
Purpose: Use the Organization screen to work with the default organization, or to create or work with additional organizations.

Setting preferences for an organization: Use the Organizations and Preferences screen in Classic View to advance to the screens you use to work with Order Orchestration, Drop Ship, or Store Connect preferences.

How to display this screen: Select Organizations from the Modern View home screen. See the Modern View Overview for background.


Only users with Organization and Preferences authority can display this screen. See Roles for more information.

Options at this screen

Option Procedure
create a new organization
  1. Select Add from the Actions menu or select the Add icon (Illustrates the Add icon.) to open the Add Organization window.
  2. Enter the description of the organization in the Organization Description field. The description can be from 1 to 35 positions long, and can include spaces and special characters.

  3. Enter the organization code in the Organization Code field. The organization code can be 1 to 10 positions long, can include spaces and special characters, and must be unique within Order Orchestration.

  4. Complete any additional optional fields. See Fields at the Add Organization, Edit Organization, and View Organization Windows, below.

  5. Select OK or press enter to create the organization, or select Save and Add Another to continue creating organizations.

Note: If you want to enter or change any data for a new organization immediately after you create it, you may need to advance to Classic View, and then return to Modern View and select the Organizations option again in order to update the new organization.

search for an organization

The existing organizations are displayed. Use any combination of the fields at the top of the screen and tab through the search fields to restrict the search results to matching organizations:

  • Optionally, enter a full or partial organization description in the Organization Description field. When you tab through this field, the displayed organizations are limited to those whose descriptions start with your entry, but that don’t need to match completely. For example, if your entry is 1, the organizations with descriptions starting with 123 or 157 are displayed.
  • Optionally, enter a full or partial code in the Organization Code field. When you tab through this field, the displayed organizations are limited to those whose codes start with your entry, but that don’t need to match completely.

Sort displayed organizations: You can also sort the displayed organizations by clicking the up arrow (^) or down arrow next to each field title.

View options: Open the View Options drop-down menu to the right of the Actions menu to manage columns, change the sort of individual columns from ascending to descending or back, or remove the search fields above the columns. See How to use the View options in Modern View for more information.

Filter options: Open the Filter Options drop-down menu to the right of the refresh icon (Illustrates the refresh icon) to control whether the search results need to match all the search criteria entered for multiple columns. See How to use the Filter Options in Modern View for more information.

Clear filters: Select Clear Filters to remove the criteria entered in the filter fields.

update an organization
  1. Highlight a displayed organization.

  2. Select Edit from the Actions menu or click the Edit icon (Illustrates the edit icon.) to open the Edit Organization window.

    You can edit any fields except the Organization Code.

    See Fields at the Add Organization, Edit Organization, and View Organization Windows, below, for details on fields.

  3. Select OK or press enter to save your changes.

view an organization
  1. Highlight a displayed organization.

  2. Select View from the Actions menu or click the View icon (Illustrates the view icon.) to open the View Organization window. See Fields at the Add Organization, Edit Organization, and View Organization Windows, below, for details on fields.

delete an organization
  1. Highlight a displayed organization.

  2. Select Delete from the Actions menu or click the Delete icon (Illustrates the delete icon.).

  3. Select OK or press enter at the Confirm Deletion window to delete the organization.

Note: You cannot delete an organization that has an existing system defined. Also, you can not delete the only existing organization in Order Orchestration.

Fields at the Organizations screen

Field Description
Organization Description

The description can be from 1 to 35 positions long, and can include spaces and special characters.

Optionally, enter a full or partial organization description to display organizations that match or begin with your entry.

Organization Code

The code identifying the organization.

Optionally, enter a full or partial organization code to display organizations that match or begin with your entry.

Fields at the Add Organization, Edit Organization, and View Organization Windows

Field Description
Organization Description

The description can be from 1 to 35 positions long, and can include spaces and special characters.

Required at the Add Organization and Edit Organization screen.

Organization Code

The code identifying the organization. Up to 10 positions.

Required at the Add Organization screen; otherwise, display-only.


The language to use for the system-generated emails, reports, and forms listed below. The locale also defines the data formats used on reports and emails.

Order Orchestration emails: The organization locale controls the format of information in the following system-generated emails:

Supplier Direct Fulfillment emails: The organization locale is used to format the following emails generated through the Supplier Direct Fulfillment module:

Emails to the vendor use the vendor’s language and data formats.

Store Connect Emails: The organization locale determines the formats to use on all emails generated through Store Connect.

Forms: The organization locale determines the formats to used on forms generated by the vendor in Supplier Direct Fulfillment, or by the associate through Store Connect.

Reports: The organization locale determines the formats to use on generated reports.

Settings that are not defined at the organization level: The locale defined for the organization does not control the language displayed on screens, which is defined by the locale appended to the URL (for example, ?locale=fr). Also, the locale defined for the organization does not control the date, time, or number formats displayed on screens, which are controlled by the Data Formats defined for the user, store associate, or vendor. See the Users or New Vendor screens for more information.

