Element: <oj-diagram>

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


  • 1.1.0
  • ojdiagram



Context Objects

JET Diagram

Diagrams are used to display a set of nodes and the links between them. The node positions and link paths are specified by an application-provided layout function (see JET Diagram Layout).

   layout = '{{layoutFunc}}'

JET Diagram Layout

In order to create JET Diagram component, applications are required to provide a layout callback function for positioning nodes and links. The component does not deliver a default layout. However there is a set of demo layouts that are delivered with the Cookbook application. The demo layouts can be reused by the application, but in most cases we expect that the application will want to create their own layout. The layout code must conform to the pluggable layout contract. See oj.ojDiagram#layout for additional information on layout API.

In the case when the node positions are known in advance or derived from an external layout engine, the layout can be generated using layout helper utility.


The application is responsible for populating the shortDesc value in the component properties object with meaningful descriptors when the component does not provide a default descriptor. Since component terminology for keyboard and touch shortcuts can conflict with those of the application, it is the application's responsibility to provide these shortcuts, possibly via a help popup.

The application is also responsible for including contextual information for screen readers using one or more the following methods as appropriate: aria-label, aria-labelledby, aria-describedby.

When selection is toggled through CTRL-SPACE, the screenreader may not read out the selection state. We recommend the user to press 'Insert + 8(Numpad)' to read the selection state of the node.

Touch End User Information

Target Gesture Action
Node or Link Tap Select when selectionMode is enabled.
Press & Hold Display tooltip.
Display context menu on release.

Keyboard End User Information

Key Action
Tab Move focus to next element.
Shift + Tab Move focus to previous element.
+ Zoom in one level.
- Zoom out one level.
0 (zero) Zoom to fit.
Ctrl + Alt + 0 (zero) Zoom and Centers the focused node or link.
PageUp or PageDown Pan up / down.
Shift + PageUp or PageDown Pan left/right (RTL: Pan right/left).
LeftArrow or RightArrow When focus is on a node, move focus and selection to nearest node left/right.
UpArrow or DownArrow When focus is on a node, move focus and selection to nearest node up/down.
Ctrl + Shift + Space Open/Close an active container node
[ Move focus and selection to nearest node down in the container hierarchy
] Move focus and selection to nearest node up in the container hierarchy
Alt + < or Alt + > When focus is on a node, move focus and selection to nearest link left/right.
UpArrow or DownArrow When focus is on a link, navigate between links clockwise or counter clockwise.
LeftArrow or RightArrow When focus is on a link, move focus from a link to a start or end node.
Ctrl + Space Select focused node / link.
Ctrl + Space Multi-select node / link with focus.
Shift + <node or link navigation shortcut> Move focus and multi-select a node or a link.
Ctrl + <node or link navigation shortcut> Move focus to a node or a link but do not select.
F2 Toggles Actionable mode. Entering actionable mode enables keyboard action on elements inside the node/link, including navigating between focusable elements inside the node/link.
Esc Exit Actionable mode.



Animation should only be enabled for visualizations of small to medium data sets. Alternate visualizations should be considered if identifying data changes is important, since all nodes will generally move and resize on any data change.

Data Set Size

Applications should avoid setting very large data densities on this element. Applications can aggregate small nodes to reduce the displayed data set size.


Use the highest level property available. For example, consider setting styling properties on styleDefaults.nodeDefaults or styleDefaults.linkDefaults, instead of styling properties on the individual nodes and links. The diagram can take advantage of these higher level properties to apply the style properties on containers, saving expensive DOM calls.

Tracking Resize

By default, the element will track resizes and render at the new size. This functionality adds a small overhead to the initial render for simple elements like gauges or spark charts, which become noticable when using large numbers of these simple elements. To disable resize tracking, set trackResize to off. The application can manually request a re-render at any time by calling the refresh function.

Reading direction

As with any JET component, in the unusual case that the directionality (LTR or RTL) changes post-init, the component must be refresh()ed.



interface DiagramElement<K1, K2, D1 extends ojDiagram.Node<K1>|any, D2 extends ojDiagram.Link<K2, K1>|any>

Generic Parameters
K1Type of key of the nodeData dataprovider
K2Type of key of the linkData dataprovider
D1Type of data from the nodeData dataprovider
D2Type of data from the linkData dataprovider
Typescript Import Format
//To typecheck the element APIs, import as below.
import { DiagramElement } from "ojs/ojdiagram";

//For the transpiled javascript to load the element's module, import as below
import "ojs/ojdiagram";

For additional information visit:

Note: Application logic should not interact with the component's properties or invoke its methods until the BusyContext indicates that the component is ready for interaction.


JET components that allow child content support slots. Please see the slots section of the JET component overview doc for more information on allowed slot content and slot types.


The contextMenu slot is set on the oj-menu within this element. This is used to designate the JET Menu that this component should launch as a context menu on right-click, Shift-F10, Press & Hold, or component-specific gesture. If specified, the browser's native context menu will be replaced by the JET Menu specified in this slot.

The application can register a listener for the Menu's ojBeforeOpen event. The listener can cancel the launch via event.preventDefault(), or it can customize the menu contents by editing the menu DOM directly, and then calling refresh() on the Menu.

To help determine whether it's appropriate to cancel the launch or customize the menu, the ojBeforeOpen listener can use component API's to determine which table cell, chart item, etc., is the target of the context menu. See the JSDoc of the individual components for details.

Keep in mind that any such logic must work whether the context menu was launched via right-click, Shift-F10, Press & Hold, or component-specific touch gesture.


The linkContentTemplate slot is used to specify custom link content. The slot content must be a single <template> element.

This slot takes precedence over the renderer/focusRenderer/hoverRenderer/selectionRenderer properties on the linkContent object if specified.

When the template is executed, the component's binding context is extended with the following properties:

  • $current - an object that contains information for the current link. (See oj.ojDiagram.LinkRendererContext or the table below for a list of properties available on $current)

Note that SVG nodes for the diagram link content should be wrapped into an svg element in order to have the SVG namespace. The component will strip the outer svg element before inserting nodes into DOM.

See linkContent.renderer for additional details on custom content for Diagram links.

// Initialize the Diagram with a link content template specified
 <template slot="linkContentTemplate">
   <g value="[['link' + $current.id]]">
    <path class="oj-diagram-link-path" stroke="[[$current.itemData.color]]" stroke-width="[[$current.itemData.width]]"></path>
Properties of $current:
Name Type Description
componentElement Element The diagram element.
Since Description
16.0.0 The componentElement property is deprecated. This shouldn't be needed, as the component template with access to this context is unique to the component.
data oj.ojDiagram.Link.<K2, K1> The data object for the link or an array of data objects for the promoted link. If DataProvider is being used, this property contains template processed data.
id K2 Link id.
itemData D2 | D2[] The row data object for the link or an array of row data objects for the promoted link. This will only be set if an DataProvider is being used.
parentElement Element A parent group element that takes a custom SVG fragment as the link content. Modifications of the parentElement are not supported.
points array | string An array of points or a string with SVG path to use for rendering this link as set by diagram layout. When custom renderer is used for link creation, the property will contain an array of x and y points for the link start and link end calculated by Diagram.
previousState Object An object that reflects the previous state of the data item.
Name Type Description
focused boolean True if the link was previously selected.
hovered boolean True if the link was previously hovered.
inActionableMode boolean True if the link was previously in actionable mode.
selected boolean True if the link was previously selected.
rootElement Element | null Null on initial rendering or SVG element for the link.
state Object An object that reflects the current state of the data item.
Name Type Description
focused boolean True if the link is currently selected.
hovered boolean True if the link is currently hovered.
inActionableMode boolean True if the link is currently in actionable mode.
selected boolean True if the link is currently selected.
type 'link' | 'promotedLink' Object type is 'link' or 'promotedLink'.
  • 8.0.0


The linkTemplate slot is used to specify the template for creating each diagram link. The slot content must be a single <template> element.

When the template is executed for each item, it will have access to the diagram's binding context and the following properties:

  • $current - an object that contains information for the current link. (See oj.ojDiagram.LinkTemplateContext or the table below for a list of properties available on $current)
  • alias - if data-oj-as attribute was specified, the value will be used to provide an application-named alias for $current.

The content of the template should only be one <oj-diagram-link> element. See the oj-diagram-link doc for more details.

Properties of $current:
Name Type Description
componentElement Element The <oj-diagram> custom element.
Since Description
16.0.0 The componentElement property is deprecated. This shouldn't be needed, as the component template with access to this context is unique to the component.
data Object The data object for the current link.
index number The zero-based index of the current link.
key any The key of the current link.


The nodeContentTemplate slot is used to specify custom node content.

The slot content must be a single <template> element. This slot takes precedence over the renderer/focusRenderer/hoverRenderer/selectionRenderer/zoomRenderer properties on the nodeContent object if specified.

When the template is executed, the component's binding context is extended with the following properties:

The template for a container node must include an oj-diagram-child-content element. Diagram will replace this element with the node child contents.

Add data-oj-zoom-thresholds attribute to the template to set thresholds that will trigger a rerender when crossed. This should be a JSON array containing values between the min-zoom and max-zoom

Note that SVG nodes for the diagram node content should be wrapped into an svg element in order to have the SVG namespace. The component will insert the entire SVG structure into DOM including the outer svg element.

// Initialize the Diagram with a node content template specified
 <template slot="nodeContentTemplate" data-oj-zoom-thresholds="[0.25, 0.5, 0.75]">
  <svg width="100" height="100">
   <text><oj-bind-text value="[[$current.id]]"></oj-bind-text></text>
Properties of $current:
Name Type Description
componentElement Element The diagram element.
Since Description
16.0.0 The componentElement property is deprecated. This shouldn't be needed, as the component template with access to this context is unique to the component.
content Object An object that describes child content. The object has the following properties
Name Type Description
element Element SVG group element that contains child nodes for the container.
height number Height of the child content.
width number Width of the child content.
data oj.ojDiagram.Node.<K1> The data object for the node. If DataProvider is being used, this property contains template processed data.
id K1 Node id.
itemData D1 The row data object for the node. This will only be set if an DataProvider is being used.
parentElement Element A parent group element that takes a custom SVG fragment as the node content. Modifications of the parentElement are not supported.
previousState Object An object that reflects the previous state of the data item.
Name Type Description
expanded boolean True if the node was previously expanded.
focused boolean True if the node was previously selected.
hovered boolean True if the node was previously hovered.
inActionableMode boolean True if the node was previously in actionable mode.
selected boolean True if the node was previously selected.
zoom number Previous zoom state.
renderDefaultFocus function():void Function for rendering default focus effect for the node
Since Description
17.0.0 The renderDefaultFocus property is deprecated. This behavior can be implemented in the custom template.
renderDefaultHover function():void Function for rendering default hover effect for the node
Since Description
17.0.0 The renderDefaultHover property is deprecated. This behavior can be implemented in the custom template.
renderDefaultSelection function():void Function for rendering default selection effect for the node
Since Description
17.0.0 The renderDefaultSelection property is deprecated. This behavior can be implemented in the custom template.
rootElement Element | null Null on initial rendering or SVG element for the node.
state Object An object that reflects the current state of the data item.
Name Type Description
expanded boolean True if the node is expanded.
focused boolean True if the node is currently selected.
hovered boolean True if the node is currently hovered.
inActionableMode boolean True if the node is currently in actionable mode.
selected boolean True if the node is currently selected.
zoom number Current zoom state.
type string Object type = node.
  • 7.1.0


The nodeTemplate slot is used to specify the template for creating each diagram node. The slot content must be a single <template> element.

