Associate a Customer with the Transaction

To search for a customer record from the Customer Search window:

Figure 8-1 Customer Search Form

Customer Search Form

  1. Enter the customer search criteria:


    Enter as much information as possible to limit the number of customer records returned.

    • Phone # - Phone number associated with the customer.

    • Last Name - Customer last name.

    • First Name - Customer first name.

    • City - City in the customer's address.

    • State - State in the customer's address.


      Values in this drop-down menu can be changed using the Change Country button.

    • Postal Code - Postal or zip code.

    • Loyalty # - Customer loyalty number.

    • Customer # - Customer ID number.

  2. Click Process.

    Xstore Point of Service displays a list of customers matching the search criteria.


    If no customer record matches the criteria, Xstore Point of Service displays a message indicating that no customer records have been found. Click New to Add a Customer Record, or click Back to return to Step 1.

  3. If necessary, select the correct customer from the list:

    Figure 8-2 Customer Search Results

    Customer Search Results


    If only one customer matches the search criteria, Xstore Point of Service may open the selected customer record for viewing, editing, or printing. Continue with Step 5.

    • Click the customer.

    • Use the up and down arrows to highlight the correct customer, then press the Spacebar.

  4. Click the proper button:

    • Back – Return to the Customer Search form (Step 1) Select this option if the correct customer is not listed and you want to change the search criteria.

    • Select & Continue – Assign the selected name to the transaction. Continue the transaction.

    • Select & View – Open the selected customer record for viewing, editing, or printing. Continue with Step 5.

    • New – Display a form for adding a new customer record to the customer database. Select this option if the customer is not in the database. See Add a Customer Record.

  5. Click the proper button:

    • Back – Returns to the Customer Search form (Step 1).

    • Assign and Continue - Associates the customer with transaction. Continue the transaction.

    • Edit Customer - Allows you to change information in the customer record. See Edit a Customer Record.

    • Customer Options – Displays a list of customer options. See Additional Customer Options.

    • Previous Tab and Next Tab - Navigate through the tabs.


      See Customer Maintenance Fields for more information about each tab.