See Valid Locales and Associated Data Formats, below, for a list of valid locales and the data formats applied to reports and emails.

Defaults to United States-English.


Organization Address

Address Line 1 through Address Line 4

The organization’s address. Up to 50 positions per line. Optional.


The organization’s suite number. Up to 9 positions. Optional.


The organization’s city. Up to 35 positions. Optional.


The organization’s state or province code. Up to 3 positions. Optional.

Postal Code

The organization’s zip or postal code. Up to 10 positions. Optional.


The organization’s country code. 3 positions. Optional.


The organization’s phone number. Optional.


The organization’s fax number. Optional.

Return Address

Address Line 1 through Address Line 4

The organization’s return address. Up to 50 positions per line. Optional.


The suite number for the return address. Up to 9 positions. Optional.


The city for the return address. Up to 35 positions. Optional.


The state or province code for the return address. Up to 3 positions. Optional.

Postal Code

The zip or postal code for the return address. Up to 10 positions. Optional.


The country code for the return address. 3 positions. Optional.


The phone number for the return address. Optional.

Valid Locales and Associated Data Formats

Locale Code Locale Description Default Date Format Default Time Format Default Thousands separator Default Decimal separator
zh-CN Chinese-China YYYY/MM/DD AM/PM Comma Period
zh-SG Chinese-Singapore DD/MM/YYYY AM/PM Comma Period
zh-HK Chinese-Hong Kong DD/MM/YYYY AM/PM Comma Period
zh-TW Chinese-Taiwan YYYY/MM/DD AM/PM Comma Period
nl-BE Dutch-Belgium DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Period Comma
nl-NL Dutch-Netherlands DD-MM-YYYY 24 Hour Period Comma
en-AU English-Australia DD/MM/YYYY AM/PM Comma Period
en-CA English-Canada YYYY-MM-DD AM/PM Comma Period
en-IN English-India DD/MM/YYYY AM/PM Comma Period
en-IE English-Ireland DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Comma Period
en-MT English-Malta DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Comma Period
en-NZ English-New Zealand DD/MM/YYYY AM/PM Comma Period
en-PH English-Philippines DD/MM/YYYY AM/PM Comma Period
en-SG English-Singapore DD/MM/YYYY AM/PM Comma Period
en-ZA English-South Africa YYYY/MM/DD 24 Hour Space Comma
en-GB English-United Kingdom DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Comma Period
en-US English-United States MM/DD/YYYY AM/PM Comma Period
fr-BE French-Belgium DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Space Comma
fr-CA French-Canada YYYY-MM-DD 24 Hour Space Comma
fr-FR French-France DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Space Comma
fr-LU French-Luxembourg DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Period Comma
fr-CH French-Switzerland DD.MM.YYYY 24 Hour Space Comma
de-AT German-Austria DD.MM.YYYY 24 Hour Space Comma
de-DE German-Germany DD.MM.YYYY 24 Hour Period Comma
de-LU German-Luxembourg DD.MM.YYYY 24 Hour Period Comma
de-CH German-Switzerland DD.MM.YYYY 24 hour Apostrophe Period
it-IT Italian-Italy DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Period Comma
it-CH Italian-Switzerland DD.MM.YYYY 24 Hour Apostrophe Period
ja-JP Japanese-Japan YYYY/MM/DD 24 Hour Comma Period
pt-BR Portuguese-Brazil DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Period Comma
pt-PT Portuguese-Portugal DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Space Comma
ru-RU Russian-Russia DD.MM.YYYY 24 Hour Space Comma
es-AR Spanish-Argentina DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Period Comma
es-BO Spanish-Bolivia DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Period Comma
es-CL Spanish-Chile DD-MM-YYYY 24 Hour Period Comma
es-CO Spanish-Colombia DD/MM/YYYY AM/PM Period Comma
es-CR Spanish-Costa Rica DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Space Comma
es-DO Spanish-Dominican Republic DD/MM/YYYY AM/PM Comma Period
es-EC Spanish-Ecuador DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Period Comma
es-SV Spanish-El Salvador DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Comma Period
es-GT Spanish-Guatemala DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Comma Period
es-HN Spanish-Honduras DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Comma Period
es-MX Spanish-Mexico DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Comma Period
es-NI Spanish-Nicaragua DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Comma Period
es-PA Spanish-Panama MM/DD/YYYY AM/PM Comma Period
es-PY Spanish-Paraguay DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Period Comma
es-PE Spanish-Peru DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Comma Period
es-PR Spanish-Puerto Rico MM/DD/YYYY AM/PM Comma Period
es-ES Spanish-Spain DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Period Comma
es-US Spanish-United States DD/MM/YYYY AM/PM Comma Period
es-UY Spanish-Uruguay DD/MM/YYYY 24 Hour Period Comma
es-VE Spanish-Venezuela DD/MM/YYYY AM/PM Period Comma
sv-SE Swedish-Sweden YYYY-MM-DD 24 Hour Space Comma