Element: <oj-c-select-single>


Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


  • 14.0.0
  • select-single



JET Select Single

Description: JET Select Single provides support for single-select and search filtering.

A JET Select Single can be created with the following markup.

<oj-c-select-single data="[[dataProvider]]" item-text="label" label-hint="Select Single">


The only way to provide data to JET Select Single is through a DataProvider. For cases with a small set of fixed data, use an ArrayDataProvider.

Differences between Select and Combobox components

oj-c-select-* components and oj-combobox-* components may look and feel similar, but these components are different and are intended for very different use cases.

While oj-c-select-* components allow a user to filter the data in the dropdown, it is not possible to enter values that are not available in the data. This makes oj-c-select-* components ideal for usecases where the user can only select values that are available in the dropdown, but not provide custom values of their own.

In contrast, oj-combobox-* components allow a user to enter new values that are not available in the data in addition to using the text field for filtering dropdown data. This makes oj-combobox-* components ideal for usecases where the users can provide custom values in addition to those that are already available in the dropdown data.

Application developers should consider the above differences when choosing between Select and Combobox components. Additionally, applications are advised to use oj-c-select-single instead of oj-select-single.

Disabled Items

Disabled items are not supported in oj-c-select-* components; items that aren't selectable should be removed rather than shown as disabled. Keep in mind disabled items usually don't pass contrast and therefore people with low vision can't see them, so for accessibility reasons you can't use disabled for "meaningful content".

Validation and Messaging

An editable component runs validation (normal or deferred) based on the action performed on it (either by end-user or page author), and the state it was in when the action occurred. Examples of actions are - creating a component, user changing the value of the component by interacting with it, the app setting a value programmatically, the app calling the validate() method etc. At the time the action occurs, the component could already be showing errors, or can have a deferred error or have no errors.

These factors also determine whether validation errors/messages get shown to the user immediately or get deferred. The following sections highlight the kinds of validation that are run and how messages get handled.

Normal Validation

Normal validation is run in the following cases on the display value, using the converter and validators (this includes async-validators) set on the component, and validation errors are reported to user immediately.
  • When value changes as a result of user interaction all messages are cleared, including custom messages added by the app, and full validation is run on the UI value. The steps performed are outlined below.
    1. All messages are cleared and messagesCustom property is cleared
    2. If no converter is present then processing continues to next step. If a converter is present, the UI value is first converted (i.e., parsed). If there is a parse error then the messages are shown and processing returns.
    3. If there are no validators setup for the component then the value is set on the component. Otherwise all validators are run in sequence using the parsed value from the previous step. The implicit required is run first if the component is marked required. When a validation error is encountered it is remembered and the next validator in the sequence is run.
      • NOTE: The value is trimmed before required validation is run
    4. At the end of the validation run if there are errors, the messages are shown and processing returns. If there are async-validators, those errors are shown as soon as they come in, and not until all validators, sync and async validators, are complete, does processing return, that is, value and valid are updated. If there are no errors, then the value property is updated and the formatted value displayed on the UI.
  • When the validate method is called by app, all messages are cleared and full validation run using the display value. See validate method on the sub-classes for details. Note: JET validation is designed to catch user input errors, and not invalid data passed from the server; this should be caught on the server.
  • When certain properties change through programmatic intervention by app, the component determines whether it needs to run normal validation based on the state the component is in. Refer to the Mixed Validation section below for details.

Deferred Validation

Deferred validation is run in the following cases on the component value using the implicit required validator if required is true, and validation errors are deferred, i.e., not shown to user immediately. Refer to the Showing Deferred Messages section to understand how deferred messages can be shown.
  • When a component is created and it is required deferred validation is run and no messages are cleared prior to running validation. Refer to the Validators Participating in Deferred Validation section for details.
  • When the value property changes due to programmatic intervention deferred validation is run, after all messages and messagesCustom property are cleared.
  • When the reset method is called, deferred validation is run after all messages and messagesCustom property are cleared.
  • When certain properties change through programmatic intervention by app, the component determines whether it needs to run deferred validation based on the state the component is in. Refer to the Mixed Validation section below for details.