When the template is executed for each item, it will have access to the diagram's binding context and the following properties:

  • $current - an object that contains information for the current node. (See oj.ojDiagram.NodeTemplateContext or the table below for a list of properties available on $current)
  • alias - if data-oj-as attribute was specified, the value will be used to provide an application-named alias for $current.

The content of the template should only be one <oj-diagram-node> element. See the oj-diagram-node doc for more details.

Properties of $current:
Name Type Description
data Object The data object for the current node.
index number The zero-based index of the current node.
key any The key of the current node.
parentData array An array of data for the leaf and its parents. Eg: parentData[0] is the outermost parent and parentData[1] is the second outermost parent of the leaf.
parentKey any The key of the parent item. The parent key is null for root nodes.


The tooltipTemplate slot is used to specify custom tooltip content. The slot content must be a single <template> element. This slot takes precedence over the tooltip.renderer property if specified.

When the template is executed, the component's binding context is extended with the following properties:

  • $current - an object that contains information for the current node or link. (See oj.ojDiagram.TooltipContext or the table below for a list of properties available on $current)
Properties of $current:
Name Type Description
componentElement Element The diagram element.
Since Description
16.0.0 The componentElement property is deprecated. This shouldn't be needed, as the component template with access to this context is unique to the component.
data oj.ojDiagram.Node.<K1> | oj.ojDiagram.Link.<K2, K1> | ojDiagram.Link<K2, K1>[] Relevant data for the object.
id K1 | K2 The id of the diagram object.
itemData D1 | D2 | D2[] The row data object for the object. This will only be set if an oj.DataProvider is being used.
label string The label of the diagram object.
parentElement Element The tooltip element. The function can directly modify or append content to this element.
type 'node' | 'link' | 'promotedLink' The type of the diagram object.


animation-on-data-change :"auto"|"none"

Specifies the animation that is applied on data changes.
Supported Values:
Default Value:
  • "none"
Item Name
Property animationOnDataChange
Property change event animationOnDataChangeChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-animation-on-data-change-changed

animation-on-display :"auto"|"none"

Specifies the animation that is shown on initial display.
Supported Values:
Default Value:
  • "none"
Item Name
Property animationOnDisplay
Property change event animationOnDisplayChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-animation-on-display-changed

as :string

An alias for the $current context variable when referenced inside nodeTemplate or linkTemplate when using a DataProvider.
Since Description
6.2.0 Set the alias directly on the template element using the data-oj-as attribute instead.
Default Value:
  • ""
Item Name
Property as
Property change event asChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-as-changed

current-item :(K1|K2)

The node or link that should receive focus. Note that if the current item is set to something invalid or to something hidden inside a collapsed parent node, then the value is not applied.
Default Value:
  • null
Supports writeback:
  • true
Item Name
Property currentItem
Property change event currentItemChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-current-item-changed

data :Object

The data source for the Diagram element. See oj.DiagramDataSource for details.
Since Description
6.0.0 Use nodeData and linkData instead.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property data
Property change event dataChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-data-changed

dnd :Object

Provides support for HTML5 Drag and Drop events. Please refer to third party documentation on HTML5 Drag and Drop to learn how to use it.
Item Name
Property dnd
Property change event dndChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-dnd-changed

dnd.drag :Object

An object that describes drag functionality.
Item Name
Property dnd.drag

dnd.drag.nodes :Object

If this object is specified, the diagram will initiate drag operation when the user drags on diagram nodes.
Item Name
Property dnd.drag.nodes

dnd.drag.nodes.data-types :string|Array.<string>

The MIME types to use for the dragged data in the dataTransfer object. This can be a string if there is only one type, or an array of strings if multiple types are needed. For example, if selected employee data items are being dragged, dataTypes could be "application/employees+json". Drop targets can examine the data types and decide whether to accept the data. For each type in the array, dataTransfer.setData will be called with the specified type and the data. The data is an array of the dataContexts of the selected data items. The dataContext is the JSON version of the dataContext that we use for "tooltip" option, excluding componentElement and parentElement. This property is required unless the application calls setData itself in a dragStart callback function.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drag.nodes.dataTypes

dnd.drag.nodes.drag :(function(Event))=

An optional callback function that receives the "drag" event as argument.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drag.nodes.drag

dnd.drag.nodes.drag-end :(function(Event))=

An optional callback function that receives the "dragend" event as argument.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drag.nodes.dragEnd

dnd.drag.nodes.drag-start :((event: Event, context: {nodes: ojDiagram.DndNodeContext<K1,D1>[]}) => void)

An optional callback function that receives the "dragstart" event and context information as arguments. The context information is as follows:
  • nodes {Array.(object)}: An array of data contexts of the dragged data nodes.
This function can set its own data and drag image as needed. When this function is called, event.dataTransfer is already populated with the default data and drag image.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drag.nodes.dragStart

dnd.drag.ports :Object

If this object is specified, the diagram will initiate link creation when the user starts dragging from a port.
Item Name
Property dnd.drag.ports

dnd.drag.ports.data-types :string|Array.<string>

The MIME types to use for the dragged data in the dataTransfer object. This can be a string if there is only one type, or an array of strings if multiple types are needed. and parentElement. This property is required unless the application calls setData itself in a dragStart callback function.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drag.ports.dataTypes

dnd.drag.ports.drag :(function(Event))=

An optional callback function that receives the "drag" event as argument.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drag.ports.drag

dnd.drag.ports.drag-end :(function(Event))=

An optional callback function that receives the "dragend" event as argument.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drag.ports.dragEnd

dnd.drag.ports.drag-start :((event: Event, context: {ports: {portElement: Element, dataContext: ojDiagram.NodeItemContext<K1,D1>}}) => void)

An optional callback function that receives the "dragstart" event and context information as arguments. The context information is as follows:
  • ports {object}: An object with the following properties:
    • portElement : DOM element recognized as a port that received drag event.
    • dataContext : The dataContext object of the link start node
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drag.ports.dragStart

dnd.drag.ports.link-style :((context: {portElement: Element, dataContext: ojDiagram.NodeItemContext<K1,D1>}) => ({svgStyle?: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>, svgClassName?: string} | null))

An optional callback function for customizing link feedback based on a starting node and a port. If the function is not specified the link feedback will use default link styles. The function will take a single parameter - a context object with the following properties:
  • portElement DOM element recognized as a port that received drag event.
  • dataContext The dataContext object of the link start node.
The function should return one of the following:
  • an object with the following properties:
    • svgStyle : Inline style object to be applied on the link feedback
    • svgClassName : A name of a style class to be applied on the link
  • null or undefined : the default link styles will be used for the link feedback
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drag.ports.linkStyle

dnd.drag.ports.selector :string

A string, containing a selector expression, that will be used to identify the descendant DOM element in a diagram node that can be used for link creation. This property is requred.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drag.ports.selector

dnd.drop :Object

An object that describes drop functionality.
Item Name
Property dnd.drop

dnd.drop.background :Object

Allows dropping on the diagram background.
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.background

dnd.drop.background.data-types :string|Array.<string>

An array of MIME data types the Diagram background can accept. This property is required unless dragEnter, dragOver, and drop callback functions are specified to handle the corresponding events.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.background.dataTypes

dnd.drop.background.drag-enter :((event: Event, context: {x: number, y: number}) => void)

An optional callback function that receives the "dragenter" event and context information as arguments. The context information is as follows:
  • x {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • y {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
Note: When the dropped items are originated from Diagram, the x, y coordinates represent the upper left corner of the dropped content. This function should call event.preventDefault() to indicate the dragged data can be accepted. Otherwise, dataTypes will be matched against the drag data types to determine if the data is acceptable.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.background.dragEnter

dnd.drop.background.drag-leave :((event: Event, context: {x: number, y: number}) => void)

An optional callback function that receives the "dragleave" event and context information as arguments. The context information is as follows:
  • x {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • y {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
Note: When the dropped items are originated from Diagram, the x, y coordinates represent the upper left corner of the dropped content.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.background.dragLeave

dnd.drop.background.drag-over :((event: Event, context: {x: number, y: number}) => void)

An optional callback function that receives the "dragover" event and context information as arguments. The context information is as follows:
  • x {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • y {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
Note: When the dropped items are originated from Diagram, the x, y coordinates represent the upper left corner of the dropped content. This function should call event.preventDefault() to indicate the dragged data can be accepted. Otherwise, dataTypes will be matched against the drag data types to determine if the data is acceptable.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.background.dragOver

dnd.drop.background.drop :((event: Event, context: {x: number, y: number}) => void)

A callback function that receives the "drop" event and context information as arguments. The context information is as follows:
  • x {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • y {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
Note: When the dropped items are originated from Diagram, the x, y coordinates represent the upper left corner of the dropped content. This function should call event.preventDefault() to indicate the dragged data can be accepted.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.background.drop
Allows dropping on diagram links.
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.links

dnd.drop.links.data-types :string|Array.<string>

An array of MIME data types the Diagram links can accept. This property is required unless dragEnter, dragOver, and drop callback functions are specified to handle the corresponding events.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.links.dataTypes

dnd.drop.links.drag-enter :((event: Event, context: {x: number, y: number, linkContext: ojDiagram.LinkItemContext<K1,K2,D2> | ojDiagram.PromotedLinkItemContext<K1,K2,D2>}) => void)

An optional callback function that receives the "dragenter" event and context information as arguments. The context information is as follows:
  • x {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • y {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • linkContext {Object}: the JSON version of the data context for the target link.
Note: When the dropped items are originated from Diagram, the x, y coordinates represent the upper left corner of the dropped content. This function should call event.preventDefault() to indicate the dragged data can be accepted. Otherwise, dataTypes will be matched against the drag data types to determine if the data is acceptable.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.links.dragEnter

dnd.drop.links.drag-leave :((event: Event, context: {x: number, y: number, linkContext: ojDiagram.LinkItemContext<K1,K2,D2> | ojDiagram.PromotedLinkItemContext<K1,K2,D2>}) => void)

