Styling: BackgroundColor

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)



Classes to set a background color.

Category: Background Color

Sets the background color.

Class template:


Note: Square brackets signify required token substitutions whereas parentheses signify optional token substitutions.

Values for [background-color]

Value (required) Name Description
body Body background color in variable --oj-body-bg-color
neutral-0 Neutral 0 Neutral 0 background color
neutral-10 Neutral 10 Neutral 10 background color
neutral-20 Neutral 20 Neutral 20 background color
neutral-30 Neutral 30 Neutral 30 background color
neutral-170 Neutral 170 Neutral 170 background color
neutral-180 Neutral 180 Neutral 180 background color
neutral-190 Neutral 190 Neutral 190 background color
neutral-200 Neutral 200 Neutral 200 background color
brand-10 Brand 10 Brand 10 background color
brand-20 Brand 20 Brand 20 background color
brand-30 Brand 30 Brand 30 background color
danger-10 Danger 10 Danger 10 background color
danger-20 Danger 20 Danger 20 background color
danger-30 Danger 30 Danger 30 background color
warning-10 Warning 10 Warning 10 background color
warning-20 Warning 20 Warning 20 background color
warning-30 Warning 30 Warning 30 background color
success-10 Success 10 Success 10 background color
success-20 Success 20 Success 20 background color
success-30 Success 30 Success 30 background color
info-10 Info 10 Info 10 background color
info-20 Info 20 Info 20 background color
info-30 Info 30 Info 30 background color

<div class="oj-bg-neutral-20">Div with a background color</div>