12 Layaway Transactions

Layaway transactions are available on all Xstore POS forms - Desktop, Thin Client, Tablet, and Handheld devices.

A layaway item is a sale item that cannot be taken from a store when it is purchased because the customer does not pay the entire cost of the item at that time. Instead, the store reserves the item for the customer until the customer pays for the item in full.

Usually, the customer is required to fully pay for the items in a layaway within a specified time period. Once an item in a layaway has been fully paid, the customer takes possession of it from the store.

A layaway account is a customer account that includes one or more layaway items. A layaway account for which the customer does not pay the requisite amount within a given time frame is considered delinquent; the items in the layaway are restocked as saleable inventory and any non-refundable deposit or setup fees are kept by the store. Any refundable deposits or setup fees are reserved for the customer.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Layaway Maintenance on Desktop, Tablet, and Thin Client is accessible outside of a sale for editing and maintaining layaway orders.

Create a Layaway

To create a layaway:

  1. Click Extended Transaction in the Register Sale Context Menu.

    Figure 12-1 Extended Transaction Context Menu

    Extended Transaction Context Menu
  2. Click Layaway from the Extended Transaction menu.

    Figure 12-2 Layaway Search

    Layaway Search

    Figure 12-3 Handheld Layaway Search

    Handheld Layaway Search
  3. Enter criteria to search for an existing layaway.

    Xstore POS will open a prompt listing open layaways for the customer, or an indication that there are no open layaways.

    Figure 12-4 No Matching Layaways

    No Matching Layaways
  4. Choose the correct option:

    • Click Set Up New if the customer has open layaways.


      If the customer has an existing layaway account and Xstore POS is configured for a Single layaway account, a new layaway cannot be created.

    • Click New if there are no layaways associated with the customer, or no customer has been associated with the transaction.

    • If no customer is associated with the transaction, perform Associating a Customer with a Transaction and associate a customer with the transaction.

  5. Add items to the transaction by entering item IDs or scanning an item.

    Figure 12-5 Handheld - Layaway Added Items

    Mobile Handheld - Layaway Added Items

    Select Sell Non-Merch option from the Context Menu to add non-merch items such as gift cards or gift wrapping:

    Figure 12-6 Handheld - Layaway Context Menu

    Handheld - Layaway Context Menu


    If an item cannot be added to a layaway, the system prompts with a message or reason the item is ineligible.

    While Xstore POS is in layaway mode, all items entered are entered as layaway items. The View Port only shows items and information for the current layaway transaction while in layaway mode.


    If adding an item would exceed the total amount or item quantity permitted in a layaway, Xstore POS displays a warning message. Click OK to confirm the message, then either complete the layaway or remove items to add additional items.

  6. After entering all the items, do one of the following:

    • Select Exit Layaway from the Context Menu to exit layaway mode and perform additional transaction processing.

    • Select Complete Transaction to tender the transaction. See Tendering the Transaction.

  7. Xstore POS prompts for a deposit amount.

    Figure 12-7 Handheld Deposit Amount Prompt

    Handheld Deposit Amount Prompt
  8. If necessary, change the layaway deposit amount.

  9. Press OK.

    • If the entered deposit amount is less than the minimum deposit amount, Xstore POS opens a warning prompt. Click OK and return to Step 7 to enter a larger deposit.

    • If you changed the deposit amount was changed in Step 7, Xstore POS prompts whether to continue with a deposit amount other than the default.

    • Click Yes to continue the transaction.

  10. Click No to return to Step 7 and enter a new amount.

  11. If Xstore POS prompts for the number of days in the payment period:

    1. Enter the number of days in the payment period.

    2. Press OK.


      Xstore POS displays a confirmation prompt if the entered number exceeds to maximum payment period. Click OK and enter a new payment period.

  12. If Xstore POS prompts for the number of payment periods:

    Figure 12-8 Handheld Layaway Payment Periods

    Handheld Layaway Payment Periods
    1. Enter the number of payment periods if different to the suggested number.

    2. Press OK to continue to Tendering.


      Xstore POS displays a confirmation prompt if the entered number exceeds the maximum number of payment periods. Click OK and enter a new payment period.

    Figure 12-9 Handheld Layaway Tender

    Handheld Layaway Tender

Open an Existing Layaway

To open an existing layaway:

  1. Click Extended Transactions in the Register Sale Context Menu.

  2. Click Layaway.

    Xstore POS will open a prompt listing open layaways for the customer, or an indication that there are no open layaways or to create a new layaway:

    1. Select the layaway. Continue with Step 6.

    2. Scan the customer's layaway receipt. Continue with Step 6.

    3. Click Layaway Search to search for a layaway. Continue with Step 3.

  3. Enter the search criteria:

    • Layaway ID: ID of the layaway.