Mixed Validation

Either deferred or normal validation is run in the following cases based on the state the component is in and any validation errors encountered are either hidden or shown to user.
  • when disabled property changes. See disabled property for details.
  • when converter property changes. See converter property for details.
  • when required property changes. See required property for details.
  • when validators property changes. See validators property for details.

Showing Deferred Messages

Deferred validation messages are displayed only when page author requests for it explicitly in one of the following ways:

Validators Participating in Deferred Validation

The required validator is the only validator type that participates in deferred validation. The required property needs to be set to true for the required validator to run.

User Assistance Text

User assistive text provides guidance to help the user understand what data to enter or select.

By default all user assistance text shows inline. For input components, it shows when the field takes focus. In other components it shows all the time. See the user-assistance-density property for other ways the user assistance text can render, like in 'compact' mode, it will render as an icon on the label which when clicked will show the user assistance text in a notewindow.

The JET form component properties that are used for user assistance text are help.instruction, validator and converter hints, and help-hints. In the Redwood theme for clarity only one user assistance text shows to the user. The precedence rules are:

  • help.instruction shows;
  • if no help.instruction, then validator hint shows;
  • if no help.instruction or validator hint, then help-hints.definition shows;
  • if no help.instruction, validator hint, or help-hints.definition, then converter hint shows.
  • help-hints.source always shows along side the above.

Sometimes a validator or converter hints shows that you do not want. To not show it, set the display-options.validator-hint and/or display-options.converter-hint property to 'none'.

The required and placeholder properties also can be used to guide the user. In Redwood, a required field shows the word Required under the field when the field is empty and does not have focus. Placeholder is shown when the field is empty and has focus.

Touch End User Information

Target Gesture Action
Input field Tap If the dropdown is not open, expand the dropdown list. If hints, title or messages exist in a notewindow, pop up the notewindow.
Arrow button Tap If the dropdown is not open, expand the dropdown list. Otherwise, close the dropdown list.
Option item Tap Tap on an option item in the dropdown list to select.

Keyboard End User Information

Target Key Action
Option item Enter or Space Select the highlighted choice from the dropdown and close the dropdown.
Option item Tab Select the highlighted choice from the dropdown and transfer focus to the next tabbable element on the page.
Input field Esc Collapse the dropdown list. If the dropdown is already closed, do nothing.
Input field Enter If the selected value text has been deleted, clear the value and close the dropdown. If filtering, select the highlighted choice from the dropdown and close the dropdown.
Input field Tab If the selected value text has been deleted, clear the value and transfer focus to the next tabbable element on the page. If filtering, select the highlighted choice from the dropdown and transfer focus to the next tabbable element on the page.
Input field UpArrow or DownArrow If the dropdown is not open, expand the dropdown list. Otherwise, transfer focus into the dropdown list.
Dropdown UpArrow or DownArrow Highlight the option item in the dropdown list in the direction of the arrow.
Dropdown Esc Collapse the dropdown list.
Select Tab In Set focus to the Select. If hints, title or messages exist in a notewindow, pop up the notewindow.


Page Load

If there is an initially selected value, setting the valueItem attribute initially can improve page load performance because the element will not have to fetch the selected data from the data provider.

The dropdown data isn't fetched until the user opens the dropdown.


For accessibility, set the label-hint property. If there is no visible label, then to make this accessible to screen reader users, set the label-hint and label-edge='none' which renders an aria-label with the label-hint text.

The placeholder text is not read reliably by the screen reader. For accessibility reasons, you need to associate the text to its JET form component using aria-describedby.

Disabled content: JET supports an accessible luminosity contrast ratio, as specified in WCAG 2.0 - Section 1.4.3 "Contrast", in the themes that are accessible. (See the "Theming" chapter of the JET Developer Guide for more information on which themes are accessible.) Note that Section 1.4.3 says that text or images of text that are part of an inactive user interface component have no contrast requirement. Because disabled content may not meet the minimum contrast ratio required of enabled content, it cannot be used to convey meaningful information.



interface CSelectSingleElement<V extends string | number,D extends Record<string, any>>

Typescript Import Format
//To typecheck the element APIs, import as below.
import { CSelectSingleElement } from "oj-c/select-single";

//For the transpiled javascript to load the element's module, import as below
import "oj-c/select-single";

For additional information visit:

Note: Application logic should not interact with the component's properties or invoke its methods until the BusyContext indicates that the component is ready for interaction.