An optional callback function that receives the "dragleave" event and context information as arguments. The context information is as follows:
  • x {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • y {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • linkContext {Object}: the JSON version of the data context for the target link.
Note: When the dropped items are originated from Diagram, the x, y coordinates represent the upper left corner of the dropped content.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.links.dragLeave

dnd.drop.links.drag-over :((event: Event, context: {x: number, y: number, linkContext: ojDiagram.LinkItemContext<K1,K2,D2> | ojDiagram.PromotedLinkItemContext<K1,K2,D2>}) => void)

An optional callback function that receives the "dragover" event and context information as arguments. The context information is as follows:
  • x {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • y {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • linkContext {Object}: the JSON version of the data context for the target link.
Note: When the dropped items are originated from Diagram, the x, y coordinates represent the upper left corner of the dropped content. This function should call event.preventDefault() to indicate the dragged data can be accepted. Otherwise, dataTypes will be matched against the drag data types to determine if the data is acceptable.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.links.dragOver

dnd.drop.links.drop :((event: Event, context: {x: number, y: number, linkContext: ojDiagram.LinkItemContext<K1,K2,D2> | ojDiagram.PromotedLinkItemContext<K1,K2,D2>}) => void)

A callback function that receives the "drop" event and context information as arguments. The context information is as follows:
  • x {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • y {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • linkContext {Object}: the JSON version of the data context for the target link.
Note: When the dropped items are originated from Diagram, the x, y coordinates represent the upper left corner of the dropped content. This function should call event.preventDefault() to indicate the dragged data can be accepted.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.links.drop

dnd.drop.nodes :Object

Allows dropping on diagram nodes.
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.nodes

dnd.drop.nodes.data-types :string|Array.<string>

An array of MIME data types the Diagram nodes can accept. This property is required unless dragEnter, dragOver, and drop callback functions are specified to handle the corresponding events.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.nodes.dataTypes

dnd.drop.nodes.drag-enter :((event: Event, context: {x: number, y: number, nodeX: number, nodeY: number, nodeContext: ojDiagram.NodeItemContext<K1,D1>}) => void)

An optional callback function that receives the "dragenter" event and context information as arguments. The context information is as follows:
  • x {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • y {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • nodeX {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the target node coordinate system.
  • nodeY {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the target node coordinate system.
  • nodeContext {Object}: The JSON version of the data context for the target node.
Note: When the dropped items are originated from Diagram, the x, y coordinates represent the upper left corner of the dropped content. This function should call event.preventDefault() to indicate the dragged data can be accepted. Otherwise, dataTypes will be matched against the drag data types to determine if the data is acceptable.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.nodes.dragEnter

dnd.drop.nodes.drag-leave :((event: Event, context: {x: number, y: number, nodeX: number, nodeY: number, nodeContext: ojDiagram.NodeItemContext<K1,D1>}) => void)

An optional callback function that receives the "dragleave" event and context information as arguments. The context information is as follows:
  • x {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • y {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • nodeX {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the target node coordinate system.
  • nodeY {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the target node coordinate system.
  • nodeContext {Object}: The JSON version of the data context for the target node.
Note: When the dropped items are originated from Diagram, the x, y coordinates represent the upper left corner of the dropped content.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.nodes.dragLeave

dnd.drop.nodes.drag-over :((event: Event, context: {x: number, y: number, nodeX: number, nodeY: number, nodeContext: ojDiagram.NodeItemContext<K1,D1>}) => void)

An optional callback function that receives the "dragover" event and context information as arguments. The context information is as follows:
  • x {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • y {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • nodeX {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the target node coordinate system.
  • nodeY {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the target node coordinate system.
  • nodeContext {Object}: The JSON version of the data context for the target node.
Note: When the dropped items are originated from Diagram, the x, y coordinates represent the upper left corner of the dropped content. This function should call event.preventDefault() to indicate the dragged data can be accepted. Otherwise, dataTypes will be matched against the drag data types to determine if the data is acceptable.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.nodes.dragOver

dnd.drop.nodes.drop :((event: Event, context: {x: number, y: number, nodeX: number, nodeY: number, nodeContext: ojDiagram.NodeItemContext<K1,D1>}) => void)

A callback function that receives the "drop" event and context information as arguments. The context information is as follows:
  • x {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • y {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • nodeX {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the target node coordinate system.
  • nodeY {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the target node coordinate system.
  • nodeContext {Object}: The JSON version of the data context for the target node.
Note: When the dropped items are originated from Diagram, the x, y coordinates represent the upper left corner of the dropped content. This function should call event.preventDefault() to indicate the dragged data can be accepted.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.nodes.drop

dnd.drop.ports :Object

Allows dropping a link end on a port.
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.ports

dnd.drop.ports.data-types :string|Array.<string>

An array of MIME data types the Diagram ports can accept. This property is required unless dragEnter, dragOver, and drop callback functions are specified to handle the corresponding events.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.ports.dataTypes

dnd.drop.ports.drag-enter :((event: Event, context: {x: number, y: number, nodeX: number, nodeY: number, dataContext: ojDiagram.NodeItemContext<K1,D1>, portElement: Element}) => void)

An optional callback function that receives the "dragenter" event and context information as arguments. The context information is as follows:
  • x {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • y {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • nodeX {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the target node coordinate system.
  • nodeY {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the target node coordinate system.
  • dataContext {Object}: the JSON version of the data context for the link end node.
  • portElement {Element}: DOM element that represents a port that received drop event.
This function should call event.preventDefault() to indicate the dragged data can be accepted. Otherwise, dataTypes will be matched against the drag data types to determine if the data is acceptable.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.ports.dragEnter

dnd.drop.ports.drag-leave :((event: Event, context: {x: number, y: number, nodeX: number, nodeY: number, dataContext: ojDiagram.NodeItemContext<K1,D1>, portElement: Element}) => void)

An optional callback function that receives the "dragleave" event and context information as arguments. The context information is as follows:
  • x {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • y {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • nodeX {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the target node coordinate system.
  • nodeY {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the target node coordinate system.
  • dataContext {Object}: the JSON version of the data context for the link end node.
  • portElement {Element}: DOM element that represents a port that received drop event.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.ports.dragLeave

dnd.drop.ports.drag-over :((event: Event, context: {x: number, y: number, nodeX: number, nodeY: number, dataContext: ojDiagram.NodeItemContext<K1,D1>, portElement: Element}) => void)

An optional callback function that receives the "dragover" event and context information as arguments. The context information is as follows:
  • x {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • y {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • nodeX {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the target node coordinate system.
  • nodeY {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the target node coordinate system.
  • dataContext {Object}: the JSON version of the data context for the link end node.
  • portElement {Element}: DOM element that represents a port that received drop event.
This function should call event.preventDefault() to indicate the dragged data can be accepted. Otherwise, dataTypes will be matched against the drag data types to determine if the data is acceptable.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.ports.dragOver

dnd.drop.ports.drop :((event: Event, context: {x: number, y: number, nodeX: number, nodeY: number, dataContext: ojDiagram.NodeItemContext<K1,D1>, portElement: Element}) => void)

A callback function that receives the "drop" event and context information as arguments. The context information is as follows:
  • x {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • y {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the component coordinate system.
  • nodeX {number}: x-coordinate value of the drop in the target node coordinate system.
  • nodeY {number}: y-coordinate value of the drop in the target node coordinate system.
  • dataContext {Object}: the JSON version of the data context for the link end node.
  • portElement {Element}: DOM element that represents a port that received drop event.
This function should call event.preventDefault() to indicate the dragged data can be accepted.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.ports.drop

dnd.drop.ports.selector :string

A string, containing a selector expression, that will be used to identify the descendant DOM element in a diagram node that can be used for link creation. This property is requred.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property dnd.drop.ports.selector

expanded :oj.KeySet<K1>

Specifies the key set containing the ids of diagram nodes that should be expanded on initial render. Use the KeySetImpl class to specify nodes to expand. Use the AllKeySetImpl class to expand all nodes.
Default Value:
  • new KeySetImpl()
Supports writeback:
  • true
Item Name
Property expanded
Property change event expandedChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-expanded-changed

focus-renderer :((context: ojDiagram.RendererContext<K1,D1>) => {insert: SVGElement}|void)|null

An optional callback function to update the node in response to changes in keyboard focus state. The function should return one of the following:
  • An Object with the following property:
    • insert: SVGElement - An SVG element, which will be used as content of a Diagram node.
  • undefined: Indicates that the existing DOM has been directly modified and no further action is required.
Since Description
8.0.0 Use nodeContent.focusRenderer instead.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property focusRenderer
Property change event focusRendererChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-focus-renderer-changed

hidden-categories :Array.<string>

An array of category strings used for category filtering. Diagram nodes and links with a category in hiddenCategories will be filtered.
Default Value:
  • []
Supports writeback:
  • true
Item Name
Property hiddenCategories
Property change event hiddenCategoriesChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-hidden-categories-changed

highlight-match :"any"|"all"

The matching condition for the highlightedCategories option. By default, highlightMatch is 'all' and only items whose categories match all of the values specified in the highlightedCategories array will be highlighted. If highlightMatch is 'any', then items that match at least one of the highlightedCategories values will be highlighted.
Supported Values:
Default Value:
  • "all"
Item Name
Property highlightMatch
Property change event highlightMatchChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-highlight-match-changed

highlighted-categories :Array.<string>

An array of category strings used for category highlighting. Diagram nodes and links with a category in highlightedCategories will be highlighted.
Default Value:
  • []
Supports writeback:
  • true
Item Name
Property highlightedCategories
Property change event highlightedCategoriesChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-highlighted-categories-changed

hover-behavior :"dim"|"none"

Defines the behavior applied when hovering over diagram nodes and links.
Supported Values:
Default Value:
  • "none"
Item Name
Property hoverBehavior
Property change event hoverBehaviorChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-hover-behavior-changed

hover-renderer :((context: ojDiagram.RendererContext<K1,D1>) => {insert: SVGElement}|void)|null

An optional callback function to update the node in response to changes in hover state. The function should return one of the following:
  • An Object with the following property:
    • insert: SVGElement - An SVG element, which will be used as content of a Diagram node.
  • undefined: Indicates that the existing DOM has been directly modified and no further action is required.
Since Description
8.0.0 Use nodeContent.hoverRenderer instead.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property hoverRenderer
Property change event hoverRendererChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-hover-renderer-changed

layout :((context: DvtDiagramLayoutContext<K1, K2, D1, D2>) => void)

A custom JavaScript client layout method - a custom code developed by a customer used to position Diagram nodes and links. The layout code must conform to the pluggable layout contract.
Item Name
Property layout
Property change event layoutChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-layout-changed

link-content :Object

An object containing an optional callbacks function for link customization.
Item Name
Property linkContent
Property change event linkContentChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-link-content-changed

link-content.focus-renderer :((context: ojDiagram.LinkRendererContext<K1,K2,D2>) => {insert: SVGElement}|void)|null

An optional callback function to update the link in response to changes in keyboard focus state. The function should return one of the following:
  • An Object with the following property:
    • insert: SVGElement - An SVG element, which will be used as content of a Diagram link.
  • undefined: Indicates that the existing DOM has been directly modified and no further action is required.

