Interface: TextFilterDef

Oracle® JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET)


  • 8.0.0
  • ojdataprovider




Defines a kind of DataFilter.FilterDef which applies to text filter definitions. A text filter definition specifies a string which should be used for filtering and leaves it up to the DataProvider to decide which fields are filtered and how the filtering happens (such as whether the filtering is an exact match or contains, etc).



interface TextFilterDef

Generic Parameters
DType of Data
Typescript Import Format
//To use this interface, import as below.
import {TextFilterDef} from "ojs/ojdataprovider";

For additional information visit:


(nullable) matchBy :('phrase'|'startsWith'|'contains'|'fuzzy'|'unknown')

Specifies the text filter matching mechanism.

  • 'phrase' - matches phrases at the beginning of the words case insensitively and enforces the relative order
  • 'startsWith' - case-insensitive starts with
  • 'contains' - case-insensitve contains
  • 'fuzzy' - uses TextFilter's fuzzy matching mechanism
  • 'unknown' - uses TextFilter's default matching mechanism
Default Value:
  • 'unknown'
  • 14.1.0

1. Filter definition with filter for text "engineer" and "contains" matchBy mechanism.
Sample matching cases: "Bioengineer", "Engineer Director", "Department of Engineering".

 {text: 'engineer', matchBy: 'contains'}

2. Filter definition with filter for text "engineer" and "phrase" matchBy mechanism.
Sample matching cases: "Engineer Director", "Department of Engineering".
Note: "Bioengineer" is not a match, because it does not match "engineer" at the beginning of the word.

 {text: 'engineer', matchBy: 'phrase'}

3. Filter definition with filter for text "aero engineer" and "phrase" matchBy mechanism.
Sample matching case: "Senior Aerospace Research Engineer".
Note: "Engineer in Aerospace" is not a match, because "aero" does not come before "engineer".

 {text: 'aero engineer', matchBy: 'phrase'}

text :string

Specifies the text to filter for. It is up to the DataProvider implementation to decide which attributes to apply the filter to and also the exact filtering logic used, such as case insensitivity, etc. In addition, for attributes which contain non-string values, the type coercion rule expected is to call toString() on that value. If the value is an object which does not have a string representation then the value does not satisfy the filter.
  • 8.0.0

Filter definition which filters on the text 'abc search'

{text: 'abc search'}