    • Last Name: Last name of the customer associated with the layaway.

    • First Name: First name of the customer associated with the layaway.

    • Customer ID: ID of the customer associated with the layaway.

    • Phone #: Phone number of the customer associated with the layaway.

  4. Click Process.

    The system displays a list of all layaways that match the entered criteria.

    Figure 12-10 Handheld Layaway Search List

    Handheld Layaway Search List
  5. Select the layaway returned from the search.

    Figure 12-11 Handheld Existing Layaway

    Handheld Existing Layaway
  6. Add Items to an Existing Layaway or from the Context Menu, perform the appropriate action.

    Figure 12-12 Handheld Existing Layaway Context Menu

    Handheld Existing Layaway Context Menu

    Choose from one of the following options:

    • Make Payment - To make a payment between setting up the account and pick up.

    • Layaway Details - To view the layaway payment schedule, payment history and activity history for an existing layaway account.

    • Edit Account - To add a coupon, discount or comment to a layaway.

    • Pick Up Items - To collect all or individual items that have been put aside.

    • Cancel Layaway - To cancel the layaway and return the deposit made.

    • View Customer - Shortcut to the Customer Maintenance screen to view customer details.

Add Items to an Existing Layaway

To add items to a layaway that was created in a previous transaction:

  1. Open a Layaway, see Open an Existing Layaway.

  2. Enter the items:

    1. Scan each item.

    2. Enter each item ID.

  3. Select an option to continue the transaction:

    1. Click Exit Layaway in the Context Menu to continue adding non-layaway items to the transaction.

    2. Click Complete Transaction to proceed to tendering.

Make Payment

Customers may need to may regular payments to their layaway account between setting up and picking up the layaway. To add a layaway payment to a transaction:

  1. Open a Layaway, see Open an Existing Layaway.

  2. Click Make Payment from the Context Menu.

    Figure 12-13 Handheld Layaway Payment

    Handheld Layaway Payment
  3. Enter/change the amount of the payment.

  4. Press OK.

    • If the entered amount is less than the recommended amount, Xstore POS prompts whether to continue the transaction.

      • Click Yes to continue the transaction.

      • Click No to return to Step 3 and enter a new amount.

    • If the entered amount is less than the minimum payment amount, Xstore POS opens a prompt indicating the amount is too low. Click OK to return to Step 3.

    The payment amount is added to the transaction. Continue the transaction.

    Figure 12-14 Handheld Layaway Payment Made

    Handheld Layaway Payment Made

Edit Account

To change details of the items assigned to a layaway:

  1. Open a Layaway, see Open an Existing Layaway.

  2. Click Edit Account in the Context Menu.

    Figure 12-15 Handheld Edit Account Context Menu

    Handheld Edit Account Context Menu
  3. Perform the appropriate action:

  4. Repeat Steps 2 to 3 for each action to perform.

  5. Select an option to continue the transaction:

    • Click Exit Layaway in the Context Menu to continue adding non-layaway items to the transaction.

    • Click Complete Transaction to proceed to tendering.

Add Coupon

To add a coupon to a layaway:

  1. Click Add Coupon in the Edit Account Menu Options window.

    Figure 12-16 Layaway Add Coupon

    Layaway Add Coupon
  2. Enter the coupon:

    1. Scan the coupon.

    2. Enter the coupon ID and press Enter.

      The coupon is applied to the layaway.

Add Discount

Two types of discounts can be added to a layaway:

  • Add Item Discount

  • Add Group Discount

To add an item discount:

  1. Select the item.

    Figure 12-17 Item Modifiers

    Item Modifiers
  2. Click Add Item Discount.

  3. Perform the appropriate procedure in "Discounts:

To add a group discount to a layaway:

Figure 12-18 Item Discount

Item Discount
  1. Click Add Discount in the Edit Account Menu Options window.

  2. Select Add Group Discount.

    Figure 12-19 Layaway Group Discount Menu

    Layaway Group Discount Menu
  3. Perform the appropriate procedure in "Discounts:

Add Comment

To add a comment to a layaway:

  1. Open a Layaway, see Open an Existing Layaway.

  2. Click Edit Account.

  3. Click Add Comment. A comment entry window opens.

    Figure 12-20 Layaway Add Comment

    Layaway Add Comment
  4. Enter the text of the comment.

  5. Select OK.

    The comment is added to the layaway.