JET components that allow child content support slots. Please see the slots section of the JET component overview doc for more information on allowed slot content and slot types.


The itemTemplate slot is used to specify the template for rendering each item in the dropdown list. The slot must be a <template> element.

When the template is executed for each item, it will have access to the binding context containing the following properties:

  • $current - an object that contains information for the current item. (See the table below for a list of properties available on $current)
  • alias - if the data-oj-as attribute was specified on the template, the value will be used to provide an application-named alias for $current.

If no itemTemplate is specified, the component will render based on the value of the itemText property.

Properties of $current:
Name Type Argument Description
item Item.<K, D> Contains the data and metadata of the item.
searchText string <optional>
User-entered search text. This property will be undefined for the default, unfiltered list.


advanced-search :"off"|"on"

Specifies whether the advanced search link is shown in the dropdown when the user filters. It is up to the application to show its own UI when the link is triggered.

Default Value:
  • "off"
Item Name
Property advancedSearch
Property change event advancedSearchChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-advanced-search-changed

column-span :number

Specifies how many columns this component should span. This only takes effect when this component is a child of a form layout that has direction 'row'.
Default Value:
  • 1
Item Name
Property columnSpan
Property change event columnSpanChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-column-span-changed

container-readonly :boolean

Specifies whether an ancestor container, like oj-c-form-layout, is readonly. This affects whether a readonly component renders in full or mixed readonly mode. This is also currently used to determine if there is an ancestor container by checking if the value is not equal to undefined.
Item Name
Property containerReadonly
Property change event containerReadonlyChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-container-readonly-changed

data :(DataProvider.<V, D>|null)

The data for the Select Single.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property data
Property change event dataChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-data-changed

disabled :boolean

Whether the component is disabled. The default is false.

When the disabled property changes due to programmatic intervention, the component may clear messages and run validation in some cases.

  • when a required component is initialized as disabled value="{{currentValue}}" required disabled, deferred validation is skipped.
  • when a disabled component is enabled,
    • if component is invalid and showing messages then all component messages are cleared, and full validation run using the display value.
      • if there are validation errors, they are shown.
      • if no errors result from the validation, the value property is updated. Page authors can listen to the valueChanged event to clear custom errors.
    • if component is valid and has no errors then deferred validation is run.
      • if there is a deferred validation error, then the valid property is updated.
    • if component is invalid and deferred errors then component messages are cleared and deferred validation re-run.
      • if there is a deferred validation error, then the valid property is updated.
  • when enabled component is disabled then no validation is run and the component appears disabled.

Default Value:
  • false
Item Name
Property disabled
Property change event disabledChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-disabled-changed

display-options :oj-c.SelectSingle.DisplayOptions

Display options for auxiliary content that determines whether or not it should be displayed.
Item Name
Property displayOptions
Property change event displayOptionsChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-display-options-changed

help :oj-c.SelectSingle.Help

Form component help information.
Item Name
Property help
Property change event helpChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-help-changed

help-hints :oj-c.SelectSingle.HelpHints

The helpHints object contains a definition property and a source property.
Item Name
Property helpHints
Property change event helpHintsChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-help-hints-changed

item-text* :keyof D|(itemContext: ItemContext<V, D>) => string

Specifies how to get the text string to render for a data item. This attribute can be set to either:
  • a string that specifies the name of a top level data attribute to render as text, or
  • a callback function that takes a properties object and returns the text string to display

This text will be rendered for the selected value of the component and for each data item in the dropdown. When rendered for the dropdown items, default matching search term highlighting will be applied.

