Shipping Maintenance Options

The following options are available at the Shipping Maintenance screen before you ship the items and close the Shipping Document:

  • View Exceptions: Select this option to view a list of exceptions found in this Shipping Document. This list includes only those items where there is a difference between the number of expected items to be shipped and the actual counted items on the shipment. Items that are in balance are not included. Refer to To View Exceptions for procedural information.

  • Change Quantity: Select this option to change the quantity of an item found in this Shipping Document. Refer to To Change Item Quantity for procedural information.

  • Void Item: Select this option to remove an item found in this Shipping Document. Refer to To Change Item Quantity for procedural information.

  • Item Lookup: Select this option to look up an item ID in the file. You also have the option to add the item to the Shipping Document if the Shipping Document was created at your store. However, you cannot add items to a Shipping Document created by the home office and downloaded to your store. Refer to To Look Up an Item from Shipping Maintenance for procedural information.

  • Edit Document: Select this option to change the Shipping Document address information. Refer to To Edit Shipping Document Information for procedural information)

  • Add Comment: Select this option to add comments for this Shipping Document. Refer to To Add Comments to the Shipping Document for procedural information.

  • View Packing List: Select this option to view the packing list created for this Shipping Document. See Packing Slip Example for an example of a packing list.

Figure 4-21 Shipping Maintenance Options

Shippint Maintenance Options

Refer to the sections below for more information about using the shipping maintenance options shown in Figure 4-21 above.

To View Exceptions

Use the View Exceptions option to list any items that have a difference between the number of expected items to ship in the Shipping Document and the actual counted items in the shipment. Items that are in balance are not included.


For user-created documents, the expected item count is always zero. Only documents created by the home office and downloaded to the store, and documents created automatically by the Order process, show an expected quantity greater than zero.

  1. At the Shipping Maintenance screen, (Figure 4-21), select the View Exceptions options.

  2. Xstore displays the items in the Shipping Document that have a discrepancy between the number of items expected to be shipped and the number of items you counted. You may use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through the list if there are multiple items that have discrepancies.

    Figure 4-22 Exception List

    Exception List

  3. Press Esc to return to the Shipping Maintenance screen where you can adjust as needed by using the Edit Item options after recounting the items to be shipped.

To Change Item Quantity


Your system may be set up to show Change Qty, Void Item, and Item Lookup under the main menu option of Edit Item.

The Change Qty option allows you to change a count number that has already been recorded for an item on the Shipping Document.

  1. At the Shipping Maintenance screen, (Figure 4-21), select the Change Qty option.

  2. Use the up and down arrow keys to select the item that you want to edit, and press Enter.

  3. When prompted, enter the count (quantity) of items and then press Enter.

Voiding an Item

Use this option to remove an item from the Shipping Document. Only items that were added to the Shipping Document at the store can be voided.

  1. At the Shipping Maintenance screen, (Figure 4-21), select the Void Item option.

  2. Use the up and down arrow keys to select the item that you want to void, and press Enter.


    If you try to void a line item on a Shipping Document downloaded from the home office, Xstore displays a message indicating that the item cannot be voided.

    Press Enter to acknowledge the message and return to the Shipping Maintenance screen.

  3. If the item can be voided, Xstore prompts you to confirm that the selected item should be voided. Select Yes to remove the item from the Shipping Document item list.

    Figure 4-23 Confirm Void Prompt

    Confirm Void Prompt

    Xstore removes the item from the list and recalculates the total number of items in the shipment shown on the bottom of the View Port.

  4. Press Esc when you are finished editing the shipping item list to exit from edit mode.

    Xstore has now removed the voided item from the list of items to be shipped at the Shipping Maintenance screen.


    If configured, the voided item is displayed only when you are in the edit mode.

To Look Up an Item from Shipping Maintenance

Use the Item Lookup option to search for an item in the database. The item can then be added to the Shipping Document if it is a store-created document.

  1. Select the Item Lookup option at the Shipping Maintenance screen, (Figure 4-21).

  2. Xstore displays the Item Lookup form. Enter the search criteria and select Process.

    Figure 4-24 Item Lookup Form

    Item Lookup Form


    Your store may be configured with advanced lookup options that provide the ability to specify Custom Groups and Details to further define your search criteria.

