Add Non-merchandise Items to a Sale

To add non-merchandise items to a sale transaction (for example, a gift card, alteration, or gift-wrapping service):

  1. Click Sell Non-Merch in the Register Sale screen.

    The Sell Non-Merch window opens.

    Figure 3-17 List of Non-Merchandise Options

    List of Non-Merchandise Options

  2. Select the type of non-merchandise item to sell:

    Figure 3-18 List of Non-Merchandise Items

    List of Non-Merchandise Items

    • Click the type of non-merchandise item.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct type of non-merchandise item, then press the Spacebar.

    • Enter the number associated with the type of non-merchandise item.

  3. Click OK.

    • If prompted to select an item, continue with Step 4.

    • If prompted for an item price, continue with Step 6.

    • If item is added to the View Port, continue the transaction.

  4. If necessary, select the item in the list:

    • Click the non-merchandise item.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct non-merchandise item, then press the Spacebar.

    • Enter the number associated with the non-merchandise item.

  5. Click OK.

    • If prompted for an item price, continue with Step 6.

    • If item is added to the View Port, continue the transaction.

  6. If necessary, enter the amount of the item.

    Figure 3-19 Prompt For Price

    Prompt For Price

  7. Press Enter.

    The item is added to the View Port. Continue the transaction.