Item Name
Property itemText
Property change event itemTextChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-item-text*-changed

label-edge :"inside"|"none"|"start"|"top"

Specifies how the label of the component is positioned when the label-hint attribute is set on the component.
Supported Values:
Value Description
inside The label floats over the input element, but moves up on focus or when the component has a value (default, if unspecified).
none The component will not create a label, but instead set the aria-label property on the input element.
start The label will be placed before the start of the component.
top The label will be placed on top of the component.
Item Name
Property labelEdge
Property change event labelEdgeChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-label-edge-changed

label-hint* :string

Represents a hint for rendering a label on the component. This is used in combination with the label-edge attribute to control how the label should be rendered.
Item Name
Property labelHint
Property change event labelHintChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-label-hint*-changed

label-start-width :(number|string)

The width of the label when labelEdge is 'start'.

This attribute accepts values of type 0 | `--${string}` | `${number}%` | `${number}x` | `calc(${string})`

Item Name
Property labelStartWidth
Property change event labelStartWidthChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-label-start-width-changed

label-wrapping :"truncate"|"wrap"

Should the labels wrap or truncate when there is not enough available space.
Supported Values:
Value Description
truncate Label will truncate if needed.
wrap Label will wrap if needed.
Item Name
Property labelWrapping
Property change event labelWrappingChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-label-wrapping-changed

match-by :(Array.<string>|null)

The list of TextFilter.matchBy behaviors to use when fetching data filtered by a user's typed search text, in order of descending priority with the preferred behavior first. If the preferred behavior is not supported by the DataProvider, then the component will check the next behavior, and so on, until it finds one that is supported. If none of the specified behaviors are supported or if this property is not specified, then the behavior will effectively be "unknown".
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property matchBy
Property change event matchByChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-match-by-changed

messages-custom :Array.<oj-c.SelectSingle.ComponentMessageItem>

List of messages an app would add to the component when it has business/custom validation errors that it wants the component to show. This allows the app to perform further validation before sending data to the server. When this option is set the message shows to the user right away. To clear the custom message, set messagesCustom back to an empty array.

See the Validation and Messages section for details on when the component clears messagesCustom; for example, when full validation is run.

Default Value:
  • []
Supports writeback:
  • true
Item Name
Property messagesCustom
Property change event messagesCustomChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-messages-custom-changed

placeholder :string

The placeholder text to set on the element.
Item Name
Property placeholder
Property change event placeholderChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-placeholder-changed

readonly :boolean

Whether the component is readonly. The readonly property sets or returns whether an element is readonly, or not. A readonly element cannot be modified. However, a user can tab to it, highlight it, focus on it, and copy the text from it. If you want to prevent the user from interacting with the element, use the disabled property instead.

If the property value is not set either directly on the component or inherited from a parent form layout, then the property is treated as if its value were false.

Item Name
Property readonly
Property change event readonlyChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-readonly-changed

required :boolean

This property set to false implies that a value is not required to be provided by the user. This is the default. This property set to true implies that a value is required to be provided by the user.

In the Redwood theme, by default, a Required text is rendered inline when the field is empty. If user-assistance-density is 'compact', it will show on the label as an icon.

The Required error text is based on Redwood UX designs, and it is not recommended that it be changed. To override the required error message, use the required-message-detail attribute. The component's label text is passed in as a token {label} and can be used in the message detail.

When required is set to true, an implicit required validator is created, i.e., new RequiredValidator(). The required validator is the only validator to run during initial render, and its error is not shown to the user at this time; this is called deferred validation. The required validator also runs during normal validation; this is when the errors are shown to the user. See the Validation and Messaging section for details.

When the required property changes due to programmatic intervention, the component may clear component messages and run validation, based on the current state it's in.

Running Validation when required property changes

  • if component is valid when required is set to true, then it runs deferred validation on the value property. If the field is empty, the valid state is invalidHidden. No errors are shown to the user.
  • if component is valid when required is set from true to false, then no validation is run.
  • if component is invalid and has deferred messages (invalidHidden) when required is set to false, then component messages are cleared (messages-custom messages are not cleared) but no deferred validation is run because required is false.
  • if component is invalid and currently showing invalid messages (invalidShown) when required is changed to either true or false, then component messages are cleared and normal validation is run using the current display value.
    • if there are validation errors, then value property is not updated and the error is shown.
    • if no errors result from the validation, the value property is updated; page author can listen to the valueChanged event on the component to clear custom errors.

