, now reassigned or unfulfillable, is now line #2

Different line numbers even if not split: It is possible for the Order Orchestration line number and requesting system line number to differ if, for example, the requesting system sends line 20 of a multi-line order to Order Orchestration (Requesting system line number); when the Routing Engine creates the order, it assigns a line number of 1 because it is the only order line received from the requesting system.

Line numbers might not be consecutive: If the Routing Engine splits a line or receives a partial status update, the line numbers assigned in Order Orchestration to the split lines might not be consecutive. For example, a system sends 3 lines, which produce lines 1, 2, and 3. Subsequently, the Routing Engine receives a partial update for line 1 and creates line 4 for the quantity in the updated status.

Original Line #

The line number in Order Orchestration from which this line was split. Set to 0 if the line was not split after initial order creation. Display-only.

Item #

The system product code for the user’s Default Organization. If the user’s Default Organization is not the organization associated with the order, the system product code for the fulfilling or sourcing location is displayed. Up to 26 positions. Display-only.

No item #? If your user ID is not assigned a Default Organization through the Users screen, the Item # might not be displayed here.

Item Description

The name of the product. Display-only.

Line Status

See Order and Line Statuses for a listing of possible statuses, and see update the status of an order line, above, for instructions on updating a status, including information on processing a partial status update if the Allow Partial Updates preference is selected.

(Field label varies depending on the type of order)

Shipment = The location that ships a delivery order to the customer. This location might have been specified by the placed (originating) location, or selected by the Routing Engine based on the rules set up at the Preferences screen.

Pickup = The location a customer selected to pick up a pickup order. In this case, the field is display-only.

Sourced = The location that transfers the inventory for a ship-for-pickup order to the pickup location. The sourcing location might have been specified by the placed (originating) location, or selected by the Routing Engine based on the rules set up at the Preferences screen.

See update the shipment or sourced location for an item on a delivery order or update the sourced location for a ship-for-pickup order above for instructions on updating the assigned location.

Note: If the location previously supported this order type and is now flagged at the Preferences screen to no longer support it, no location is displayed here.

Pickup By Date

The last date when the customer can pick up a pickup or ship-for-pickup order line before the line is automatically canceled by the Auto Cancel Unclaimed Pickup Orders job. The Pickup By Date is assigned automatically when the order line is first eligible for pickup, based on the settings at the Fulfillments tab of the Preferences screen, but the date can be overridden through a web service message or at a screen.

This field is available only if the Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders option is enabled, and the order line is in a status indicating that it is ready for pickup:

  • Picked, if the order type is pickup, or if the order type is ship-for-pickup and the sourcing location is the same as the pickup location; otherwise,

    Received, if the order type is ship-for-pickup, and the sourcing location is different from the pickup location. In this situation, the line is not eligible for pickup until the sourcing location has transferred the inventory to the pickup location, and the pickup location has received it.

    In this case, the Pickup By Date is required, and must be in the future.

    For a pickup order assigned to a Store Connect location, a new Pickup Ready Reminder to Customer (Pickup Order) email is generated, indicating the new Pickup By Date.

    See Auto-Cancel Unclaimed Orders for background and more information.


The quantity that is currently assigned to the fulfilling, pickup, or sourcing location. This quantity might be different from the Original quantity if:

  • the Allow Split Line preference is selected, and the Routing Engine split the line across multiple locations after it was initially rejected by the first location, or

  • the Allow Partial Update preference is selected, and the Routing Engine split the line because a location processed a partial status update.

This field is enterable if the Allow Partial Updates preference is selected and you specify a different Line Status. In this case, you can apply the new status to the entire line quantity, or process a partial status update. See update the status of an order line, above, for instructions.

Original Quantity

The quantity of the item that was originally assigned to the fulfilling, sourcing, or pickup location. See the Quantity field, above, for a discussion. Display-only.

Fulfilled Quantity

The quantity of the item shipped to the customer (delivery order) or picked up by the customer (pickup order or ship-for-pickup order). Updated when the Routing Engine receives a status update message indicating that the new item status is fulfilled. Display-only.


The amount the customer paid for the item, preceded by the symbol of the currency on the order. The screen displays a 2-position decimal, although the database stores 4 positions. If no amount was passed from the originating system, the amount indicated is 0. Display-only.


The total tax amount for this order line, as passed in the SubmitOrder message. Preceded by the symbol of the currency on the order. Display-only.

Prorating tax for split lines: If a line splits, the tax amount is prorated across the split lines. This prorating can result in a rounding discrepancies of a few pennies.

Example: The total tax amount for 3 units is $1.00. If the line is split across 3 locations, the tax amount for each location is $.33, resulting in a rounding discrepancy of a cent.

Multiple tax amounts? If multiple tax amounts are included (for example, GST and PST), the total tax amount is saved in the xom_item table and displayed here.

Ext. Price

The price of the item times the current quantity, preceded by the symbol of the currency on the order. The screen displays a 2-position decimal, although the database stores 4 positions. If no amount was passed from the originating system, the amount indicated is 0. Display-only.

Status Date

The last date and time when the status of the order changed. Display-only.

Polled Count

Indicates the number of times the fulfilling or sourced location has sent a fulfillments message for information on assigned delivery orders, or the pickup location has sent an intransit message for information on assigned ship-for-pickup orders, and the Routing Engine has responded with a message that included this order line.

Polled status updates: This counter is used only if the requesting location’s system has the Require Status Update flag at the System screen selected; otherwise, the Routing Engine sets the poll count to 1 when it receives the fulfillment request message, and sets the status to polled .

See Require Status Update for Assigned Orders? for a discussion.

Resetting the polled count: Changing the status of an order or order line to new_order, canceled, or fulfilled resets the polled count to 0.

Intransit status updates for ship-for-pickup orders: When the sourcing location updates the status of a ship-for-pickup line to intransit, the Polled Count is set to 0. Then when the assigned pickup location sends an intransit message, the Polled Count is reset to 1. This counter is used for ship-for-pickup orders if the Require Status Update flag is selected for the system.

Resetting the polled count: Changing the status of an order or order line to new_order, canceled, or fulfilled resets the polled count to 0.