See linkContent.renderer for additional details on custom content for Diagram links.

Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property linkContent.focusRenderer

link-content.hover-renderer :((context: ojDiagram.LinkRendererContext<K1,K2,D2>) => {insert: SVGElement}|void)|null

An optional callback function to update the link in response to changes in hover state. The function should return one of the following:
  • An Object with the following property:
    • insert: SVGElement - An SVG element, which will be used as content of a Diagram link.
  • undefined: Indicates that the existing DOM has been directly modified and no further action is required.

See linkContent.renderer for additional details on custom content for Diagram links.

Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property linkContent.hoverRenderer

link-content.renderer :((context: ojDiagram.LinkRendererContext<K1,K2,D2>) => ({insert: SVGElement}))

A callback function - a custom renderer - that will be used for initial link rendering. The function should return an Object with the following property:
  • insert: SVGElement - An SVG element, which will be used as content of a Diagram link.

Note that a link can be represented by any SVG content. However if an application wants to take advantage of built-in path animation provided by the Diagram component, then the main shape of a link should be represented by a single path element and that path element should be marked by oj-diagram-link-path class. When the class is applied to the path element, its d attribute value will be populated by the component and the path transformation will be applied to the element during data change animation. Fade-in animation will be used for other elements of the link.

When the oj-diagram-link-path class is not used for any element of the link, then the entire custom content will fade-in during data change animation.

Note that when linkContent.renderer is specified, but the other state renderer functions are not, then the linkContent.renderer will be used to render the state.

Note that when the content returned by the renderer is an svg element, the children of this element will be inserted into the DOM by the component, omitting the svg element itself.

Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property linkContent.renderer

link-content.selection-renderer :((context: ojDiagram.LinkRendererContext<K1,K2,D2>) => {insert: SVGElement}|void)|null

An optional callback function to update the link in response to changes in selection state. The function should return one of the following:
  • An Object with the following property:
    • insert: SVGElement - An SVG element, which will be used as content of a Diagram link.
  • undefined: Indicates that the existing DOM has been directly modified and no further action is required.

See linkContent.renderer for additional details on custom content for Diagram links.

Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property linkContent.selectionRenderer

link-data :(DataProvider.<K2, D2>|null)

The DataProvider for the diagram links. It should provide rows where each row corresponds to a single diagram link. The row key will be used as the id for diagram links. Note that when using this attribute, a template for the linkTemplate slot should be provided. The DataProvider can either have an arbitrary data shape, in which case an element must be specified in the linkTemplate slot or it can have oj.ojDiagram.Linkoj.ojDiagram.Link as its data shape, in which case no template is required.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property linkData
Property change event linkDataChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-link-data-changed

link-highlight-mode :"linkAndNodes"|"link"

Defines link highlighting mode.
Supported Values:
Default Value:
  • "link"
Item Name
Property linkHighlightMode
Property change event linkHighlightModeChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-link-highlight-mode-changed

link-properties :(null|function(Object): Object)=

Optional callback that provides a way to customize an appearance of the specific link, the function maps link data into link styles. The function takes a data object for the link provided by the diagram. The following properties are supported on the return object:
  • labelStyle {Object}: The CSS style object defining the style of the link label. The CSS max-width property can be used to truncate labels.
  • color {string}: Link color.
  • svgStyle {Object}: The SVG CSS style object defining link style. The style class and style object will be applied directly on the link and override any other styling specified through the properties.
  • svgClassName {string}: The SVG CSS style class defining link style. The style class and style object will be applied directly on the link and override any other styling specified through the properties.
  • width {number}: Link width in pixels.
  • startConnectorType {string}: Specifies the type of start connector on the link.
    Supported values are "arrowOpen", "arrow", "arrowConcave", "circle", "rectangle", "rectangleRounded", "none".
    Default value is "none".
  • endConnectorType {string}: Specifies the type of end connector on the link.
    Supported values are "arrowOpen", "arrow", "arrowConcave", "circle", "rectangle", "rectangleRounded", "none".
    Default value is "none".
Since Description
6.0.0 See nodeData and linkData usage.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property linkProperties
Property change event linkPropertiesChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-link-properties-changed

max-zoom :number

Specifies the maximum zoom level for this diagram. This can be any number greater than zero which indicates the maximum point to which Diagram objects can be scaled. A value of 2.0 implies that the Diagram can be zoomed in until Nodes appear at twice their natural size. By default, maxZoom is 1.0.
Default Value:
  • 1.0
Item Name
Property maxZoom
Property change event maxZoomChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-max-zoom-changed

min-zoom :number

Specifies the minimum zoom level for this diagram. If minZoom is greater than zero, it indicates the minimum point to which Diagram objects can be scaled. A value of 0.1 implies that the Diagram can be zoomed out until Nodes appear at one-tenth their natural size. By default, minZoom is set to zoom-to-fit level based on the currently visible Nodes and Links.
Default Value:
  • 0.0
Item Name
Property minZoom
Property change event minZoomChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-min-zoom-changed

node-content :Object

An object containing an optional callbacks function for node customization.
Item Name
Property nodeContent
Property change event nodeContentChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-node-content-changed

node-content.focus-renderer :((context: ojDiagram.RendererContext<K1,D1>) => {insert: SVGElement}|void)|null

An optional callback function to update the node in response to changes in keyboard focus state. The function should return one of the following:
  • An Object with the following property:
    • insert: SVGElement - An SVG element, which will be used as content of a Diagram node.
  • undefined: Indicates that the existing DOM has been directly modified and no further action is required.

See nodeContent.renderer for additional details on custom content for Diagram nodes.

Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property nodeContent.focusRenderer

node-content.hover-renderer :((context: ojDiagram.RendererContext<K1,D1>) => {insert: SVGElement}|void)|null

An optional callback function to update the node in response to changes in hover state. The function should return one of the following:
  • An Object with the following property:
    • insert: SVGElement - An SVG element, which will be used as content of a Diagram node.
  • undefined: Indicates that the existing DOM has been directly modified and no further action is required.

See nodeContent.renderer for additional details on custom content for Diagram nodes.

Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property nodeContent.hoverRenderer

node-content.renderer :((context: ojDiagram.RendererContext<K1,D1>) => ({insert: SVGElement}))

A callback function - a custom renderer - that will be used for initial node rendering. The function should return an Object with the following property:
  • insert: SVGElement - An SVG element, which will be used as content of a Diagram node.

The callback function is responsible for placing the child content by positioning either the content object passed on the RendererContext or oj-diagram-child-content element. If an oj-diagram-child-content element is used, diagram will replace this element with the node child contents.

Note that when nodeContent.renderer is specified, but the other state renderer functions are not, then the default state renderer will be used to render the state.

Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property nodeContent.renderer

node-content.selection-renderer :((context: ojDiagram.RendererContext<K1,D1>) => {insert: SVGElement}|void)|null

An optional callback function to update the node in response to changes in selection state. The function should return one of the following:
  • An Object with the following property:
    • insert: SVGElement - An SVG element, which will be used as content of a Diagram node.
  • undefined: Indicates that the existing DOM has been directly modified and no further action is required.

See nodeContent.renderer for additional details on custom content for Diagram nodes.

Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property nodeContent.selectionRenderer

node-content.zoom-renderer :((context: ojDiagram.RendererContext<K1,D1>) => {insert: SVGElement}|void)|null

An optional callback function to update the node in response to changes in zoom level. The function should return one of the following:
  • An Object with the following property:
    • insert: SVGElement - An SVG element, which will be used as content of a Diagram node.
  • undefined: Indicates that the existing DOM has been directly modified and no further action is required.

See nodeContent.renderer for additional details on custom content for Diagram nodes.

Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property nodeContent.zoomRenderer

node-data :(DataProvider.<K1, D1>|null)

The DataProvider for the diagram nodes. It should provide rows where each row corresponds to a single diagram node. The row key will be used as the id for diagram nodes. Note that when using this attribute, a template for the nodeTemplate slot should be provided. The DataProvider can either have an arbitrary data shape, in which case an element must be specified in the nodeTemplate slot or it can have oj.ojDiagram.Nodeoj.ojDiagram.Node as its data shape, in which case no template is required.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property nodeData
Property change event nodeDataChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-node-data-changed

node-highlight-mode :"nodeAndIncomingLinks"|"nodeAndOutgoingLinks"|"nodeAndLinks"|"node"

Defines node highlighting mode.
Supported Values:
Default Value:
  • "node"
Item Name
Property nodeHighlightMode
Property change event nodeHighlightModeChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-node-highlight-mode-changed

node-properties :(null|function(Object): Object)=

Optional callback that provides a way to customize an appearance of the specific node, the function maps node data into node styles. The function takes a data object for the node provided by the diagram. The following properties are supported on the return object:
  • showDisclosure {string}: Determines when to display the expand/collapse button.
    Supported values are "on", "off".
    Default value is "on".
  • labelStyle {Object}: The CSS style object defining the style of the node label.
  • icon {Object}: Object specfiying an icon to be used as a graphical element for the node. Its properties are:
    • borderColor {string}: The border color of the icon.
    • borderRadius {string}: The border radius of the icon. CSS border-radius values accepted. Note that non-% values (including unitless) get interpreted as 'px'.
    • borderWidth {number}: The border width in pixels.
    • color {string}: The fill color of the icon.
    • pattern {string}: The fill pattern of the icon.
      Supported values are "smallChecker", "smallCrosshatch", "smallDiagonalLeft", "smallDiagonalRight", "smallDiamond", "smallTriangle", "largeChecker", "largeCrosshatch", "largeDiagonalLeft", "largeDiagonalRight", "largeDiamond", "largeTriangle", "none".
      Default value is "none".
    • shape {string}: The shape of the icon. Can take the name of a built-in shape.
      Supported built-in shapes:"square", "rectangle", "circle". Diamond, ellipse, human, plus, star, triangleDown, and triangleUp were deprecated in 17.0.0. For all other shapes please use the custom renderer.
      Default value is "circle".
    • width {number}: The width of the icon.
    • height {number}: The height of the icon.
    • svgStyle {Object}: The CSS style object defining the style of the icon. The style class and style object will be applied directly on the icon and override any other styling specified through the properties.
    • svgClassName {string}: The CSS style class defining the style of the icon. The style class and style object will be applied directly on the icon and override any other styling specified through the properties.
  • overview {Object}: Object specfiying the overview node shape. Its properties are:
    • icon {Object}: Object specifying an icon for the node in the overview window. The width and height of the overview node is determined from the rendered node in the diagram. The following properties can be used to customize the overview node:
      • shape {string}: The shape of the icon in the overview window. Can take one of the following values for the shape name or the svg path commands for a custom shape.
        Supported built-in shapes:"inherit", "ellipse", "square", "plus", "diamond", "triangleUp", "triangleDown", "human", "rectangle", "star", "circle".
        The default value is always "inherit", but that means different things for custom nodes and default nodes. When "inherit" value is specified for a default node, the shape is determined from the node in the diagram. When "inherit" value is specified for a custom node, "rectangle" shape will be used.
        This property doesn't apply at all to containers (custom or default).
      • svgStyle {Object}: The CSS style object defining the style of the node icon in the overview.
      • svgClassName {string}: The CSS style class defining the style of the node icon in the overview.
Since Description
6.0.0 See nodeData and linkData usage.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property nodeProperties
Property change event nodePropertiesChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-node-properties-changed

overview :Object

An object, used to define a diagram overview. If not specified, no overview will be shown.
Item Name
Property overview
Property change event overviewChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-overview-changed

overview.fit-area :"content"|"canvas"