Clearing Messages when required property changes

  • Only messages created by the component, like validation messages, are cleared when the required property changes.
  • messagesCustom property is not cleared.

Default Value:
  • false
Item Name
Property required
Property change event requiredChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-required-changed

required-message-detail :string

The component-specific message detail when the required validation fails. If the component needs a required validation error message that is different from the default, set this property. It should be a translated string.

Item Name
Property requiredMessageDetail
Property change event requiredMessageDetailChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-required-message-detail-changed

text-align :"start"|"end"|"right"

Specifies how the text is aligned within the text field
Supported Values:
Value Description
end Aligns text right when reading direction is ltr and left when reading direction is rtl.
right Aligns text right regardless of reading direction, often used for numbers.
start Aligns text left when reading direction is ltr and right when reading direction is rtl (default, if unspecified).
Item Name
Property textAlign
Property change event textAlignChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-text-align-changed

user-assistance-density :"reflow"|"efficient"|"compact"

Specifies the density of the form component's user assistance presentation. It can be shown inline with reserved rows to prevent reflow if a user assistance text shows up, inline without reserved rows that would reflow if a user assistance text shows up, or it can be shown compactly in a popup instead.

If the property value is not set either directly on the component or inherited from a parent form layout, then the property is treated as if its value were "reflow".

Supported Values:
Value Description
compact Messages, help, hints, and required will not be shown inline; they will show in a mode that keeps the screen more compact, like a popup for the messages, and a required icon to indicate Required.
efficient Messages, help, hints, and required are all shown inline under the field with reserved space.
reflow Messages, help, hints, and required are all shown inline under the field with no reserved space.
Item Name
Property userAssistanceDensity
Property change event userAssistanceDensityChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-user-assistance-density-changed

(readonly) valid :"valid"|"pending"|"invalidHidden"|"invalidShown"

The current valid state of the component. It is evaluated on initial render. It is re-evaluated

  • after each validator (validators or async-validators) is run (full or deferred)
  • when messagesCustom is updated, since messagesCustom can be added by the app developer any time.
  • when showMessages() is called. Since showMessages() moves the hidden messages into messages shown, if the valid state was "invalidHidden" then it would become "invalidShown".
  • when the required property has changed. If a component is empty and has required set, the valid state may be "invalidHidden" (if no invalid messages are being shown as well). If required property is removed, the valid state would change to "valid".

Note: New valid states may be added to the list of valid values in future releases. Any new values will start with "invalid" if it is an invalid state, "pending" if it is pending state, and "valid" if it is a valid state.

Supported Values:
Value Description
invalidHidden The component has invalid messages hidden and no invalid messages showing. An invalid message is one with severity 'error'.
invalidShown The component has invalid messages showing. An invalid message is one with severity 'error'.
pending The component is waiting for the validation state to be determined. The 'pending' state is set at the start of the convert/validate process.
valid The component is valid
Supports writeback:
  • true
Item Name
Property valid
Property change event validChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-valid-changed

value :(V|null)

The value of the component.

When the value property changes due to programmatic intervention, the component always clears all messages including messagesCustom, runs deferred validation, and always refreshes the UI display value.

Running Validation

  • component always runs deferred validation; the valid property is updated with the result.

Default Value:
  • null
Supports writeback:
  • true
Item Name
Property value
Property change event valueChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-value-changed

value-item :ItemContext<V, D>|null

The valueItem is similar to the value, but is a an object that contain both a key and data, and optional metadata. The key will be set as the value of the element. The value and valueItem are kept in sync, both during programmatic property sets as well as during interactive user selection. If initially both are set, the selected value in the value attribute have precedence.

Note: If there is an initial selection, setting it via the valueItem attribute initially can improve page load performance because the element will not have to fetch the selected data from the data provider.

If valueItem is not specified or the selected value is missing, then the selected data will be fetched from the data provider.

