Closing the Store

Prerequisites: To begin the store close, all the tills and registers must be closed for the business date and all associates should be signed off, except for the closing associate and the till open for that register. The store bank must be counted and reconciled.

The store close function is highly configurable, and your process may be different from the instructions below. Every effort has been made to include notes or examples of additional steps that may be configured for your store.


If your store has a lead register where the database is hosted, the lead register must be the last register closed. If you attempt to close the lead register before all other registers are closed, the system prompts you to close the other registers before closing the lead register.

  1. After logging into the Back Office, (see Accessing the Back Office), select the Open/Close Options menu option and press Enter.

    Figure 9-1 Back Office Main Menu - Open/Close Options

    BO Main Menu - Open/Close Options


    Store Open and Store Close activities are controlled by user security. An employee must have the proper security privileges to open and close the store.


    You can also press the number associated with the menu option on the keyboard to access the open and close functions.

  2. At the Open/Close Options Menu, select the Store Close option and select OK.

    Figure 9-2 Open/Close Options - Store Close

    Open/Close Options - Store Close


    The Register Close and Store Close menu options toggle between open and close. In Figure 9-2 above, note that the register menu option is Register Open. This indicates that all registers are closed, and you can begin closing the store. The Store Close option tells you that the store is currently open.

  3. The system prompts: Do you want to close this store? Select Yes to begin the store close process.

  4. Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service verifies that all registers are closed. If any registers are still open, the system displays a list of open registers and prompts you to close each register before the store close process can continue.

    Refer to chapter Register Open and Close, for more information about closing the register.

  5. Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service searches for and lists any transactions created on the current business date that were suspended and not subsequently resumed and completed or cancelled. If any suspended transactions are found, the system displays a list showing the suspended transactions.

    You have the following options:

    • Press Enter (Continue) to automatically cancel all listed transactions and continue with the store close process (step 6. below).


    • Press Esc (Back) to cancel the store close process and reconcile the suspended transactions per your store policy.

    In addition, the system may also list any pending orders that require attention. The associate performing the store close can either cancel the store close process or allow Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service to continue with the store close. The pending orders retain the same status and are not changed in any way by this notification prompt.

  6. If prompted, select the bank or institution for the bank deposit and press Enter.

  7. Depending upon the configuration of your system, you may be prompted to enter a message that displays when the store is opened for the next business day. If prompted, type a message and press Enter.

    Figure 9-3 Closing Message Prompt

    Closing Message Prompt

  8. Depending upon your system's configuration, you may be prompted to respond to a store closing question. If prompted, select an answer to the question and press Enter.

    Figure 9-4 Store Closing Question Prompt

    Store Closing Question Prompt

  9. Depending upon your system's configuration, you may be prompted with other messages concerning the status of various functions within the store. For example, you may be notified that a cycle count for inventory is due or that items are ready to be received.

    Acknowledge these messages by pressing Enter to continue with the store close process.

  10. If configured, you may be prompted to count the amount to be deposited in the store safe at the Store Safe Deposit Count screen. If prompted, count the tenders for deposit and select the Done Counting option when you are finished. Follow instructions for a Till Audit.

    If there is a difference between your count and the amount that the system expected, a message is displayed. You may return to the Count Summary screen and make changes or accept the difference.

    When the counting is complete, a Confirm Safe Deposit prompt displays. Select yes, the system prints deposit receipts for your records.

  11. If prompted, press Enter to begin the nightly close process. Some events that occur during a nightly close are configurable. For example, certain reports may be generated at every closing.

    From this point on, no user intervention is required and the store closing process begins. The Message indicator on the status bar may display information about the process as it is occurring.


    Depending upon your store policy, you may have access to some Back Office functions while the store is closed.

    The system prints receipts as required by your system configuration and store policy.

    Figure 9-5 Store Safe Deposit Receipt

    Store Safe Deposit Receipt Sample 1

    Store Safe Deposit Receipt Sample 2

    Figure 9-6 Deposit Receipt Sample

    Deposit Receipt Sample

    Figure 9-7 Store Close Receipt

    Store Close Receipt

    The closed store status is indicated by the color change in the store status area of the screen.

    Figure 9-8 Back Office - Store Closed Status

    BO Store Closed Status