Specifies the region that will be scaled to fit within the overview.
Supported Values:
Value Description
canvas The canvas (the pannable area when the diagram is at minZoom) will be scaled to fit within the overview. The diagram panning property should also be set to 'fixed' in most situations.
content The bounding box of the Diagram nodes will be scaled to fit within the overview.
Default Value:
  • "content"
Item Name
Property overview.fitArea

overview.halign :"start"|"end"|"center"

Horizontal alignment for diagram overview window
Supported Values:
Default Value:
  • "end"
Item Name
Property overview.halign

overview.height :number

Overview window height. The height can't exceed the diagram height. If the specified height exceeds the height of the diagram itself, the height of the diagram will be used instead.
Default Value:
  • 100
Item Name
Property overview.height

overview.preserve-aspect-ratio :"none"|"meet"

Controls how the fit area is scaled within the overview.
Supported Values:
Value Description
meet The aspect ratio of the fit area will be preserved as it is scaled to fit the overview.
none The aspect ratio of the fit area may not be preserved as it is scaled to fit the overview.
Default Value:
  • "meet"
Item Name
Property overview.preserveAspectRatio

overview.rendered :"on"|"off"

Specifies whether the overview scrollbar is rendered.

See the overview attribute for usage examples.
Supported Values:
Default Value:
  • "off"
Item Name
Property overview.rendered

overview.valign :"top"|"bottom"|"middle"

Vertical alignment for diagram overview window
Supported Values:
Default Value:
  • "bottom"
Item Name
Property overview.valign

overview.width :number

Overview window width. The width can't exceed the diagram width. If the specified width exceeds the width of the diagram itself, the width of the diagram will be used instead.
Default Value:
  • 200
Item Name
Property overview.width

pan-direction :"x"|"y"|"auto"

Specifies if panning allowed in horizontal and vertical directions.
Supported Values:
Default Value:
  • "auto"
Item Name
Property panDirection
Property change event panDirectionChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-pan-direction-changed

pan-zoom-state :Object

A writeback object that contains properties zoom, centerX, and centerY that represent the panZoomState
Supports writeback:
  • true
Item Name
Property panZoomState
Property change event panZoomStateChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-pan-zoom-state-changed

pan-zoom-state.center-x :number|null

The x coordinate of the center of the viewport in the layout coordinate space. By default the content will be centered horizontally.
Default Value:
  • null
Supports writeback:
  • true
Item Name
Property panZoomState.centerX

pan-zoom-state.center-y :number|null

The y coordinate of the center of the viewport in the layout coordinate space By default the content will be centered vertically.
Default Value:
  • null
Supports writeback:
  • true
Item Name
Property panZoomState.centerY

pan-zoom-state.zoom :number

Specifies the zoom value of the diagram. The specified value should be between the diagram minZoom and maxZoom values. A value of 0, the default, indicates that the diagram should be zoomed in as much as possible while keeping all content visible.
Default Value:
  • 0.0
Supports writeback:
  • true
Item Name
Property panZoomState.zoom

panning :"fixed"|"centerContent"|"none"|"auto"

Specifies whether panning is allowed in Diagram.
Supported Values:
Value Description
auto One of the other described behaviors will be chosen at runtime based on the theme, form factor etc.
centerContent Panning is restricted based on the current zoom level to allow any area of the content to be centered. If an overview is being rendered, the overview.fitArea property should also be set to 'content' in most situations.
fixed Panning is restricted to the visible region when the diagram is rendered at minZoom.
none Panning is not allowed.
Default Value:
  • "none"
Item Name
Property panning
Property change event panningChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-panning-changed

promoted-link-behavior :"none"|"full"|"lazy"

Defines promoted link behavior for the component.
If the value is set to none, the diagram will not retrieve additional data to resolve promoted links and will not display promoted links.
If the value is set to lazy, the diagram will retrieve additional data to resolve promoted links if the data is already available and will display available promoted links. The component will not retrieve additional data if the data is not available yet.
If the value is set to full, the diagram will retrieve additional data to resolve all promoted links and will display promoted links.
Supported Values:
Default Value:
  • "lazy"
Item Name
Property promotedLinkBehavior
Property change event promotedLinkBehaviorChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-promoted-link-behavior-changed

renderer :((context: ojDiagram.RendererContext<K1,D1>) => ({insert: SVGElement}))

A callback function - a custom renderer - that will be used for initial node rendering. The function should return an Object with the following property:
  • insert: SVGElement - An SVG element, which will be used as content of a Diagram node.
Since Description
8.0.0 Use nodeContent.renderer instead.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property renderer
Property change event rendererChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-renderer-changed

selection :Array<K1|K2>

An array containing the ids of the selected nodes and links.
Default Value:
  • []
Supports writeback:
  • true
Item Name
Property selection
Property change event selectionChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-selection-changed

selection-mode :"none"|"single"|"multiple"

The type of selection behavior that is enabled on the diagram. This attribute controls the number of selections that can be made via selection gestures at any given time.

If single or multiple is specified, selection gestures will be enabled, and the diagram's selection styling will be applied to all items specified by the selection attribute. If none is specified, selection gestures will be disabled, and the diagram's selection styling will not be applied to any items specified by the selection attribute.

Changing the value of this attribute will not affect the value of the selection attribute.

Supported Values:
Value Description
multiple Multiple items can be selected at the same time.
none Selection is disabled.
single Only a single item can be selected at a time.
Default Value:
  • "none"
Item Name
Property selectionMode
Property change event selectionModeChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-selection-mode-changed

selection-renderer :((context: ojDiagram.RendererContext<K1,D1>) => {insert: SVGElement}|void)|null

An optional callback function to update the node in response to changes in selection state. The function should return one of the following:
  • An Object with the following property:
    • insert: SVGElement - An SVG element, which will be used as content of a Diagram node.
  • undefined: Indicates that the existing DOM has been directly modified and no further action is required.
Since Description
8.0.0 Use nodeContent.selectionRenderer instead.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property selectionRenderer
Property change event selectionRendererChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-selection-renderer-changed

style-defaults :Object

An object defining the style defaults for this diagram.
Item Name
Property styleDefaults
Property change event styleDefaultsChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-style-defaults-changed

style-defaults.animation-duration :number

We recommend using the component CSS classes to set component wide styling. This API should be used only for styling a specific instance of the component. The default values come from the CSS classes and varies based on theme. The duration of the animations in milliseconds.
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.animationDuration

style-defaults.hover-behavior-delay :number

Specifies initial hover delay in ms for highlighting data items.
Default Value:
  • 200
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.hoverBehaviorDelay

style-defaults.link-defaults :Object

Default link styles
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.linkDefaults

style-defaults.link-defaults.color :string

Default link color. The default value comes from the CSS and varies based on theme.
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.linkDefaults.color

style-defaults.link-defaults.end-connector-type :"arrowOpen"|"arrow"|"arrowConcave"|"circle"|"rectangle"|"rectangleRounded"|"none" style-defaults.link-defaults.end-connector-type :"arrowOpen"|"arrow"|"none"

Specifies the type of end connector on the link.
Supported Values:
Value Description
Since Description
17.0.0 This value will be removed in the future. Please use the custom renderer instead.
Since Description
17.0.0 This value will be removed in the future. Please use the custom renderer instead.
Since Description
17.0.0 This value will be removed in the future. Please use the custom renderer instead.
Since Description
17.0.0 This value will be removed in the future. Please use the custom renderer instead.
Default Value:
  • "none"
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.linkDefaults.endConnectorType

style-defaults.link-defaults.label-style :Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>

The CSS style object defining the style of the link label. The following style properties are supported: color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, maxWidth, textDecoration. The default value comes from the CSS and varies based on theme.
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.linkDefaults.labelStyle

style-defaults.link-defaults.start-connector-type :"arrowOpen"|"arrow"|"arrowConcave"|"circle"|"rectangle"|"rectangleRounded"|"none" style-defaults.link-defaults.start-connector-type :"arrowOpen"|"arrow"|"none"

Specifies the type of start connector on the link.
Supported Values:
Value Description
Since Description
17.0.0 This value will be removed in the future. Please use the custom renderer instead.
Since Description
17.0.0 This value will be removed in the future. Please use the custom renderer instead.
Since Description
17.0.0 This value will be removed in the future. Please use the custom renderer instead.
Since Description
17.0.0 This value will be removed in the future. Please use the custom renderer instead.
Default Value:
  • "none"
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.linkDefaults.startConnectorType

style-defaults.link-defaults.svg-class-name :string

The default SVG CSS style class to apply to the link.
Default Value:
  • ""
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.linkDefaults.svgClassName

style-defaults.link-defaults.svg-style :Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>