    Select the exclude box to not include an item in your search.

    Item Lookup Advanced Search Criteria

  3. If more than one item matches the search criteria you entered, select the item from the list of items and select OK. Xstore displays the item information.

  4. Select the Add Item option to add the item to the Shipping Document.

    Figure 4-25 Item Information Screen

    Item Information Screen

  5. Xstore prompts for the number of items with this Item ID to be added to the Shipping Document. Enter the number of items to be shipped and press Enter to add this item and the item count to the Shipping Document.

    Figure 4-26 Enter Count Prompt

    Enter Count Prompt

To Edit Shipping Document Information

  1. At the Shipping Maintenance screen, (Figure 4-21), select the Edit Document option.


    This function may be controlled by security, and you may be prompted to verify your identity before continuing. Enter your Employee ID and password at the Verify Identity prompt and select Process to continue.

    Xstore displays the Shipping Document Maintenance form showing the current information for the document.

    Figure 4-27 Shipping Document Maintenance Form

    Shipping Document Maintenance Form

  2. Edit the Shipping Document information as required and select Process to continue. Xstore updates the Shipping Document information.


    About Shipping Documents

    • The Document ID cannot be changed.

    • The Document Type cannot be changed for a Shipping Document unless the document was created at the local store.

To Add Comments to the Shipping Document

  1. At the Shipping Maintenance screen, (Figure 4-21), select the Add Comment option. Xstore displays the Add Comment form.

    Figure 4-28 Add Comment Form

    Add Comment Form

  2. Type a comment and select OK to return to the Shipping Maintenance screen. The comment is associated with the Shipping Document.

Shipping Exception Report

This report shows a document-by-document list of shipped items on which there was a difference between the expected shipping quantity and the actual shipped quantity. The report includes a total number of items expected to ship and the number of items shipped, per shipping document number.

This report allows you to specify the Date, Document ID Number, and Document Type, and it can be viewed on the screen as well as printed.

The following information is included on the Shipping Exception Report:

  • Date

  • Item ID

  • Serial Number

  • Description

  • Expected Amount

  • Shipped Amount

  • Difference Between Expected and Shipped

  • Document ID

  • Document Total

Running the Shipping Exception Report

Refer to the Oracle Retail Xstore Reports Guide for more information about this report.

  1. After logging in to the Back Office, select and enter Reporting, Inventory Reports and then Shipping Exception Report.

  2. The Shipping Exception Report parameters form displays.

    Figure 4-29 Shipping Exception Report Form

    Shipping Exception Report Form


    Carton # is not supported in the Shipping Exception Report.

  3. Enter your criteria to generate the report:

    • Start Date


      A date option from the list in the relative date field

      Figure 4-30 List of Relative Dates

      List of Relative Dates

    • Shipping Document Number

    • Document Type, as seen in the list below:

      Figure 4-31 List of Document Types

      Shipping Exceptions - List of Document Types

  4. Select one of these options to finish your report:

    • Run Report: Execute the report and display the results on the screen.

    • Print: Execute the report and send the results to a printer.

    • Save: You can save this report with the current data or save only the report parameters to run this specific report with these parameters again.

      If you chose to save the report, assign a name to your report so it can be viewed whenever needed.

      Figure 4-32 Shipping Exception - Save Report Options

      Shipping Exception - Save Report Options

  5. Choose one of the options in the Report Save Options list:

    Save Report with Current Data - To save the report with the current values.


    Save Report Parameters - To save only the parameters to use these parameters as a template to generate a new report at another time.


    Use a relative date rather than a specific date for this option.

  6. Select OK to save the report. Reports are saved to your personal report area and can be retrieved from the Saved Reports menu option and press Enter.

    Figure 4-33 Reporting Menu - Saved Reports

    Reporting Menu Saved Reports Option Selected


    Refer to the Oracle Retail Xstore Reports Guide for more information about setting up and running reports.

    Figure 4-34 Shipping Exception Report

    Shipping Exception Report


    The expected count will be zero for all items on a user-created document.

    Only documents downloaded from the home office have a value for the expected item count.