Default Value:
  • null
Supports writeback:
  • true
Item Name
Property valueItem
Property change event valueItemChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-value-item-changed

virtual-keyboard :"number"|"auto"|"email"|"search"|"tel"|"text"|"url"

The type of virtual keyboard to display for entering a value on mobile browsers. This attribute has no effect on desktop browsers.
Supported Values:
Value Description
auto The component will determine the best mobile virtual keyboard to use (default, if unspecified).
email Use a mobile virtual keyboard for entering email addresses.
number Use a mobile virtual keyboard for entering numbers. Note that on Android and Windows Mobile, the 'number' keyboard does not contain the minus sign. This value should not be used on fields that accept negative values.
search Use a mobile virtual keyboard for entering search terms.
tel Use a mobile virtual keyboard for entering telephone numbers.
text Use a mobile virtual keyboard for entering text.
url Use a mobile virtual keyboard for URL entry.
Default Value:
  • "auto"
Item Name
Property virtualKeyboard
Property change event virtualKeyboardChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-virtual-keyboard-changed



Event triggered when the user clicks or presses Enter on the advanced search link in the dropdown. Set the advancedSearch property to 'on' to enable this feature.

All of the event payloads listed below can be found under event.detail. See Events and Listeners for additional information.

Name Type Argument
searchText string <optional>


Event triggered when a value is submitted by the user, even if the value is the same as the previous value.

All of the event payloads listed below can be found under event.detail. See Events and Listeners for additional information.

Name Type
itemContext ItemContext<V, D> | null
previousValue V | null
value V | null


getProperty(property) : {any}

Retrieves the value of a property or a subproperty.
Name Type Description
property The property name to get. Supports dot notation for subproperty access.

reset : {void}

Resets the component by clearing all messages and messagesCustom attribute and updates the component's display value using the attribute value. User entered values will be erased when this method is called.

setProperties(properties) : {void}

Performs a batch set of properties.
Name Type Description
properties An object containing the property and value pairs to set.

setProperty(property, value) : {void}

Sets a property or a single subproperty for complex properties and notifies the component of the change, triggering a corresponding event.
Name Type Description
property The property name to set. Supports dot notation for subproperty access.
value The new value to set the property to.

showMessages : {void}

Takes all deferred messages and shows them. It then updates the valid property; e.g., if the valid state was "invalidHidden" before showMessages(), the valid state will become "invalidShown" after showMessages(). If there were no deferred messages this method simply returns.

validate : {Promise}

If enabled, validates the component's display value (or null if display value is empty) using the converter and all validators registered on the component and updates the value option by performing the following steps.
  1. All messages are cleared, including custom messages added by the app.
  2. If no converter is present then processing continues to next step. If a converter is present, the UI value is first converted (i.e., parsed). If there is a parse error then the messages are shown.
  3. If there are no validators setup for the component the value option is updated using the display value. Otherwise all validators are run in sequence using the parsed value from the previous step. The implicit required validator is run first if the component is marked required. When a validation error is encountered it is remembered and the next validator in the sequence is run.
  4. At the end of validation if there are errors, the messages are shown. If there were no errors, then the value option is updated.

If the component is readonly or disabled, returns a Promise that resolves to 'valid' without doing any validation.


Promise resolves to "valid" if there were no converter parse errors and the component passed all validations. The Promise resolves to "valid" if the component is disabled or readonly. The Promise resolves to "invalid" if there were converter parse errors or if there were validation errors.


Type Definitions


A type for a single component message
Name Type Argument
detail string <optional>
severity "error" | "confirmation" | "info" | "warning" <optional>
summary string <optional>


Display options for auxiliary content that determines whether or not it should be displayed.
Name Type Argument Default Description
messages "none" | "display" <optional>
"display" Display options for auxiliary message text.


Form component help information.
Name Type Argument Description
instruction string <optional>
A type of user assistance text. User assistance text is used to provide guidance to help the user understand what data to enter or select.


The helpHints object contains a definition property and a source property.
Name Type Argument Description
definition string <optional>
A type of user assistance text. User assistance text is used to provide guidance to help the user understand what data to enter or select. help-hints could come from a help system.
source string <optional>
Help source URL associated with the component.
sourceText string <optional>
Custom text to be used for the source link.