The default style object represents the SVG CSS style of the link. User defined custom SVG CSS Styles will be applied directly on the link. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported.
Default Value:
  • {}
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.linkDefaults.svgStyle

style-defaults.link-defaults.width :number

Default link width in pixels.
Default Value:
  • 1.0
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.linkDefaults.width

style-defaults.node-defaults :Object

Default node styles
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.nodeDefaults

style-defaults.node-defaults.icon :Object

Default style for the node icon.
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.nodeDefaults.icon

style-defaults.node-defaults.icon.border-color :string

Default border color of the icon.
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.nodeDefaults.icon.borderColor

style-defaults.node-defaults.icon.border-radius :string

The default border radius of the icon. CSS border-radius values accepted. Note that non-% values (including unitless) get interpreted as 'px'.
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.nodeDefaults.icon.borderRadius

style-defaults.node-defaults.icon.border-width :number

Default border width of the icon in pixels.
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.nodeDefaults.icon.borderWidth

style-defaults.node-defaults.icon.color :string

Default color of the icon.
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.nodeDefaults.icon.color

style-defaults.node-defaults.icon.height :number

Default icon height.
Default Value:
  • 10
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.nodeDefaults.icon.height

style-defaults.node-defaults.icon.pattern :"smallChecker"|"smallCrosshatch"|"smallDiagonalLeft"|"smallDiagonalRight"|"smallDiamond"|"smallTriangle"|"largeChecker"|"largeCrosshatch"|"largeDiagonalLeft"|"largeDiagonalRight"|"largeDiamond"|"largeTriangle"|"none"

Default fill pattern of the icon.
Supported Values:
Default Value:
  • "none"
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.nodeDefaults.icon.pattern

style-defaults.node-defaults.icon.shape :"circle"|"rectangle"|"square"|string

Default shape of the icon. Supported shapes are circle, square, and rectangle. For all other shapes please use the custom renderer. Diamond, ellipse, human, plus, star, triangleDown, and triangleUp were deprecated in 17.0.0.
Default Value:
  • "circle"
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.nodeDefaults.icon.shape

style-defaults.node-defaults.icon.source :string

The URI of the node image
Since Description
17.0.0 Node source property has been deprecated. Please use custom renderer instead.
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.nodeDefaults.icon.source

style-defaults.node-defaults.icon.source-hover :string

The optional URI of the node hover image. If not defined, the source image will be used.
Since Description
17.0.0 Node sourceHover property has been deprecated. Please use custom renderer instead.
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.nodeDefaults.icon.sourceHover

style-defaults.node-defaults.icon.source-hover-selected :string

The optional URI of the selected image on hover. If not defined, the sourceSelected image will be used. If the sourceSelected image is not defined, the source image will be used.
Since Description
17.0.0 Node sourceHoverSelected property has been deprecated. Please use custom renderer instead.
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.nodeDefaults.icon.sourceHoverSelected

style-defaults.node-defaults.icon.source-selected :string

The optional URI of the selected image. If not defined, the source image will be used.
Since Description
17.0.0 Node sourceSelected property has been deprecated. Please use custom renderer instead.
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.nodeDefaults.icon.sourceSelected

style-defaults.node-defaults.icon.svg-class-name :string

The SVG CSS style class to apply to the node icon.
Default Value:
  • ""
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.nodeDefaults.icon.svgClassName

style-defaults.node-defaults.icon.svg-style :Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>

The default SVG CSS style object defining the style of the icon. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported.
Default Value:
  • {}
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.nodeDefaults.icon.svgStyle

style-defaults.node-defaults.icon.width :number

Default icon width.
Default Value:
  • 10
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.nodeDefaults.icon.width

style-defaults.node-defaults.label-style :Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>

The CSS style object defining the style of the node label. Supports backgroundColor, borderColor, borderRadius, borderWidth, color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, maxWidth, textDecoration properties.
Default Value:
  • {}
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.nodeDefaults.labelStyle

style-defaults.node-defaults.show-disclosure :"off"|"on"

Determines when to display the expand/collapse button.
Supported Values:
Default Value:
  • "on"
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.nodeDefaults.showDisclosure
Promoted link styles
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.promotedLink

style-defaults.promoted-link.color :string

Default promoted link color. The default value varies based on theme.
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.promotedLink.color

style-defaults.promoted-link.end-connector-type :"arrowOpen"|"arrow"|"arrowConcave"|"circle"|"rectangle"|"rectangleRounded"|"none"

Specifies the type of end connector on the promoted link.
Supported Values:
Default Value:
  • "none"
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.promotedLink.endConnectorType

style-defaults.promoted-link.start-connector-type :"arrowOpen"|"arrow"|"arrowConcave"|"circle"|"rectangle"|"rectangleRounded"|"none"

Specifies the type of start connector on the promoted link.
Supported Values:
Default Value:
  • "none"
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.promotedLink.startConnectorType

style-defaults.promoted-link.svg-class-name :string

The SVG CSS style class to apply to the promoted link.
Default Value:
  • ""
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.promotedLink.svgClassName

style-defaults.promoted-link.svg-style :Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>

The promoted style object represents the CSS style of the link. User defined custom CSS Styles will be applied directly on the link. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported.
Default Value:
  • {}
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.promotedLink.svgStyle

style-defaults.promoted-link.width :number

Default link width in pixels.
Default Value:
  • 1.0
Item Name
Property styleDefaults.promotedLink.width

tooltip :Object

An object containing an optional callback function for tooltip customization.
Item Name
Property tooltip
Property change event tooltipChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-tooltip-changed

tooltip.renderer :((context: ojDiagram.TooltipRendererContext<K1,K2,D1,D2>) => ({insert: Element|string}|{preventDefault: boolean}))

A function that returns a custom tooltip. The function takes a dataContext argument, provided by the diagram. The function should return an Object that contains only one of the two properties:
  • insert: HTMLElement | string - An HTML element, which will be appended to the tooltip, or a tooltip string.
  • preventDefault: true - Indicates that the tooltip should not be displayed. It is not necessary to return {preventDefault:false} to display tooltip, since this is a default behavior.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property tooltip.renderer

touch-response :"touchStart"|"auto"

Data visualizations require a press and hold delay before triggering tooltips and rollover effects on mobile devices to avoid interfering with page panning, but these hold delays can make applications seem slower and less responsive. For a better user experience, the application can remove the touch and hold delay when data visualizations are used within a non scrolling container or if there is sufficient space outside of the visualization for panning. If touchResponse is touchStart the component will instantly trigger the touch gesture and consume the page pan events if the component does not require an internal feature that requires a touch start gesture like panning or zooming. If touchResponse is auto, the component will behave like touchStart if it determines that it is not rendered within scrolling content and if component panning is not available for those components that support the feature.
Supported Values:
Default Value:
  • "auto"
Item Name
Property touchResponse
Property change event touchResponseChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-touch-response-changed

track-resize :"on"|"off"

Defines whether the element will automatically render in response to changes in size. If set to off, then the application is responsible for calling refresh to render the element at the new size.
Supported Values:
Default Value:
  • "on"
Item Name
Property trackResize
Property change event trackResizeChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-track-resize-changed

translations :object|null

A collection of translated resources from the translation bundle, or null if this component has no resources. Resources may be accessed and overridden individually or collectively, as seen in the examples.

If the component does not contain any translatable resource, the default value of this attribute will be null. If not, an object containing all resources relevant to the component.

If this component has translations, their documentation immediately follows this doc entry.

Item Name
Property translations
Property change event translationsChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-translations-changed

(nullable) translations.accessible-contains-controls :string

Used to describe a container that contains controls.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

  • 13.0.0
Item Name
Property translations.accessibleContainsControls

(nullable) translations.component-name :string

Used to describe the data visualization type for accessibility.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

Default Value:
  • "Diagram"
Item Name
Property translations.componentName

(nullable) translations.label-and-value :string

Used to display a label and its value.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

Default Value:
  • "{0}: {1}"
Item Name
Property translations.labelAndValue

(nullable) translations.label-clear-selection :string

Text shown for clearing multiple selection on touch devices.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

Default Value:
  • "Clear Selection"
Item Name
Property translations.labelClearSelection

(nullable) translations.label-count-with-total :string

Used to display a count out of a total.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

Default Value:
  • "{0} of {1}"
Item Name
Property translations.labelCountWithTotal

(nullable) translations.label-data-visualization :string

Label for data visualizations used for accessibility.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

Default Value:
  • "Data Visualization"
Item Name
Property translations.labelDataVisualization

(nullable) translations.label-invalid-data :string

Text shown when the component receives invalid data.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

Default Value:
  • "Invalid data"
Item Name
Property translations.labelInvalidData

(nullable) translations.label-no-data :string

Text shown when the component receives no data.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

Default Value:
  • "No data to display"
Item Name
Property translations.labelNoData

Used for the promoted link tooltip - promoted link consists of a single link.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

Default Value:
  • "{0} link"
Item Name
Property translations.promotedLink

(nullable) translations.promoted-link-aria-desc :string

Used to describe promoted link type for accessibility.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

Default Value:
  • "Indirect"
Item Name
Property translations.promotedLinkAriaDesc

Used for the promoted link tooltip - promoted link consists of multiple links.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

Default Value:
  • "{0} links"
Item Name
Property translations.promotedLinks

(nullable) translations.state-collapsed :string

Used to describe the collapsed state for accessibility.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

Default Value:
  • "Collapsed"
Item Name
Property translations.stateCollapsed

(nullable) translations.state-drillable :string

Used to describe a drillable object for accessibility.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

Default Value:
  • "Drillable"
Item Name
Property translations.stateDrillable

(nullable) translations.state-expanded :string

Used to describe the expanded state for accessibility.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

Default Value:
  • "Expanded"
Item Name
Property translations.stateExpanded

(nullable) translations.state-hidden :string

Used to describe the hidden state for accessibility.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

Default Value:
  • "Hidden"
Item Name
Property translations.stateHidden

(nullable) translations.state-isolated :string

Used to describe the isolated state for accessibility.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

Default Value:
  • "Isolated"
Item Name
Property translations.stateIsolated

(nullable) translations.state-maximized :string

Used to describe the maximized state for accessibility.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

Default Value:
  • "Maximized"
Item Name
Property translations.stateMaximized

(nullable) translations.state-minimized :string

Used to describe the minimized state for accessibility.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

Default Value:
  • "Minimized"
Item Name
Property translations.stateMinimized

(nullable) translations.state-selected :string

Used to describe the selected state for accessibility.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

Default Value:
  • "Selected"
Item Name
Property translations.stateSelected

(nullable) translations.state-unselected :string

Used to describe the unselected state for accessibility.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

Default Value:
  • "Unselected"
Item Name
Property translations.stateUnselected

(nullable) translations.state-visible :string

Used to describe the visible state for accessibility.

See the translations attribute for usage examples.