    Figure 12-21 Layaway Comment Added

    Layaway Comment Added

View Comments

To view the comments for a layaway:

  1. Open a Layaway, see Open an Existing Layaway.

  2. Click Edit Account.

  3. Click More.

  4. Click View Comments.

    Figure 12-22 Account Comments

    Account Comments

    The comments for the layaway are displayed in the Message Window.

Cancel Layaway

To cancel a layaway:

  1. Open a Layaway, see Open an Existing Layaway.

  2. Click Cancel Layaway.

    A confirmation prompt opens.

    Figure 12-23 Handheld Customer Present Cancel Layaway Prompt

    Handheld Customer Present Cancel Layaway Prompt
    • Click Yes if the customer is present.

    • Click No if the customer is not present.

  3. Indicate whether the customer is present:

  4. If the customer is present, a second confirmation prompt opens.

    Figure 12-24 Handheld Cancel Confirmation Prompt

    Handheld Cancel Confirmation Prompt
  5. Indicate whether to cancel the layaway:

    • Click Yes to cancel the layaway.

      The layaway is canceled and the refund amount is applied to the transaction.

    • Click No to return to the layaway without canceling it.

Pick Up Items

To pick up items in a layaway:

  1. Open a Layaway, see Open an Existing Layaway.

  2. Click Pick Up Item from the Context Menu.

    Xstore POS displays a list of items in the transaction available to pick up.

    Figure 12-25 Handheld Pickup Layaway Items

    Handheld Pickup Layaway Items
  3. Select the items to be picked up:

    1. Click the individual items and click Select And Continue or,

    2. Click Pick Up All Items to select all items to be collected.

  4. Each selected item is listed as Picked Up in the item line.

    Figure 12-26 Handheld Picked Up Item

    Handheld Picked Up Item
  5. Select an option to continue the transaction:

    1. Click Exit Layaway in the Context Menu to continue adding non-layaway items to the transaction.

    2. Click Complete Transaction to proceed to tendering.

Layaway Details

This option allows you to view the layaway payment schedule, payment history and activity history for an existing layaway account.

View Layaway Payment Schedule

To view the payment schedule for a layaway account:

  1. Open a Layaway, see Open an Existing Layaway.

  2. Click Layaway Details from the context menu.

  3. Click View Payment Schedule.

    Xstore POS opens a window showing the payment schedule for the account:

    Figure 12-27 Handheld Layaway Payment Schedule

    Handheld Layaway Payment Schedule

    Figure 12-28 Layaway Schedule

    Layaway Schedule
    • Payment Date: Due date for the payment.

    • Suggested Amount: Suggest amount for the payment.

  4. Click Back to return to the layaway.

View Layaway Payment History

To view the payment history for a layaway account:

  1. Open a Layaway, see Open an Existing Layaway.

  2. Click Layaway Details.

  3. Click View Payment History.

    Xstore POS opens a window showing the payment history for the account:

    Figure 12-29 Layaway Payment History

    Layaway Payment History
    • Date: Date of the payment.

    • Status: Status of the account when the payment was made.

    • Type: Type of payment.

    • Item ID: Item ID for the payment type.

    • Amount: Amount of the payment.

    • Store: ID of the store.

    • Reg: ID of the register.

    • Tran Seq: Sequence number of the transaction.

  4. Click Back to return to the layaway.

View Layaway Activity History

To view the activity history for a layaway account:

  1. Open a Layaway, see Open an Existing Layaway.

  2. Click Layaway Details.

  3. Click View Activity History.

    Xstore POS opens a window showing the history of all actions performed on the account:

    Figure 12-30 Layaway Activity History

    Layaway Activity History
    • Date: Date of the payment.

    • Status: Status of the account when the action was performed.

    • Type: Type of activity.

    • Item ID: Item ID for the action, or the ID of the item used in the action.

    • Amount: Amount of the activity.

    • Store: ID of the store.

    • Reg: ID of the register.

    • Tran ID: ID of the transaction.

  4. Click Back to return to the layaway.

View Customer

To view the details of the customer:

  1. Open a Layaway, see Open an Existing Layaway.

  2. Click View Customer.

    Xstore POS navigates to the Customer Maintenance screen.

Automatic Prompts for Accounts Requiring Attention

When you associate a customer with a sale transaction, the system may determine that the customer has a layaway account that requires attention. In this case, the system may display a prompt indicating that action is required on the layaway account. These prompts can include:

  • A layaway payment is due. If this is the case, indicate whether the layaway payment should be added to the current transaction.

  • A layaway payment is overdue. If this is the case, indicate whether the layaway payment should be added to the current transaction.


    This may include an overdue payment fee.

  • Layaway items are available for pickup. Indicate whether the items should be picked up in the current transaction.