Create a Task

To create a task:

  1. Click Add Task in the Task List or the Awards tab in Customer Maintenance.

  2. Enter the task information:

    • Type - Type of task.

    • Description - Description of the task.

    • Priority - Priority of the task.

    • Start Date - Date on which the task will begin.

    • End Date - Date by which the task must be finished.

    • Start Time - Time at which the task will begin.

    • End Time - Time at which the task must be finished.

    • Visibility - The group that can view the task (Store, Employee Group, or Employee).


      Employee Group visibility is not an option if you are using Customer Engagement to manage your tasks.

    • Assigned To - The employee group or employee to assign to the task. This field is not editable for tasks with Store visibility.


      If Xstore Point of Service indicates the employee is not a valid Customer Engagement user, the employee does not exist in Customer Engagement.

  3. If necessary, assign a customer to the task by performing the following:

    Click Assign Customer. Xstore Point of Service opens a window prompting for customer search criteria.

    Associate a Customer with the Transaction. The customer is assigned to the task.

  4. Click Save.

    This task is created and added to the Task List.