Default Value:
  • "Visible"
Item Name
Property translations.stateVisible

zoom-renderer :((context: ojDiagram.RendererContext<K1,D1>) => {insert: SVGElement}|void)|null

An optional callback function to update the node in response to changes in zoom level. The function should return one of the following:
  • An Object with the following property:
    • insert: SVGElement - An SVG element, which will be used as content of a Diagram node.
  • undefined: Indicates that the existing DOM has been directly modified and no further action is required.
Since Description
8.0.0 Use nodeContent.zoomRenderer instead.
Default Value:
  • null
Item Name
Property zoomRenderer
Property change event zoomRendererChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-zoom-renderer-changed

zooming :"auto"|"none"

Specifies whether zooming is allowed in Diagram.
Supported Values:
Default Value:
  • "none"
Item Name
Property zooming
Property change event zoomingChanged
Property change listener attribute (must be of type function, see Events and Listeners for additional information.) on-zooming-changed

Context Objects

Each context object contains, at minimum, a subId property, whose value is a string that identifies a particular DOM node in this element. It can have additional properties to further specify the desired node. See getContextByNode for more details.

Name Type Description
subId string Sub-id string to identify a particular dom node.

Following are the valid subIds:

Context for diagram link at a specified index.

Name Type
index number


Context for diagram node at a specified index.

Name Type
index number



Triggered immediately before any container node in the diagram is collapsed.
Since Description
12.1.0 The oj-before-collapse event has been deprecated. Lazy loading of data can be done through the data provider.

All of the event payloads listed below can be found under event.detail. See Events and Listeners for additional information.

Name Type Description
nodeId K1 the id of the collapsing object


Triggered immediately before any container node in the diagram is expanded.
Since Description
12.1.0 The oj-before-expand event has been deprecated. Lazy loading of data can be done through the data provider.

All of the event payloads listed below can be found under event.detail. See Events and Listeners for additional information.

Name Type Description
nodeId K1 the id of the expanding object


Triggered in response to property changes and component resizes. By default, the panZoomState is reset in these cases such that the content is centered and zoomed to fit. This behavior can be prevented by listening to this event and calling event.preventDefault() which will cause the current panZoomState to be preserved.

See Events and Listeners for additional information.


Triggered when a node has been collapsed.
Since Description
12.1.0 The oj-collapse event has been deprecated. Use on-expanded-changed instead.

All of the event payloads listed below can be found under event.detail. See Events and Listeners for additional information.

Name Type Description
nodeId K1 the id of the collapsed object


Triggered when a node has been expanded. The ui object contains one property, "nodeId", which is the id of the node that has been expanded.
Since Description
12.1.0 The oj-expand event has been deprecated. Use on-expanded-changed instead.

All of the event payloads listed below can be found under event.detail. See Events and Listeners for additional information.

Name Type Description
nodeId K1 the id of the expanded object


getContextByNode(node) : {(oj.ojDiagram.NodeContext|null)}

Returns an object with context for the given child DOM node. This will always contain the subid for the node, defined as the 'subId' property on the context object. Additional component specific information may also be included. For more details on returned objects, see context objects.
Name Type Argument Description
node Element <not nullable>
The child DOM node

The context for the DOM node, or null when none is found.

Returns an object with the following properties for automation testing verification of the diagram link at the specified index.
Name Type Description
linkIndex number Link index
Since Description
7.0.0 The use of this function is no longer recommended.
Name Type Description
color string Link color
endConnectorType string The type of end connector on the link
endNode string The id of the end node.
label string Link label
selected boolean The selected state of the link
startConnectorType string The type of start connector on the link
startNode string The id of the start node.
style string Link style
tooltip string Link tooltip
width number Link width

An object containing properties for the link at the given index, or null if none exists.

Object | null

getLinkCount : {number}

Returns number of diagram links
Since Description
7.0.0 The use of this function is no longer recommended.

The number of links


getNode(nodeIndex) : {Object|null}

Returns an object with the following properties for automation testing verification of the diagram node at the specified index.
Name Type Description
nodeIndex number Node index
Since Description
7.0.0 The use of this function is no longer recommended.
Name Type Description
icon Object | null The icon for the node, or null if none exists.
Name Type Description
color string The color of the icon
pattern string The pattern of the icon
shape string The shape of the icon
label string Node label
selected boolean The selected state of the node
tooltip string Node tooltip

An object containing properties for the node at the given index, or null if none exists.

Object | null

getNodeCount : {number}

Returns number of diagram nodes
Since Description
7.0.0 The use of this function is no longer recommended.

The number of nodes

Returns an object with the following properties for automation testing verification of the promoted link between specified nodes.
Name Type Description
startNodeIndex number Start node index
endNodeIndex number End node index
Since Description
7.0.0 The use of this function is no longer recommended.
Name Type Description
color string Link color
count number Number of links it represents
endConnectorType string The type of end connector on the link
endNode string The id of the end node.
selected boolean The selected state of the link
startConnectorType string The type of start connector on the link
startNode string The id of the start node.
style string Link style
tooltip string Link tooltip
width number Link width

An object containing properties for the link at the given index, or null if none exists.

Object | null

getProperty(property) : {any}

Retrieves the value of a property or a subproperty. The return type will be the same as the type of the property as specified in this API document. If the method is invoked with an incorrect property/subproperty name, it returns undefined.
Name Type Description
property string The property name to get. Supports dot notation for subproperty access.
  • 4.0.0

Get a single subproperty of a complex property:

let subpropValue = myComponent.getProperty('complexProperty.subProperty1.subProperty2');

refresh : {void}

Refreshes the component.

setProperties(properties) : {void}

Performs a batch set of properties. The type of value for each property being set must match the type of the property as specified in this API document.
Name Type Description
properties Object An object containing the property and value pairs to set.
  • 4.0.0

Set a batch of properties:

myComponent.setProperties({"prop1": "value1", "prop2.subprop": "value2", "prop3": "value3"});

setProperty(property, value) : {void}

Sets a property or a subproperty (of a complex property) and notifies the component of the change, triggering a [property]Changed event. The value should be of the same type as the type of the attribute mentioned in this API document.
Name Type Description
property string The property name to set. Supports dot notation for subproperty access.
value any The new value to set the property to.
  • 4.0.0

Set a single subproperty of a complex property:

myComponent.setProperty('complexProperty.subProperty1.subProperty2', "someValue");

Type Definitions


Name Type Description
componentElement Element The diagram element.
data oj.ojDiagram.Node.<K1> Relevant data for the object.
id K1 The id of the diagram object.
itemData D1 The row data object for the object. This will only be set if an oj.DataProvider is being used.
label string The label of the diagram object.
nodeOffset Object An object with x,y properties, that reflects node offset from the upper left corner of the bounding box for the dragged content.
Name Type Description
x number node An offset from the left side of the bounding box for the dragged content.
y number An offset from the upper side of the bounding box for the dragged content.
type 'node' The type of the diagram object.
Name Type Argument Default Description
categories Array.<string> <optional>
An array of category strings corresponding to this link. This allows highlighting and filtering of links. By default, the label is used as the link category.
color string <optional>
The link color.
endConnectorType "arrow" | "arrowConcave" | "arrowOpen" | "circle" | "none" | "rectangle" | "rectangleRounded" <optional>
Specifies the type of end connector on the link. Can take the name of a built-in shape.
endNode K2 Specifies the end node id.
id K1 <optional>
The id of the node. For the DataProvider case, the key for the node will be used as the id.
label string <optional>
"" Text used for the link label.
labelStyle Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> | null <optional>
The CSS style object defining the style of the diagram link label. The default values come from the CSS classes and varies based on theme. The following style properties are supported: backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth, borderRadius, color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, maxWidth, textDecoration.
selectable "auto" | "off" <optional>
"auto" Specifies whether or not the link will be selectable.
shortDesc (string | ((context: ojDiagram.LinkShortDescContext<K1,K2,D2>) => string)) <optional>
"" The text that displays in the link's tooltip. Will be lazily created if a function is used.
startConnectorType "arrow" | "arrowConcave" | "arrowOpen" | "circle" | "none" | "rectangle" | "rectangleRounded" <optional>
Specifies the type of start connector on the link. Can take the name of a built-in shape.
startNode K2 Specifies the start node id.
svgClassName string <optional>
"" The CSS style class defining the style of the link.
svgStyle Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
{} The CSS style object defining the style of the link. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported.
width number <optional>
The link width in pixels.


Name Type Description
componentElement Element The diagram element.
Since Description
16.0.0 The componentElement property is deprecated. This shouldn't be needed, as the component template with access to this context is unique to the component.
data oj.ojDiagram.Link.<K2, K1> The data object for the link or an array of data objects for the promoted link. If DataProvider is being used, this property contains template processed data.
id K2 Link id.
itemData D2 | D2[] The row data object for the link or an array of row data objects for the promoted link. This will only be set if an DataProvider is being used.
parentElement Element A parent group element that takes a custom SVG fragment as the link content. Modifications of the parentElement are not supported.
points array | string An array of points or a string with SVG path to use for rendering this link as set by diagram layout. When custom renderer is used for link creation, the property will contain an array of x and y points for the link start and link end calculated by Diagram.
previousState Object An object that reflects the previous state of the data item.
Name Type Description
focused boolean True if the link was previously selected.
hovered boolean True if the link was previously hovered.
inActionableMode boolean True if the link was previously in actionable mode.
selected boolean True if the link was previously selected.
rootElement Element | null Null on initial rendering or SVG element for the link.
state Object An object that reflects the current state of the data item.
Name Type Description
focused boolean True if the link is currently selected.
hovered boolean True if the link is currently hovered.
inActionableMode boolean True if the link is currently in actionable mode.
selected boolean True if the link is currently selected.
type 'link' | 'promotedLink' Object type is 'link' or 'promotedLink'.


Name Type Description
componentElement Element The diagram element.
data oj.ojDiagram.Link.<K2, K1> Relevant data for the object.
id K2 The id of the diagram object.
itemData D2 The row data object for the object. This will only be set if an oj.DataProvider is being used.
label string The label of the diagram object.
type 'link' The type of the diagram object.


Name Type Description
componentElement Element The diagram element.
data oj.ojDiagram.Link.<K2, K1> The data object for the link or an array of data objects for the promoted link. If DataProvider is being used, this property contains template processed data.
id K2 Link id.
itemData D2 | D2[] The row data object for the link or an array of row data objects for the promoted link. This will only be set if an DataProvider is being used.
parentElement Element A parent group element that takes a custom SVG fragment as the link content. Modifications of the parentElement are not supported.
points array | string An array of points or a string with SVG path to use for rendering this link as set by diagram layout. When custom renderer is used for link creation, the property will contain an array of x and y points for the link start and link end calculated by Diagram.
previousState Object An object that reflects the previous state of the data item.
Name Type Description
focused boolean True if the link was previously selected.
hovered boolean True if the link was previously hovered.
inActionableMode boolean True if the link was previously in actionable mode.
selected boolean True if the link was previously selected.
rootElement Element | null Null on initial rendering or SVG element for the link.
state Object An object that reflects the current state of the data item.
Name Type Description
focused boolean True if the link is currently selected.
hovered boolean True if the link is currently hovered.
inActionableMode boolean True if the link is currently in actionable mode.
selected boolean True if the link is currently selected.
type 'link' | 'promotedLink' Object type is 'link' or 'promotedLink'.


Name Type Description
data oj.ojDiagram.Link.<K2, K1> | ojDiagram.Link<K2, K1>[] Relevant data for the link
id K2 The id of the link
itemData D2 | D2[] The The row data object for the link. This will only be set if an oj.DataProvider is being used.
label string The label of the link


Name Type Description
componentElement Element The <oj-diagram> custom element.
Since Description
16.0.0 The componentElement property is deprecated. This shouldn't be needed, as the component template with access to this context is unique to the component.
data Object The data object for the current link.
index number The zero-based index of the current link.
key any The key of the current link.


Name Type Argument Default Description
categories Array.<string> <optional>
An array of category strings corresponding to this node. This allows highlighting and filtering of nodes. By default, the label is used as the node category.
descendantsConnectivity "connected" | "disjoint" | "unknown" <optional>
"unknown" Indicates whether the specified object contains links that should be discovered in order to display promoted links.
icon Object <optional>
{} Specifies an icon to be used as a graphical element for the node
Name Type Argument Description
borderColor string <optional>
The border color of the icon.
borderRadius string <optional>
The border radius of the icon. CSS border-radius values accepted. Note that non-% values (including unitless) get interpreted as 'px'.
borderWidth number <optional>
The border width in pixels.
color string <optional>
The fill color of the icon.
height number <optional>
The height of the icon.
opacity number <optional>
The opacity of the icon.
pattern ?'largeDiagonalLeft' | 'largeDiagonalRight' | 'largeDiamond' | 'largeTriangle' | 'none' | 'mallChecker' | 'smallCrosshatch' | 'smallDiagonalLeft' | 'smallDiagonalRight' | 'smallDiamond' | 'smallTriangle' | string <optional>
The fill pattern of the icon.
shape "circle" | "rectangle" | "square" <optional>
The shape of the icon. Diagram supports square, circle, and rectangle. For all other shapes, please use the custom renderer or template instead. Diamond, ellipse, human, plus, star, triangleDown, and triangleUp were deprecated in 17.0.0.
source string <optional>
The URI of the node image.
sourceHover string <optional>
The optional URI of the node hover image. If not defined, the source image will be used.
sourceHoverSelected string <optional>
The optional URI of the selected image on hover. If not defined, the sourceSelected image will be used. If the sourceSelected image is not defined, the source image will be used.
sourceSelected string <optional>
The optional URI of the selected image. If not defined, the source image will be used.
svgClassName string <optional>
The CSS style class defining the style of the icon. The style class and style object will be applied directly on the icon and override any other styling specified through the properties.
svgStyle Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
The CSS style object defining the style of the icon. The style class and style object will be applied directly on the icon and override any other styling specified through the properties. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported.
width number <optional>
The width of the icon.
id K1 <optional>
The id of the node. For the DataProvider case, the key for the node will be used as the id.
label string <optional>
'' Text used for the node label.
labelStyle Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> | null <optional>
The CSS style object defining the style of the diagram node label. The default values come from the CSS classes and varies based on theme. The following style properties are supported: backgroundColor, borderColor, borderWidth, borderRadius, color, cursor, fontFamily, fontSize, fontStyle, fontWeight, maxWidth, textDecoration.
overview Object <optional>
{} Specifies overview node shape.
Name Type Argument Description
icon Object <optional>
Specifies overview node shape.
Name Type Argument Description
shape ?'inherit' | 'circle' | 'rectangle' | 'square' | string <optional>
The shape of the icon in the overview window. Can take one of the following values for the shape name or the SVG path commands for a custom shape. Diamond, ellipse, human, plus, star, triangleDown, and triangleUp were deprecated in 17.0.0. The default value is always "inherit", but that means different things for custom nodes and default nodes. When "inherit" value is specified for a default node, the shape is determined from the node in the diagram. When "inherit" value is specified for a custom node, "rectangle" shape will be used. This property doesn't apply at all to containers (custom or default).
svgClassName string <optional>
The CSS style class defining the style of the node icon in the overview.
svgStyle Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration> <optional>
The CSS style object defining the style of the node icon in the overview. Only SVG CSS style properties are supported.
selectable "auto" | "off" <optional>
"auto" Specifies whether or not the node will be selectable.
shortDesc (string | ((context: ojDiagram.NodeShortDescContext<K1,D1>) => string)) <optional>
"" The text that displays in the node's tooltip. Will be lazily created if a function is used.
showDisclosure "on" | "off" <optional>
Determines when to display the expand/collapse button.


Name Type Description
componentElement Element The diagram element.
Since Description
16.0.0 The componentElement property is deprecated. This shouldn't be needed, as the component template with access to this context is unique to the component.
content Object An object that describes child content. The object has the following properties
Name Type Description
element Element SVG group element that contains child nodes for the container.
height number Height of the child content.
width number Width of the child content.
data oj.ojDiagram.Node.<K1> The data object for the node. If DataProvider is being used, this property contains template processed data.
id K1 Node id.
itemData D1 The row data object for the node. This will only be set if an DataProvider is being used.
parentElement Element A parent group element that takes a custom SVG fragment as the node content. Modifications of the parentElement are not supported.
previousState Object An object that reflects the previous state of the data item.
Name Type Description
expanded boolean True if the node was previously expanded.
focused boolean True if the node was previously selected.
hovered boolean True if the node was previously hovered.
inActionableMode boolean True if the node was previously in actionable mode.
selected boolean True if the node was previously selected.
zoom number Previous zoom state.
renderDefaultFocus function():void Function for rendering default focus effect for the node
Since Description
17.0.0 The renderDefaultFocus property is deprecated. This behavior can be implemented in the custom template.
renderDefaultHover function():void Function for rendering default hover effect for the node
Since Description
17.0.0 The renderDefaultHover property is deprecated. This behavior can be implemented in the custom template.
renderDefaultSelection function():void Function for rendering default selection effect for the node
Since Description
17.0.0 The renderDefaultSelection property is deprecated. This behavior can be implemented in the custom template.
rootElement Element | null Null on initial rendering or SVG element for the node.
state Object An object that reflects the current state of the data item.
Name Type Description
expanded boolean True if the node is expanded.
focused boolean True if the node is currently selected.
hovered boolean True if the node is currently hovered.
inActionableMode boolean True if the node is currently in actionable mode.
selected boolean True if the node is currently selected.
zoom number Current zoom state.
type string Object type = node.


Name Type Description
index number The zero based index of the diagram item.
subId 'oj-diagram-link' | 'oj-diagram-node' The subId string identify the particular DOM node.


Name Type Description
componentElement Element The diagram element.
data oj.ojDiagram.Node.<K1> Relevant data for the object.
id K1 The id of the diagram object.
itemData D1 The row data object for the object. This will only be set if an oj.DataProvider is being used.
label string The label of the diagram object.
type 'node' The type of the diagram object.


Name Type Description
data oj.ojDiagram.Node.<K1> Relevant data for the node
id K1 The id of the node
itemData D1 The The row data object for the node. This will only be set if an oj.DataProvider is being used.
label string The label of the node


Name Type Description
data Object The data object for the current node.
index number The zero-based index of the current node.
key any The key of the current node.
parentData array An array of data for the leaf and its parents. Eg: parentData[0] is the outermost parent and parentData[1] is the second outermost parent of the leaf.
parentKey any The key of the parent item. The parent key is null for root nodes.


Name Type Description
componentElement Element The diagram element.
data ojDiagram.Link<K2, K1>[] Relevant data for the object.
id K2 The id of the diagram object.
itemData D2[] The row data object for the object. This will only be set if an oj.DataProvider is being used.
label string The label of the diagram object.
type 'promotedLink' The type of the diagram object.


Name Type Description
componentElement Element The diagram element.
content Object An object that describes child content. The object has the following properties
Name Type Description
element Element SVG group element that contains child nodes for the container.
height number Height of the child content.
width number Width of the child content.
data oj.ojDiagram.Node.<K1> The data object for the node. If DataProvider is being used, this property contains template processed data.
id K1 Node id.
itemData D1 The row data object for the node. This will only be set if an DataProvider is being used.
parentElement Element A parent group element that takes a custom SVG fragment as the node content. Modifications of the parentElement are not supported.
previousState Object An object that reflects the previous state of the data item.
Name Type Description
expanded boolean True if the node was previously expanded.
focused boolean True if the node was previously selected.
hovered boolean True if the node was previously hovered.
inActionableMode boolean True if the node was previously in actionable mode.
selected boolean True if the node was previously selected.
zoom number Previous zoom state.
renderDefaultFocus function():void Function for rendering default focus effect for the node
Since Description
17.0.0 The renderDefaultFocus property is deprecated. This behavior can be implemented in the custom renderer.
renderDefaultHover function():void Function for rendering default hover effect for the node
Since Description
17.0.0 The renderDefaultHover property is deprecated. This behavior can be implemented in the custom renderer.
renderDefaultSelection function():void Function for rendering default selection effect for the node
Since Description
17.0.0 The renderDefaultSelection property is deprecated. This behavior can be implemented in the custom renderer.
rootElement Element | null Null on initial rendering or SVG element for the node.
state Object An object that reflects the current state of the data item.
Name Type Description
expanded boolean True if the node is expanded.
focused boolean True if the node is currently selected.
hovered boolean True if the node is currently hovered.
inActionableMode boolean True if the node is currently in actionable mode.
selected boolean True if the node is currently selected.
zoom number Current zoom state.
type string Object type = node.


Name Type Description
componentElement Element The diagram element.
Since Description
16.0.0 The componentElement property is deprecated. This shouldn't be needed, as the component template with access to this context is unique to the component.
data oj.ojDiagram.Node.<K1> | oj.ojDiagram.Link.<K2, K1> | ojDiagram.Link<K2, K1>[] Relevant data for the object.
id K1 | K2 The id of the diagram object.
itemData D1 | D2 | D2[] The row data object for the object. This will only be set if an oj.DataProvider is being used.
label string The label of the diagram object.
parentElement Element The tooltip element. The function can directly modify or append content to this element.
type 'node' | 'link' | 'promotedLink' The type of the diagram object.


Name Type Description
componentElement Element The diagram element.
data oj.ojDiagram.Node.<K1> | oj.ojDiagram.Link.<K2, K1> | ojDiagram.Link<K2, K1>[] Relevant data for the object.
id K1 | K2 The id of the diagram object.
itemData D1 | D2 | D2[] The row data object for the object. This will only be set if an oj.DataProvider is being used.
label string The label of the diagram object.
parentElement Element The tooltip element. The function can directly modify or append content to this element.
type 'node' | 'link' | 'promotedLink' The type of the diagram object.